The Unknown Life Of Christ - Alternative View

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The Unknown Life Of Christ - Alternative View
The Unknown Life Of Christ - Alternative View

Video: The Unknown Life Of Christ - Alternative View

Video: The Unknown Life Of Christ - Alternative View
Video: THE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST by Nicolas Notovitch - FULL Audio Book | Greatest Audio Books 2024, October

Since it became unsafe to travel and rest in the resorts of North Africa and the Middle East, the inhabitants of our country turned their eyes to India, which for centuries has been friendly to Russia. This country has wonderful resorts, and miracles are found literally at every step. A traveler, documentary filmmaker Viktor Fokeev agreed to tell us about one of the most surprising and paradoxical.

Victor, you've probably traveled half of the world in search of real miracles. Where are the most of them?

- Each country has its own unique phenomena, but if we talk about mystical, religious miracles that you can touch with your hands, then this is, of course, India! We can talk for a long time about the mysticism of Eastern religions, but our compatriots, probably, are more interested in learning about sacred shrines close to them. The most amazing of them is the tomb of Jesus Christ in Srinagar.

Didn't the Son of God die on the cross and then ascended not far from Jerusalem?

- Yes, this is the official, canonical version. But there is another. Many researchers ask the question: why is nothing known about the life of Jesus between the ages of 12 and 30? There is an assumption that during these years he was trained by the sages of India. After the resurrection, if it really was, or after a false execution, he returned to India. This version could be called untenable, if in India there were not a large number of written sources and memorable places associated with the life of Issa Messih, or Yuza Asaf - under these names Jesus Christ is known in India.

Is there any strong evidence that the grave in Srinagar belongs to Christ?

- This is the grave of Yuz Asaf, or Issa Messih. Local residents and a plaque on the house where the burial is located say that this is the grave of the prophet, nothing more. But the Hindus themselves identify this person with Christ. There is an ancient manuscript in Kashmir which says that this is the tomb of Issa Ruuh-Allah. By the way, the apocryphal books (the writings of the prophets that were not included in the Gospel) claim that Christ was repeatedly seen after the resurrection in full health. Such meetings are mentioned by Thomas, who allegedly personally communicated with Christ after his crucifixion. Ancient texts say that Christ sent Thomas to preach to India. This is directly indicated by the records on the Fatehpur Sikri stone near the Taj Mahal in Northern India.

Is it known which way Christ got to Hindustan?

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- In general, yes! In his apocryphal Acts and Gospels, Thomas tells about the appearance of Christ in Andrapolis and Paphlagonia, visiting King Andrapa. It is from there that Christ sends Thomas to India with his sermons. The prophet himself, along with Mary, went along the western coast of Turkey. The Great Silk Road passed there, and a place with the name of the House of Mary was preserved on it. Perhaps the holy travelers stopped here to gain strength. Once in Iran, Christ acquired a new name - Yuz Asaf, which translated into modern Russian means "the leader of the healed." In Massalija, Yuz Asaf bowed to the grave of Shem, the son of Noah. There are two valleys in Afghanistan that bear the name of the Prophet Yuz Asaf, from which we can conclude that Christ also visited Afghanistan and Pakistan.“The visit by Yuz Asaf of King Gundafor in the territory of modern Pakistan is attributed by researchers to 47 AD, and the king subsequently accepted the teachings of the prophet. It is believed that there are 21 documents in total describing the life of Jesus in Kashmir under the name Yuz Asaf, or Issa. The most amazing thing is that the prophet was received with respect at the highest level. One of the documents describes the visit of Christ to King Shalivahan, the ruler of the Kushan territory in 39-50 AD. Here, in North India, there is Pindi Point Mountain, on which an old grave is located. Locals call her Mai Mari da Astana, which means “the last deceased place of Mary”. This is obviously about the mother of Christ. Moreover, local Muslims really revere her as the grave of Issa's mother. At that time, the Hindus did not bury their dead, but cremated them. Consequently, the burial belongs to aliens, and not to the indigenous people.

Is there evidence that any tourist can touch?

- Sure! Near the town of Srinagar there is a temple popularly known as the "Throne of Solomon". Its construction dates back to at least 1000 BC. Over the centuries, the temple fell into disrepair, and King Gopadatta decided to put it in order. Subsequently, the architect from Persia, who carried out the restoration, left four inscriptions on the side steps of the temple. Specifically, the third and fourth inscriptions read:

"At this time, Yuz Asaf announced his prophetic appointment in the year 50 and 4" and "He is Jesus - the Prophet of the sons of Israel." They are still visible today. Somewhere in these places Christ died at the age of 80 to 120 years. Different texts give different ages of the prophet. The grave was named Rosa-bal, which means “the grave of the prophet”. Through the window of the crypt, you can still see the burial, oriented along the east-west axis according to Jewish traditions.

Did scientists study this burial? Is the body of Christ really lying there?

- The most amazing thing that we studied! It turned out that on the tombstone there are footprints of Yuz Asaf's feet, as well as traces of a crucifixion and a rosary. Moreover, footprints, if Yuz Asaf was Christ, would have had scars from crucifixion on both legs. They really are. The scars coincide with their print on the Turin Shroud, showing that the left foot was nailed over the right."

Russian researcher Nikolai Notovich in 1887 in a Buddhist monastery discovered a story about a saint named Issa. The life of this saint painfully reminded him of the life of Christ. Later, the scientist (in 1894 in France and in 1910 in Russia) published the book "The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ", which tells about the Indian period of the life of the prophet. The apocryphal Gospels of Philip, found in Egypt in 1945, also speak of this. But the most interesting thing is that the teachings of Christ in India are much broader than those set forth in the Bible, for example, it contains the concept of reincarnation.

Are you saying that reincarnation exists?

- In the East, this is an axiom! Moreover, I personally met a person who does not live his first life. In the town of Ladaka, we stopped to rest near an ancient Buddhist monastery. In front of us, in the dust of the monastery courtyard, a little boy was playing with a typewriter. On the wall above it, we saw a portrait of the former abbot of the monastery, who had recently left this world. Later, we were surprised to learn from the monks that the boy who played with the typewriter in the monastery courtyard was the reincarnation of the deceased abbot. Moreover, he was not chosen by chance. The monastery developed a sophisticated system for finding a child, into whom the soul of the monastery's abbot entered. He indicated in advance by what signs the boy should be looked for and approximately in what area. The found child not only met all the conditions, but, as it turned out, knew the monastery, his way of life, as well as many monks,although I've never been there before. We ourselves were amazed at the intelligence and depth of judgment of this boy and his portrait resemblance to the deceased abbot.

In general, I must say that in India you start to look at the world somehow differently. Suddenly, insights come, and upon returning home, to Russia, the most secret desires are realized and the streams of events that have long dreamed of converge …

Magazine: History - Incredible Facts # 8. Author: Victor Fokeev, interviewed by Dmitry Tumanov