German Fuhrer And "king Of The Jews" - Alternative View

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German Fuhrer And "king Of The Jews" - Alternative View
German Fuhrer And "king Of The Jews" - Alternative View

Video: German Fuhrer And "king Of The Jews" - Alternative View

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Video: Antichrist Culture Rising - Episode 8 2024, October

Prominent Zionist activist Golda Meir (in 1969-1974 - Prime Minister of Israel) wrote in her memoirs "My Life" about Hanma Weizman: "For the Jews of the whole world it was the" King of the Jews "… he was a living embodiment of Zionism … and influence it was huge”[1].

Weizmann was born (in 1874) and raised in Russia, by the end of the century he moved to Germany, in 1903 he settled in Great Britain; and soon became one of the leaders of Zionism. In 1920-1946. Weizmann almost permanently headed two major structures - the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and from 1948 until his death in 1952 he was the first president of the state of Israel. In a word, if we use a more modest definition instead of “king of the Jews”, he was the number 1 man in Zionism, and he held this position for more than thirty years and, in particular, during the world war of 1939-1945.

Apparently, very many people who know about Weizmann - both Jews and people of other nationalities - see him as a great figure who brought invaluable benefit to his people. However, there are educated Jews (not to mention thinking people in general) who understand and evaluate the role of Chaim Weizmann in a completely different way.

Thus, in the book of the American rabbi M. Schonfeld “Victims of the Holocaust are accused. Documents and Testimonies of Jewish War Criminals”(New York, 1977) Weizmann is certified as the chief of these very criminals. Particular attention is paid here to Weizmann's statement made by him back in 1937:

“I ask the question:“Are you capable of resettling six million Jews to Palestine?” I answer: "No." From the tragic abyss, I want to save two million young … And the old must disappear … They are dust, economic and spiritual dust in a cruel world … Only the young branch will live”[2]. Thus, it was assumed that four million European Jews should perish (for the real meaning of these numbers - see note. [3]).

This "prophecy" of Weizmann, in general, is quite widely known, but is still far from being comprehended in all its truly striking meaning. The very confidence of the forecast is striking: after all, by 1937 not a single Jew had died at the hands of the Nazis on the "charge" of being a Jew (although, of course, Jews, like people of other nationalities, have been subjected to Nazi repression since 1933. political accusations). The first Nazi murders of Jews on the basis of "race" took place on the so-called "night of broken glass" - that is, at the end of 1938 (then 91 people died). Nevertheless, Weizmann confidently predicts a global extermination of the Jews, which really began only five years later.

Weizmann explained his, if not indifference, then at least quite calm attitude to the impending death of four million European Jews: they are, they say, only "dust" and therefore "must disappear …"

But it is pertinent to note that there was another tendency in Zionism. Thus, the well-known Vladimir (Zeev) Zhabotinsky (I860-1940), who called his Zionism "humanitarian", even before the Weizmann statement under discussion, criticized the Weizmannian program in his book "The Jewish State" (1936). He wrote, not without sarcasm, that the goal of this version of Zionism "is to create in Palestine something new, improved … We must release" the Jewish people in a revised edition "… something like" the Jewish people in selected fragments. " For this purpose, careful selection and careful selection must be followed. Only the “best” in Galut (diaspora) should enter Palestine. On the question of what will happen to the remnants of the "refined" in Galut, theorists who represent this concept do not like to speak …"

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Zhabotinsky himself argued that there was no need to select the “best” Jews: “We must think that living in an atmosphere of our own state will cure a little bit of the Jews from the torture and bodily deformities inflicted on us by Galut and gradually create the type of this“best Jew”…” (p. 49,50), But, first of all, Jabotinsky was mistaken in accusing the "theoreticians" of unwillingness to talk about what would happen to the Jewish "remnants": the very next year Weizmann spoke about this, as we have seen, with complete clarity. Secondly, Jabotinsky, having great fame, did not have any significant power in the Zionist movement. His biographer I. Oren writes about him:

“On the eve of the Second World War… he foresaw a catastrophe approaching Eastern European Jewry, and put forward a slogan for the complete evacuation of Jews from Poland to Eretz Yisrael. He was ready to stand at the head of the illegal fleet to bring hundreds of thousands of Polish Jews … This plan … did not find sympathy”[4].

Unlike Jabotinsky, who actually stood at the head of Zionism, Weizmann not only "had a presentiment", but, as we see, knew quite precisely about the future "catastrophe", but did nothing.

