I Confess! Everything Was As It Was - Alternative View

I Confess! Everything Was As It Was - Alternative View
I Confess! Everything Was As It Was - Alternative View

Video: I Confess! Everything Was As It Was - Alternative View

Video: I Confess! Everything Was As It Was - Alternative View
Video: Slipknot - Vermilion [OFFICIAL VIDEO] 2024, July

Andrey Tatarkin wrote to me in VKontakte: “Pavel, now let's talk specifically about you,

your abilities and "stories"? When did you become

psychic, when and where did you get the radiation

illness, how are you cured, how do you treat others

people, where are all these people, what a black catch

invisibility and pokatushki on a flying saucer?"

Well, I got this Andrei … For every answer he has ten questions. But I looked at his page in "Contact" and I must say I liked his page. Now, after all, how it turns out: if you want to understand what kind of person, look at his page on Facebook (Face = face + book = book) or in Contact. And then his whole essence manifests itself. After all, a person will not take on his page something that is not interesting to him. At first I thought he was mocking me: I gave him "one", he gave me "three" in return. But he looked into his soul "VKontakte" and realized that he was not mocking him, but trying to understand. So I keep something someone else's on my page for no more than a week, then I throw it away. I just have so much of my own news for others that I don't keep someone else's for a long time. And I liked his page, you can clearly seethat the guy wants to comprehend the world around him and at the same time he needs to understand everything to the last "point and yota" (For those who do not know: the dot is the smallest measure of the length of ancient Russia, yota is a superscript character that clarifies the meaning of the word).

Well, if young people want to understand the world around them, to the point and yota, then we must try to tell them what they have not seen, do not see and do not understand. After all, I, like others, endowed with something more than others, in my childhood and youth, thought that this was available to others. Only as we mature, we begin to understand that God has awarded “us” with something greater and by no means the same abilities. Probably, the story should start from the beginning, from birth. What struck me most in my life was the statement of my eldest granddaughter about how she perceived her birth at the age of three. It happened during the celebration of the New Year. The granddaughter was then only three years old. The table is littered with goodies and I want to try everything, but I notice that Julia does not touch the salted trout, laid in thin slices on a plate next to her. I tell her: - "Julia,try the red fish. " "I do not want! I ate it in my mother’s tummy”. I went into a stupor - that's what it means. Actually, I heard about this, but in my life I never came across that a child, when he first saw a red fish, realized what it is, that is, what it looks like, and remember that mom ate this fish, and that means with my mother’s eyes to remember it view. She didn't even taste it, she just looked. And then I received an answer to the question: what can still blind puppies bark at in their sleep? Now I understand, they bark at what their mother barked at in life. She didn't even taste it, she just looked. And then I received an answer to the question: what can still blind puppies bark at in their sleep? Now I understand, they bark at what their mother barked at in life. She didn't even taste it, she just looked. And then I received an answer to the question: what can still blind puppies bark at in their sleep? Now I understand, they bark at what their mother barked at in life.

Promotional video:

- "What do you remember that?"

- "Yes, I remember, and I even remember how they pulled me out of my mother's tummy"

But this meant that she remembers being pulled out through a cesarean section.

I honestly do not remember this … But I will return to the issue of memory before my birth, and very soon, so that you do not get bored.

Yes, it was when there were after-school kindergartens, when children were brought to the kindergarten on Monday morning, and taken away on Saturday evening, since then there was one day off a week. It was in this kindergarten that I spent my childhood, except for the time when my parents had a vacation. Maybe I was four years old then, maybe five, but I had a dream at night. I found myself in a terrible black forest, where all the trees are giant oaks, but withered. In my kindergarten shorts and a T-shirt, in which I went to sleep with others like me, the little one is walking through this forest on a moonlit night and I hear the trees begin to say to me: “You are ours! You are ours!”- and pull their dry branches towards me. I try to run away from them, feeling my complete helplessness, but suddenly thick roots have crawled out of the ground, blocking my path. Dry branches twisted like snakes, trying to wrap their throats or legs. I woke up in a cold sweat on my crib and looked in fear around the multi-berth bedroom where my bandmates slept. Then I could not sleep. Having matured and realizing who I am now and who I was before, I realized that oaks were in ancient Russia a deity and an object of worship of the pagans.

At about the same age, my parents took me on vacation to the Kakhovskoye reservoir. And from the Murmansk region, all trains went either through Leningrad, or through Moscow. Nothing has changed here and now, so many people leave money from these two capitals, lingering at the stations. And then we also visited the zoo. The only place where they could not let me down was a pond with crocodiles. It is now that children will just come off their boobs and already stick to the tablet screen, and there is any video or toys. In our childhood, the main informant was a book, of course a children's book with pictures. It was now distant 1964, and not all families knew about televisions then. And such, simply wild, number of films about nature did not exist. It may seem incredible to some, but in the sixth grade I had a book "In the footsteps of unseen animals"where there were stories about animals, about which it was just said that they could exist. What animals were mentioned in that book? Mountain gorilla, Central Asian leopard, Kazakh cheetah, Caucasian lizard up to half a meter long - very aggressive and most likely poisonous, zebra with the neck of a giraffe (okapi), African bear, etc. Most of all ridiculed mountain gorillas, whose biceps volume could reach 80 cm. But at the age of five, I could not bring myself to even approach the reservoir with crocodiles. Not because Thomas, the unbeliever, was eaten by crocodiles and left from him "his underpants and shirt lie on the sand, only Thomas is invisible anywhere." But because it was then something blasphemous in my mind (then I did not know such a word), that the crocodile was sitting in a reservoir surrounded by a grate. The cartoon about Cheburashka was filmed much later. Many years have passed since that timeand as an adult, the program "Film Travel Club" showed an African tribe that worshiped crocodiles, and their "friendship" with crocodiles reached the point that crocodiles took food from the hands of people. The African went up to the largest crocodile and put a chicken in its open mouth. And Senkevich showed a totem pole on the shore of the lake, which I recognized, and pronounced its name before it sounded from the screen. When a person became too weak for later life, he was taken to the shore of the lake, the crocodile, the largest in the lake, came out of the water, took the person and hid with him in the waters of the lake. At the same time, the natives said that the crocodile did it very carefully, without any sudden head movements. He simply carried the man away in front of his relatives. I remembered this place, its name and the name of the totem pole,it existed somewhere in the subcortex of the brain. It only needed a push to make it float out. Now I can't say in which city we rested on the Kakhovskoye reservoir, but I remember well a small sailing yacht on the beach, in which three women sat, and one of them was holding a baby. I considered the yacht more and the man who helped the women board the yacht. The man had a tattoo of an eagle all over his back. Less than an hour, black clouds fell out from behind private houses. A huge gust of wind and over the beach a strip of clothes and towels soared into the air, and so a colored wall flew to the opposite shore. Then it spread throughout the city that the yacht capsized and all three women drowned.but I remember well the little sailing yacht on the beach, in which three women sat, and in the arms of one of them a baby. I considered the yacht more and the man who helped the women board the yacht. The man had a tattoo of an eagle all over his back. Less than an hour, black clouds fell out from behind private houses. A huge gust of wind and over the beach a strip of clothes and towels soared into the air, and so a colored wall flew to the opposite shore. Then it spread throughout the city that the yacht capsized and all three women drowned.but I remember well the little sailing yacht on the beach, in which three women sat, and in the arms of one of them a baby. I considered the yacht more and the man who helped the women board the yacht. The man had a tattoo of an eagle all over his back. Less than an hour, black clouds fell out from behind private houses. A huge gust of wind and over the beach a strip of clothes and towels soared into the air, and so a colored wall flew to the opposite shore. Then it spread throughout the city that the yacht capsized and all three women drowned.how black clouds fell from behind private houses. A huge gust of wind and over the beach a strip of clothes and towels soared into the air, and so a colored wall flew to the opposite shore. Then it spread throughout the city that the yacht capsized and all three women drowned.how black clouds fell from behind private houses. A huge gust of wind and over the beach a strip of clothes and towels soared into the air, and so a colored wall flew to the opposite shore. Then it spread throughout the city that the yacht capsized and all three women drowned.

No one can say 100% where this knowledge comes from. For example, I wrote “under the cerebral cortex,” but the brain appears at conception. The puppies have not opened their eyes yet, but they wriggle their paws in their sleep, trying to bark. Well, here everything is clear, they perceived the world through the eyes of their mother. But there is another case when in the USA a foreign object was found in a child's body, which prevented him from living. They operated and pulled out … a lead bullet, and forensic examination determined the age of the bullet … it was during the civil war in the North American United States. How in the body of a child, at conception, a bullet from the Civil War was revived. The commission looked at the mother's X-rays and it turned out that there were no foreign objects in the mother's body before pregnancy. What a joke of nature? But here's another case, now from my life.

The history teacher begins to talk about the life of Dmitry Donskoy and comes to the story of how the Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich breaks the Tatar label from the Temnik Mamai, the Crimean Khan. And then I remember which boyars were sitting on the right side of the chamber, which boyars were sitting on the left. The throne is still empty - Demetrius could not appear in the wards if one of the boyars was late. Unlike the cinema screening, the Grand Duke could not enter before the Tatar ambassador, although he is the ambassador of Tsar Mamai, but his family was less noble than the genealogy of Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich. The ambassador must stand before the empty throne of the Grand Duke, but too long standing "slap in the face" to Tsar Mamai. On the left, behind the empty throne of the prince, behind the door I have six vigilantes, on the right there are six more. Likewise, in the chamber through which the khan's ambassador must pass,behind him are twelve guards. The ambassador is already well-known, he has been more than once, but he is not his brother. Although by that time and in the retinue of the Grand Duke of Moscow there were more than a dozen Tatars with a great pedigree, but who adopted Christianity and switched to the service of the Russian prince. They already had wives from Russian women, and their children spoke Russian. And suddenly, in the minds of Tsar Mamai, to give an assignment to the ambassador: to be killed himself, but to kill Prince Dimitri Ioannovich. But something went wrong: the ambassador, barely entering, demonstratively breaks the label for great rule. - "Oh, how early it is, we would have another year … how we would need this label, after the Battle of Pian." The ambassador did not even see the prince, turned around and left. They rushed to the prince, and he was already entering the ward and saw in front of the throne scraps of “a label for the great reign and broken wax seals. Dimitri thoughtfully sits on the throne and looks around the boyars.

- “What will the Duma Council say? The Khan does not give us rule over other Russian estates. So it can convey to someone else … And this is war."

I remember it and I burst out: - “It was not the same! Well, why break the label to Dmitry, because he gave full control over the whole of Russia, at Mamai's hand, having a huge Crimean Tatar army in support. " There was a dispute with the teacher, which she quickly stopped: - "There are other versions in history, but we have this textbook, and we will learn history from it."

