Uncovering The Secrets Of Malia's Disks And Phaistos Disk - Alternative View

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Uncovering The Secrets Of Malia's Disks And Phaistos Disk - Alternative View
Uncovering The Secrets Of Malia's Disks And Phaistos Disk - Alternative View

Video: Uncovering The Secrets Of Malia's Disks And Phaistos Disk - Alternative View

Video: Uncovering The Secrets Of Malia's Disks And Phaistos Disk - Alternative View
Video: Steve Kershaw - The Phaistos Disk: Mystery, Forgery, and (Pseudo)archaeology 2024, June

A unified astronomical system of antiquity among the Slavs, and its traces throughout the world

First, some generally known information.

The heyday of the first known in the history of the great civilization of Europe, the Cretan-Minoan, falls on 1900-1450. BC. This civilization was called palace civilization, since its main centers were not cities, but palaces - complex multi-storey buildings, with many rooms, which played the role of political and economic centers.

For us, this information is TOP interesting, since in the previous article we found out that the Minoans, they are the Trypillians-Pelasgians, the ancestors of the Etruscans, were a Slavic tribe.

THE FESTAL DISC CREATED 3700 YEARS AGO IS DECODED. Slavic writing 3700 years ago. One of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century, which is hushed up.


Throughout the island of Crete, archeologists have identified and excavated five large palace complexes: Knossos, Festus, Malia, Zakros and Kydonia; there was a small palace of local importance in Gurnia.


Promotional video:

The palace in Malia, as the legends say, was built around 1900 BC. the brother of the famous king Minos is Sarpedon. This third largest Minoan palace is located on the north coast of Crete, close to the sea, on the road connecting the east and central parts of the island.


In the central courtyard of this huge structure, a mysterious round slab with a diameter of 90 cm and a thickness of 36 cm is preserved. It is embedded in the floor of a small terrace, slightly raised above the level of the courtyard. Along the entire circumference of the disc, there are 33 neat round recesses of the same size, resembling cups. The 34th cup is slightly larger and is cut into the surface of the protrusion extending beyond the circumference of the disc. This ledge is oriented strictly to the south. There is also a cup-shaped depression in the very center of the disc. It is noticeably larger than all the others - its diameter is 15-16 cm, and its edges are surrounded by a low side and a concentric circle.


This strange monolith, dating from 1900-1750. BC, has become a mystery to scientists from the very moment of its discovery in 1926 by French archaeologists. What is this device? For what purpose was it created? What is its purpose? We will answer these questions based on the experience of various scientific studies and discoveries (including my own observations).

The most curious thing is that several similar devices have been found in Crete, and the disc from Malia is the most monumental of them. Common to all of these devices is the presence of round recesses cut into the surface of the stone slabs and usually arranged in a circle or oval. Some of these slabs also have a central (larger) depression, and in any case, all have one depression that differs from the others in size and location.

In some cases, the stone slab has the shape of a rectangle, with indentations along the perimeter, in others - in several parallel rows. In the latter version, there are much more depressions - sometimes up to a hundred or more, and the appearance of the slabs themselves differs sharply from the rest, while the round and rectangular slabs have the same characteristics (the number of depressions, the presence or absence of a central depression).

Finally, several slabs are known with recesses arranged in a spiral or without any system scattered over the surface of the stone.


The function of these slabs remains a mystery. Depending on what this or that researcher tried to see in them, they were given certain definitions, but all these definitions add little to the understanding of the problem.

But we have already met similar plates in previous articles and are familiar with their purpose:

Near Donetsk found the Oldest Sundial in the world, 3500 years old !!! Similar finds in Russia and around the world.


A Russian inscription on a sundial from the Nabatean Hegra, Saudi Arabia, is at least 2500 years old.


For a better understanding of which device is presented in the Malia disk, we need to take the same device from the recent past, namely the Prague Astronomical Clock - an astrolabe. The Prague chimes are astrolabes, like the disc from Malia, and I will not only show you, but also prove it, based on the finds of archaeologists around the world, and at different time intervals.

Astronomical clock in Russian chapels.


