The Role Of Religion In The Formation Of The State, Paganism, Russia, The Concept Of Christianity, Relations With Byzantium - Alternative View

The Role Of Religion In The Formation Of The State, Paganism, Russia, The Concept Of Christianity, Relations With Byzantium - Alternative View
The Role Of Religion In The Formation Of The State, Paganism, Russia, The Concept Of Christianity, Relations With Byzantium - Alternative View

Video: The Role Of Religion In The Formation Of The State, Paganism, Russia, The Concept Of Christianity, Relations With Byzantium - Alternative View

Video: The Role Of Religion In The Formation Of The State, Paganism, Russia, The Concept Of Christianity, Relations With Byzantium - Alternative View
Video: Byzantine-Rus' relations and the structuring of the Russian Church (IX-X century) 2024, July

The role of religion in the formation of the state is always direct and basic. Religion is always a definite ideology and a system of government emanating from it. And any group, collective, society, state as a system of people management, unites on specific ideas-goals.

Ideology is just a beautiful wrapper around the idea of managing society. According to the modern, the idea in any area is now also called a fashionable foreign word "concept". And in fact there can be only two concepts.

The first is humanity, creation, life.

The second is inhumanity (inhuman), destruction, corruption and degeneration.

All other types of societies and states are just a mixture in different proportions of these two directions. Just like in ancient Rome in gladiatorial battles, either thumbs up - Life, or thumbs down - Death.

Now let's look at what plan our people lived from ancient times. And since we did not die out, developed, developed territories and were not destroyed by enemies, then apparently our finger was more upward.

We know that the main god in Russia is Rod. In the form of the Clear Falcon, he hovered in the void of space and gave birth to the world and the gods with lightning relatives. We are descendants of Rod. All the gods of Russia are images of the forces of the Family - nature, its hypostases and descendants. The family of gods is also called a genus, and our families are part of this family. That is, the worldview of Russia is generic - family.

The main idea is to protect generic - family, national and natural values, on which a happy and prosperous life of the people is built.

Often this worldview is blamed by the enemies of the people for sacrifices, both human and animal. But does it make sense to sacrifice a part of the Family? In order to discredit the views of White Russia, they often try to confuse other races and tribes with shamanism.

In addition to the generic worldview, it was also called Vedicism or Witchcraft, sometimes paganism. In the concept of Vedicism, the main root of the Vedas, that is, to know the essence of nature and the elements, to know. This is not a blind, fanatical belief in scriptures and traditions, but a useful knowledge of the laws of the universe, which means closer to a scientific approach based on reason and logic, comparative analysis, common sense, the principle of relativity - judgment from the standpoint of knowledge and knowledge of the generic culture and the benefits of the Family. This is a traditional, folk, holistic worldview and way of life.

Language is the main carrier of generic information that forms the people and homeland, in fact, the sound code of DNA.

“First there was the Word! And the ROD had the word! ROD created with the word”RUS = R (ROD) + Y (male spirit, chromosome) + S (word, energy-spirit), that is, God ROD plans and creates with a male word and deed. B is a soft sign, the letter er, a symbol of the birth of a child with his head down, hence Russia. From the language came the basic concept of Vedicism, this is Paganism - natural (using the forces and phenomena of the elements), the popular language of communication with the god ROD directly, without intermediary firms - the suckers of churches with assorted priests (religios - from the Latin connection, parasitization on the traffic of communication with God).

For your information: The word church comes from the Latin word "Circus". Therefore, priests of all stripes hate real paganism - "bezpopovschina" (the concept was preserved in the north of Russia among the Pomors), because the Rusichi were pagans, they did not bear church tithes.

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Therefore, Russia as a state was initially formed on the basis of the notions of democracy, rule and justice. There was a system of elections at Veche, a circle, a gathering. For the conduct of festivals and ceremonies, priests were chosen from their most honored dids. In case of war, they elected or called up princes and leaders.

Rus-Russia was created by Rusy-Dews (in different places, who akal, who scored, who pointed). Whom they subdued, they agreed with someone. The adjective Ruskie means a sign of Rus control over other tribes. The Rus are in this case and in those days the manager, that is, the state-forming people. Therefore, by definition, Russians are Russian Tatars, Komi (Chud), Murom, Mordovians, Jews (Khazars), Chukchi and other tribes under the control of the RUS. Not always conquered, but often voluntarily joined allies, brought up on the basis of the common Russian culture and language of the Rusichi, in the common Russian space of Russia.

