The Wrath Of Heaven: The Most Powerful Hurricane "Flopes" Is About To Fall On The USA - - Alternative View

The Wrath Of Heaven: The Most Powerful Hurricane "Flopes" Is About To Fall On The USA - - Alternative View
The Wrath Of Heaven: The Most Powerful Hurricane "Flopes" Is About To Fall On The USA - - Alternative View

Video: The Wrath Of Heaven: The Most Powerful Hurricane "Flopes" Is About To Fall On The USA - - Alternative View

Video: The Wrath Of Heaven: The Most Powerful Hurricane
Video: Plutarch's Parallel Lives Part 8 Fabius Maximus 2024, July

NASA showed how a vortex, which has gained unprecedented strength, looks from space.

Astronauts now on the International Space Station (ISC) filmed Hurricane Florence approaching the US east coast.

Even at the end of last week, "Florence" did not inspire any particular fears, as weakened to the level of a tropical storm. But suddenly he gained strength again. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has assigned Florence a Category 4 hazard. And he did not rule out that it would have to be raised to level 4+. If so, the impending hurricane will be the most powerful since 1954.

So Florence looks in the infrared range in the image from the NASA meteorological satellite
So Florence looks in the infrared range in the image from the NASA meteorological satellite

So Florence looks in the infrared range in the image from the NASA meteorological satellite.

Hurricane wind blows at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. And it continues to grow. Meteorologists promise catastrophic tides and precipitation up to 700 millimeters.

Having passed the Bahamas and Bermuda on Wednesday, September 13 - on Thursday evening or by Friday morning - the Florence will reach the US coast. The state of North Carolina will be the first to meet the elements. South Carolina will also get it. An evacuation has already been announced there.

Hurricane movement forecast
Hurricane movement forecast

Hurricane movement forecast.

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