It remains to conclude that he was (as clearly stated by Jabotinsky) among the consistent supporters of the "selection" of Jews and believed that the Nazis who carried out the "selection" in one way or another were doing - at least from an objective point of view - a necessary and useful thing …

It may be said that such a conclusion was excessive and unfair, but this conviction was inherent not only to Weizmann, but also to many other Zionists. For example, the Hungarian rabbi V. Scheitz, as if developing Weizmann's thought, wrote in 1939:

“The racist laws that are now being applied against Jews can be both painful and disastrous for thousands and thousands of Jews, but they will cleanse, wake up and rejuvenate the entire Jewry” [5]. It is not excluded that this rabbi later, when the actual scale of the "purification" of Jewry was revealed, reconsidered his attitude to the matter. But after all, the "king of the Jews" Weizmann - even in 1937 he knew for sure that not "thousands", but millions of his fellow tribesmen would perish, and even took it for granted (they "must disappear …").

It is quite understandable that clarification of this “position” discredits the Zionist leaders, but they always have a very “simple, but strongly affecting many people incapable of independent thinking, answer: all this is de anti-Semitic slander against Zionism.

Therefore, it is important and even necessary to refer to the opinion of the "humanitarian" Zionists - followers of Zhabotnsky, who sometimes very decisively opposed the ruling elite of Zionism. These "humanitarians" cannot be accused of anti-Semitism, and nevertheless they stated in their newspaper "Herut" on May 25, 1964 about the extermination of millions of Jews during the Second World War:

“How can one explain the fact that the leaders of the Jewish Agency, the leaders of the Zionist movement … remained silent? Why did they not raise their voices, why did they not shout to the whole world?.. History will determine whether the very existence of the treacherous Jewish Agency was not a help for the Nazis … history, this just judge … will pass judgment on both the leaders of the Jewish Agency and the leaders of the Zionist movement … It is shocking that these leaders and leaders continue to lead the Jewish, Zionist and Israeli institutions as before”[6].

The Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization were headed during the war years, as already mentioned, by Chaim Weizmann. And consequently, it was to this "king of the Jews" that such a murderous accusation was first of all applied.

Two years later, on April 24, 1966, the Israeli newspaper Maariv published a discussion in which one of the former commanders of the Haganah (Zioist military organization), Knesset member Haim Landau, stated:

"It is a fact that in 1942 the Jewish Agency knew about the extermination … The truth is that they not only kept silent about it, but also silenced those who knew about it too." And he recalled how one of the leading Zionist leaders, Yitzhak Greenbaum, confessed to him: “When I was asked if you would give money to save Jews in the countries of exile, I said“no!”… I think we need to resist this wave, it can overwhelm us and overshadow our Zionist activities."

In the same discussion, another prominent Zionist, Eliezar Livne, testified: "If our main goal were to prevent the liquidation of the Jews … we would have saved many" [7]. Here, however, there is one obvious inaccuracy: the salvation of European Jews was not only not the "main goal" of Zionism, but it was not its "goal" at all. This, by the way, is quite clear from the already quoted memoirs of Golda Meir "My Life", although she seems to be trying to prove the opposite.

The memoirs, of course, say a lot about how she and her colleagues in the leadership of the Jewish Agency suffered, receiving information about the extermination of Jews by the Nazis, and how they tried their best to help all the time:

“… There was no way,” she assures, “which we would not have explored, a loophole that we would not have penetrated, a possibility that we would not have immediately explored” (p. 189).

But Meir is clearly "blabbing", mentioning that by 1943, no less than 130 thousand people in Palestine had already "enrolled" in the Jewish army, and at the same time reporting that only one time, in the summer of 1943, it was decided to abandon to the Nazi-occupied territory of only 32 Palestinian militants to help European Jews …! only in the fall of 1944 did these militants end up in Europe (p. 190).

Golda Meir seeks to "explain" such a scanty "result" of her efforts to save European Jews by the allegedly insurmountable resistance that the then British authorities in Palestine put up against the Zionists, "not allowing" them to oppose the Nazis. But we have before us a completely inaccurate explanation, since countless facts are well known, indicating that the Zionists, when they really needed it, were able to somehow "bypass" any British obstacles (to the extent that the Zionists blew up the headquarters the British - the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, where about a hundred people died).

So, only 32 people went to rescue European Jews (we will return to the fate of these people), and the army of 300,000 that was being formed, meanwhile, was fighting not against the Nazis, who destroyed millions of Jews, but against the Arabs of Palestine … For here, in Palestine, Meir writes, “the worst thing happened - 80 people were killed and many were seriously wounded” (p. 166). Isn't it strange that the deaths of 80 Palestinian Jews turn out to be more "terrible" than millions of European Jews?..

