Cheat Death - Alternative View

Cheat Death - Alternative View
Cheat Death - Alternative View

Video: Cheat Death - Alternative View

Video: Cheat Death - Alternative View
Video: Skyrim Mod: Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life 2024, October

All people are mortal. Humanity knows this very well, but the problem is not at all that a person is mortal, but that he is suddenly mortal, that is, no one knows when the time will come to die. Someone is destined to die after a minor fall, while someone survives after being wounded in the head. There are people whose instant reflexes are so developed that they help them survive in almost any critical situation. But there are some people who survive by a miracle or a fluke.

Here is just a small selection of the stories of the lucky ones who managed to survive, to deceive death, being in its tenacious paws.

So, a man named Snaz Martin was relaxing with his friends in a bar. But for the young man, the evening ended in tragedy: one of the visitors attacked him with a knife and hit him in the abdominal cavity. Martin did not have a strong physique, but he had a large beer belly, which, as the doctors later said, saved the man's life, since the knife blade simply got stuck in a layer of fat without damaging vital organs. After several days in the hospital, Martin forgot about his injury.

Dominik Podolski, a tourist from Germany, probably remembered for a lifetime the vacation he spent in the Austrian Alps - for several hours he had to sit at a temperature of -18 degrees. And the thing is that the snowboarder ended up on the ski lift when it was already closed. The man got stuck between the stations, he called for help, but this did not bring any result, because it was night outside. In addition, the loser snowboarder did not take his mobile phone with him either.

The man was not going to jump from the lift, since the distance to the ground was over 10 meters. To keep warm, Dominic decided to make a small fire: first he burned a handkerchief, then - restaurant bills, banknotes and even plastic cards. Dominic was very lucky: the fire from the last dying banknote of 20 euros was accidentally seen by a man who was driving by on a snowmobile. The victim received qualified assistance. Later, Dominic even tried to sue the travel company, but it was found that the man himself broke the rules.

A very interesting story happened with Eileen Lickness, who decided to deal with her former lover. But the woman could not even imagine that a banal quarrel would end in tragedy - the former boyfriend, as the main argument, took out a pistol and shot at the woman. Despite the fact that the shots were fired almost at point-blank range, Eileen did not die. As the doctors who provided first aid to her later said, breast implants saved the woman, which trapped the bullets, not allowing them to penetrate deeply into the chest. Of course, after the incident, they could not be restored, and they had to be removed, but the woman immediately after recovering increased her breasts.

But Nicholas Blossom felt for himself that sometimes the Manhattan parties, which have won the fame of the most peaceful and kind, are a direct threat to life. What happened is that Nicholas fell out of the window of the third floor, his head falling directly on the iron bar of the fence. The sharp rod entered the skull so deeply that the rescuers who arrived at the scene decided not to risk it and took the victim to the intensive care unit with a piece of the fence. The doctors managed to successfully rid the man of the rod. Such serious injuries, according to doctors, are fraught with irreversible consequences, however, to the great surprise of everyone. Nicholas soon began to recover.

The Argentine carpenter was also lucky. He was busy with work when a colleague accidentally shot him in the chest with a nail gun. The nail hit right in the heart, so the surgeons fought for the man's life for many hours. As the doctors noticed, the man was really lucky that the nail worked like a cork, and the carpenter did not die from blood loss.

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In some cases, people who are on the brink of life and death remain fully conscious and even more, do not feel pain at all. So, for example, a builder from Brazil, Eduardo Leite, while working on one of the objects, leaned over for something. At this time, a steel rod fell on the emu's head, which pierced the helmet and the bones of the skull and went out between the eyes. When the man was brought to the hospital, he was fully conscious, he himself told the doctors what happened to him and said that he did not feel any pain. The operation lasted five hours. Doctors assure that if the rod entered a few millimeters to the side, the man would either die or remain paralyzed.

An equally interesting case occurred with a 44-year-old Swede who got into a snowstorm in his car. He had to spend about two months in a car without food or water. When rescuers found him, the man was wrapped in a sleeping bag and was very weak. To prevent the body from losing water, the man ate snow. And the doctors noted that he, like a bear, went into hibernation, all physiological processes in his body slowed down, and his body temperature dropped to 31 degrees, which made it possible to minimize the body's energy consumption and survive.

Very often, poisonous snakes pose a risk to human life. As a rule, after such meetings, rarely anyone manages to survive. But there are also such lucky ones. So, a 16-year-old girl Vera walked close to home, but, nevertheless, she managed to get into the nest of rattlesnakes. One adult viper and five of her cubs attacked the girl, after which she spent five days in intensive care. One can only imagine how much poison got into Vera's body if it took 24 ampoules of antidote to recover …

In Nepal, there was also an incident involving snakes, but it can even bring a smile. A Nepalese peasant was working in his field when he was bitten by the hand by a king cobra, which is rightfully considered one of the most poisonous in the world. One bite contains so much poison that it can send up to 20 people to the next world. In the event that a person is bitten by this poisonous snake, then it is necessary to urgently run to the hospital, because there is practically no time for salvation. But the Nepalese peasant acted differently - he bit the snake, which caused it to die instantly. Relatives advised him to go to the hospital, but after the examination, the doctors did not find any signs of poisoning or any other ailment. Later, the man himself said that one snake charmer advised him to "return" the bite. Apparently, the method is effective …

And a man named Fran Selak can be safely entered into the Guinness Book of Records. During his life, he managed to avoid death seven times, and in the end he also won a million in the lottery.

So, Fran Selak is from Croatia. He is a music teacher. All of Fran's failures began back in 1962. A man was on the train when it derailed. The car, in which the hero of the story was, turned over several times, after which it fell into the water. As a result of the incident, 17 people died, but the man managed to escape. He swam to the shore, despite the fact that his arm was broken.

After just one year, an incredible new story happened to the teacher. He flew in an airplane, but at a high altitude the cabin of the plane was depressurized, and the side door to the cabin was torn out. Fran was pulled overboard. When the man regained consciousness in the hospital, he was told that he was found in a haystack, the plane crashed.

Several years later, in 1966, the bus in which Selak was traveling had an accident. Then four people died, but Fran was lucky again, he escaped with minor injuries.

In 1970, Selak's car caught fire while driving. The man managed to get out. He intended to put out the fire, but at this time the car exploded.

Another car story happened to Fran three years later. A fire started in the car in which he was traveling. As a result, the number of hair on his head in the man has significantly decreased.

In 1995, a music teacher was hit by a bus. And this time he was lucky, as he escaped with minor bruises and shock.

In 1996, Selak was driving his car on a mountain road. A truck was driving towards him. But the road was too narrow, and two cars, especially large-sized ones, could not pass each other there. Therefore, in order to avoid a collision, Fran had to turn into a cliff and jump out of the car on the move.

Finally, in 2003, bad luck left the Croat. For the first time in forty years of his life, he bought a lottery ticket, by which he won one million dollars …

Is it just luck, coincidence, or is the person spellbound from death? Whatever it was, but he is alive, and human life is the most important thing.