Description of the model - Czechs call the Prague Astronomical Clock Pražský orloj - the Prague Eagle and also the Old Town Eagle.

In addition to time, this medieval clock shows:

• calendar data (current year, month, day)

• time of sunrise and sunset of luminaries (Sun and Moon)

• position of the zodiac signs

• Moon phases

• the chimes interface includes a demonstration of time in three popular calculus systems: Old Prague, Babylonian and Latin model is an organizer. It includes important holidays and events of the year. The watch will remind you of them.

Additional features:

the ability to find out the time in 24 and 12 hours.

The watch was made in the 15th century.


1. Let's start with a large disk, in the center of which is our planet Earth (11)

2. On the same disc along the edge there are signs in Gothic script, which denoted the old Bohemian time (1)

3. Then there are Roman numerals. This is the familiar dial. Shows German time (2)

4. Then there are Arabic numerals - 1, 2, 3, etc. They show Babylonian time (3)

5. There are 12 digits on the dial of modern watches. At Prague clock 24 (12 + 12 hours)

6. Noon Above - XII (8)

7. Midnight below - XII (13)

8. The left side of the dial shows the time from 12 am to 12 noon.

9. The right half shows the time from 12 noon to 12 noon.

10. The blue color of the dial indicates daylight hours.

11. Orange - dawn.

12. Arcs labeled ORTUS and OCCASUS indicate sunrise (5) and sunset (10)

13. Brown (dark) - night time, when the sun is hidden behind the horizon (7)

14. Upper (small disc) - shows the Zodiac (9)

15. The signs of the Zodiac move in a circle and along their axis, completing a full phase.

16. The arrow with the image of the Sun shows the time and in what sign is the Sun now (the daily movement of the Zodiac) (4)

17. Arrow with the Moon - shows in what sign the Moon is now (6)

18. The photo shows 9 o'clock in the morning. The Sun is in Libra, the Moon is on the border of Capricorn and Aquarius.

19. The ball of the moon is endowed with a separate rotating mechanism showing the phases of the moon.

20. An arrow with an asterisk indicates the day of the vernal equinox. (12)

21. The entire disk and arrows rotate, corresponding to the real movement of the heavenly bodies in the sky. The clock indicates the position of the sun, moon, month and zodiac sign. Those. Orloi is not only a clock, but also a calendar.

We see the same thing on the stone from Malia from the island of Crete, which is 4000 years old !!!

In the center of the stone itself there should be a Phaistos disc (which can be turned over without removing - there is a small depression in the center of the disc for this) there should be a disc with the zodiac signs -12 behind it, and 34 holes of the outer disc display the movement of the Moon in a 3-year cycle for synchronization with the Sun. The role of arrows (markers) in this system is played by Rhinestone lenses, which show the movement of the Sun and Moon (including their location on key holidays).


The most interesting and correct hypothesis associated with the mystery of the disk from Malia was put forward in 1983 by the American scientist Charles Herberger, who devoted many years to the study of the Minoan calendar system. In his opinion, the disk from Malia is a lunisolar calendar.

My conclusions completely coincide with the opinion of this scientist, it remains only to fill the data with the missing parts, which we will do with you.

At the heart of any lunisolar calendar is the cyclic movement of the moon around the earth and the earth around the sun. The years in the lunisolar calendar are counted according to the Sun, and months according to the Moon. The main task of the lunisolar calendar is to coordinate the lunar and solar time counting. In order for the average length of a calendar year to correspond to a solar year, a periodic system for inserting the thirteenth lunar month is necessary. The year of thirteen months in the lunisolar calendar is called embolismic.

The system of rules for introducing embolismic years into the calendar since ancient times was determined by the 3/8 cycle, where 8 is the number of years in the calendar cycle, and 3 is the number of embolismic years in this cycle (the outer circle of the disc from Malia is intended for three summer time):

- after the end of the reckoning of the lunar three-year period, an intercalary was introduced into the counting system of the last year - a time cycle close to the duration of the lunar period from the day of the last visibility of the sickle before the new moon and to the day of the first visibility of the sickle after the new moon (34 days); as a result, the duration of the third year reached 388 days. and the lunar time count was compared with the solar Time;

calendar-astronomical (numerical) basis of the system is as follows:

354 days + 354 days + (354 + 34 days) = 1096 days.