It must be added to this that a certain part of the Zionist military structures in Palestine in the 1940s fought not only with the Arabs, but also - as reported in their book "A Second Israel for Territorialists?" a kind of Jewish ideologist B. Efimov - “continued the armed struggle against the British authorities, that is, they actually took part in the war on Hitler's side, and some of them even negotiated with the Nazis on the creation of a Jewish-Nazi alliance against Great Britain (it is interesting to note that the largest of organizations that continued the war against the British were headed by the future Prime Minister of Israel Begin, who later publicly reproached the German Chancellor Schmidt for serving in the German army during the war; it is rather difficult to understand the meaning of this reproach, given thatthat Schmidt and Begin were then fighting on the same side of the barricade)”(decree, ed., p. 34).

So, the leaders of Zionism - although their propaganda apparatus, of course, tries to refute this in every possible way - reacted quite "calmly" to the extermination of millions of Jews in the 1940s, and the then king of the Jews even foresaw this extermination with full accuracy, What did it mean for the Zionists? The issue is extremely acute, and a large-scale and thorough study of this topic has not yet been carried out, which, of course, is hindered by the sharp resistance of the Zionist propaganda, which declares any analysis of facts related to this issue an expression of the notorious "anti-Semitism". This resistance is completely understandable: after all, we are talking about a truly monstrous phenomenon: about interaction (even if not entirely direct and frank) between Zionists and Nazis, that is, ultimately about a certain "unity" of Weizmann and Hitler in the extermination of millions of Jews …

Yet the interaction between Zionism and Nazism is an obvious reality that cannot be refuted. For example, the historian of Zionism Lionel Dadiani, whom no one accused of "anti-Semitism" (on the contrary, he himself sharply opposes a number of researchers of Zionism, accusing them of "anti-Semitic" intrigues) wrote in his book "Critique of the Ideology and Politics of Social Zionism", published in Moscow in 1986, that shortly after Hitler came to power, Zionism “concluded an agreement with the Nazis … on the transfer from Germany to Palestine in a commodity form of the state of German Jews who had left there. This agreement thwarted the economic boycott of Nazi Germany and provided it with a very large sum in convertible currency "(p, 164).

It is clear that Zionism also won as a result, but one way or another, this cooperation in the context of the world economic boycott of Nazism speaks for itself. In addition, in the 1930s, according to David Soifer, “the Zionist organizations gave Hitler $ 126 million,” [8] which is, according to the current purchasing power of the dollar, well over a billion.

But the point is not only in the economic "mutual assistance" of Zionism and Nazism, Dadiani says in his book, based on indisputable documentary data: “One of the leaders of the Haganah F. Polkes … in February-March 1937 entered into contacts with officers of the Gestapo and the Nazi intelligence, being at their invitation in Berlin … Polkes, passing a number of important information that interested them to the Nazi emissaries … made several important statements. “National Jewish circles,” he stressed, “expressed great joy at the radical policy towards Jews, since as a result its Jewish population in Palestine has grown so much that in the foreseeable future it will be possible to count on Jews, not Arabs, to become the majority. in Palestine "(p. 164,165). And indeed: in 1933-1937. the Jewish population of Palestine has more than doubled,reaching almost 400 thousand people. It should also be remembered that it was in 1937 that the astonishing forecast of Polkes' chief chief, Chaim Weizmann, dates back to …

And the following is truly incomparable: in the document drawn up by the Nazi security service (SD) on the negotiations with Polkes (this document was published in No. 3 of the German magazine Horisont 1 for 1970), a document given by the famous executioner Adolf Eichmann to the Zionist envoy Feifel Polkes is given an assurance according to which the Jews "will be pressured so that the emigrants undertake the obligation to go only to Palestine."

It is precisely known (see documents published in the aforementioned issue of the magazine "Honsont") that Heydrich himself was directly in charge of Eichmann's collaboration with Polkes, and Hitler himself, of course, was behind him;

Polkes, on the other hand (there is, by the way, the assumption that this is a pseudonym behind which a better-known Zionist figure disappeared) acted on the instructions of the Jewish Agency, headed by Weizmann. This cooperation continued in 1942, after the proclamation of the so-called "final solution of the Jewish question." In a word, we are talking about the undoubted interaction of the king of the Jews and the German Fuhrer.

