Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 6 - Alternative View

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 6 - Alternative View
Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 6 - Alternative View

Video: Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 6 - Alternative View

Video: Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 6 - Alternative View
Video: THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO - FULL AudioBook - by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels 2024, July

- Part 1 and 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 -

Epigraph: five-pointed star as a "terrible secret" of the Judeo-Christian religion, four main principles of convergence of paganism, Judeo-Christianity and Judeo-communism, Lenin's "icon" as a symbol of the era of the collapse of the USSR and why the donkey became a symbol of democrats in America.

"Before a donkey laden with gold, no fortress can stand." - Philip II of Macedon.

In the previous part of the article, I briefly stated the thesis that the corpse worship of Lenin's mummy, like the relics of saints in Judeo-Christianity, is the principle of convergence of Judeo-Christianity and materialist monocapitalism (communism) implemented by the Bolsheviks. Let's expand this thesis deeper, but first it is necessary to recall the "terrible secret" of the Judeo-Christian religion: the five-pointed star, which to this day flaunts on the Kremlin towers and symbolizes secular, non-religious materialistic animals in the Kremlin, is an ancient symbol … of Judeo-Christianity!

Yes, that's right: the true and original (from the 1st to the 4th century) symbol of early Christianity was the same five-pointed star of the modern Bolshevik-communists! A. Pervushin in the book "Occult Secrets of the NKVD and SS" ("Olma-Press", 1999, p. 14) writes: "… this pentagram in early Christian symbolism personified the five wounds of Jesus or, in numerical interpretation, the dual nature of Christ: the divine and human. At the ends of the pentagram were placed the Hebrew letters "yod", "he", "shin", "vav" and "he", making up the name Jesus. " The five-pointed star was the original symbol of Christianity and the apostles of Jesus and all the authors of the Gospels did not know any cross as a symbol of the Christian faith, because not a word is said about him in the Gospels, as well as the fact that a Christian needs to be baptized.

But before proceeding to the disclosure of these arguments, it is necessary to say the following: the whole history of the Christianization of Russia is a monstrous historical forgery and deception carried out by the Romanov dynasty, and in our biblical era of the “end times” various Russian intellectual historians and religious philosophers have come to the conclusion that the Byzantine version of Judeo-Christianity was imposed on Muscovite Russia and began to be planted on its lands only at the end of the 15th century, and not at the end of the 10th, as the German historians of Romanov Russia describe it. But in order not to break the usual stereotypes of readers and not to breed confusion in their heads, I decided to start from the still official historical chronology of all dates and events in order to reveal the topic of the article and its main meanings in those logical-temporal constructions that are familiar and understandable most people.

So, the symbol of a five-pointed star has existed since ancient times and, together with Sacred Geometry, was an element of an integral system of cosmological knowledge of that highly developed civilization that existed on our planet in the past (call it conditionally "Paradise") and was brought to Earth by aliens from Sirius. Therefore, light, as the concept of "light" of the truth and essence of the universe, the "light" of the highest cosmic laws and knowledge, was identified by the Hyperboreans and Atlanteans not with the visible image of the Sun, but with the star Sirius (Greek Siyros), on whose behalf, apparently, the name of the ancient Egyptian god Osiris occurred. Thus, the pentagram was known back in Atlantis and then in Ancient Egypt, in the system of knowledge of which the hieroglyph for Sothis included a composition of a five-pointed star and a column (obelisk). In the third part of the article, it was already said about which castes of priests opposed each other in Ancient Egypt, why the caste of priests of Amun made the tribes of nomad Semites their servants and that the knowledge of the ancient Egyptian priests formed the basis of Kabbalah and Zion-Freemasonry.

As a result of this historical algorithm, the pentagram began to communicate with the son of David and the founder of the Temple of Jerusalem - King Solomon, who laid the foundations of Kabbalah, while it is necessary to remind the reader that the father's star of David was and remains six-pointed, symbolizing the original matrix of Sacred geometry, the knowledge of which cannot be derived from the FIVE-FINAL "STARS OF DARKNESS" (note - this cosmological knowledge of sacred geometry was stolen by the Jews from the ancient Slavic priests and "appropriated" them for themselves, camouflaged in Kabbalah). According to legend, the five-pointed star shone on the ring and was the royal "seal of King Solomon" that influenced the "dark forces", or, more correctly, was a symbol of the spiritual-kabbalistic power of King Solomon over the "dark forces" of ignorant peoples. The crescent moon is also the original symbol of Judaism, becauseSince ancient times, the Jews had a cult of the Moon and they always lived according to the lunar calendar, Jews were even called "Lunans".

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With the formation of the Judeo-Christian Empire of Byzantium (354-1453), the crescent and the star became its state symbols, and when the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople in 1453, the Turks borrowed these trophy symbols of the moon and stars, turning them into a sign of their military victory and into a symbol of victorious Islam. Indeed, the five-pointed star became widespread in Europe during the Great French Revolution. Then in France, the goal of the atheistic ideology of atheism and materialism was to finally replace the will of God (after the ancient substitution of the will of God by various Abrahamic false religions), or, more correctly, to replace the will of false religious tyrant monarchs with the will of the big bourgeoisie. Therefore, in the Renaissance, man and his will (read:the will of the capitalist instead of the will of the Christian false god) were brought to the fore under the guise of the values of humanism, and the five-pointed star with the development of humanism and atheism began to mean simply the human personality as the highest value of the new era. As a result of bourgeois revolutions, the will of pseudo-religious tyrant monarchs was replaced by the will of the capitalist materialists, who since then have become LORD instead of the Christian false Lord and, under the ideology of materialism, began to turn people into slaves of their capital, and the pentagram became widespread as in the military symbols of the French Republic, so later in the symbolism of other countries. As a result of bourgeois revolutions, the will of pseudo-religious tyrant monarchs was replaced by the will of the capitalist materialists, who since then have become LORD instead of the Christian false Lord and, under the ideology of materialism, began to turn people into slaves of their capital, and the pentagram became widespread as in the military symbols of the French Republic, so later in the symbolism of other countries. As a result of bourgeois revolutions, the will of pseudo-religious tyrant monarchs was replaced by the will of the capitalist materialists, who since then have become LORD instead of the Christian false Lord and, under the ideology of materialism, began to turn people into slaves of their capital, and the pentagram became widespread as in the military symbols of the French Republic, so later in the symbolism of other countries.