It was then that I realized that I was right. From each fiefdom the Grand Duke had more than he paid to Tsar Mamai. I also read that much later than the invasion of Batu, the Tatars of the Golden Horde tried to conduct a census of the population of Rus in order to introduce a poll tax, which caused an uprising of the population of the Russian principalities. By that time, the Temnik Mamai against the Golden Horde with Prince Totankamish and other enemies needed allies more than the tribute collected. It took me many years to study the history of the Battle of Kulikovo, and I found in historical reference books almost all the boyars from the entourage of the Grand Duke, in order to understand which of the entourage I could not see, since I was not standing in front of the mirror. And everything converged on the Volyn prince Bobrok, who had lost his lands, and since then the ushkuinik, who went to Kazan on his boats, robbed the city markets. According to one version, it was his arrival at the Kazan wharf that saved young Dmitry, who took refuge from the khan's execution on a ushkuynik ship. Boborok, who came to the service of Dimitri Ioannovich, then a fifteen-year-old prince who entered the reign of Moscow. That's just, they write about him that he was a pagan, but with enormous psychic abilities. It was smerds from the surrounding lands who came to him to find out what would give them a big harvest in the fall, barley, oats or turnips. Sick children were brought to him to hold them in their arms for their complete recovery. Young Demetrius entrusted him with the creation of a new army, armed with the last most advanced European weapons of that time and the best armor. It was he who armed the army with crossbowmen, whose “bolts” could kill a horse from a distance of a mile. When the average archer could shoot 125-150 meters,good at 300 meters. Archaeologists are quick to distinguish the skeletons of such archers by spinal damage from the recoil of such powerful bows. The prince entrusted Bobrok with his sister as his wife and leadership of the Ambush Regiment at the Battle of Kulikovo. Therefore, he did not go down in history as a saint, and therefore his numerous exploits on the battlefields fell silent. But even his actions in the morning on the Kulikovo field, they say that the Grand Duke of Moscow and all Russia Dimitri Ioannovich Donskoy himself trusted the prophecy (or intuition). Even in "Zadonshchina" it is directly indicated that the moment of the start of the offensive to Dmitry Bobrok Volynsky was indicated from above with the help of the wind, which, at every rush of the ambush regiment's vigilantes to rush into battle to help their comrades, began to blow hard in the face of Dmitry Bobrok. And only the wind changed and blew in the form of a whirlwind in the backs of the "Ambush Regiment"Dmitry Bobrok (skillful) Mikhailovich Prince Volynsky gave the command to attack. And the dust raised by the wind hammered the eyes of the Tatars. Just the wrong place of the battle is indicated by historians. But I already wrote this in detail in VKontakte on my page. It always seemed to me that if I were a commander who went out against Mamai, I would never have chosen this place where there are monuments now. This is a losing place for the Russian army. Just imagine that Mamai is an experienced commander, acts contrary to his reason and experience, and attacks the left wing of the Russian army and thereby pushes the Russian army back to the tracts. But reason tells us that the area itself says: "We must attack the right flank of the Russians with the left wing of the Mamayev army, and push the Russians back to the steep banks of the Nepryadva and Don." Throw Russian troops into the waters of the Don. The study of ancient chronicles absolutely accurately points to a place slightly to the south, on the other bank of the Don River, opposite Zadonsk, then the name of the chronicle "Zadonshchina" can be explained. It is there that the ideal place for battle, where any action of the opponent can be calculated as a chess game. At this place, the settlement is now.

But that will be a different story for 2018. The year will be eventful: the study of the Buturlinskaya anomaly. (Butyrlyk or greaves = armor that protects the rider's leg. The Tatar word is "nanozhnik", the surname of the voivode, apparently of Tatar origin, who was given this settlement for military successes). Not many small settlements have a monument to the founder of the city, but Buturlino does. Then find an ancient church in Malaya Yakshenka, then Zadonshchina - this is in May. And as soon as the snow melts from the mountains of the Lopar tundra, explore the Elmorayok stream on Mount Karnasurta, where in 2016 Viktor Zakharenko and I found the wreckage of the city of Kassilia. Meet two expeditions and point them to the place of their study: the city that we named Cassilia and Aladdin's cave in the Elmorayok stream gorge, which looks more like the "Grand Canyon" on a smaller scale. Watch the film on my page in VKontakte "Elmorayok Stream".

In the interval between the third and fourth grade, I rested with my aunt Masha in the village of Bukhinino near the town of Krasavino in the Vologda region. Here is a combination: the city of Krasavino and the village of Bukhinino. Not to be confused with Bukhalovo - this is in another area. My friends from the village wanted to find the guys who herded the horse herd in pascotine. Poskotina (graze cattle) is a huge area, surrounded by a fence made of poles, where a collective farm herd was grazed. The pascotna included a forest, which is now to the left of the city hospital, which was built in the 80s, two small groves and also a forest below under the edge. Immediately behind Aunt Masha's garden, a huge descent began, where there were four descents at an angle of 500 and three level platforms, going along the entire slope, the width of which reached 5-6 meters. Now I understand that such a structure could be of artificial origin. Although the same slopes and platforms exist on the bend of the Desna River in Chernigov. There they even had to pull out a woman with a child on her neck, carried away from the platform to the depths by the current. The child's head was above the water, and the mother's head was under the water. I managed to approach the edge of the platform and first grab the palm of the woman with my right hand, helplessly catching air so that it would not be carried away by the current, then with my left hand grab the boy's shoulder and lifting it above the water, hand it to my mother's friend. The mother, raised above the water, was already belching with water, and when she came ashore collapsed on a towel. But there the slope, eroded by the Desna, was hundreds of times smaller than the eel. Previously, the Northern Dvina River (Dvina - Dviga - "movement to the north") flowed under the city itself, but centuries of existence led to the fact that the river waters washed away the opposite bank of the Northern Dvina,according to the rotation of the planet from West to East, the river washed away the opposite bank from Krasavino, carrying the soil to the north, and itself moved away from the city and the Dresvinsky Ugor (dresva = coarse sand, consisting of unrounded grains - gravel), on which the ancient city stood before the foundation of Krasavino … And so from left to right: the village of Bukhinino stood on the left wing of the ugr, in the center under the ugr the village of Podgornoye, and here on the first site there was a cow farm, but the next descent may surprise with its steepness, and on the right is Dresvinsky ugor, which is in Krasavino itself. And so from left to right: the village of Bukhinino stood on the left wing of the ugr, in the center under the ugr the village of Podgornoye, and here on the first site there was a cow farm, but the next descent may surprise with its steepness, and on the right is Dresvinsky ugor, which is in Krasavino itself. And so from left to right: the village of Bukhinino stood on the left wing of the ugr, in the center under the ugr the village of Podgornoye, and here on the first site there was a cow farm, but the next descent may surprise with its steepness, and on the right is Dresvinsky ugor, which is in Krasavino itself.

So, I repeat: we wanted to find a place where the older guys graze the herd. But how do you find it? Then I say: - "So what's so difficult", and depicted a neighing foal, only during the neighing one should think as if you were a foal that broke away from the herd and called: “I'm lost, I'm scared! Where are you?". And now several mares are responding to my call. Well, where the herd is, there are shepherds. We go to the place from where the mares responded, and towards us "Dad" (that's the name of the guy, if I'm not mistaken from the village of Korolevo, which is closer to the river). "Hello, have you seen the foal?" The guys say: "It was Pasha who was laughing to find you."

Dad to them: - "The foal was neighing here somewhere … haven't you seen it?" They barely explained that there was no foal, and I faked the neigh, to which the mares responded. He was interested in this, asks to show how I do it. I pictured. He tried to repeat, failed. And then he says: - "Can you talk with a horse?"

- "With what?"

- "With Don, can you?" - points to the gelding, who stood with his tail towards us and nibbled the grass. Unlike the mares, who were worried about my neighing, this was like a horseradish my neighing - one word castrated gelding. What does he care about other people's foals.

“Why don’t you talk to him?” - I always thought that everyone could do it.

I turn to Don and at first wondered how I could get him. "Why aren't you answering me?" I laughed. Don looked up from the grass and looked at me: - "It's you, who is afraid to approach us" "But they don’t harness me in a cart!" In short, he offended me, I answered him. Neighed and parted. The people around us carefully watched our perezhnye-conversation and how Don answers me. It took about twenty minutes for talking, and Dad decided to go for lunch to the village and to the store for wine. And he chose Don for this, but he does not go stubborn. Dad says to me: - "Break my shit." I tilted the willow branch and broke it off, peeled off the leaves. When I approached Bata, I felt an evil thought in Don and at the last moment moved to the right. And at the same moment Don's hind hoof flew past me. At the same time, Don showed nothing and did not warn about his intention. Usually the horses twitch their croup a little, as if they warn: "now, like a lady!", Before striking, but Don did not. This was my second lesson in dealing with horses. The first time I was alone and passed by the corral near the stables in Novoye Selo, where the horses were standing. I faked a neigh, decided to talk to the horses, and then the tallest of the whole herd, the black horse "Progress", which had incredibly long legs, enormous height and a beautiful black mane, responded. He went to the fence, and I moved towards him, reached out to stroke and barely had time to pull it back. Huge teeth flashed in inches from the hand. I felt threatened by this always peaceful horse. They now all looked at me as a threat that could tell more about them than they would have liked. This is why I tried to stay away from their teeth and hooves. As soon as I tried to mount a horse after that, it was followed by the willingness to grab me with his teeth. But after that, a year passed that I lived in Monchegorsk, studying at school. And now I again made a mistake, showed the horses that I can understand from thought.

Since then, I have not tried to communicate with the horses mentally: I approached, stroked, fed and walked away.

But now a week has passed, or a little more. We sit at the table at noon. I have a gap at the age of 6 with my brother, and he is the youngest of all the cousins. And then there was a knock on the door and the boys came in that were pasturing the herd.

- "Enjoy your meal. Aunt Masha, we have lost our horses!”- which means that the horses can go into rye or wheat and get burned to the point of“volvulus”. I already knew this from the local guys. Aunt Masha turns to me: "Come help the guys." In fact, it was not customary to leave the table until dinner was over. In a large family, if everyone is fed separately, a day is not enough. I got out of the table: they are older than me, and everyone is looking at me. It was only then that it began to dawn on me: they couldn't even do it all together. Uncle Savvaty's garden was bordered by a beast and I, climbing onto the horizontal poles from which the fence was made, looked back towards Krasavino - the forest on the right, mentally looked for something alive, then “searched” the grove right in front of the garden and turned to the forest under the edge … The easiest way was to point your finger down and say that the horses are below. But then they will say this about me in the store (where all the gossip is going to be) … I am depicting a lost foal again and the mares are responding. The guys were blown off the fence like a hurricane and rushed under the edge. But it seems from afar that now it is clear where to look, and when they go down, there is a willow wall waiting for them. I sat down on the rail and wait until they reach the forest. They ran and rushed about, now they have a problem in which side of the forest the horses are. I neighed like a foal again, and as soon as a few mares responded, the guys found the herd and began to drive him out to the field. "The Moor has done his job - the Moor can leave."and when they go down, a willow wall awaits them. I sat down on the rail and wait until they reach the forest. They ran and rushed about, now they have a problem in which side of the forest the horses are. I neighed like a foal again, and as soon as a few mares responded, the guys found the herd and began to drive him out to the field. "The Moor has done his job - the Moor can leave."and when they go down, a willow wall awaits them. I sat down on the rail and wait until they reach the forest. They ran and rushed about, now they have a problem in which side of the forest the horses are. I neighed like a foal again, and as soon as a few mares responded, the guys found the herd and began to drive him out to the field. "The Moor has done his job - the Moor can leave."

