Roerich Knew The Secret Of Shambhala! - Alternative View

Roerich Knew The Secret Of Shambhala! - Alternative View
Roerich Knew The Secret Of Shambhala! - Alternative View

Video: Roerich Knew The Secret Of Shambhala! - Alternative View

Video: Roerich Knew The Secret Of Shambhala! - Alternative View
Video: Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Reorich, Kalachakra and Shambhala 2024, July

The lost paintings of Nicholas Roerich were found in a private museum in Croatia, including the mysterious painting “Idols. Pagan Rus . According to legend, it was in it that the artist encrypted the path to Shambhala (a mythical country where immortal people with sacred knowledge live).

Nicholas Roerich - Idols. Pagan Rus
Nicholas Roerich - Idols. Pagan Rus

Nicholas Roerich - Idols. Pagan Rus.

For centuries, people have been looking for an entrance to the country in the Himalayas, but according to modern researchers, you can get into the magical world in Russia, so where are they, the mysterious Russian gate to Shambhala?

Shambhala, Agharti, Tartarus, Lemuria: all this is the name of a mythical country that became the last refuge of people who fled after the destruction of their continent 20 thousand years ago.

The unique technologies of the ancient sages have attracted people throughout the ages. Since the 15th century, Buddhist lamas and pilgrims, Jesuit missionaries and Chinese philosophers have searched for Shambhala. The geography of the search spread from the Himalayan mountains to Afghanistan and the empty Gobi.

At the beginning of the XX century, scientists from different countries, as well as a secret expedition of the NKVD and Nazi Germany, continued their search.

According to one of the hypotheses, it was after visiting Shambhala that fascist scientists were able to construct an atomic bomb and now this mysterious country is again hidden from visitors. Our compatriots visited the legendary country: the artist Nicholas Roerich with his wife and the philosopher Helena Blavatskaya. In addition to a large written heritage, where a whole scattering of tips, Roerich recorded the path to Shambhala on his canvases.

On medieval maps, Shambhala is depicted next to other real states, however, most arriving at a designated place see only mountains and plains around. According to some researchers, Shambhala is underground.

Promotional video:

According to Roerich's paintings, there are several gates (as a rule, these are places of power), nowadays it is more customary to call them anomalous zones.

According to researchers of the east, at least three gates are located on the territory of modern Russia: Gorny Altai, Bashkiria and the Southern Urals; impenetrable forests, harsh climate, complete absence of roads. What attracted the inhabitants of Shambhala in the Urals so much?

Arkaim, Chelyabinsk Region
Arkaim, Chelyabinsk Region

Arkaim, Chelyabinsk Region.

In the Urals, two magical places at once claim to be the gateway to Shambhala. The first of them is Arkaim, for many years he was hiding in forests and swamps and no one could even imagine that this is the cradle of, possibly, the most ancient civilization on Earth. The second place where the gate to Shambhala can be located is Vera's island on Lake Turgoyak, it is also included in the list of the most mysterious places in Russia. Numerous structures and caves are made by human hands. Some have researched believe that in these places of worship they summoned the souls of the dead and trained shamans, others in the island of Vera see a portal to the other world, but there are those who believe that these ruins are nothing more than the Northern Gate of Shambhala.

A man-made building on Vera Island
A man-made building on Vera Island

A man-made building on Vera Island.

The Tibetans have a belief that beyond the boundaries of the physical (material) world there is another (spiritual) reality invisibly.

Nicholas Roerich called Shambhala a model of the future of humanity, in which the most modern technologies are embodied and there is no violence against human nature, in other words, Shambhala is Paradise on Earth. He was sure that everyone can find their portal to Shambhala, it is enough to do good and use their knowledge for good, and then the wise men of the mysterious country themselves will reveal its secret.