Why, then, the five-pointed star, being a purely religious symbol of ancient Judaism and then early Christianity, became a symbol of God-fighting atheism and materialism during the Sionomason revolutions in Europe? Or maybe King Solomon was an atheist and materialist along with the early Christians? The contradiction between the meanings of the same symbol of the pentagram at different stages of history disappears if one comes to a deep understanding of the goals pursued by the religion of Judaism and the branch of Christianity that it generated. And in order to understand what Judeo-Christianity is in reality - the religion of the Creator (the Supreme Reason-Light and the Spiritual Laws of the Universe) or the religion of Satan ("Satan" literally translated from Hebrew means "deceiver", which means he can also be called "denier of truth "And" concealer of truth "), recall the interpretation of the symbol of the pentagram and its five rays. Man has five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste), which are also possessed by other animals and animals, such as sheep and wolves. However, the highest spiritual essence of God (the Logos of laws and knowledge) is metaphysical, exists outside the human body, and this was proved by neurophysiologists only at the end of the 20th century: human memory and mental field exist outside the brain (remember in Plato: learning is the memory of the soul), and the human brain is a unique organ-transformer of psychic reality into all physiological processes of the body.exists outside the human body and this was proved by neurophysiologists only at the end of the 20th century: human memory and mental field exist outside the brain (remember in Plato: learning is the memory of the soul), and the human brain is a unique organ-transformer of mental reality in all physiological processes of the body.exists outside the human body and this was proved by neurophysiologists only at the end of the 20th century: human memory and mental field exist outside the brain (remember in Plato: learning is the memory of the soul), and the human brain is a unique organ-transformer of mental reality in all physiological processes of the body.

But in contrast to animals, the Creator gave man a sixth sense - the spiritual vision of the imagination, and therefore the Divine essence can only be "added" to the human consciousness through education, upbringing, various psychotechnics and by developing new ways of thinking and perceiving metaphysical reality. In other words, the sixth religious sense of a person and new channels of perception of the Divine essence can either be brought up, grafted and developed in a person, or, on the contrary, eradicated, suppressed and degraded to the level of five primary animal feelings and animal instincts. Hence the conclusion: a person can have more than five animal senses and connect with the Divine essence within his consciousness, but he can also be a primitive animal, such as Mowgli in the "kingdom of the beast" of natural nature. In Kabbalah and Zion-Freemasonry,the transformation of a spiritually full-fledged person - in whom all six senses are developed and functioning - into a primitive animal and a subservient slave is symbolized by a five-pointed star, because according to the Talmud (see link - 1) all non-Jewish peoples are cattle and animals intended to be slaves for " God's chosen "Jews. Thus, the pentagram symbolizes the spiritual-religious and financial-economic enslavement of peoples, and it does not matter how this enslavement is carried out - with the help of the ancient false religion under the symbol of the five-pointed star or with the help of the modern false ideology of Marxism under the same - 1) all non-Jewish peoples are cattle and animals, intended to be slaves for the "chosen by God" Jews. Thus, the pentagram symbolizes the spiritual-religious and financial-economic enslavement of peoples, and it does not matter how this enslavement is carried out - with the help of the ancient false religion under the symbol of the five-pointed star or with the help of the modern false ideology of Marxism under the same - 1) all non-Jewish peoples are cattle and animals, intended to be slaves for the "chosen by God" Jews. Thus, the pentagram symbolizes the spiritual-religious and financial-economic enslavement of peoples, and it does not matter how this enslavement is carried out - with the help of the ancient false religion under the symbol of the five-pointed star or with the help of the modern false ideology of Marxism under the same symbol.

The sectarian doctrine of early Christianity was developed by Talmudic priests so that Jewish leaders "on behalf" of the Roman proletariat and by its hands fought for the establishment of their religious power over the Roman Empire - just like in a new round of history, with the help of the ideology of Marxism, descendants-fellow tribesmen of the first Christians "on behalf" of the Russian proletariat fought for the overthrow of the Russian emperor and for the establishment of their power in the Russian Empire and throughout the world through the world communist revolution. It is interesting to note one historical episode from that early Christian era: the Jewish revolutionary Bar Kokhba (translated from Aramaic "son of the star"!), Posing as another Messiah and raising a rebellion in 135 AD,introduced in his rebel troops the same red five-pointed star and also exterminated the ancient intelligentsia as Bronstein-Trotsky in the 20th century!

Thus, the ancient Talmudists from the backstage of Rome and the Jewish leaders, using the Roman proletariat as "rebel meat", achieved their goals and spiritually enslaved the Roman Empire, turning it into a Judeo-Christian one. And after the religious victory over the First Rome, the Jews had to unite the newly-minted sectarian movement of Christianity with the history of Judaism and pacify "militant Christianity", which at that time was similar to the militant Marxism that "took" power in the Third Rome - in Russia. To this end, the Talmudist myth-makers diligently converted early Christianity and all the Hebrew names of the apostles, evangelists and characters of the New Testament were replaced with Greek-Latin names in order to spread this false religion among other European peoples in their own languages and enslave them into their spiritual slavery.

In general, a compassionate myth was created for the goy people about the unfortunate Jew Jesus, who came to save his people, but betrayed by his own fellow tribesmen and crucified on the cross by the hands of the Roman authorities. However, in some magical way and ultimately, this crucified Jew, after his mythical resurrection and ascension, spiritually enslaved this power and made the entire Roman Empire Christian! Just like that, the deified pagan emperors of Rome took and abandoned their great gods and their centuries-old cultural traditions for the sake of sectarian religion from some kind of "pimple" on the body of the Roman Empire - Judea and for the sake of some kind of sacrifice on the cross, crucified together with the robbers! Just a kind of religious fairy tale with a happy ending for the oppressed victims of Christianity!Or maybe the wolf ears of the spiritual invaders of the Roman Empire protruded from under the sheep's clothing of these unfortunate victims, how do Russian fairy tales tell about such wolves disguised as sheep?