I return to the house, go around the table, and hear from Aunt Masha: - "Found horses?" - "Found, of course," - I answer and take the spoon in my hand.

But, in spite of our "cold war" with the herd, I remember many horses as a tourist attraction. The bear was a gelding who did not understand the word heaviness, although he did not at all resemble a heavy truck. There was a mare in the herd, you can't say anything else about her - a mare, but not a single long-legged handsome man could overtake her, and she never switched from a trot to a gallop. The pacers are trained for a very long time, and this one herself was amble.

It is with Bukhinino that I have another memory of the most terrible thunderstorm that I could ever see. And it happened in the same summer. I always fell asleep then, as the switch was flipped. And this switch worked until I got enough sleep. The exception is that nightmare in kindergarten. You could hold me upside down and beat my head on the floor. Only an extraordinary event could wake me up in the middle of the night. Here I feel through a dream that something extraordinary is happening: a terrible roar and a blinding light beating through the eyelids. I almost woke up when I felt that from the cot, on which I slept by the stove in the large room, I was being thrown up. Instinctively, I throw out my right hand and grab the edge of the cot. My fifth fulcrum lands on the floor, but my right hand saved my head from touching the floor by resting on the edge of the cot. I open my eyes and look around, not really waking up yet. The hut trembles shallowly, as in an earthquake, behind the windows the sound of a jet engine roaring at the afterburner and a blinding light from searchlights hits the windows. Sometimes, in the midst of this roar, there were especially loud sounds of thunder and the house then almost jumped up. Without waking up to the end, I received the answer that it was "Thunderstorm … strong," - I say, and climbing into the cot, I close myself from the blinding light with a blanket over my head. Even then, there was a law for me, if something happens that you cannot influence - go to sleep and everything will pass. I must say that I fell asleep best in a thunderstorm. But then I was the only one of the inhabitants of five villages who slept that night.outside the windows the sound of a jet engine roaring at the afterburner and blinding light from searchlights hits the windows. Sometimes, in the midst of this roar, there were especially loud sounds of thunder and the house then almost jumped up. Without waking up to the end, I received the answer that it was "Thunderstorm … strong," - I say, and climbing into the cot, I close myself from the blinding light with a blanket over my head. Even then, there was a law for me, if something happens that you cannot influence - go to sleep and everything will pass. I must say that I fell asleep best in a thunderstorm. But then I was the only one of the inhabitants of five villages who slept that night.outside the windows the sound of a jet engine roaring at the afterburner and blinding light from searchlights hits the windows. Sometimes, in the midst of this roar, there were especially loud sounds of thunder and the house then almost jumped up. Without waking up to the end, I received the answer that it was "Thunderstorm … strong," - I say, and climbing into the cot, I close myself from the blinding light with a blanket over my head. Even then, there was a law for me, if something happens that you cannot influence - go to sleep and everything will pass. I must say that I fell asleep best in a thunderstorm. But then I was the only one of the inhabitants of five villages who slept that night. I cover myself from the blinding light with a blanket over my head. Even then, there was a law for me, if something happens that you cannot influence - go to sleep and everything will pass. I must say that I fell asleep best in a thunderstorm. But then I was the only one of the inhabitants of five villages who slept that night. I cover myself from the blinding light with a blanket over my head. Even then, there was a law for me, if something happens that you cannot influence - go to sleep and everything will pass. I must say that I fell asleep best in a thunderstorm. But then I was the only one of the inhabitants of five villages who slept that night.

A little about prophecies.

I do not want to mislead you with my story, and first of all I warn you that these are my prophecies and my personal conclusions drawn from what happened. Well, I'll start with the first one that I remember. It was second grade. When I was in the first, we lived next to the 11th school in Monchegorsk, now the primary 4th, on Western Street. In December, apparently in a hurry to count until the end of the year, the builders rented out a new house at 64 Zhdanov, in which we got an apartment. From West Street we moved to a completely different end of the city. That year, from the square to the lake on the left side of the road, it was the only house, and in the forest that stretched to the bridge to the "Wastewater Treatment Plant" there was a forest where we used to go in the early years for berries and mushrooms. Now, already in the second grade at school 11, I went by bus, just as I returned. So I get on the busthe first LiAZ bus in the country - of a carriage type through the back door and some doubt comes to me. Thoughts rush about feverishly and try to understand what is happening. The door closes behind me, and I see in front of me a light gray cloak of some uncle … I say to myself: "Now he will go forward, and I will see something very important." The cloak moves and reveals to me a view of a woman sitting with her back to the traffic of the bus and on the woman's face I see a dark burgundy spot, similar to a palm mark, covering almost the entire left cheek. A split second before I saw her completely, I remembered what would happen. The sight of this woman finally convinced me: I saw this face in a dream. And there, in this vision, everything happened just like in life. I saw this vision in the kindergarten and remember that I was very surprised that from the school I was destined to go to, I was home,with a knapsack on my back, I return to the bus, sitting down at the bus stop - on the square "Five Corners". When I saw this dream, I was living on Zapadnaya Street, not far from the school for underdeveloped children, past which I went to the first grade. My older cousins and sisters studied at school 11, my older brother was already studying there, and I was also to study there. There were no bus routes between my house and school, and even now there is no route. When I woke up, I did not know when it happened, but I (in a dream) remembered what lessons I had that day and I knew at which stop I was getting on the bus. All this was more like a memory that suddenly woke up in me while sleeping in the kindergarten and I remembered what was going to happen almost in a year. Then the memory of what happened to me in the future very often woke up in me. Time passed, years flew byand I learned to recognize exactly which dreams I have about the future, which are ordinary. The memory of the future showed me color pictures with a huge amount of small details. They were not chaotic, did not jump from one to the other, as in an ordinary dream. And this has always been my memory of what happened to me in the future! Comparing what is happening to me and other people's prophecies, I became more and more convinced that our time is like a rotating plate near a radio, only on it the "beginning of beginnings" was from the center and moved to the edge. Someone took our life, and, like a needle of a pickup, put time on the "plate", and our life began, until the same Force raised the "pickup" … Who knew the plastics of gramophones and radio, knows that sometimes the pickup dust may become clogged and the sound quality decreases. Before use, it was recommended to wipe the plate from dust so that there was no misunderstanding. Sometimes the pickup would bounce on something and jump to another track, and we could hear a third or fourth instead of the second verse. But the pickup could only jump in its capture band. He could not jump to the opposite edge of the record, since the "handle" of the pickup did not reach the other edge. Let's imagine that one revolution of the track is equal to … a year, that is, one revolution of the planet around the "star called the Sun". Only the record is not quite the same as on the radio, because on it, on the inside and on the outside, the track length is the same, even if on one perpendicular pickup line there is the life time of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and the time of another great one,which will be born in the next century, when the Great October Revolution will be 200 years old. That is why any person, by chance, can meet the poet Pushkin on the streets of Leningrad, getting out of the carriage near his house. And only in some cases the "pickup" jumps forward onto a track that has yet to be experienced. Once in the future, a person realizes what is happening to him and, paradoxically, but he remembers from this place what happened to him a few hours before. A person has not gone through this life path, his "pickup" has jumped for a certain time, but in the future he remembers what happened in the past. And he remembers just like you, doing some kind of work, where you started it, but if you listened to or read a lecture about history, then your knowledge about the future would be much more complete, because we would have heard about something that hasn't happened yet. I hope no one will tell me that he personally always thinks about what happened in the country in the 80s or 90s.

Let's look at a few events that were predicted and took place, consider how they were predicted and presented to us from the Middle Ages, or closer time.

Nostradamus. "The yellow race will strike at the city of crystal and the city will cease to exist." The Prophet did not know about such materials as glass and concrete, and therefore New York for him is “a city of crystal”.

On September 11, I was watching TV when the news of the lime said, "In New York, a light single-engine plane crashed into a skyscraper." I started looking on other channels and on NTV found a live report from New York. And already in front of my eyes the second plane crashed into the second building of the Gemini. I will not describe the course of events, but I want to draw your attention to the fact that the first aircraft, which no one took off, was remembered as a "light single-engine aircraft", and there is a version that the first aircraft, like the one that crashed into the Pentagon, were winged rockets. If the impact on the first building, due to the huge amount of debris, can be interpreted in different ways, then in the photo with the Pentagon there are no details that exist in all photos of passenger aircraft crashes - these are aircraft chassis. To land an aircraft of this class, you need a landing strip with a meter layer of concrete. Such a blow is experienced by the landing gear of an aircraft at a speed of 300 km. There are also close-up photos of the second plane crashing into a skyscraper, where torpedo pendants are visible on the wings. So the passenger capacity of the second aircraft can also be questioned. At some point, New York was shown live, after the fall of the Twin Towers, from a helicopter. And then I remembered Nostradamus. You see, he did not see the city, the next day, when the dust settled, he did not know what would happen to the city in a month and what would soon be called into question that the "yellow race" struck a blow at the "city of crystal". So he saw one of the reports on TV, where the city, after the fall of the Gemini, was covered by a cloud of dust. And perhaps even heard the first cries that it was the Arabs who struck the city. We had an industrial practice in the 1442 motorcade in the village of Moncha, now it is the modern part of the city of Monchegorsk. Digress, some useful humor. One worker turns to me and gives me an empty bucket, says: - “Go to the minders, bring half a bucket of compression”. But we are already experienced in this sense, since this is already the second year of study. In my first practice at the "Monchegorsk Mechanical Plant" (MMZ), where the gear almost killed me (the story "The Gear"), the worker of our classmate Sanya Medvedsky sent an empty bucket to the crane operator for mineral oil: “Remember, you’ll bring something else: oil". Four seconds later, Medvetsky flies out of the locker, opening the locker door with his head, and an empty bucket catches up with him in flight. The crane operator looks out of her locker and shakes her fist at the men in response to their laughter. And I don't care … I take an empty bucket and go to the exit from the shop, the minders across the yard were working across the yard. Just before the gate I looked around and saw that the men were all turning away so as not to laugh, and I, taking advantage of this, imperceptibly put the bucket behind the canvas curtain. I, too, can neigh … I jump out of the shop gate and go around the corner, climb into a decommissioned and half-disassembled asshole bus "Ikarus". Soft seats instead of a bed, warm weather - what else does a vocational school trainee need in practice. At first I just wanted to hide from prying eyes, but did not notice how I dozed off. I woke up and returned to the workshop. The first I meet a master who has already started looking for me - where did the trainee go? "Where were you?"And I don't care … I take an empty bucket and go to the exit from the shop, the minders across the yard were working across the yard. Just before the gate I looked around and saw that the men were all turning away so as not to laugh, and I, taking advantage of this, imperceptibly put the bucket behind the canvas curtain. I, too, can neigh … I jump out of the shop gate and go around the corner, climb into a decommissioned and half-disassembled asshole bus "Ikarus". Soft seats instead of a bed, warm weather - what else does a vocational school trainee need in practice. At first I just wanted to hide from prying eyes, but did not notice how I dozed off. I woke up and returned to the workshop. The first I meet a master who has already started looking for me - where did the trainee go? "Where were you?"And I don't care … I take an empty bucket and go to the exit from the shop, the minders across the yard were working across the yard. Just before the gate I looked around and saw that the men were all turning away so as not to laugh, and I, taking advantage of this, imperceptibly put the bucket behind the canvas curtain. I, too, can neigh … I jump out of the shop gate and go around the corner, climb into the decommissioned and half-disassembled asshole bus Ikarus. Soft seats instead of a bed, warm weather - what else does a vocational school trainee need in practice. At first I just wanted to hide from prying eyes, but did not notice how I dozed off. I woke up and returned to the workshop. The first I meet a master who has already started looking for me - where did the trainee go? "Where were you?"that the men were all turning away so as not to laugh, and I, taking advantage of this, imperceptibly put the bucket behind the canvas curtain. I, too, can neigh … I jump out of the shop gate and go around the corner, climb into the decommissioned and half-disassembled asshole bus Ikarus. Soft seats instead of a bed, warm weather - what else does a vocational school trainee need in practice. At first I just wanted to hide from prying eyes, but did not notice how I dozed off. I woke up and returned to the workshop. The first I meet a master who has already started looking for me - where did the trainee go? "Where were you?"that the men were all turning away so as not to laugh, and I, taking advantage of this, imperceptibly put the bucket behind the canvas curtain. I, too, can neigh … I jump out of the shop gate and go around the corner, climb into the decommissioned and half-disassembled asshole bus Ikarus. Soft seats instead of a bed, warm weather - what else does a vocational school trainee need in practice. At first I just wanted to hide from prying eyes, but did not notice how I dozed off. I woke up and returned to the workshop. The first I meet a master who has already started looking for me - where did the trainee go? "Where were you?"warm weather - what else does a vocational school trainee need in practice? At first I just wanted to hide from prying eyes, but did not notice how I dozed off. I woke up and returned to the workshop. The first I meet a master who has already started looking for me - where did the trainee go? "Where were you?"warm weather - what else does a vocational school trainee need in practice? At first I just wanted to hide from prying eyes, but did not notice how I dozed off. I woke up and returned to the workshop. The first I meet a master who has already started looking for me - where did the trainee go? "Where were you?"

