Ancient Atomic Bombs - Alternative View

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Ancient Atomic Bombs - Alternative View
Ancient Atomic Bombs - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Atomic Bombs - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Atomic Bombs - Alternative View
Video: The Atomic Bomb: Crash Course History of Science #33 2024, June

Seven years after the nuclear test in Alamogordo, New Mexico, when Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, was lecturing at college, a student asked if there had been American atomic tests before, before Alamogordo. “Yes, in our time,” he replied

The sentence, mysterious and incomprehensible at the time, was actually an allusion to ancient Hindu texts describing an apocalyptic catastrophe that is not associated with volcanic eruptions or other known phenomena. Oppenheimer, who eagerly studied Sanskrit, undoubtedly had in mind the paragraph in the Bhagavad Gita, which describes a global catastrophe caused by "an unknown weapon, a ray of iron."

While it may be controversial for the scientific community to talk about the existence of atomic weapons prior to the present cycle of civilization, evidence of this phenomenon can be found in every corner of the planet.

Desert Glass

This proof comes not only from Hindu verses, but also from the ample extensive fused glass shards scattered throughout the many deserts of the world. The silicon crystals are remarkably similar to the fragments found after the nuclear explosion in Alamogordo at the White Sands nuclear test site.

In December 1932, Patrick Clayton, an inspector of the Egyptian Geological Research Society, was driving between the dunes of the Great Sandy Sea, near the Saad Plateau in Egypt, when he heard a crunch under his wheels. When he examined what was causing the sound, he found a large piece of glass in the sand.

The find attracted the attention of geologists around the world and became one of the largest modern scientific enigmas. What kind of phenomenon was capable of raising the temperature of desert sand to at least 1800 °, turning it into large sheets of hard yellow-green glass?

On a visit to the White Sands in Alamogordo Albion, W. Hart, an early graduate of MIT engineers, noticed that the pieces of glass obtained from nuclear tests were identical to those he had seen in the African deserts 50 years ago. However, the extent of the desert formations requires the explosion to be 10,000 times more powerful than that observed in New Mexico.

Many scientists have tried to explain the dispersion of large glass stones in the deserts of Libya, the Sahara, Mohave and many other places in the world, as products of collisions of giant meteorites. However, due to the lack of accompanying craters, the theory does not hold water. Neither satellite imagery nor ultrasound scans were able to detect any holes.

In addition, the lumps of glass found in the Libyan Desert are 99 percent transparent and pure, which is not typical of the composition of fallen meteorites, in which iron and other materials are mixed with cast silicon after impact.

However, scientists have suggested that the meteorites that formed glassy rocks could explode several kilometers above the Earth's surface, like the Tunguska meteorite, or simply explode in such a way that they carry evidence of impact, but leave heat from friction.

However, this does not explain how the two areas that are in close proximity in the Libyan Desert had the same patterns - the likelihood of two meteorites falling so close is very low. It also does not explain the lack of water in the tectonic samples, which, it is assumed, they were covered over 14,000 years ago.

The ancient disaster of Mohenjo-Daro

The city where culture originated in the modern Indus Valley is a big mystery. The rocks of the ruins are partially crystallized, together with their inhabitants. In addition, local mysterious texts speak of a period of seven days during which flying machines called Vimana saved the lives of 30,000 residents.

In 1927, after the discovery of the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, 44 human skeletons were found on the outskirts of the city. Most lay face down, holding hands, as if a major catastrophe had suddenly swept through the city. In addition, some of the corpses showed signs of unexplained radiation. Many experts believe that Mohenjo Daro is unequivocal evidence of a nuclear catastrophe two thousand years before our era.

However, this city is not the only ancient site suspected of having been nuclear explosions. Dozens of buildings from the ancient world have bricks of fused stones, as if they were subjected to heat that modern scientists cannot explain:

Ancient fortresses and towers in Scotland, Ireland and England

City of Chatal Huyuk in Turkey

Alalah in northern Syria

Ruins of seven cities near Ecuador

Cities between the river Ganges in India and the Rajmahal Hills

Mojave Desert areas in the USA

In all these parts of the world, there is evidence of the effects of extremely high temperatures and vivid descriptions of terrible cataclysms, which suggests the existence of an ancient era when people knew about nuclear technology - an era in which these technologies turned against people.