Why not the same principle, when the tribesmen of the Jewish victims of the German Nazis themselves from time immemorial are Jewish Nazis who religiously and financially enslaved the entire Christian world and at a new round of history rule Neo-Ancient Rome - the Zionist-fascist empire of America? In general, in the process of their religious myth-making, the Talmudists compiled a collection of books by evangelists, which they called the New Testament (a kind of Christian "modernity" of the pagan Roman Empire) and combined it with the same collection of books on Judaism (Kabbalah for the goyim), which became a kind of historical basis for Christianity on which it ultimately "fell". It is noteworthy that the question of the deification of Jesus and his transformation into the God-man and Pantokrator (Almighty) was decided at the Council of Nicaea by a majority of votes (315 - for, 3 - against) in the same way,like at a meeting of the Communists' PARTOCRATS in the 20th century!

At the same time, in order to replace the militant spirit of early Christianity, the ancient Talmudist myth-makers prescribed in the New Testament "on behalf" of Pantokrator Jesus or his apostles various commandments that pacify Christian sheep into a submissive flock of rams. For example: “do not resist evil. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also; and whoever wants to sue you and take your shirt, give him your outerwear; and whoever compels you to go one mile with him, go with him two”(Matt. 5: 39-41). Let's translate into the language of our time: do not resist the evil of the liberal-oligarchic government, which hits the people not only on the cheeks, but from the first days has been implementing a policy of financial and economic Nazism and genocide. After all, the oligarchs, without any courts, took not only their shirts from the workers and miners, but already stripped off three skins,but the priests in the churches obsequiously declare their love for the liberal-oligarchic government and paralyze the will of the Christian sheep with the "opium" of Judeo-Christianity. Interestingly, if the early Christian rebels turned the other cheek to the ancient Roman legionnaires for a blow, kissed religious fetishes in temples and worshiped the relics of saints - in order to beg (beg) from the corpse remains for a solution to their problems - then how would early Christianity become a religious power in the Roman Empire? Or how, in the 20th century, at a new turn in history, a secular neo-early Christian project from the First Rome - Judeo-Marxism - would establish its power in the Third Rome?kissed religious fetishes in temples and worshiped the relics of saints - in order to beg (beg) from the corpse remains for a solution to their problems - how would early Christianity become a religious power in the Roman Empire? Or how, in the 20th century, at a new turn in history, a secular neo-early Christian project from the First Rome - Judeo-Marxism - would establish its power in the Third Rome?kissed religious fetishes in temples and worshiped the relics of saints - in order to beg (beg) from the corpse remains for a solution to their problems - how would early Christianity become a religious power in the Roman Empire? Or how, in the 20th century, at a new turn in history, a secular neo-early Christian project from the First Rome - Judeo-Marxism - would establish its power in the Third Rome?

And here the question arises: where did the original early Christian pentagram disappear from Catholicism and Byzantine Christianity? It's simple: the pentagram, which has Hebrew letters in it and makes up the name of Jesus in Hebrew, became out of place in the spiritually colonized by Judeo-Christianity of the Jews, because this star was of Jewish origin - like all the first Christians for at least more than a century were only Jews … Therefore, when rebel Christianity was united with Judaism, the Talmudists withdrew the early Christian five-pointed star as an open symbol-exposer of the Jewish-Kabbalistic spiritual power over the goyim peoples of the Roman Empire, and later they wrote down the legend that the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, St. Equal to the Apostles Elena, allegedly visited the Holy Land and in the 326th year found a cross,on which Jesus was crucified. This is how the cross replaced the pentagram and became a new symbol of Judeo-Christianity, however, after the removal of the visual symbol of the pentagram, the key number FIVE only changed into its camouflaged form and retained all its hidden meaning-forming functions and quantitative dimensions in Judeo-Christianity.


For example, in the structure and architecture of Orthodox churches: FIVE rows of the classical iconostasis in Orthodox churches or, say, FIVE tiers of chandeliers (chandeliers), FIVE naves (forms of ships) in the architecture of temples or FIVE classical domes on temples (meaning Jesus Christ and the four evangelists), among which the most important is the FIVE domed Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Then there are the FIVE main books of the Old Testament in the Bible - the FIVE books of Moses (Kabbalah for the goyim) and the FIVE-pointed star hidden inside the main fruit of the Bible - the apple, as well as many other manifestations of the number five, which can be explained in detail in a separate article. For example, to explain that the pentagram is also a symbol of the Egyptian pyramid with 5 corners, because 5 domed temples just make up the scheme of the pyramid of four domes-corners and the fifth dome-top,while the six-pointed star of David on a two-dimensional plane symbolizes a hexagonal octahedron (not to be confused with its eight sides) in a three-dimensional dimension - a figure of two pyramids connected by bases. Well, I’ll give a couple of the most common facts: 5-pointed stars sparkled on many Christian icons, such as on a reproduction of the “Transfiguration” icon, made not by Andrei Rublev, but by Theophanes the Greek, or were depicted on Christian relics, for example, in Bulgaria in Varna, on the shores of the Black Sea, there is a small old church, formerly Greek, in which there is a reliable fact - a reliquary with relics, made in the form of a book in a velvet binding; on the reverse side a pentagram is embroidered with a golden cord.