- “How where, I went to the minders for compression! The men sent me …"

- "Where's the compression?"

I move aside the tarpaulin curtain and take out an empty bucket: - "Here is a full poured!"

- "Assholes! - the foreman turns to the workers, - couldn't you say? I would not be looking! Remain to work without a trainee, he returns the compression to the minders"

My story is connected, just with this "Ikarus". We - trainees of vocational school №5 leave the buffet. We had a quick lunch, there is free time, and we climb onto the bus and on soft seats we begin to tell stories and anecdotes. And at some point I became wary, a familiar phrase flashed and I already knew what would follow. This was the first and only time when I remembered the future - the real now and I knew in advance what and who would say the next moment. Apparently I was looking so energetically from one to the other that Sanya Malinin turns to me and asks: “Why are you turning your head around?”. I answer: - “Now Troika (the guy had such a nickname) wants to talk about … (this and that), Medvetsky (I had to call them by their last name, since there were three Sashki, one of them was Medvedev, the other was Medvetsky) about this and that, and Venka (Benjamin) is waiting,to tell … I saw it all in a dream, only there you told it, and now - I got ahead of you."

It turns out that sometimes some change in the future is possible … ahead of the event, to amaze others with your abilities. But out of the huge number of visits to the future, this was the only case of such a tiny change in the future. It is usual when it illuminates you: - "So it was with me in a dream!" after this future has become vulgar (not a bad typo for the word "past"). The whole point is that as long as you remember what happened to you in the future, it doesn’t come, the time hasn’t come, but when in a month or two, a year or three, you forget and stop waiting, then it bang you !!! “So this is it, it has come! Come true! " Longest of all I waited, with horror, a dream, as I, together with others, ran late in the evening to the bomb shelter on the Leningradskaya embankment (then it was not yet so built up, but the bomb shelter existed, we unloaded potatoes there once,there was no room in the OPC warehouses). At the last moment, I am one of the last to run up to the gate and help women with children to enter the bomb shelter. Because of the children in their arms, they were the last to hold the doors, sometimes with a kick in the butt, helping those who crossed the threshold and stopped to take a break to get in, thereby creating a traffic jam. “These are people! I went in, and the grass won't grow!”- I think, giving acceleration with my boot to the fat man. And I help women with children pass. I look up at the dark sky and see something that looks like a falling meteorite, which flies to the water area of Lake Imandra, which is in front of me. There are already people in the distance, but we, standing at the door, understand that you cannot help them, and the gates of the bomb shelter cannot be left open - this is death to everyone who managed to enter. And we begin to close the thick heavy doors. At the last moment, I am one of the last to run up to the gate and help women with children to enter the bomb shelter. Because of the children in their arms, they were the last to hold the doors, sometimes with a kick in the butt, helping those who crossed the threshold and stopped to take a break to get in, thereby creating a traffic jam. “These are people! I went in, and the grass won't grow!”- I think, giving acceleration with my boot to the fat man. And I help women with children pass. I look up at the dark sky and see something that looks like a falling meteorite, which flies to the water area of Lake Imandra, which is in front of me. There are already people in the distance, but we, standing at the door, understand that you cannot help them, and the gates of the bomb shelter cannot be left open - this is death to everyone who managed to enter. And we begin to close the thick heavy doors. At the last moment, I am one of the last to run up to the gate and help women with children to enter the bomb shelter. Because of the children in their arms, they were the last to hold the doors, sometimes with a kick in the butt helping those who crossed the threshold and stopped to rest and thus created a traffic jam. “These are people! I went in, and the grass won't grow!”- I think, giving acceleration with my boot to the fat man. And I help women with children pass. I look up at the dark sky and see something that looks like a falling meteorite, which flies to the water area of Lake Imandra, which is in front of me. There are already people in the distance, but we, standing at the door, understand that you cannot help them, and the gates of the bomb shelter cannot be left open - this is death to everyone who managed to enter. And we begin to close the thick heavy doors.

The dream was so real that one could believe that this was our future. Many years passed, and I kept waiting … but the denouement comes unexpectedly: I had this dream again, word for word, minute by minute, and I thought the same thing as many years ago in a dream, and now I have the same dream again, which could shake no less than reality.

If we talk about dreams, then we can talk about another case, I don't even know if this happened to you … For a month and a half in a row in the evening I started dreaming of a series about the Great Patriotic War. It all began on June 22, a few hours before the start of the war, and then the bombing of the border outpost, when I came up with a guard after bypassing the Control and Trail Strip. A whole day of fighting passed and the order was received to withdraw. In a dream, I fell asleep at night from June 22 to 23 and I had a dream in my dream, and I re-experienced the sight of the bombing of the outpost, then some kind of delirium mixed with the view of my house in the village, somewhere in the suburbs and the woman I am in In a dream he perceived him as his mother. In a month and a half I walked from the border to my home in the Moscow region. And I have not missed anything that is "with me!" happened until December, when for the third time I left the encirclement near Vyazma to my friends. I watched peaceful films until 12 at night, then I read books not related to the war, pulled up to the point when my eyes stuck together, and it seemed my whole head was filled with peaceful books and films, but as soon as my eyelids closed I continued my "life" in 1941, from the very moment I woke up on the alarm. I didn’t want anything from this terrible life for 41 years, I had enough to eyebrows of death and blood in melee. In a dream, I fell from terrible weariness from the war and I dreamed what happened to me during the day. And again I beat with a bayonet, ate bread rusks soaked from the rain under the spruce, and that was all I could eat for the whole day, hiding from the Nazis through the forest with an MG-34, pulling a wire across the road at the height of a motorcyclist's throat.and it seemed my whole head was filled with peaceful books and films, but as soon as my eyelids closed, I continued my "life" in 1941, from the very moment I woke up on the alarm clock. I didn’t want anything from this terrible life for 41 years, I had enough to eyebrows of death and blood in melee. In a dream, I fell from terrible weariness from the war and I dreamed what happened to me during the day. And again I beat with a bayonet, ate bread rusks soaked from the rain under the spruce, and that was all I could eat for the whole day, hiding from the Nazis through the forest with an MG-34, pulling a wire across the road at the height of a motorcyclist's throat.and it seemed my whole head was filled with peaceful books and films, but as soon as my eyelids closed, I continued my "life" in 1941, from the very moment I woke up on the alarm clock. I didn’t want anything from this terrible life for 41 years, I had enough to eyebrows of death and blood in melee. In a dream, I fell from terrible weariness from the war and I dreamed what happened to me during the day. And again I beat with a bayonet, ate bread rusks soaked from the rain under the spruce, and that was all I could eat for the whole day, hiding from the Nazis through the forest with an MG-34, pulling a wire across the road at the height of a motorcyclist's throat. In a dream, I fell from terrible weariness from the war and I dreamed what happened to me during the day. And again I beat with a bayonet, ate bread rusks soaked from the rain under the spruce, and that was all I could eat for the whole day, hiding from the Nazis through the forest with an MG-34, pulling a wire across the road at the height of a motorcyclist's throat. In a dream, I fell from terrible weariness from the war and I dreamed what happened to me during the day. And again I beat with a bayonet, ate bread rusks soaked from the rain under the spruce, and that was all I could eat for the whole day, hiding from the Nazis through the forest with an MG-34, pulling a wire across the road at the height of a motorcyclist's throat.

At some point, I realized that I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown from what was happening to me at night, and I needed to put it all on paper. It turned out to be a salvation for my psyche. I don't know if there is such a method of psychotherapy, but it definitely saved me, because I started from the beginning and here I had to put my hand on paper a thought that was understandable and accessible to others. To do this, I had to remember all the grammar rules and textbooks of the Russian language appeared on my desk. I read memoirs about the war and compared them with my work, corrected something, praised something at my place, but all this painstaking work on describing the first day of the war took me several months. At first it was with numerous details, then something was thrown away and the text was shortened. The first version took five notebooks of 90 sheets, then it was reduced to one and a half notebooks. I never dreamed about the war anymore. But I wrote and wrote until I was 19. Then these notebooks were lost, but the mother remained with the printed version. I even bought an electric typewriter. How she amazed all the guests. Believe me, a typewriter cost as much as a motorcycle, it was much cooler than the "Lada" five. But I still don't understand what happened to me at that moment, whose life I lived for 6 weeks in a row. And then my name was Matvey Egorov or sergeant and I was from the Moscow region. My way of healing did not give me the opportunity to trace the life path in the war of Matthew Yegorov. But I would not have withstood another week of the "war". Of course, this dream does not fall under the "prophecy" type of the future. But if a dream would show me the life of a man in 1812 or the time of Dmitry Donskoy,then under what category does it fit? After all, the word "prophet" and "prophecy" have the exact meaning of "prophesy" or "tell", with different variations. The dream that shows me my future tells me what will happen to me someday … The dream that tells me about someone's life (maybe even my past) is also a story about the past in which we have already got confused, thanks to party scientists historians. Now I have already developed the habit, when I wake up, immediately start thinking about something else, just not to remember what I dreamed. What's the use of these dreams if you can't change anything.in which we are already confused, thanks to the party-scholarly historians. Now I have already developed the habit, when I wake up, immediately start thinking about something else, just not to remember what I dreamed. What's the use of these dreams if you can't change anything.in which we are already confused, thanks to the party-scholarly historians. Now I have already developed the habit, when I wake up, immediately start thinking about something else, just not to remember what I dreamed. What's the use of these dreams if you can't change anything.