In the light of all this, the conclusion made in 1966 on the pages of one of the most authoritative magazines of the West, Der Spiegel (No. 52 of December 19), becomes fully and completely justified: the possibility of implementing the Zionist plans ", And now it is worth returning to the fate of the only militant group of Palestinian Jews, which the Jewish Agency nevertheless agreed to send in 1944 to Hungary to help the destroyed tribesmen. At the head of the group was a bright personality - a young poet Hana (Anika) Senesh. Golda Meir, one of the then leaders of the Jewish Agency, mournfully commemorates the deceased girl in her memoirs. In Tel Aviv, the book “Hana Senesh. Her life, mission and heroic death."

However, it is absolutely certain that the Senesh, having arrived in Hungary, established contact with the local plenipotentiary of this very Jewish Agency, Rudolf (Israel) Kastner, who, having found out through her the whereabouts of all the members of the sent group, ruthlessly handed them over to the Nazis [9], for they could interfere with the interaction of the Zionists and the Nazis …

And the tears about Khan Senesh in Golda Meir's memoirs are essentially “crocodile tears”, for she could hardly have been unaware of the real role of her subordinate Kastner, who later became a major official in Israel, and in 1957 was killed on a Tel Aviv street under not very clear circumstances (either he was avenged for the Jews loyal to him, or he was removed by the Israeli special services as an unwanted "witness").

One could also cite numerous other facts that clearly testify to the interaction of Zionism and Nazism in the 1930s-1940s - a phenomenon, by the way, downright unprecedented, since under the conditions of this alliance, millions of Jews were exterminated, the welfare of which, it would seem, only the Zionists were baked, But the evidence already cited clearly speaks of the existence of this alliance. A deep and comprehensive study of this phenomenon has yet to be carried out. And this must be done, because the interaction of Hitler's team with Weizmann's team reveals - like, perhaps nothing else - the true essence of Zionism.

The Nazi extermination of millions of Jews was in a number of respects extremely beneficial to the Zionists. To begin with, it represented, in their opinion, a kind of beneficial “education of genuine - from their point of view - Jews. Thus, Weizmann's successor as president of the World Zionist Organization, Naum Goldman, bluntly said in his Autobiography (1971) that Jewish “solidarity” was absolutely necessary for the victory of Zionism, and that it was “the terrible extermination of millions of Jews by the Nazis that had its beneficial (namely so - IN K) the result of awakening in the minds, until that time indifferent, of this solidarity”[10]”.

Secondly, the "catastrophe" as if by itself (but also - as was discussed - and with the direct and necessary assistance of the Nazis) drove Jews to Palestine, where previously the influx of immigrants was very weak.

Thirdly, and perhaps even more important and striking aspect of the matter: the Nazi terror was, to use Jabotinsky's definition, selection, selection - of course, absolutely monstrous; let us recall Veptsman's judgments about "dust" and "branches". And it is impossible not to pay attention to the amazing, even hard to understand, but indisputable fact: as many as millions of Jews died, however, for some reason there were almost no outstanding, well-known people among them. With the exception of the writer and teacher Janusz Korczak (Henryk Goldschmidt) who was killed in Treblinka, who, moreover, for ethical reasons, himself refused the escape prepared for him, and the historian S. M. Dubiov, who died at the age of 81 in the Riga ghetto, it is difficult to name or a prominent European Jew who died under Nazi rule:all of them either left the occupied territory, or by some "miracle" survived in the Nazi clutches.

Here is at least one, but a very striking example: the famous French politician, anti-fascist, leader of the Socialist Party and head of the Popular Front government in 1936-1938. Jew Leon Blum was arrested by the Nazis in 1940 and taken to Germany in 19-13, but returned safely (by the way, he was already 74 then) and became Prime Minister of France in 196! What is this strange riddle? However, there are a great many such riddles …

Finally, the impact of the later reports of the Holocaust on the world and on all of humanity was of great importance for the Zionists. Maintaining, as we have seen, immediately during the Hitlerite terror, complete silence about the destruction of millions, the Zionists then, since 1945, did not miss a single opportunity to declare this out loud. And subsequently, Naum Goldman decided to write openly and not without a kind of cynicism (in his book Where Is Israel Going?), Published in 1975: “I doubt that without the destruction of six (this is a significant exaggeration - VK) million Jews, the majority in the UN would vote in favor of the creation of a Jewish state”(p. 23).

So, it turns out that, according to the unambiguous admissions of the Zionist leaders themselves, the Nazis and Zionists, in fact, "at the same time", "together" carried out both "education" and immigration to Palestine, and "selection" of Jews, as well as providing and unprecedented feeling of "guilt" (this is how the Zionists define it) of the whole world, which supposedly allowed the destruction of millions of Jews (the calculation of the Zionists was quite accurate, because unlike them, who calmly "foresaw" the death of millions, for humanity this death was a stunning fact …) and, secondly, the guarantee of "justification" of any future actions of Zionism. Thus, Golda Meir tells about her resolute rebuff to those who accused the Zionists of a complete violation of international legal norms: “I… speak on behalf of millions who can no longer say anything” (p. 202).