It remains to add that even before the cross became a widespread symbol of Judeo-Christianity, the Talmudists “hid” the very symbol of the pentagram in an apple, which, when cut horizontally “along the equator,” has a distinctly correct symbol of a five-pointed star, created by nature. Apparently because of this natural symbol, known since the time of Atlantis, the apple tree became the tree of the Garden of Eden, and the apple - the main fruit of the Bible, and legends and myths about this fruit of paradise can be found in almost all ancient peoples, for example, in the ancient Greek mythology of Dionysus grew an apple tree and gave it a golden apple to Aphrodite. But in the Old Testament, God forbade Adam and Eve to eat apples from the tree of knowledge, apparently his naked creations should not have understood and realized that they are eternal slaves of the Jewish god, because the ideal slave is the one who thinks,that he is free and that he supposedly has freedom of choice. And apparently their paradise nakedness was a metaphor for the materially poor and spiritually castrated slaves, who should not have known what is good and what is evil, because evil for them should be good, and they must reject good as evil. So, to this day, billions of financial slaves consider themselves free citizens in capitalist oligarchs and perceive darkness as light, and pseudo-religious obscurantism and corpse worship as their salvation. So, to this day, billions of financial slaves consider themselves free citizens in capitalist oligarchs and perceive darkness as light, and pseudo-religious obscurantism and corpse worship as their salvation. So, to this day, billions of financial slaves consider themselves free citizens in capitalist oligarchs and perceive darkness as light, and pseudo-religious obscurantism and corpse worship as their salvation.


It is noteworthy that the same Boris Godunov, who dreamed of building the Temple of Solomon in the Kremlin, introduced a new symbol of supreme power into tsarist use - a state called an apple and reflected its shape. And after the reign of Godunov, the state (apple) of Mikhail Romanov's large outfit began to look like this: the apple is divided into two hemispheres, on the upper of which, consisting of 4 parts, there are images of scenes from the life of King David - his anointing by the prophet Samuel on the kingdom, David's victory over Goliath, return with victory, persecution from Saul. In general, it was not in vain that this heavenly fruit, even before Godunov's reign, was draped on the golden domes of Orthodox churches at the base of the crosses, apparently these, literally golden apples, became a hidden (esoteric) symbol of the power of the neo-Khazars over religiously enslaved Russia, i.e.a symbol of "paradise" in Russia for traders, money changers and usurers. Isn't it a vivid reflection of modern Russia, strewn with golden apples on Orthodox churches? And a little later, the Bolshevik Zionists openly seized power in the Judeo-Christian Russian Empire and dreamed of turning the entire globe into their own apple, into a kind of world power of Solomon, therefore they no longer hid under the guise of an apple their main symbol of power - the Star of Solomon …that's why they no longer hid under the guise of an apple their main symbol of power - the star of Solomon …that's why they no longer hid under the guise of an apple their main symbol of power - the star of Solomon …

In our time, it is generally known that the first experience and "rehearsal" of the communist "modernity" (a kind of secular neo-early Christian project of chiliasm from the First Rome) took place in France, from where the Bolsheviks took the practical experience of the Paris Commune of the "dictatorship of the proletariat", as well as the practical experience of the "military communism "from the preceding Great French Revolution. This earlier, capitalist modernity is the same secular version of usurious Judaism, hence the spiritual and ideological symbiosis of capitalist and communist modernity (like the symbiosis of Judaism and Christianity), which manifested itself in their INTERCHANGEABILITY and complementarity in Russia, when the February bourgeois revolution is easily transformed into October communist. This symbiosis of capitalism-communism was emphasized by Lenin himself, arguingthat from a theoretical point of view, the October Revolution was bourgeois, since it brought the bourgeois revolution to the end. So, capitalism brought to its logical end is communism, because the New Testament in the Bible is also the logical end of the Old Testament! This means that if “at the end of biblical times, start from the beginning of the end with which the beginning ends,” then communism will always be interchangeable and complementary with capitalism like day and night, like the Old and New Testaments, like NEP and collectivization, like Lenin and Yeltsin. After all, Lenin changed the capitalism of February to the communism of October, and Yeltsin changed back from communism to capitalism, which together constitute the left and right wings of a single "bird of happiness" of yesterday and tomorrow of humanity called "historical materialism",and on the forehead of this eternally modern bird is the seal (made in Zion) of the Jewish king Solomon …

Thus, the original symbol of the early Christian religion and secular bourgeois-communist modernism is the same Sionomason five-pointed star, and since IDEOLOGY IS A SECULAR RELIGION, then between the false religion of Judeo-Christianity and the false ideology of communism, there is a single historical link steps) of "historical materialism", which were brought to life by fellow tribesmen-descendants of the same merchants and changed from the Roman Empire in order to enslave all the peoples of the Earth and drive them into the materialistic "kingdom of the beast." In general, now you understandwhy the international financial kagal strictly forbade his Yeltsin-Putin puppets in the Kremlin to touch such an ancient Jewish symbol of the cult of materialism and the Kabbalistic sign of the spiritual enslavement of peoples - the ancient Egyptian-Judeo-early Christian-bourgeois-communist five-pointed star, the symbol of which is also the mustache -that states of the world, not to mention the United States or the European Union - the main enslaved estates of the Jewish kagal.

I summarize all of the above: the five-pointed star, which the ancient Atlanteans called the "key of the GOLDEN doors of Atlantis", is a symbol of the satanic power of the "kingdom of the beast" and two millennia ago it was a symbol of early Christianity, developed by the prince of darkness (generalizing the concept of a caste of priests, from ancient times ruling the world with the help of a series of false religions and pseudo-ideologies) to seize religious power in the Roman Empire with the help of the "insurgent meat" of the proletariat. The cult of materialism itself and one of its main means - the cult of gold, is a fundamental principle and core, on the basis of which the prince of darkness carried out the convergence of all successive historical forms of false religious power on Earth - distorted paganism, Judeo-Christianity, Judeo-capitalism, Judeo-communism, which have become stages (steps) of a single historical process,named by Moses Mordechai Levy (Karl Marx) "historical materialism". In other words, the convergence of passing historical epochs on the basis of the cult of materialism was carried out with the help of "stringing" new, modernized pseudo-religious and power formations on the old and unchanging principle of is-TOR materialism - just as fresh and differently shaped pieces of meat are strung on the same old kebab stick.