Perhaps it is worth giving a story about how I was made a "prophet" on the Internet. While working on the "Revelations of the Biblical Texts", I received from Vesti a message about the tsunami in the Pacific Ocean, which hit the islands of the Partnership. I went online and on the Komsomolskaya Pravda page I read the question: "What are we going to revive from the tsunami in Kamchatka and the Far East?" And he wrote in cometaries that the tsunami originated in the Udintsev Fault near Antarctica, therefore, during its movement, the shock wave traveling along the ocean floor would be broken against the mountain ridges of the Pacific Ocean floor, stretching across the tsunami movement. If it reaches Kamchatka, then its height will be from 15 to 25 cm. "The most terrible tsunamis for Kamchatka can be born from earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean in northern Japan, not far from the Fukushima province."

About two years later, Fukushima shocked the world. It was then that I started to receive emails that surprised me then. I decided to follow one of them, sent from the girl's "Nick", where they asked me: "Why won't you see the Japs like that?" And I found an article on the electronic page of "Komsomolskaya Pravda", which, as an epigraph to the article about Fukushima, resulted in a quote from my comment. As you might guess, the direct speech I have highlighted in quotation marks is described in detail in "Revelations". It seems the most important thing I wrote about the prophecies. True, I did not touch the dreams that need to be solved according to the "Dream Interpretation" or "encrypted", in which my mother was strong. She has dreams to unravel, to throw out the cards, and I don't know of a single case that she was wrong. But I only memorized some of her lessons. Here I am the same student who "wanted to make a thunderstorm, but got a goat."And even more so now, I don't even want to touch the "Dream Interpretations" - it's not mine! Not mine!

Now I need to think about what to remember next in order to have a consistent story.

But the biggest changes in my life happened after Chernobyl. More precisely, my participation in the construction of a winter parking lot for cars, where an iron overpass for repairing trucks was installed on a piece of the track that used to go through the old single-track railway. And they took me out, as I was later told, from the territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. She stood 2 kilometers from the fourth block. I only worked for two months in a convoy and spent two months rubbing next to this overpass.

In the third year, I already realized that great changes had happened to me. It all started with headaches, then the immune system completely weakened. Never before have I been sick so often. Then the disease spread to the joints and muscles. Have you ever had a toothache? Now imagine that in each composition, in each muscle, you have your own aching tooth, which aches incessantly day and night. Rheumatism licks the joints and heart. Radiation gnaws at all your nerve endings minute by minute, day by day. You cannot fall asleep from this itching in your nerves, get enough sleep, rest. And this tiredness builds up in you day after day. Vodka in large quantities makes it possible to fall asleep, but you wake up with a wild headache, which adds to the general itching pain. Carrying heaviness is torture, since the joints cannot stand stretching, the muscles cannot withstand a small load. To bring ten kg of potatoes, you go to the store three times and bring three kg at a time, wrapping the handles of the bag with a tissue to increase the pressure area on the palm code. Doctors make a helpless gesture: "Devices for measuring the level of radiation (SIR) are only on the basis of nuclear submarines." But here I come across a brochure about diagnostics with the help of yoga. You relax with the help of auto-training and imagine a drop of clean water over your head. Smoothly, without splashing, drop the droplet onto the crown and enter it through the cranium inside. Now it should hit the first vertebra at the base of the skull and slowly roll down the entire spine to the tailbone. The spine is the pillar of health, from it all the nerve endings go from the tips of the little fingers on the feet and the little fingers on the hands. Carefully you begin to "lift" the drop up. The main thing here is not to spill anything. You bring it out through the crown and bring it to the third eye, which is just above the bridge of the nose. You carefully study the anatomy of your disease, when healthy parts of the body give off gold and silver, and sick ones - rusty or black. And now I see that the spine stands out almost black four vertebrae above the hip joint to the coccyx. The Human Anatomy Reference says that this region of the spinal cord is responsible for the production of blood.that this part of the spinal cord is responsible for the production of blood.that this part of the spinal cord is responsible for the production of blood.

And so comes the understanding of the source of the disease. And with this comes the assumption that, having managed to diagnose the disease, it is possible to treat the disease in the same way. But not a drop of water, which will pull the disease out of the body day after day, since the disease hit the body faster than the drop could pull it out together. It was possible to diagnose a drop, but it had to be treated differently … Now there is the Internet, and books on Qigong. And then I came across a thin brochure "Integrated Qigong Exercise". But by that time there was an incident at work. One of our workers flew south to attend her father-in-law's funeral. On the way back, I fell asleep and overslept the landing of the plane. What's the problem here? To make the plane lighter, part of the air is pumped out of the plane, up to an altitude of 4 km, where a person can do without an oxygen mask, it cannot be further reduced,as only individual people can breathe in such rarefied air without harming their health. In order to adapt during takeoff and landing, you need to swallow saliva. She slept and got a small decompression sickness (the smallest flames of carbon dioxide in the blood), which led to terrible headaches for two days. And on the morning of the third day, she let me know about it. For a long time I was going to try someone else's bioenergy in order to compare it with my sensations, my illness. For a long time I was going to try someone else's bioenergy in order to compare it with my sensations, my illness. For a long time I was going to try someone else's bioenergy in order to compare it with my sensations, my illness.

- "Let me fly your head" - I tell her. He put him on a chair and began, when he saw Juna making passes with his hands over his head. And now the feeling of coldness in some places of the head comes to the palms, tingling in some places. This was no longer a secret for me, because after several months of auto-training and yoga, theoretically I already knew how the energy channels pass, and it had nothing to do with the nervous system. Which disease is indicated by tingling in which finger and in which place of the finger I already knew theoretically. I already knew theoretically that my energy enters a person from the right hand, and through my left hand I “pump out” its energy - sick and so I receive information about a person's illness. It is as if a person's bioenergetics are purified, when the disease remains for me, and the purified one returns back to the person. It was only later, by experience, I realizedthat the energy of a person's biofield can convey all his secrets about a person. I want to tell those who do not know: if your little finger on your left hand goes numb, this is a signal that you are in for a heart attack. Very often, there is only one nurse in the entire hospital in the city who can give an injection into the pupil of the eye and another one who, in case of acute heart failure, when it comes to life or death, can inject into the capillary of the little finger of the left hand. Once, the French conducted an experiment: they put snails in banks in pairs and let them settle down with each other. For those who do not know, I’ll tell you that snails and slugs have no gender difference: there, whoever “wanted” to fertilize a partner first, is a male, although after five to seven minutes the roles may change. This is not a shameful homosexuality, but an attempt by nature to save slugs. I digress: then they settled the snails,one of the couple was taken by planes from Paris to New York, and when one of the couple was burned, in Paris the snail began to twitch and a burn appeared on its body. Each time I “pumped” my energy into a person and took information about the disease from him, I also “got sick” with his disease. And then, according to the sensations in my body, I chose the method of influencing the disease. And having found a cure, he passed the information back during the second session, although the distance between us no longer mattered. Most psychics make passes with their hands, for the patient, so that he sees that something is being done to him. The psychic himself can feel the exacerbation of the disease in a patient a hundred or more kilometers away. And even a person's emotions are no secret to him.then in Paris the snail began to twitch and a burn appeared on its body. Each time I “pumped” my energy into a person and took information about the disease from him, I also “got sick” with his disease. And then, according to the sensations in my body, I chose the method of influencing the disease. And having found a cure, he passed the information back during the second session, although the distance between us no longer mattered. Most psychics make passes with their hands, for the patient, so that he sees that something is being done to him. The psychic himself can feel the exacerbation of the disease in a patient a hundred or more kilometers away. And even a person's emotions are no secret to him.then in Paris the snail began to twitch and a burn appeared on its body. Each time I “pumped” my energy into a person and took information about the disease from him, I also “got sick” with his disease. And then, according to the sensations in my body, I chose the method of influencing the disease. And having found a cure, he passed the information back during the second session, although the distance between us no longer mattered. Most psychics make passes with their hands, for the patient, so that he sees that something is being done to him. The psychic himself can feel the exacerbation of the disease in a patient a hundred or more kilometers away. And even a person's emotions are not a secret for him. And having found a cure, he passed the information back during the second session, although the distance between us no longer mattered. Most psychics make passes with their hands, for the patient, so that he sees that something is being done to him. The psychic himself can feel the exacerbation of the disease in a patient a hundred or more kilometers away. And even a person's emotions are not a secret for him. And having found a cure, he passed the information back during the second session, although the distance between us no longer mattered. Most psychics make passes with their hands, for the patient, so that he sees that something is being done to him. The psychic himself can feel the exacerbation of the disease in a patient a hundred or more kilometers away. And even a person's emotions are not a secret for him.

She sits and says: - "Can you laugh?" And I'm sorry, maybe, someone else's laughter.

Two hours later we met by chance on the street and somehow she looked at me thoughtfully, but said nothing. Only the next morning she herself came running to me. “Pash, won't the pain come back? Can you hold another session ?!"

- “May your pain not return. But if you are afraid, then I don’t feel sorry for you, let's have another session”.

But it was a kind of bravado. When I came home after a session with her at work, I had the feeling that I had unloaded a wagon of potatoes alone. Heaviness in the whole body, hands shaking, dizzy. And then I remembered the brochure I bought recently "Gymnastics Qigong". I unroll the brochure and start reading. “Stand with your back against the wall and memorize the position of your spine against the wall. Move away from the wall, choose an empty spot so that nothing bothers you. Take a deep breath through your nose, and press the tip of your tongue against the tubercle of the palate between your central teeth. When you inhale, the energy "Chi" leaves the body, in a volume equal to the air that has entered the lungs, so that this does not happen, you close the energy by touching the tip of your tongue to the palate. Take five deep breaths in and out slowly. If in a relaxed state your arms hanging along your bodyraised a little, you are ready for the next step. If this did not work, continue to inhale and exhale, until raising your arms from the vertical."

I am not citing the brochure now, since it has long been lost or donated, I do not remember. Now I don't have to do all this step by step. Two or three seconds, several movements of the abdominal muscles, and I turn on to "work" with the patient.

