The Earth Is Burning! - Alternative View

The Earth Is Burning! - Alternative View
The Earth Is Burning! - Alternative View

Video: The Earth Is Burning! - Alternative View

Video: The Earth Is Burning! - Alternative View
Video: Why Don't We Live Around a Red Sun? Featuring Prof. David Kipping from Cool Worlds 2024, July

Space images show that fires are raging across the planet.

The American space agency has shown how all the fires that are now raging on our planet look from orbit. The images were taken from Earth remote sensing satellites and grouped on a special NASA service EOSDIS Worldview, which allows you to see what is happening below. Downstairs everything is on fire.

Africa and Madagascar are burning the most. But the fires there are caused artificially: the local population burns dry vegetation, which interferes with agriculture. Cataclysms in most other places of natural - natural - origin. Forests are burning. Especially in the USA - on the west coast.

Global fire map: red spots - fires
Global fire map: red spots - fires

Global fire map: red spots - fires.

According to experts, fires have become frequent. Moreover, the danger of a global fire increases every year. This is due to a decrease in air humidity, increased winds and an increase in temperature. Today the combination of these factors is almost the most unfavorable in several decades. From here and a nightmarish view from orbit to the blazing Earth.