For example, the cult of gold from paganism was thoughtfully transferred to new forms and objects of the Christian cult: to the golden royal gates inside Christian churches (and this is where the "golden doors of Atlantis" are!), To golden altars, frames for icons and books, crosses, chains, icon lamps, candelabra, chandeliers, candlesticks, on the clothes of priests, etc. - in general, literally everything inside the "holy" temples began to shine with yellow metal, for the possession of which the PSEUDO-LANGUAGES (the true Solar Azism was defiled and perverted back in Ancient Egypt) for thousands of years killed each other in Antiquity, or take for an illustrative example gold rush in America. And it doesn't matter that along with real gilding, most of the objects of Christian worship are counterfeited "like gold" and are made of copper alloys,for in the minds of Christian sheep they are all golden. The "fathers" of the false religion of Judeo-Christianity even covered the domes of church churches with gold, if only under the new forms of religious objects to plant in the minds of spiritually enslaved peoples the old essence of the cult of materialism through the cult of gold, which for thousands of years ruled the ball in the minds of pseudo-pagans, but through other religious forms and objects of gilding.


And how can this be called: “And Solomon overlaid the inside of the temple with pure gold and stretched out gold chains before the davir, and overlaid it with gold. He overlaid the whole temple with gold, the entire temple to the end, and overlaid the entire altar that was before the davir with gold”(1 Kings 6: 21-22). Yes, this is the temple of one continuous "golden calf" for the transformation of believers into animal materialists! Apparently as a result, the priests of this continuous temple of the "golden calf" degenerated into the same animal materialists and entered into an agreement with the hucksters and money changers - to jointly enrich themselves at the expense of their own co-religionists, turning the "holy temple" into a bazaar shop and a cattle yard, for that according to legend, Jesus drove the money changers and merchants from the courtyard of the Jewish temple. You see where the origins and the matrix of being came from,in which the "clergy-bureaucracy" (any power - both religious and secular in its essence is the clergy-nomenklatura) united with the merchants (businessmen) and money changers (bankers) to jointly rob their own people, i.e. do you see where the MATRIX of the merging of "secular" power and big business comes from? This matrix of materialistic WEALTH was originally laid down in the false religion of Judeo-Christianity, because the Temple of Solomon became a model of materialistic Wealth for all Christian churches, in which believers in the Kingdom of Heaven (!) To this day obsequiously kiss golden fetishes and relics of the earthly "kingdom of the beast" and pray for the golden cult of the Personality of Pantokrator - a kind of heavenly Leader of world Christianity. To paraphrase the words of Philip II of Macedon, put in the epigraph,it is possible to formulate the epilogue of the entire existence of mankind by means of "historical materialism": "BEFORE THE FAKE-DONKEY LOADED WITH GOLD, NOT A SINGLE AGE WAS RESISTED."

According to Christian legend, Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and to this day Christian historians convince their Christian flock of sheep that the pagan emperors of Rome, after their victory over the rebels, took and abandoned their traditional myths and centuries-old gods - Zeus and Jupiter for the sake of the myth of some circumcised Jew on a donkey from some province of Rome (and how solemn to this day the "Orthodox" Slavs celebrate the feast of the circumcision of their Lord!). And how many other peoples have since opened the doors of their consciousness for a donkey loaded with the "opium" of Judeo-Christianity to enter? And after all, to this day, many peoples of the Earth continue to open the doors of their states in the same way to the pseudo-ideology, the donkey of monetary liberalism, laden with credit loans.

It is not for nothing that the donkey, allegedly as a joke by the political cartoonist Thomas Nast, became a symbol of Democrats in America in the seventies of the 19th century, and it was at this time that capitalism and liberal values were spreading in the Judeo-Christian Russian Empire. After all, the Zionists with deep implications made a donkey out of Jesus as a symbol of American democrats in order to spread this donkey liberal democracy around the world like ancient Judeo-Christianity. We all know how over the past 20 years the pseudo-ideology of monetary liberalism, laden with IMF loans, has entered the gates of dozens of countries without any war, and the liberal post-Soviet media, run predominantly by Jews, are still screaming like a donkey about the "heavenly" Western democracy. And modern Russia is just a vivid confirmation of the symbol of liberal democracy, correctly chosen by the Americans - the donkey, because after the collapse of the USSR, Judeo-Christianity and donkey monetary liberalism saddled each other and merged in the ecstasy of bourgeois democracy (Yeltsin-Putin's restoration of Judeo-capitalism). In fact, the donkey of American liberalism entered the USSR "on the back" of the revived Judeo-Christianity during the Gorbachev catastrophe, apparently in our grotesque era of crooked mirrors, Jesus Christ and the donkey simply exchanged places - just like communism with capitalism and the CPSU with EdRom. And now, strewn with golden apples and domes of Judeo-Christian churches, modern Russia is a real Paradise for usurers-bankers and merchants-market traders …after all, after the collapse of the USSR, Judeo-Christianity and donkey monetary liberalism saddled each other and merged in the ecstasy of bourgeois democracy (Yeltsin-Putin restoration of Judeo-capitalism). In fact, the donkey of American liberalism entered the USSR "on the back" of the revived Judeo-Christianity during the Gorbachev catastrophe, apparently in our grotesque era of crooked mirrors, Jesus Christ and the donkey simply exchanged places - just like communism with capitalism and the CPSU with EdRom. And now, strewn with golden apples and domes of Judeo-Christian churches, modern Russia is a real Paradise for usurers-bankers and traders-market traders …after all, after the collapse of the USSR, Judeo-Christianity and donkey monetary liberalism saddled each other and merged in the ecstasy of bourgeois democracy (Yeltsin-Putin restoration of Judeo-capitalism). In fact, the donkey of American liberalism entered the USSR "on the back" of the revived Judeo-Christianity during the Gorbachev catastrophe, apparently in our grotesque era of crooked mirrors, Jesus Christ and the donkey simply exchanged places - just like communism with capitalism and the CPSU with EdRom. And now, strewn with golden apples and domes of Judeo-Christian churches, modern Russia is a real Paradise for usurers-bankers and traders-market traders …The donkey of American liberalism entered the USSR "on the back" of the revived Judeo-Christianity during the Gorbachev catastrophe, apparently in our grotesque era of crooked mirrors, Jesus Christ and the donkey simply swapped places - just like communism with capitalism and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union with EdR easily swapped places. And now, strewn with golden apples and domes of Judeo-Christian churches, modern Russia is a real Paradise for usurers-bankers and traders-market traders …The donkey of American liberalism entered the USSR "on the back" of the revived Judeo-Christianity during the Gorbachev catastrophe, apparently in our grotesque era of crooked mirrors, Jesus Christ and the donkey simply swapped places - just like communism with capitalism and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union with EdR easily swapped places. And now, strewn with golden apples and domes of Judeo-Christian churches, modern Russia is a real Paradise for usurers-bankers and traders-market traders …