But let's compare these words with the words of the one whom Meir herself called “the king of the Jews”, and who declared that these millions are “dust” and simply “must” disappear … Isn't there a monstrous “mystery” behind this contradiction? …

After all, it inevitably turns out that Hitler "worked" for Weizmann, and the latter already in 1937 "let it slip" about it. One involuntarily recalls that there is a point of view according to which both Hitler and his main associate in the "solution of the Jewish question" Heydrich, who had Jewish ancestors (information about this is authoritative and very reliable, although the pro-Zionist ideologists try to refute them) is quite "natural" participated in a "common cause" with Venzman. There are too many strange (at first glance) "coincidences" in the history of Zionism and Nazism in the 1930-1940s. Of course, this is only a "hypothesis", but, in any case, a deep and thorough study in this direction must be carried out. How could it happen that people with "Jewish blood" were at the head of Nazism, seemingly irreconcilable to Jews?

And one way or another, the accomplished "interaction" of the German Fuhrer and the "king of the Jews" is in fact the most "terrible" mystery of the 20th century, because we are talking about millions of lives put on the altar of this interaction. A mystery that will eventually reveal itself in all of her being, for it is not for nothing that it has been said that everything secret will become apparent.

However, even now it is quite obvious that the interaction of Zionism and Nazism must be perceived as a grand lesson if Zionism could treat millions of Jews in this way, then in its attitude to other peoples it undoubtedly implies absolutely no legal and moral "restrictions".

It is quite reliable information that during the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, the Israeli government, finding itself on the brink of defeat, decided to use nuclear weapons. Golda Meir, who was then head of the government, hinted about this very transparently in her memoirs: “… to write about the October warrior of 1973, about the Yom Kippur Warrior. “The almost catastrophe that happened, the nightmare that I experienced and which will stay with me forever, I must keep silent about many things” (vol. II, p. 462). Further, Meir reports that then, in 1973, “the burning question was - should we tell the people now what a difficult situation was? I was sure that we should wait with this”(p. 472). All this is quite "significant".

The use of nuclear weapons in the extremely small space in which this war was played out would inevitably affect Israel itself with all its might. But, as is clear from the above, this would not have stopped the Zionists (even if it was once again about the death of millions of Jews!) That is why it is absolutely necessary to know and study the “interaction” of Hitler and Weitzmann, which was discussed in this article.

In conclusion, one cannot but touch upon one more side of the problem. It is quite possible that certain people perceive the sacrifice of millions of Jews for the creation of the State of Israel as a heroic (and, of course, deeply tragic) act. And by the way, the creation of many states was accompanied by huge sacrifices. And this point of view can be understood. But certain conclusions from what has happened can also - and should - be drawn.


1) Meir Golda. My life, Jerusalem, 1989. Book, 1, p. 220, 221.

2) Shonfeld M. The Holocaust Victims Accuse. Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals. N.-Y. 1977. P. 25.

3) Weizmann predicted the death of 4 million Jews, while the prevailing opinion about the death of 6 million. But in a number of estimates, 2 million dead were counted twice - both as citizens of Poland, the Baltic states and Romania (Bessarabia), and as citizens of the USSR, which by 1941 returned to its composition the western territories that had long belonged to Russia (see about this in my book: Russia. XX-th century. The experience of impartial research. 1939-1964. P.137-141).

4) Zhabotinsky Vladimir (Zeev). Favorites. Jerusalem - St. Petersburg, 1992. S. 19-20.

5) Cit. based on the book: Brodsky R. M., Shulmeister Yu. A. Zionism is a weapon of reaction. Lvov, 1976. p. 80.

6) Quoted from pp. 118-119.

7) Cit. Based on the book: Ruvinsky L. A. Zionism in the Service of Reaction. Odessa, 1984. S. 83-84.

8) Soifer D. I. The collapse of the Zionist theories. Dnepropetrovsk, 1980.

9) See, for example: Solodar Caesar, The Dark Veil. M, 1982. S. 165-1b7, and also many other books.

10) Quoted. from the book: Ladeikin V. P. The source of a dangerous crisis. The role of Zionism in fueling the conflict in the Middle East. M., 1978. S. 58.

Author: Vadim Kozhinov