Then I read and did it step by step. When I moved on to the second stage of gymnastics, I read and did everything from the first to the second. Then the third stage and again from the first step to the third. There were sixteen steps in the Qigong system in total. True, at some point I no longer returned to the first or third stage, but immediately started from the fifth or tenth. Sixteenth step: “You slowly distribute the accumulated energy through the movement of your palms throughout the body. You need to be especially careful so that there is no space left on the body that does not receive energy from your palms. It is also necessary to discharge the palms of charged hands to zero."

Well, everything seems to be. Recharged, cheered up. The fatigue vanished like a hand, the hands stopped shaking. Cheerfulness spread throughout the body. I decided to take a shower. But it was here that full proof awaited me that the palms were not only charged, but also recharged, and I had not discharged my palms to zero. I lather my head and rinse off the soap, and while my eyes are closed, everything was fine, but as soon as I rinse my eyelids and open my eyes, the world swam and turned over … I barely managed to get out of the bathroom. The first thing I do is start to remove the excess energy from the head and distribute it throughout the body. Over time, awareness of the perception of the world comes. The head stopped spinning. It was a lesson for the future: be careful when working with bioenergy.

This is how the first lesson of working with the patient passed. But here we must return to the source of her illness: droplets of carbon dioxide in the blood, created as a result of the landing of the plane. The drop from 4 thousand to 200 or three hundred above sea level did not pass without consequence. For the first time I was able to dissolve the droplets of carbon dioxide, not a disease. How I could do this for me is a mystery. The second session has already passed without complications, since several minutes were already enough for me to recover. Full recovery took place at home before bed. After that, the patients went one person a day. Not all patients could be cured in one session. Then many diseases were for me for the first time. Sometimes my internal process of dealing with someone else's illness took two or three days, after which a second session would already follow. The third existed to assert that the disease was gone. How to deal with your illnessthat was the number one question for me. It turns out that it is much more difficult to treat yourself than a hundred other people's diseases. And I kept looking for an opportunity to heal myself. Again and again I went through the chain of yoga, auto-training and Qigong.

And exactly at this time, when according to the Qigong system it is necessary to open up to receive energy, such things began to happen in the apartment that you cannot say in a fairy tale or believe in reality. For a modern person, brought up on thoughtless denial of everything that cannot be explained from a scientific point of view, it is especially difficult to realize that someone else's energy can exist next to you - thinking energy, communicating with you telepathically and capable of harming your health and psyche. On the one hand, the room was filled with all kinds of wickedness, but the presence of another force was felt - opposing it. Only for me personally it was no better because the feeling was tantamount to the presence of an infantryman in a trench at the Battle of Kursk. Steel fought on steel, and everything that did not reach fell on the infantryman's trench. Forces not driven that everyone is talking aboutthat this does not happen, they attack you and pull you over to their side. Immediately I recalled what happened to me on the second anniversary of the death of Vladimir Vysotsky, when I encountered the devil himself. (Read "Icons of My Life"). What seemed like a terrible dream, because of the past tense, returned again to my life.

Icons of my life.

Now it has become fashionable to write about extraterrestrial contacts and evil spirits. I want to tell you about what happened to me personally, in my youth. This article was one of the first published by another on the Internet. But finding her is not so easy, and there are certain reasons for this.

First of all, I would like to note that most of the works related to the "Unknown" sin with one feature: confusion of facts.

UFO phenomena are referred to as ghosts, ghosts (our terrestrial phenomena!) Are referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects.

As I said in my narrative, "The Corner of My Memory," a UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object or an "Unidentifiable Object" and not the "Flying Saucer" or "Cigar-shaped Objects" that prevented the launch of American missiles to strike Vietnam in 68 AD.

In one article "Does the brownie read minds?" described the inner ability of a person - extrasensory perception (special sensitivity) in the search for jewelry, as help from a brownie. Brownie doesn't read minds! He communicates with the help of his thoughts, since he does not have a vocal apparatus capable of setting air in motion, creating a sound effect. There are only exceptional cases of manifestation of … how can I put it? … "speech communication". Since the voice sounds inside one person, like the direct sound of a voice, but completely not perceived by others.

Saying that a brownie reads thoughts is like saying: a person reads the interlocutor's oral speech.

And now about the essence of what happened to me.

On the first anniversary of the death of Vladimir Vysotsky, quite by accident I got to a session of "fortune telling on a saucer." Being a pure materialist, he was skeptical about this and decided to debunk the trick on the part of the participants in some way. But to debunk something, you have to participate … So I joined in with participation, that is, put my fingers on the saucer. If you move the inverted saucer with your fingers on the back of the oilcloth, you can feel the friction of the saucer on the oilcloth, the sound of friction, and feel this friction with your fingertips like a small vibration. I am writing in such detail because I myself checked how the fingers perceive the friction of the saucer on oilcloth, with the same saucer on the same oilcloth.

And then none of the above happened! There was an impression that the saucer was hovering over the oilcloth, maybe at a distance of several fractions of a millimeter or micron, but it was clearly understood that the saucer did not touch the oilcloth. And although I was not a weak person (I worked as a fitter for the repair of refrigeration equipment on the basis of the "Organization of Workers Supply"), and when you twist the nuts with your fingers, then the training for the fingers is still the same. But here I am trying to press the saucer against the oilcloth and slow down the movement of the saucer, and I can’t help it, the thin fingers of my two relatives could not touch the saucer, which I pressed against the oilcloth, as if they did not notice anything. And I begin to understand that besides the three of us participating in the seance, there is a fourth force, the same with which I encountered a little earlier.

I think it will be interesting for you to read about this case too …

Somehow there was a storm over the Kola Peninsula, and such that the wind put down, bending at the base of the three power transmission towers along which electricity came to the city, and our city of Monchegorsk was left without electricity for three days. The light was given to the city at 22:00 on December 31, I don't remember exactly the year.

My former classmate Vladimir Semyonov (real surname and first name) came to visit me and the glow of the candles ("Polar night" after all, when morning is at 11:30, and twilight is at 14:30.) Sent our train of thought to an experiment: tell fortunes on the book. And this is done like this: we take a book, insert scissors into it and tie them with a ribbon so that the bow is on the bottom side, under the heads of the scissors two people substitute their fingertips, on which they lift the book and the session begins. But here we need to ask questions so that the answer is “Yes” or “No”, and before the session, we decide out loud: where which corner of the book should move when answering “Yes” and “No”.

We ask questions, and the book begins to move, answering our questions.

Our daring minds are trying to understand what is happening at the moment and right there we put forward different versions: hand vibration - and we create an emphasis under our arms from the backs of chairs, but the book continues to answer our questions, and we agreed in advance “Do not correct fingers, if the book can fall and not "let go" of the spirit, and let the book fall. We decide not to play along with the "book" in anything. " Version two: a draft, the solution is simple - we go to the bathroom, plug the gap under the door, glue the ventilation grill and even plug the drain holes in the bathroom and sink. The candle burned in a column and no deviations, which indicated the complete isolation of the bathroom: no draft. The book answers our questions. Second solution: check how long we can hold the book if we don't ask questions. It turns outthis can be done infinitely … The book moves only after asking the spirit with a question. We even controlled each other exactly what movement the book made and how much it moved. What if we each have our own personal hallucination ?!

The next version: pulsation of the capillaries in the fingertips. Here, too, the question is solved simply: I cut off a piece of clothesline over my head with scissors, thread the rope through the heads of the scissors and hang the book on another clothesline, while the upper parts of the rope are spread wider than the heads of the scissors, twenty degrees from the vertical. The book hangs in the air, there is no draft, the candle is set at the maximum distance from the book (as far as the dimensions of the bathroom allowed), we breathe to the side and even cover our mouth with our hand when we ask questions. Now, she shouldn't move any more! And the "insidious" question for the spirit comes to my mind: "Do spirits exist?"

And… if, earlier, when it was lying on the fingers, the book moved by three to four millimeters, then we saw how the book turned slowly and without any swinging… by NINE DEGREES! and just as slowly, without any unnecessary movement and deviation further than 90 degrees, returned to its previous position.

It turned not 80 or 100 degrees, but 90 degrees 00 minutes! It was a perfectly conscious movement of an inanimate object.

I was standing closer to the book and when I rushed … I just rushed, because I still had time to think that now I would smear Vovka on the door if he did not open the latch at the door. I was dreaming … when I, lying on the floor of the corridor, slammed the bathroom door with my foot, Vovka was no longer in the corridor.

I get up and start thinking: maybe I shut Volodka in the bathroom? Well, a person cannot have time to open the latch and disappear into the complete darkness of someone else's room, having overcome the corridor in such a short time, when I fell out of the bathroom, because I did not run, I jumped out of the bath, which is why I fell to the floor.

- "Vovka, where are you?" I asked the darkness. And from somewhere in the small room I heard "I am here."

It was he who managed in pitch darkness (the candle remained in the bathroom) to slip through the corridor, a large room (though not through, but along the edge) and hid in a small room.

Such an effect on us, this experiment with the book produced.

Gathering courage, with the help of a spare candle, they opened the door to the bathroom and uttered the coveted phrase "Spirit, we are letting you go", put their hand with scissors in the door, being afraid to cross the bathroom threshold and with the second scissors, cut the rope on which the book hung. They closed the door to the bathroom and sat silently on the sofa for a long time. Later they exchanged their conjectures about what this could mean. This was my first experience in spiritualism.

My second contact with seances happened through a saucer, and with this I began the story, already as a consequence of our second seance on a saucer before the second anniversary of the death of Vladimir Vysotsky.

From the first session we have adopted one rule: even if you think that the spirit has not come, always say the phrase: "We release you from the spirit." Otherwise, big troubles can happen at night, then the girls got off only with the sounds of footsteps at night, as if they were barefoot on the linoleum, and realizing what was happening, they said already at midnight from under the blanket: - "We release you spirit."

During the second session, Volodya Vysotsky went to the police department: he began to ask for a drink, and explained that they do not drink "spirits", but breathe in vapors of alcohol (Volodya's addiction, I did not know then). Yes, and with my curiosity, I asked questions from the "Unknown" area (forbidden during the session of spiritualism) and the session, at some moment, was interrupted at some moment, but Volodya still managed to write that “they were taking me away”. But the saucer did not come out of the circle, which means the session was not interrupted, and we continued to wait thirty seconds for the continuation … and then the saucer wrote, slowly and clearly. "You want to know too much and for this you will all be punished in turn, and then there will be a general warning about what power we have." (Note: plural)

“What kind of… are you?” I asked (I try to be as close as possible to the reality of what happened here) and received an answer, the saucer wrote: “DEVIL”, and the saucer went out of the circle.

To be honest: here we have not experienced anything, except for the delight “Well, I must have come myself!”.

We could not even imagine what the consequences would be … and especially for me.

We wondered on Friday evening, the next day - on the weekend and we sat for tea right up to 3 am (polar day), the weather was cloudless, the sun was shining, which, having already taken off the horizon, rising up the sky. I came home and went to bed, but as if someone pushed me in the side, exactly at six in the morning, not at 6:01 or 5:59, I wake up. At that time I had a watch that was running like a Swiss watch, it went four months less than a minute ahead (this is relative to accuracy).