So, after the Talmudists carried out the unification of Judaism (Kabbalah for the goyim) and Christianity, a false religion of Judeo-Christianity turned out, and it would be more correct to say "modern Christian mono-paganism", i.e. pagan polytheism (poly-paganism) Christianity subordinated one Jewish god, creating Christian MONarchism (see link - 2), in which:

1) The pagan cult of gold (in fact - pseudo-pagan, see above) was transferred to Christianity and only changed the cult objects of gilding - the golden statues of the pagan gods were turned into one golden statue of the "son of God" on the cross, which is in miniature on its neck every second Christian carries, and the chain around his neck is a miniature symbol of slavery, because only slaves were chained.

2) The pagan gold and wooden idols were replaced by modernized Christian idols - gilded mosaics and painted icons, i.e. pagan idolatry was replaced by Christian icon-worship and complemented by kissing religious relic fetishes.

3) The pagan ancient Egyptian ritual of mummification of the deceased pharaohs was transferred in a modified, satanic-occult form into the Christian ritual of corpse-worshiping the relics of saints (but without the costly ritual of mummification of the dead) and became one of the main pillars of materialism, when “body and being and mind are primary secondary."

4) The pagan deification of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh was transferred to the deification of Jesus by the decision of the Council of Nicaea, and moreover, many historians, intellectuals and theologians came to the conclusion that Christianity itself and the religious myth of the "son of God" Jesus Christ was created artificially and is only primitive tracing of the more ancient philosophical and religious traditions of the pagans (see link - 3). For example, the Mother of God with the baby Jesus in her arms is a carbon copy of the ancient Egyptian goddess of love Isis with the baby Horus in her arms, and religious ideas about God the Father and God the Son or about dying and resurrecting gods were present in all ancient religions - from the ancient Egyptian Osiris to the ancient Greek god of fertility Adonis. In general, the Talmudists-myth-makers only concocted a composite "hodgepodge" of the myths of the same peoples whom they spiritually enslaved,and created a collective image-myth of Jesus Christ. By the way, it was in the ancient Palestinian country of Canaan, once conquered by the Jews and became the states of Israel and Judea, that the resurrecting deity of bread was called Yeshua (in Greek, Jesus). Thus, the deification of the cult of the Personality of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and the Roman pagan emperor was only primitively transferred by the Talmudic myth-makers to the deification of the cult of the Personality of Jesus Christ.the deification of the cult of the Personality of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and the Roman pagan emperor was only primitively transferred by the Talmudist myth-makers to the deification of the cult of the Personality of Jesus Christ.the deification of the cult of the Personality of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and the Roman pagan emperor was only primitively transferred by the Talmudist myth-makers to the deification of the cult of the Personality of Jesus Christ.

Now let's return to the beginning of the article and consider the issue of the convergence of “modern Christian monopaganism” and materialist communism (monocapitalism) carried out by the Bolshevik-Zionists as another transition along the steps of “historical materialism”. Here even a liberal demo-schizoid with a severe disorder of logical thinking and a split consciousness will be able to realize this:

1) The Bolsheviks transferred the cult of gold from "Christian monopaganism" and tsarist Russia to communism to the highest Soviet orders and awards, while gold itself throughout all stages (stages) of "historical materialism" remained the equivalent of material values in the form of metallic money or the state's gold reserve … Bolshevik materialists only continued the tradition of the Temple of Solomon, i.e. continued to "close" between themselves the concept of "holiness" and the "measure" of material values - gold. For example, a person received a gold Star of a Hero in the USSR for a heroic deed in the name of higher, holy values, and not for the sake of material values and wealth. And now imagine a gold Star of the Hero on the chest of a Soviet soldier-Afghan and next to him a Caucasian huckster from the bazaar or a gypsy hung with the same yellow metal on all fingers, ears, teeth and neck. That is why, among highly moral people and in certain circles, gold trinkets, especially Christian crosses and chains - like on the necks of "brothers" and bandits - are considered vulgar and abomination, and gold itself is the metal of animal materialists.

2) The Christian icon was replaced with a modernized icon - a photograph of the General Secretary, and the Jewish saints on the icons from the 4th and 5th rows of the Orthodox iconostasis were replaced with portraits of communist saints - for the "holy trinity" of Marx-Engels-Lenin, and they were worn on "banners "During the" religious processions "- Soviet festive parades. The kissing of Christian icons was transformed into a spiritually ugly phenomenon - into the kissing passionate “living icons” of the General Secretary, among whom the “living icon” LI loved to kiss most of all. Brezhnev.

3) The tradition of corpse worship to holy relics in Christianity was turned into a necrophilic ritual of "secular" corpse worship of the mummy of the first communist pharaoh. In this context, it should be emphasized that it is one thing to FORGIVE for 3-5 days with the body of a deceased person - with the body of a leader (not to be confused with the leader of an oligarchic pack), a folk hero, a great writer, a beloved actor, an outstanding personality and, finally, with body of a loved one or a relative, and it is quite another thing to ritually WORSHIP the corpse remains of a long-dead person for 84 years or "relics of saints" for many centuries, making this corpse worship a necrophilic ritual - these are completely different acts and concepts.