Now Russophobes are eager to tear apart and dismember the common common Russian space of united Russia, driving a wedge between ethnic groups, to destroy the language and the Rus, and enslave the Russians.

Christianity is a sect (part) of Judaism. And Judaism was formed at the junction of the two races, white and black. The founder of Judaism was a Vedic priest expelled for incest with his sister from the city of Ur (Light). After exile, he took the name Abram (a-against, b-god, RA-sun god). Later he took the name Abraham the ancestor.

In Judaism, Vedicism and the Voodoo religion were mixed. Later, Rabbi Saul (Paul) added to the Jewish scriptures the New Testament about the son of the Jewish god - Christ, the main legal source of the Judeo-Christian doctrine - the Bible - was obtained.

The main idea of the Bible is the idea of atonement for sins. God the Father Jehovah gave his son, the Jew Christ, to the Jews and Romans for painful execution and death, in the name of forgiveness of committed and not yet committed sins. In fact, this is the ritual of the "scapegoat" from Voodoo, when the priests cut the throat of the goat, and the whole tribe drinks blood from the wound in a circle, otherwise the spirits will be angry and punish.

Christianity in its essence turned out to be more useful than paganism for the seizure of sole power by monarchs (from monos - one), although this cannot be said especially by the decomposition and fall of Byzantium. And also Christianity did not deny slavery and serfdom, therefore it was promoted by interested persons.

Byzantium in its essence was a constant trading partner of Russia, a tributary, or, according to some modern versions, even one of the provinces of Russia. Apparently, when the Byzantines stopped paying taxes to Russia, troops were sent there. Periodically, all the princes of Rosov trained their martial art in Byzantium, since the time of the treacherous attack of Emperor Troyan, reflected on the Troyan Ramparts.

Hikes for tribute usually began on June 21 - 22 (the day of the summer solstice, the day of purification). The witch went to Byzantium - Prince Oleg the Prophet with a huge imperial fleet, and he nailed his shield to them as a keepsake. The legendary Vedic prince Svetoslav also went to Byzantium.

Gradually, the rich estate in Russia, out of greed, decided to shake off the liberties of the population, some supported Prince Vladimir, and since the power he seized was rather shaky while maintaining the Veche and opposing tyranny, Vladimir decided to rely on Byzantium as an ally and also Christianity allowed him to completely monopolize and strengthen power is the ritual of anointing from God to power.

He received the name Vasily at baptism, married the Byzantine princess Anna and began a partial, violent, bloody Christianization, fought for Christianization with Novgorod, knocked out church tithes, fought with his own sons, and there was a massacre-civil strife and the dismemberment of Russia. They killed and burned priests, magi and buffoons.

Then Christianity was divided into two sects, just like in Europe, and they began to burn and cut each other, and the pagans with the Jews became neighbors on fires and chopping blocks. And practically the entire history of Russia is the history of the struggle between the two principles of tyranny and freedom, popular uprisings, disasters, hunger, epidemics and wars.

The Orthodox Church gradually absorbed folk pagan traditions, holidays and rituals, architecture, and was adapted by the people to local conditions. There were also periods of dual faith and more or less tolerance. At different times, the church played a different role, often it was both the intercessor and consoler of the people, the unifier of Holy Russia, sometimes the bells for the cannons came in handy, and sometimes it collaborated with the gendarmerie.

The bishops of Orthodoxy in the revolution themselves threw out the throne of the tsar (Nicholas II of Holstein-Hortop), the anointed one and the head of the church.

"All power is from God!"

Persecuted for centuries by tsarism and the state church, the Old Believers and pagans naturally also took part in the overthrow of competitors. The Bolsheviks tried to destroy the Orthodox Church, but despite the persecution and reprisals, the executions of priests and parishioners, during the Stalinist census of 1937, 56.7% called themselves believers.

And during the war, the ROC helped the country, the people and the government of the Marxists to withstand.

And now all Orthodox Russians are happy to go to warm up and study the sights in Byzantium occupied by Islam, it's a pity that Oleg's shield was removed from the gate.

Wonderful are your works, O Lord.

Based on materials from the Rusy Lipetsk group