And I remember the warning. I don’t know why I was suddenly alarmed, yesterday already - half an hour after what happened, we didn’t even remember this “devil”, but here I was almost running.

I have never seen a person “live” - a “complete idiot”, that was the impression when I looked at Rita, it was a state of idiocy from birth, a complete absence of any thought in my eyes. I will not describe how the person sat motionless from six in the morning until 22:00. I've never seen anything like this in my life. What yogi can do that ?! 16 hours of complete immobility! Only at eleven o'clock did she come to her senses and it happened somehow strange: a person suddenly shakes his head, makes a movement similar to a Muslim movement of his palms across his face, shakes himself and say: “Everything is over, everything is fine with me”.

What is this? A person who does not react to movement next to him, who is in a cataleptic state for 16 hours, just sitting, suddenly says that all this time he understood what was happening to him !!! You know, not even hypnosis, but something else. A person after hypnosis does not remember anything, or vice versa, he can remember what was blocked in his head.

On the second day I was sitting with the youngest. All one to one with yesterday, only from 6:00 to 17:00.

Yes Yes! everything happened minute by minute with German pedantry. Not once in ten or thirty minutes of something there. What clock worked there - on the other side of reality, I do not know. But 6:00! So at 6:00 am German punctuality.

But then it was my turn, and ahead was Monday. The girls invited me to write an application for a day off and sit out in their house. And their caution had reason, if one of them caught the eye of a stranger at that moment … the result is one - a psychiatric hospital.

And not a single one said a word about what happened to them on Saturday and Sunday. At least torture like a partisan.

But I went to work, and the day went by as usual. Except for the fact that I watched the eyes of my conversation partners all day. I understood that if I became an "idiot", the eyes of my interlocutors would become like a royal silver ruble. This is when the eyes are larger than the sockets. But nothing happened during the working day. Immediately after work I went to the girls and reassured them that "I'm all right."

On that day, the film "The Sixth" was to be shown for the second time. A Soviet-style "fighter" about the civil war, which was a rarity in Soviet times. Few of the films could compare with him. Here I was waiting, lying on the couch, and on TV, there was some kind of communist plenum, and it looked like the film would be postponed. And it started to make me very angry.

And suddenly a complete silence fell over me. I see the guy on the podium on the screen, opening his mouth, but I don't hear anything. Since I was determined that maybe the film would still be shown, the first thought was: "Now the TV is already broken." Such a feature was in the old Soviet tube TVs, that sometimes, if something happened to them, then it had to be hit from the side or from above, then some lamp was shaken and restored contact and the TV continued to work. So I got up from the sofa … and realized that something was wrong here … I saw a car moving along the road through the window and … I did not hear the sound of the engine, and I realized that there was some kind of complete silence. I clapped my hands in front of my face and heard nothing.

- "It has begun, - I thought, - we must run to Rita." And suddenly I heard a sound. It was like … the grumbling of an old man muttering something under his breath and at the same time the sound of a heavy freight train walking in the distance, and it became a warning to me: if my parents come and see me in this state, a psychiatric hospital is provided for me.

I want to get dressed and run to the "shelter", but the voice is ahead of me: - "Sit."

- "Fuck you!", - mentally I scream back and u-s-t-r-e --- m ---- l --- i ---- yu ---- s --- b

I only wanted to "strive", but I felt with all my gut how time was slowing down.

It is very difficult to describe how your hand, starting to move at normal speed, suddenly slows down and, already halfway through the movement, begins to move at a speed of one centimeter per second, and you cannot do anything, and you only understand how slowly you can move … And this sound of a heavy train suddenly hits you, and you get the feeling that you are between two freight trains rushing at full speed. Not only the roar of trains falls on you, but you also get a blow with air (but you understand that you are in a room where there can be no storm, since the sun is shining outside the window), but next to you there is a roar and a huge wind hitting in your face … And yet, flashes of light, as if the Sun is breaking through to you through the gaps between the cars.

And wild, wild pain. Pain in the whole body, as if nerves were being twitched throughout your body. Have you had a nerve removed from a tooth without freezing? Now extend this to the whole body, and you will get a sensation close to what I felt. In every muscle you want to move.

In the eyes, suddenly stood up, three front doors. And the question arose: what is the real one? I went ahead, trying to get into the central one and pushed into the end of the open door. I saw a doorway in front of me, and with my hands I felt the end of the open door. Around the roar of movement, flashes of light, noise and the feeling of the wind, and you see the opening of the door, but you feel that you are bumping your forehead into the end of the door. You hold on to the door and do not see it in your hands, and you begin to move towards the exit by touch, with only one thought: I have to get to Rita's apartment. I was afraid of going to a psychiatric hospital because of this devil. And it was stronger than any pain. Wild pain!

I don't know how long I walked to the door, but when I got there, I saw another problem: the keyhole for the key was in the upper right corner of the door, not far from the upper door hinge. I reach out and touch the place where the well should be and feel a smooth surface. If I saw the doorway in place of the end of the door, which I felt with my hands, then here I saw the keyhole in the right corner of the door, and in its "rightful" place there was the metal door handles.

I have no time for riddles. I have to get out! And I start to catch the keyhole with the key, and it starts MOVING ALL THE DOOR, running away from my hand. But then, at some point, the key entered the hole, only it happened on the other side of the door from the handle, and I start to drag the hole into its place with the key, or otherwise I will not open the lock, which continued to remain in the same old place, and did not let open the door. I realized all the wildness of the situation !!! the key is stuck in the door 40 centimeters from the place where the doorknob is, and I'm pulling the keyhole !!! to its "rightful" place. But all this is through the noise, wind and wild pain!

“Well,” the voice said to me, “come out. (I was aware of this as a voice, not a sound in my head.) At the second entrance there is a police UAZ, and at the fourth there is an ambulance. Who do you think will pick you up first?"

- "Want to see"

- "No problem. Go and look". Have you noticed the turns of speech? "No problem!"

And then everything stopped. No noise, no pain, and no hallucinations. I quickly open the door and breathe more freely, now there will be no need to catch the keyhole and drag it along the surface of the door. Some wildness: to drag the keyhole with the key on the door! Tell who will not be believed. I especially didn't want to tell the doctors about it. At that moment, I didn't want to tell anyone about it at all! I go to the balcony and look down, but everything is for sure: at the second entrance there is a police UAZ, and at the fourth “Rafik” ambulance, and my entrance is the third in the middle. A policeman lived in the second entrance - the guy only came from the army. But this bastard is right, trying to hide from people, I will jump out exactly at one or the other.

- "Sit down and listen!" - sounded in my head.

- “And hu-hu not ho-ho !!! It! does not give you anything!"

And again there is pain, and a roar, I want to scream and I cannot, all the muscles of my face are bound by incredible pain, as in the whole body, but if the muscles of my legs can still be made to move, then there is not enough strength or will to scream. But I don’t even know where I should go now and go to the kitchen. And suddenly everything disappears. No pain, no noise, no hallucinations, and I hear everything. Nervously, I take out my cigarettes and light it, standing by the window. I passed the kitchen door several times, rushing around the room …

I mentally shake the situation. Trying to understand why he drove me here, or why let me go here? How does a kitchen differ from rooms? Open window? In the small room where it all began, the window is also open. Looking for a clue to the questions: why? and why?

I couldn’t find an answer and understood that if I didn’t figure it out, it would remain in me for the rest of my life. I had to solve this question and get an answer, otherwise this devil will terrorize me for the rest of the days of my life, and I will not know the authorities on him. I smoke a cigarette to the filter, extinguish it and go to a small room, and lie down on the sofa and watch TV. I’m waiting and don’t even want to understand what is being shown, I am as an athlete before the start, because I already know where I need to get. I understand what awaits me until I get to the kitchen, but I must understand what and why, this is happening. So … all the sounds are gone, and this sound of a heavy composition appears, I jump off the couch and rush closer to the kitchen, while I am not going to hide in it yet, but I want to be as close to it as possible.

But I didn't even run four steps when it all fell on me again. But I "crawled" to the kitchen and freedom again. When I was already on the threshold of the kitchen, my eyes fell on the curtain in the left corner under the ceiling.

Icons … there were two icons behind the curtain. So-so icons, on cardboard, cheap, I brought one of them to my mother myself from vacation, but I bought it in a working church. Somehow it was not mentioned that the mother was a true believer … she prayed that, most often she got drunk. How many times have I told her that you can't pray while drinking. Icons! I had no other explanation. I didn't know how to pray, but no one bothers me to light a candle, now I knew who was protecting me, and calmly moved into a small room, and there was not even a thought to “hide” somewhere. Of course it was a test - a control shot in the head of the devil. If nothing happens, then I know the control of this monster. Although … why did I get into this "excrement", as the adjutant of Father Angel said in "The Adjutant of His Excellency."

But nothing else happened. After waiting for some time, I went to Rita and told everything.

So she immediately began to remember "Our Father" and on the third attempt she succeeded. Then she

I approached the icons, it was like "in those days", to keep icons instead of an art gallery. (And let no one tell me that they were persecuted for this …)

And I brought her two candles from home, bought in due time in the south together with an icon - "in reserve", and they needed it when you don't know.

But the third warning was the snowfall in the month of June … It was a "parade" display of what power they wield. As he promised, he did so. For some it was snowfall in June, but for us it was a warning.

I must also say: this was not my last encounter with the devil. Time passed and the further what happened remained, the more ghostly it seemed. The impression was already created that all this "it was long ago and not true." But there was Chernobyl. And the next year I got involved in the construction of the city of Slavutich. Then radiation sickness, which is close in its sensations to blood cancer and the feeling of extreme old age and weakness. But there was also a cure for radiation through prayer. Seraphim of Sarov came to me and pointed out what I should do now. There was also my first experience in treating a girl with leukemia - blood cancer. It was then that I saw the devil … Yes, yes, now I not only heard him, but also saw him. It was a reminder that everything that happened was not the delirium of a sick mind, but the reality of this world. A reminder that the devil, although not visible, for most people living in this world,but invisibly present in our life. I will not describe what he looks like, since I do not want anyone to draw icons for themselves with the appearance of the devil. But this sight is still something … But by that time I was no longer a young boy, and when he rose above my body like a skyscraper, I mentally rose above him, as above a gopher ready to dive into its burrow. The power is not mine now, but the Divine was with me. "My God is with me, my protection and strength!"My God is with me, my protection and strength!"My God is with me, my protection and strength!"

I would like to tell you about another case.

When I began to treat people and not only from radiation, one elderly woman came to me. Suddenly she felt the urge to throw herself out the window from the fourth floor.

While examining her room, I found some kind of "black spot" on the wall, "black" not in color, but by sensations, and in the center of this spot was the icon of the "Mother of God".

“She doesn't belong here,” I said and took off the icon, “hang it in the kitchen.” At that moment, I did not even think about the unnatural confrontation when the icon was surrounded by blackness.

The next day, I came to her room again and first of all went to that wall. The wall was clean. A guess dawned on me - I rush into the kitchen and “feel” the wall next to the icon, the whole wall is “black”.