4) The cult of the Personality of Lenin and Stalin, who were demigods in the communist kingdom and whose PERSONAL will always stood above any laws of morality and the state, does not even need comments about the same will of the deified pharaohs, pagan emperors or Orthodox monarchs-tyrants (blasphemy against Sovereign - blasphemy against God!). And since the ideology of communism is only a secular neo-early Christian religion, the cult of the Personality of Lenin and Stalin was deified in the absence of religious institutions, but in the same way of Christian corpse worship of Lenin's mummy in the Mausoleum and through the godlike authoritarianism of the living “father of the people”.


Thus, Lenin's mummy and the "secular" ritual of corpse worship in the Mausoleum is just one of the main links in the chain of convergence that the Bolshevik Zionists carried out between the false religion of Judeo-Christianity and the pseudo-ideology of communism, which was another step (phase, stage) of that very " historical materialism ", which for millennia is embodied in the existence of earthlings as the prince of darkness and his" Satan's chosen "servants. As you can see, the Judeo-Bolshevik "we will destroy the old world to the ground, and then …" was the same lie, like the whole pseudo-ideology of Judeo-Marxism, because it is this FOUNDATION of the old as the world CULT OF MATERIALISM that the communists not only diligently preserved and strengthened, but and on its basis they combined "modern Christian monopaganism" with materialistic monocapitalism (communism),"Stringing" the next modernity of the "kingdom of the beast" on its satanic essence-principle, like a fresh piece of meat (proletarian "meat") on an old barbecue stick.

It is amazing, but true: the corpse of a man who embodied on 1/6 of the Earth the highest satanic principle "the power of matter over spirit" to this day lies in the very heart of spiritually dead Russia (a satanic-occult ritual from Babylon has reached its goal) and the communists continue to worship him "Sacred mummy". Moreover, the image of Lenin became a visual symbol of the era of the collapse of the USSR and went down in the history of Kazakhstan forever, because when crowds of aul Kazakhs in December 1986 in Alma-Ata went to Brezhnev Square to “heroically rebel” against the appointed Russian ruler of the Kazakh SSR - i.e. e. in fact, they were going to “heroically tear” the USSR apart, since It was Alma-Ata that became the bone of contention, the beginning of the collapse of the USSR and the parade of ethnocratic sovereignty - the Kazakhs carried the Soviet "icon" of Lenin and the slogans of Lenin's national policy. The icon of that very burly Ulyanov-Blanc,who hated the Russian people, but adored the Jews and the money of the Zionist sponsors of the October Revolution (I hope Lenin's quotes about Russians and Jews are not worth citing here). The icon of that same fanatic materialist and Darwinist who embodied the next stage of historical materialism of Moses Mordechai Levi (Karl Marx) and was an adherent of Darwin's theory of the origin of man from ape.


Then, on the Square, the "icon" of Lenin in the hands of the aul Kazakhs was a vivid embodiment of the state ideology of Darwinism, which flourished in the USSR after the Second World War and the death of Stalin, because the ethno-biological bodies of the national cadres in the Union Republics were primary for the Darwinist communists, and consciousness and spirit secondary. That is why the aul, tribal-tribal crowd of Kazakhs appealed to the "icon" and the national policy of Lenin, that in accordance with this policy of materialistic Darwinism, all the highest partocrats and national cadres in the republics of the USSR were selected like the original Darwin monkey according to the primary ethno-biological characteristics of their clans. -tribes, and not according to the level of moral and spiritual development, professional knowledge and devotion to the ideas of socialism. In the natural result,the "monkey" party nomenklatura raised in the national republics tore the USSR into specific sovereign jungles, and each ethno-biological species of aborigines chose its own ethnic leader …

By the way, the huge monkey-gorilla King Kong, created by the cinema of the West, was the literal embodiment of the theory of social Darwinism, born in the jungle of materialist capitalism and triumphantly striding across the planet. It should be added that ethno-biological Nazism and social Darwinism as ontological phenomena are a direct product of the historical cult of materialism, the culmination of which was fascism, which hatched in "civilized" Europe. And as for the materialist Darwinist Lenin, his burr was a Divine symbol from Above, i.e. the defect in his speech when pronouncing the Logos (Spirit) was a symbol from above about the defective and deceitful spirit of materialist communism-Darwinism, which the burnt leader of the world proletariat embodied in reality.

And to this day, for 17 years after the collapse of the USSR, the Russian people throughout the CIS are only reaping the fruits of communist Darwinism, because all the state-ethnic nomenclature of the sovereign republics of the CIS, like all ethnic mafias of foreigners in modern Russia (the Jewish mafia as always in the first place, see link - 4) - this is a direct result and a natural result generated and methodically nurtured by communism over seven decades. In fact, one large ethnic mafia of Jewish Bolsheviks seized power in the Russian Empire in 1917 and spawned similar ETHNO-NAZI MAFIA AND CLANS (“on the neck” of the Russian people) in the created national republics, which it erected into the law and the power party nomenklatura … F. Vinberg, author of The Way of the Cross, published in 1922 in Munich, wrote,that according to the list of the highest ruling elite of the Bolsheviks, out of 545 people who rule over captured Russia, 447 of them are Jews. According to the concept of this Jewish elite of power, the USSR was supposed to consist of a two-level ethnic hierarchy, something like a banking system, where the Central Bank (National Bank) is completely owned by Jews, and private second-tier banks are given into the private hands of ethnic clans and mafias of all national republics (only ethnic Russians, as the main slaves for all foreigners, were forbidden to create their own national republic within the USSR). Thus, it was assumed that at the top there would be a "royal" ethnic nomenclature of "God-chosen" Jews who reign supreme over the entire former Russian Empire (Third Rome),and all ethnic mafias and clans of the second-level national republics will unquestioningly and completely obey the "royal" ethnos of Jews, who will become gods, judges and electors for all ethnic leaders and lower-level nomenclatures, because the Talmud says that "how many people are higher than all animals, the Jews are so much higher than all other people."