365.242 days * 3 = 1095.726 or 1096 days.

The eight-year calendar cycle, or "octaetheteride," was used in ancient Babylon, Greece, and many other countries. In this cycle, 8 solar years correspond to 99 synodic months.

The Malian disc contains 33 small cups, making the 8-year cycle symmetrically divided into 99 synodic months. The 34th cup, due to its larger size, represents the thirteenth, additional month.


Thus, using a system of markers (lenses with and without pointers) and moving them from hole to hole, it was possible to have a sufficiently accurate lunisolar calendar and annually start the agricultural season at the same time. This kind of calendar is a wonderful innovation for 4000 years ago.

Rhinestone balls were used as markers to move around the holes, which science finds all over the world but always refers to them only as decorations.

I wrote about them in my article about: Optics and telescopes 5300 years ago. Or we will prescribe glasses to modern science so that it sees the 'Elephant' in the form of artifacts of ancient optics stored around the world.

In Knossos, Crete, it turned out that lenses were made in such quantities that they even managed to find a real Minoan workshop for their production. This is the only workshop found in the world, but its products have been found in Scandinavia and Egypt, in many Scythian burials, and even in America.


Here are the findings of arrow lenses (markers - Sun and Moon) with pointers lenses for Malia stones from Crete and that region:


By the way, it was in pre-Columbian America that I found the answer according to the rules for the functioning of such devices, namely, on the example of the Davenport stele, which was made in the same time interval as the stone of Malia.

America was discovered long before Columbus by the Egyptians! Found writing, and artifacts that united the "old and new world" 3600 years ago.

Here's an excerpt from the article:

Davenport stele found from the Mimak Indians which is 3600 years old.

In the center of the stele is a scene surrounded by inscriptions in three languages - Egyptian, Ibero-Punic and Libyan. Iberian and Libyan texts state that the inscription keeps the secrets of the calendar. The inscription ends with an Egyptian hieratic script. Its decoding is given next to the interpretation of the Celtic-Libyan inscriptions. The Egyptian text reads: “A mirror (lens) is attached to the post so that when the sun rises on New Year’s day, it would throw rays on the stone, whose name is the Observer. New Year is when the sun meets the zodiacal constellation Aries, when the day is growing and the night is decreasing. At this time, they celebrate the New Year and make sacrifices."

Article about: America was discovered long before Columbus by the Egyptians! Found writing, and artifacts that united the "old and new world" 3600 years ago.

Here's an excerpt from the article:

Davenport stele found from the Mimak Indians which is 3600 years old.

In the center of the stele is a scene surrounded by inscriptions in three languages - Egyptian, Ibero-Punic and Libyan. Iberian and Libyan texts state that the inscription keeps the secrets of the calendar. The inscription ends with an Egyptian hieratic script. Its decoding is given next to the interpretation of the Celtic-Libyan inscriptions. The Egyptian text reads: “A mirror (lens) is attached to the post so that when the sun rises on New Year’s day, it would throw rays on the stone, whose name is the Observer. New Year is when the sun meets the zodiacal constellation Aries, when the day is growing and the night is decreasing. At this time, they celebrate the New Year and make sacrifices."


In order to understand what was on the site of the second circle of the disc from Malia, you can look at the Slavic vessels Calendars of the 4th century AD. One of them is a pitcher from Romashki (Kiev region), the second scheme is taken from a pitcher from Lepesovka, (you can see their combined scheme in the photo).


I have not seen the second circle in the archaeological data, while these are only my assumptions.


But now let's look at the central part of the disc from Malia, since it was on it that the famous Phaistos disc could be located, since the diameters of the centers of both discs completely coincide and are 16 cm !!!

By the way, I would like to draw your attention to the similarity of the ARKAIM scheme and the recording of information on the Phaistos disc, in both cases the spiral of life is used.


