Scientists: Bible Stories Are Fictional - Alternative View

Scientists: Bible Stories Are Fictional - Alternative View
Scientists: Bible Stories Are Fictional - Alternative View

Video: Scientists: Bible Stories Are Fictional - Alternative View

Video: Scientists: Bible Stories Are Fictional - Alternative View
Video: Frankenstein and the Pacemaker - How Science and Fiction Saved Lives 2024, September

Israeli scholars argue that the events described in the Bible most likely did not actually occur and are nothing more than fiction. One of these dubious events that did not happen in reality is the collapse of the walls of Jericho.

Research has already caused a storm of indignation among believers and scholars, adherents of the Holy Scriptures. As an argument that the Bible is fictional, scholars cite the story of the collapse of the walls of the city of Jericho. Experts believe that this event simply did not happen. Moreover, as they say, we can talk about the fiction of all the stories of the Holy Book.

The purpose of the study was to refute many myths that have created the basis of modern Christianity. This is described in the report of the Israeli archaeologist Zeev Herzog, a professor at Tel Aviv University. He calls absolutely all the stories of the Bible ancient legends. Opponents of Professor Herzog accuse him of the illogicality of his work and the lack of real arguments that could be considered significant in this dispute.

The scientist himself just asserts the opposite, in his opinion, a sufficient argument is that the stories described in the Bible are not confirmed by any artifact or document of those times.

The results of many archaeological excavations have not found, says Herzog, no traces of the stay of the Jewish people in Egypt, and there is no evidence of wanderings in the desert, which are described in the Bible. There is no evidence of Jewish land conquest for the Twelve Israelite tribes.

Experts could not find evidence and the existence of the greatness of the Kingdoms of David and Solomon. Archaeological excavations have found evidence of only a large settlement of Jerusalem that existed at that time, but not the kingdom. The scientist also denies the existence of one of the basic objects of the Hebrew Scriptures, the central temple. The professor especially dwelled on the history of the collapse of the moors of the city of Jericho, which he called an absolute fiction.

The work of the scientist has caused widespread discussion in society, some raise the question of the ethics of research and possible limitations of research work.

Author: Kostiantyn

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