But the Russians in all the national republics of the USSR, the Jews assigned the role of slaves and servants for all ethno-Nazi nomenclatures, and first of all in the RSFSR itself, where the Russians, by definition, were not supposed to claim the supreme power of the Jews. To this end, the Bolsheviks in the 1920s included huge, primordially Russian territories of the former Russian Empire into hastily created national autonomies and cut new artificial quasinations (like the Ukrainians who have been RUSSIAN for centuries - from the word "Rus Kiev" and later called Little Russians or Kazakhs, from time immemorial the former Kyrgyz-Kaisaks, because before the revolution the ethnonym "Kazakh" did not exist at all), in order to fragment the largest nation of Russian slaves as much as possible by re-subordinating their territories to the authorities of other national autonomies and national republics. And the concept of "internationalism" was only one-sidedly intended for the largest nation of Russian slaves, who were obliged to be internationalists with all non-Russian proletarians (have you seen a lot of Jewish or Kazakh proletarians at their machines during the Soviet era?), But which, unlike Russian proletarians, have their own, a purely ethnic power and its own national republic (what this Leninist national policy of alien Nazism led to was shown by the era after the collapse of the USSR in all former national republics, here is the example of Kazakhstan - link 5).a purely ethnic power and its own national republic (what this Leninist national policy of alien Nazism led to was shown by the era after the collapse of the USSR in all former national republics, here is the example of Kazakhstan - link 5).a purely ethnic power and its own national republic (what this Leninist national policy of alien Nazism led to was shown by the era after the collapse of the USSR in all former national republics, here is the example of Kazakhstan - link 5).

However, Stalin broke the plans of the international Jewish mafia of the Bolsheviks, took power from the Zionist leader Bronstein-Trotsky, deionized the party nomenklatura, and from the second half of the 1920s the history of the USSR did not go according to the plan of the Zionist bankers who sponsored the Leninist Guard. And if Stalin had not repressed the nationalist elites who raised their heads in the allied national republics already in the 30s, then all other ethnic mafias and clans in the allied national republics generated by the Jewish mafia of the Bolsheviks would have "broken" the USSR even before the war. In the literal sense, Stalin and the War delayed the existence of the USSR for another half a century, but having pacified the opponents of Moscow's rigid centralization with their despotic will and repressed the first wave of nationalism,Stalin could not change the most important thing - the ideological basis of the cult of materialism and the power-forming matrix of Darwinism, on the basis of which new ethnic clans and mafias were raised in all the national republics of the USSR. Figuratively speaking, in the 30s, Stalin cut off the heads of the multi-headed dragon of ethno-biological materialism-Darwinism, but after the Second World War and the death of Stalin, these heads grew again and formed new ethnic clans and mafias.


In fact, the entire history of the quasi-theocracy of the USSR is the history of a wave-like (cyclical) confrontation and confrontation between the idea of state-forming ethno-biologism (Darwinism), which lies at the basis of the tribal consciousness of foreigners, with the idea of "proletarian internationalism" and with socialism as a way of organizing society on the basis of social justice, in which a person receives benefits from the state for his work and knowledge, and climbs the levels of power only due to his moral and professional qualities, and not due to ethnic clan elite. But the Marxist-Leninist cult of materialism "the material body is primary, the consciousness is secondary" was a fatal "weight" in the scales of ethno-biologism and tribal consciousness of foreigners, easily outweighing the idea of social justice and deceitful, ONE-SIDED internationalism,intended only for the Russian proletariat. The primary matter of Marx-Lenin and Darwin's monkey won, i.e. material values gained the upper hand - villas, Mercedes, yachts and Darwinian ethno-biology - ethnic mafias and clans in all power structures of the USSR, which, after the collapse of their parent - materialist communism, continue to rule the show in all republics of the CIS.

In conclusion, it must be said that not only materialism and Darwinism won the victory during the collapse of the USSR, Judaism won the main historical victory, and it is more correct to say its secular version - liberalism, because Judaism was and remains an integral, organic part, and the dominant part in the Judeo-Christian false religion, which enslaved the Slavic peoples into spiritual captivity for centuries. And just as at the end of the 19th century liberalism easily entered the Judeo-Christian Third Rome - the Russian Empire, so at the end of the 20th century the donkey of American liberalism "on the back" of the revived Judeo-Christianity entered the perestroika USSR. And all the shape-shifting communists who suddenly became liberal democrats simply regressed into the past and quickly replaced the leader of the world proletariat, Lenin, with Jesus, the leader of world Christianity.

In other words, even yesterday's atheist materialists, instead of the General Secretary-Partocrat, immediately found for themselves a kind of heavenly “General Secretary-Pantocrator” Jesus Christ, who in the past, like the Stalinist Order of the Swordsmen, also had its own orders, for example, the Order of the Crusaders or the Order of the Jesuits. And now the former members of the CPSU stand with candles in Judeo-Christian churches and pray to the heavenly Pantokrator, and instead of the "holy scripture" of Marxism-Leninism, they read the myth-making writings of the Talmudists in the Bible and juggle with quotations from its apostles in the same way, as they once poured quotations from Lenin and Marx. Moreover, these shape-shifting communist-liberals think that they allegedly got rid of the ideological intoxication of the "heroin" of Marxism-Leninism,but in reality they only fell to the old ground and returned to the more primitive religious intoxication of the "opium" of Judeo-Christianity. Thus, there was a banal regression of the former members of the CPSU from the pseudo-ideology of Marx to the pseudo-religion of Judeo-Christianity, i.e. from materialistic communism back to "Christian monopaganism".

And what about the communists who remained loyal to Marxism-Leninism and in the ranks of the Communist Parties? But we will consider the political activities of post-Soviet communists on the ruins of materialist communism in the next part of the article.

Continued: Part 7

Mikhail Sytnik