The same spiral, and the technology of applying information from both sides, we can see on a mysterious artifact from Colombia - aka the Genetic Disc from Lydite.


When I wrote the article: THE FESTIC DISC CREATED 3700 YEARS AGO IS DECRYPTED. Slavic writing 3700 years ago. One of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century, which is hushed up.


I also read about the hypothesis that the Phaistos disc is a calendar system. In its confirmation, researchers cite various mathematical calculations. So, for example, the number of fields on the sides of the disk (30 and 31) is related to the number of days in the short and long months of the solar year. Counting characters when turning the disk twice (123 + 119 + 123 = 365) results in a number equal to the number of days in a year. With a little more sophisticated manipulation, you can get the length of the lunar year and the draconian year, etc. None of the published studies offered a clear explanation of how exactly to use this calendar, and for what purposes it was used - for agricultural work, as a schedule for collecting taxes, military exercises, etc. Some authors even suggest that the "calendar" completely regulated the daily life of the entire population of Crete, but nothing, except abstract calculations, has not confirmed this point of view.

But now we will be able to substantially supplement the existing data.

Since both Side A and Side B of the Phaistos disc in its center of the spiral has a stylized arrow which clearly indicates its orientation to the South or 34 hole of the disc from Malia.


Plus side A in the center of the disc contains the Alatyr stone or the designation of all 8 major holidays of the year.


By the way, we can see the same sign in the Sungir burial, and between them there are about 20,000 years and thousands of kilometers.


Plus I gave a similar calendar in my article: White gods in America thousands of years ago, and Columbus's discovery that he was not the first !!! All the indigenous peoples of America are from SIBERIA !!!


All of the above allows us to consider various finds, such as the Stone from Malia, the Phaistos disc, bronze and rock crystal hands, as a single system in the form of an astronomical clock (calendar) of antiquity. Which was used as a social - agricultural system that allowed daily life up to the day, in accordance with the cycles of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth itself.

But in Malia, another stone was discovered with 40 small holes and 1 large hole, it is no less interesting as it is part of the Priestly calendar.


Since according to the priestly calendar there are 9 cycles of 40 days in a year (whoever has encountered funeral rites will understand what it is about), plus each odd cycle carries 1 additional day 41.

We get 41 + 40 + 41 + 40 + 41 + 40 + 41 + 40 + 41 = 365 days.

In order for the calendar to be in harmony with the solar cycle, once every 16 years, a sacred year occurs - when each cycle carries 41 days * 9 = 369 days.

As a result, the entire system returns to its original state.

We have already met this calendar 3000 years later in the Crimea in my article: The Tmutarakan stone and its role in the history of Russia. Rus in Crimea before Tatars !? “Into lѣto 6576 …


Also in his article: Nodular writing SLAVS - Written language of the whole Earth !!!

I cited as an example the commemorative gold coin of the Sauromats, minted 1000 years after the discs of Malia, with the same Alatyr symbol for 8 major holidays a year!


SKIF (Sauromat) COIN is more than 2000 years before the arrival of Cyril, and these Barbarians mint their coins with inscriptions that are clear to us and TODAY !!

The inscription on the coin: VASILEVS SAUROMATOV (according to the modern - Ruler of SAUROMATOV). Look in your passport and who has an OV at the end of the Surname greet your ancestors 3000 back. The date is indicated on the other side of the coin, where the numbers are written in VERBOL letters (Indian pro-writing, traces were found in America, see the article about writing):

GF - 4500 years from the creation of the world in the star temple (September 23, 2016 according to the CATHOLIC calendar - the year 7525 according to the SLAVIC calendar began).

We will talk about the full version of the Priestly calendar in a separate article. Since it is easy and simple to show and prove the experience of observations of our ancestors for 25920 years, a couple of phrases, and even a few interesting artifacts will be very ineffective. Yes, and the death of ANTLANA 13,500 years ago (with its current position, thanks to satellite images), we will not be able to get around. So consider all of the above as announcements for future articles. I would be grateful if you can send me links for more information on the announced articles.

Victor Maksimenkov
