Attempts To Create A "super-soldier" In The USSR - Alternative View

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Attempts To Create A "super-soldier" In The USSR - Alternative View
Attempts To Create A "super-soldier" In The USSR - Alternative View

Video: Attempts To Create A "super-soldier" In The USSR - Alternative View

Video: Attempts To Create A
Video: 7 Instances of Science Developing REAL SUPER SOLDIERS 2024, July

In the minds of most people living in the post-Soviet space, the war crimes of Nazi Germany are associated with inhuman experiments on people. There is no doubt that the Nazi regime carried out similar experiments on prisoners. However, few people realize that Soviet scientists began similar experiments a little earlier than their German colleagues.

Today, it is known about at least three programs for the creation of perfect weapons, which Soviet scientists tried to implement. The question remains, how many more classified materials are stored in the archives of power structures? Probably, most of the information classified as secret will never become public.

Titanium instead of bones

In 1945, American troops were able to take over a secret Nazi research center. The bodies of Soviet soldiers were found in one of the premises. Titanium pins were implanted into their bodies to replace bones and joints. At that moment, no one could have thought that these were not the experiments of German doctors. Only after interrogating the doctors of this center did it become known that the Germans did not perform any such operations, but only studied ready-made samples. In the United States, a special department was immediately created, headed by Professor Strasberg. This department was engaged in the collection and analysis of information about similar experiments in the USSR.

The department, which was headed by Strasberg, managed to find data that in the 30s in the Union, by order of the party, a program was launched to create the perfect soldier. The results of these experiments were discovered by the American military in the laboratory of the Nazis.

The staff of this department managed to find out that more than 300 soldiers took part in this program, but the results were not very successful. The soldiers' bones and joints were replaced with titanium prostheses, but the material survival rate was very low. Also, most of the participants in the experiment could not tolerate the pain that occurred after the operation. Most of the participants in the experiment died.

The negative results did not cool the scientific fervor of the researchers, it was decided to perform manipulations with the brain, which would turn off the parts of the brain responsible for the perception of pain.

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Special needles made of gold were implanted into the brains of the "volunteers". After this operation, the soldier became immune to pain, which significantly increased the success rate of operations to implant titanium bones into the human body. Various mental disorders have become a side effect of brain manipulation.

One can be suspicious of the information voiced by Professor Strasberg. However, in 1994 a doctor from Vitebsk Sergey Konovalenko, walking along the outskirts of a military cemetery, discovered a strange skeleton. The river washed away the old graves, and the contents were on the surface. Konovalenko discovered the remains of a skeleton that were connected to a metal prosthesis. On a cursory examination, the doctor concluded that this prosthesis did not replace amputated limbs, but human bones. One of the prostheses was engraved: “Kharkov. 1934. ASCh 760978-Ts . He decided to go to the hospital and take the necessary tools to carry out the exhumation of the remains, but it started to rain, which washed the skeleton into the river …

Half-monkey - half-human

The next experiment to create a super-soldier is associated with the name of Academician Ivanov. The scientist was tasked with creating the first cyborg prototype. The Politburo became interested in the idea of creating a new "super-soldier" who would have a significant superiority in power parameters over a person, was more enduring and easy to control. The scientific laboratory was located both in French Guinea and in a reserve near Yalta. In his research, the academician decided to bring out a new kind of creature. He wanted to cross a man and a monkey. At first, the experiment consisted of injecting human sperm into a female monkey and using various drugs to stimulate the process of conception. However, the experiment failed.

After the first stage of the experiment and the subsequent failure, Academician Ivanov decided to change his approach. He decided to inject monkey sperm into women, but the result did not bring the desired success. The last attempt of the scientist was the natural fertilization of the participants in the experiment. Oddly enough, there were quite a lot of people willing. Mutual attempts were made to "conceive" the creature. In the case of the male / female, there were no special injuries, but when the male / female mated, there were deaths for the latter.

The result of the experiments is dubious. Academician Ivanov was arrested and shot, the research institute was dispersed.

Today, there are two versions regarding the reason for the end of the experiments. According to the first version, Academician Ivanov did not receive any result, which looks the most plausible. And the second - Academician Ivanov got a result that apparently did not satisfy the government. All materials were classified and the experiment was closed. The question as to whether the scientist managed to breed a new creature or not remains open.

Afghan experiences

We do not know whether there were attempts to repeat this experiment, but the concept of creating a super-soldier remained. New experiments began during the war in Afghanistan. This time, psychotropic substances were used, which were supposed to increase the endurance of soldiers, make them more aggressive, deprive them of the need for sleep and food. As a result of the experiment, a negative effect was observed. The soldier became able to act in extreme conditions without food or sleep for more than a week, but after that coma and death followed.

There are also army tales that during the Chechen wars, special groups received similar drugs, and then whole villages were destroyed in the rear of the militants. However, there is no confirmed information.

Soviet bio-robots

The last known experiment that took place in the USSR to create a super-soldier was a project to create a biorobot.

Advances in the field of transplantation forced scientists to apply new knowledge in the military field. Everyone knows about the experiments of Vladimir Demikhin, it was his success that gave rise to the idea of creating a biorobot.

So, a special apparatus was designed, which was named ASZhL (Lebedev's life preservation apparatus). With a small modification, the device was supposed to ensure the continuous functioning of the head of a living creature without a body.

Outwardly, the device was a special spacesuit that allows you to place the severed head of a living creature in it, which would perform the duties of a pilot and obey simple orders. There are photographs proving that a similar spacesuit was made.

It is not known how far these experiments went, but the project was canceled several years after the start of work in this area. Most likely, there were no positive results. Otherwise, the army of the Soviet Union would have been equipped with such "interesting weapons."

Based on all of the above, it follows that the idea of creating a super-soldier was in the air until the collapse of the Soviet Union. Only a few experiments on the production of a "universal soldier" became known to the public. How many more classified projects remain a mystery.

Do not think that the USSR is the only country that was engaged in such experiments. There are many powerful states in the world that are also striving for world domination and it is not a fact that at the moment, somewhere in a secret laboratory, a model of a biorobot or a soldier devoid of all feelings and emotions is no longer being tested.