Why Is Jesus Not The Christ? - Alternative View

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Why Is Jesus Not The Christ? - Alternative View
Why Is Jesus Not The Christ? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Jesus Not The Christ? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Jesus Not The Christ? - Alternative View
Video: Why is Jesus not the Messiah for Jews? 2024, June
  • Had we found ourselves in ancient Nazareth, and shouted in our voice "Jesus Christooooos!", At best we would have been greeted with incomprehensible glances. And the son of Mary himself, twisted his finger at his temple. (In Holland, this gesture is a praise for an intelligent person, but we will not feed ourselves with vain illusions. Moreover, we are in Palestine.) A man named Jesus never lived there, and did not sharpen boats and furniture from wood. Yeshua wandered along the dusty paths of the Holy Land. Not everything is going smoothly with the apostles:
  • Peter - Shimon,
  • John - Yochanan,
  • Matthew - Matityahu.

Okay, at least it's easier with Judas - Yehuda. In the course, by the way, that there were two Judas among the students? One of them is the Savior's blood brother. The names by which we know Yeshua and his minions today are the Greek transcription of the Hebrew names. After all, the gospel was written by Byzantine authors, 40-70 years after the crucifixion of the leader of the first Christians. Jesus came from Yeshua because there is no “sh” in Greek. The resourceful Greeks replaced it with σ - sigma ("s"). Well, it is not customary among the Greeks, as well as ours, for a male name to end in a vowel. So at the end there was another "s" - Ιησούς.


Interestingly, the Russian Orthodox until the 17th century wrote the name of the son of God as Isus. For now, Patriarch Nikon decided to bring the grammar in line with the Greek canons. By the way, Belarusians and Ukrainians continue to write the name of the God-man with one “I”.


Why isn't Jesus the Christ? Because this is not a surname at all, as some think, but a free translation into Greek of the word "Mashiach" (Messiah) - Χριστός. That is, Orthodox Christians and Catholics, if it comes to that, should be called "Mashians", well, or at worst, "Messians." The first followers of Jesus did not call themselves Christians. They were Nazarenes. The nickname "Christians" was given to them by the Romans, who openly mocked Yeshua's supporters.

Can Christ be called the Messiah?

Promotional video:

The Jewish people wrote a prophecy about the coming of the Messiah long before the birth of the Savior. But the Jews call Jesus nothing other than a charlatan and "false messiah." Why? Because he did not fulfill the prophecies that a true anointed of God must fulfill.

  • Liberate the land of Israel (Judea remained under the yoke of the Roman Empire).
  • To unite all nations under the aegis of one God. (Now there are 3 world and about 5000 local religions)
  • Become King over the Jews. During his lifetime (crucified as a criminal).
  • Stop wars (no comment).
  • Stay alive (Mashiach must do everything during his lifetime).

Therefore, Yeshua is not a Mashiach in the understanding of the Jews, and therefore not Christ. The myth that the Jews handed him over to execution is a late notion. Yeshua was more friends with the Pharisees than he argued. As he himself said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel," and also "I did not come to break the law and the prophets, but to fulfill" (the law is the Torah of the Jews. It is the Bible).