Artificial Forest Fires Are Needed To To Urgently Cool The Planet - Alternative View

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Artificial Forest Fires Are Needed To To Urgently Cool The Planet - Alternative View
Artificial Forest Fires Are Needed To To Urgently Cool The Planet - Alternative View

Video: Artificial Forest Fires Are Needed To To Urgently Cool The Planet - Alternative View

Video: Artificial Forest Fires Are Needed To To Urgently Cool The Planet - Alternative View
Video: Are Fires Actually Good For Forests? 2024, July

The 2018 season of total forest fires and outbreaks brought incredible losses to the planet, people, wildlife and, in general, the entire ecological infrastructure that provided vital activity for all forms of life. This "balance of Nature" has been tainted by global controllers: the military and their pocket scientists with new technologies creating the ideal Hegelian dialectic - problem, reaction, solution.

The "problem" created by the military is the generation of meteorological and geoclimatic changes, about which the average "Joe" and "Josephine" staring at the box have no idea. They just hang their ears attentively listening to what they are being forced from the news of the controlled media and disinformation weather "reports". There is a general government ban on the discussion of weather geoengineering by forecasters and the media.

"Reaction" is 95% of human apathy to the fact that there is an unthinkable climatic madness and a total reluctance to read something on this topic and, at least, to take at least some precautions. Meanwhile, chemtrails containing chemicals and other toxins are being used to their full height to change weather conditions. But what happens when people living on Earth breathe this poison - probably even the military do not fully know.

Finally, the third point of classical dialectics: "Decision". This "Solution" is that since everything is really bad with the climate, the only salvation is chemtrails. Otherwise, everything was lost.

However, the problem is that the divisions of global climate engineers played with the weather conditions to such an extent that, in my opinion, they either lost control of the situation, or accidentally (although perhaps even intentionally) destroyed the hydrological cycle of planet Earth.

The last 36 inches (90 centimeters!) Of rainfall from Hurricane Lane in Hawaii should have caused Josephine and Jo to turn on their brains for at least five minutes and begin to doubt a little what they are being told from the box. Or the town I live in southeastern Pennsylvania has officially recorded 15.5 inches (40 centimeters) of rain over the last 30 days, which has been officially announced with dismay. Some people, seeing all this, still begin to think a little, but so far they cannot connect the balance and the bulldo.

When I look through a telescope at the asteroid belt or at lifeless Mars, I always begin to suspect with alarm that “geoclimatologists” were not born in our planetary system for the first time. There are even legends about numerous prehistoric wars both on Earth and in its immediate vicinity. According to one of the legends, there used to be a wonderful planet just beyond Mars, instead of which after those wars a block of stones remained. And now I don’t know: either all these myths were once written by ancient Indian science fiction writers, or the real facts are hidden in all these ancient writings.

And so, once having taken and analyzed what all this “geoengineering” is leading to in general, I suddenly realized clearly that the most insidious “detail” of weather control in the 21st century is a contrived method of “cooling” some parts of the world using forest fires to create smoke clouds that act as "sunscreens" thereby preventing planetary warming.

Promotional video:

And chemtrails may well be the same screen from the Sun. They are stretched exclusively over the heads of people in cities, that is, where forest fires do not occur.

Or, say, earthquakes. Perhaps they arise on their own. But what if some new creepy HAARP is causing them? What happens during earthquakes? During earthquakes, during volcanic eruptions, a lot of methane is released. What is methane? And methane is an almost ideal gas for capturing heat escaping from the Earth.

This link shows the status of global fires in July 2018.


Think about it: isn't it too much for July? So what is this? God's act? Mad Mother Nature? Or, maybe, after all, someone really controls these fires, and in general all the weather?

Editorial comment

Unexplained fires in California, raging all summer, chemtrails and all that - this is at least a topic number 2 for the independent American press, dozens of articles are written about all this every day. However, this material seemed to us extremely interesting, because the author saw the essence that no one had seen before, including us.

And the bottom line is that yes: both the smoke from the fires and the chemtrails are actually a screen that protects the planet from the Sun. That is, the planet is deliberately cooled. True, the author himself does not yet understand: why?

However, we have already answered this question earlier, showing on seismograms, using the example of extreme summer temperatures and everything else, that now the planet has very big problems in the core. The core heats up, generating more heat, so the only way to cool it is through dark clouds. In particular, as Catherine J. Frompovich (the author of the material) remarked perfectly - total forest fires. Or - world nuclear war.