She, as I found out from the hostess, bought the icon from her hands - at the church, also on vacation, and brought it to the north, hung it on the wall. I bought it on the street - they sold it cheaper there than in the church. This was the first and last time I had to destroy an icon. After all, greed leads to what, to be near the church, and to buy an icon on the street, because it is cheaper there. Are you people with a head, at least sometimes, are you friends, or have ants been living there since 10 years ?! Apparently until old age.

I have a neutral attitude towards icons, since I don't need them for prayer, but remembering that incident, I never speak out against them. Yes, and my apartment, thanks to my wife, in the number of icons can compete with some small church in a village or village.

From the "Black Invisibility", this icon is the same (I took it for myself after my mother's death)


But here, again, there is a different story and a different hypostasis, because he, the "Black Invisible", is not of terrestrial origin, but rather a "space alien". Terrible, a murderer, though "invisible", but the essence of the cosmic order, not earthly evil. Although one can assume some other reason for the non-intervention of Divine power against the "black invisibility" - "space pirate" - "space killer": to use me as a "lightning rod". Maybe for this reason God awarded me the ability, even through the TV, to adopt the abilities and powers of other psychics, so that he could perceive the power of the “black invisibility” and thus defeat him and teach “others” - these are those from space, to defend and conquer all this evil spirits. But this is another story of mine from the site "UFO Photos and Facts".

Let me put forward a theory: it is not the objects of religious worship that help people, but God, through the objects of worship, helps people so that they are not mistaken about who from Whom help comes.

Here it is necessary to study the Old Testament, and then an amazing thing will be learned: the people of King Amalek prayed to the God of Abraham, but through fortune-telling and prayers at the "heights" to the new Bozes (deified people), was destroyed by the will of God, when Amalek opposed Joshua and the Israelites from the captivity of Egypt.

Maybe someone will find my story too smooth for recollection, but I want to explain that the first time I wanted to write it more than thirty years ago, when I was working on a book that never got into print. But the article itself on THIS topic was not completed by me, under very inexplicable circumstances … the story was almost ready when I ran out of cigarettes. I finished the thought on paper, left the apartment … the store was across the street, and it took no more than 7-10 minutes when I opened the door to the apartment, it was in smoke. I rushed into a small room where smoke was coming out and saw sheets of paper with my story, in the form of cold ash, lying in sheets in the place where I folded them, after removing the typewriter from the carriage. I ventilated the apartment and sat down at the table. The ashtray stood at the opposite end of the table,and cigarette tobacco could not get on the sheets, I sat and thought, and could not understand the reason for the transformation of the sheets to ash. When I gently swept the ash off the desk, I saw a completely intact lacquer surface of the desk. And then I took it and poked my cigarette on the countertop. The varnish turned white instantly …

How could the sheets of paper turn into ash without damaging the table varnish, which even cigarettes could not stand?

So I gave up then this thought: to tell about how "How the devil beat me."

And one more thing: do not get extreme from spiritualism, all this is interesting to read, but even decades later, my partners never told me what the “devil” told them. Looks like they were not sweet. Yes, I almost forgot … then it seemed to me that everything happened in twenty minutes, but in fact in three hours. These are the pies with spiritualism.

One early morning, I lie in the auto-training (cross) position on the carpet and tell myself that the tips of my toes get cold, then my feet and reach the knee … At some point, I say to myself: “What nonsense all this! So I won't heal myself! Lord! Heal me from this disease, I'm not asking for myself, I'm not afraid of death, just a little more and I'll break loose, I'll lay hands on myself! Needed for the wife and daughter! Heal me and I will serve You until the end of my life!"

And the next moment, it seemed to me, I felt that my back was not touching the carpet with my back, and my hands went behind my back. Only the very tips of the fingers barely touched the pile of the carpet. "Now how will I fall …" - I thought, and as usual in such cases, fell on the palace. Two weeks passed after that and the vicissitudes of this life, sent me from the north to the Vologda region, where my older brother Vladimir bought a house. On the third day, as we arrived there in the Moskvich 412, I noticed that while working in the garden, I forgot to put on my hat. Thirty or thirty-five minutes I was in the sun and no consequences … Now I have already stripped to the waist and worked another twenty minutes before getting dressed. And no weakness, no dizziness or fatigue in the body. But always, almost from the age of 9, after my first experience at the Kakhovskoye reservoir,when we burned out on the first day, I never tan on the first day for more than 15 minutes. It is thanks to my intransigence in this matter that my family has never, and no one burned in the sun, but always came from a brown vacation. And now, within five days, I added the same amount as in the previous one, plus half. That is, on the second day: 35-40 minutes, but this time also includes being in the water. They get angry at me sometimes, but no one ever climbs. I had not sunbathed for four years and therefore was much more careful, especially since overexposure threatened not only with a sunburn, but also with a huge headache and pain in the joints. But there was nothing. And later, when I was treating people for radiation, it was their tan after vacation that served as proof to me that a person was completely freed from radiation exposure. Any contact with the opinion of doctors led to the idea from science that a person is able to adapt to radiation. Here I agree, in the sense that the "children of Chernobyl" who visited France under the aid program were examined and the number of "rem" was determined for each, the children who came to France for the second time proved that the number of "rem" they did not increase, although they continued to live in the infected area. But here there is one big "BUT", working in close collaboration with the "Society of Chernobyl Disabled People" in Chernigov, I first asked the patient how many "ber" he had recorded, but after a while, at the first visit, I only use my hands to determine with an accuracy of a tenth, the number of "ber" in the patient. So, "I'll tell you one thought, but don't be offended," as it was said in the movie, in time already,the second session, I did not feel the radiation in the patient, and from that moment on I was already treating the effects of radiation in humans, not radiation. Many times and many years I have spent trying to prove to medicine that I can affect radiation. Somewhere I still have a letter from the administration of the Murmansk region, where they told me that any work with radioactive waste can be carried out with the permission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, when I suggested that they disinfect the compartments of nuclear submarines where nuclear reactors served. But I didn’t manage to get to the RAS, and the regional administration didn’t even try to contact the management of the submarine compartment storage site. Well, I understand how much money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money. I did not feel the radiation in the patient, and from that moment on I was already treating the effects of radiation in humans, not radiation. Many times and many years I have spent trying to prove to medicine that I can affect radiation. Somewhere I still have a letter from the administration of the Murmansk region, where they told me that any work with radioactive waste can be carried out with the permission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, when I suggested that they disinfect the compartments of nuclear submarines where nuclear reactors served. But I didn’t manage to get to the RAS, and the regional administration didn’t even try to contact the management of the submarine compartment storage site. Well, I understand how much money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money. I did not feel the radiation in the patient, and from that moment on I was already treating the effects of radiation in humans, not radiation. Many times and many years I have spent trying to prove to medicine that I can affect radiation. Somewhere I still have a letter from the administration of the Murmansk region, where they told me that any work with radioactive waste can be carried out with the permission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, when I suggested that they disinfect the compartments of nuclear submarines where nuclear reactors served. But I didn’t manage to get to the RAS, and the regional administration didn’t even try to contact the management of the submarine compartment storage site. Well, I understand how much money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money.and from that moment on, I was already treating the effects of radiation in humans, not radiation. Many times and many years I have spent trying to prove to medicine that I can affect radiation. Somewhere I still have a letter from the administration of the Murmansk region, where they told me that any work with radioactive waste can be carried out with the permission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, when I suggested that they disinfect the compartments of nuclear submarines where nuclear reactors served. But I didn’t manage to get to the RAS, and the regional administration didn’t even try to contact the management of the submarine compartment storage site. Well, I understand how much money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money.and from that moment on, I was already treating the effects of radiation in humans, not radiation. Many times and many years I have spent trying to prove to medicine that I can affect radiation. Somewhere I still have a letter from the administration of the Murmansk region, where they told me that any work with radioactive waste can be carried out with the permission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, when I suggested that they disinfect the compartments of nuclear submarines where nuclear reactors served. But I didn’t manage to get to the RAS, and the regional administration didn’t even try to contact the management of the submarine compartment storage site. Well, I understand how much money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money. Many times and many years I have spent trying to prove to medicine that I can affect radiation. Somewhere I still have a letter from the administration of the Murmansk region, where they told me that any work with radioactive waste can be carried out with the permission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, when I suggested that they disinfect the compartments of nuclear submarines where nuclear reactors served. But I didn’t manage to get to the RAS, and the regional administration didn’t even try to contact the management of the submarine compartment storage site. Well, I understand how much money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money. Many times and many years I have spent trying to prove to medicine that I can affect radiation. Somewhere I still have a letter from the administration of the Murmansk region, where they told me that any work with radioactive waste can be carried out with the permission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, when I suggested that they disinfect the compartments of nuclear submarines where nuclear reactors served. But I didn’t manage to get to the RAS, and the regional administration didn’t even try to contact the management of the submarine compartment storage site. Well, I understand how much money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money.that any work with radioactive waste can be carried out with the permission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, when I suggested that they disinfect the compartments of nuclear submarines where nuclear reactors served. But I didn’t manage to get to the RAS, and the regional administration didn’t even try to contact the management of the submarine compartment storage site. Well, I understand how much money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money.that any work with radioactive waste can be carried out with the permission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, when I suggested that they disinfect the compartments of nuclear submarines where nuclear reactors served. But I didn’t manage to get to the RAS, and the regional administration didn’t even try to contact the management of the submarine compartment storage site. Well, I understand how much money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money.what money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money.what money is circulating in this area, I mean storage of submarine compartments. And if you make them harmless, then they won't give you any more money.

I think that some kind of my inner influence on objects during the session is at work here. I will explain what I said: when I forgot to take off the watch from my hand before the treatment session, then after an hour and a half, my watch was 40 minutes behind. After I noticed the lag of the clock, I set the real time and the clock continued to go minute by minute. As time went on, the clock changed from mechanical to quartz and electronic, but everything remained the same, the clock lagged by 40 minutes and then continued to go in the usual rhythm. What is it? I dont know. But this was repeated many times over the years, until I quit treating people. The country's economy stabilized, salaries began to suffice from advance payment to payday, and I could not get anything new from my patients. Radiation, cancer, damage, evil eye and just ulcers,everything has been tried and has already passed through me three or four times. And once on the train I ran into a married couple who praised me the system of self-immersion in seyntology. But the man from Afghanistan had a concussion, as he told me, but I was perplexed that his spine hurt. I faced contusions twice, but so that the spine after the contusion … And my persistence led to clarification of this question: compression contusion of the spine. And I have never encountered such a thing, but it's interesting to me … I begged him to conduct a session: "I would like to see what it is." And having received consent, he began to study his spine. He was sitting with his back to me, and at first I did not even understand why his wife had given him a towel. It turns out that in five minutes he was covered with sweat, so that drops from him flowed from his face onto the mattress. I charged him,after the session, ointment-cologne (I honestly don't know what it was in his jar). And in the morning he told me that for the first time after the concussion he slept all night without waking up and very carefully wrapped the jar of ointment-cologne in a cloth before putting it into the suitcase.

Author: Pavel Shasherin