Himmler's Fourth Reich - Alternative View

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Himmler's Fourth Reich - Alternative View
Himmler's Fourth Reich - Alternative View

Video: Himmler's Fourth Reich - Alternative View

Video: Himmler's Fourth Reich - Alternative View
Video: German Neo-Nazi Party runs for European elections | DW News 2024, October

As you know, since mid-1942, behind Hitler's back, Himmler was negotiating with the Allies to conclude a peace treaty. This story is more than convoluted, with almost all European spies and Allied stations from Sweden to France involved. One way or another, but on the evening of April 28, Hitler learned everything. Test pilot Hannah Reich, who was in the Fuehrer's personal bunker in those days, writes in her memoirs:

Hitler fell into a kind of stupor, and for a while silence reigned in the bunker. Reassured, the Fuehrer declared that Himmler's act was the most despicable act of betrayal he had ever encountered. It was on that night that Hitler married Eva Braun, dictated his wills, and finally ordered General Ritter von Graim, whom he had appointed as Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe in place of Goering, to arrest Himmler.

In his political testament, Hitler announced the expulsion from the party of Goering and Himmler, who "tainted the entire nation with indelible shame by secretly entering into negotiations with the enemy without anyone knowing" and against the will of the Fuehrer. Instead of himself President of the Reich and Supreme Commander, he appointed Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz.

Goering by that time was arrested by the SS, and Himmler was not only at large, but also commanded the troops. He did not know that the West had already decided that his candidacy as a negotiating partner was unacceptable.

By the evening of April 30, Doenitz learned that Hitler's will had come into force. On the same day, and perhaps even one hour, Himmler appeared at the headquarters of the Grand Admiral. In his memoirs, Doenitz writes:

Himmler showed me that he clearly counted on being appointed head of state. Here was a source of potential danger. Himmler had military forces at his disposal throughout the country. I didn't have any. He showed up around midnight, accompanied by six SS officers. I, expecting anything from Himmler, put the pistol removed from the safety lock under the papers on my desk.

I handed Himmler a telegram about my appointment. “Please read this,” I said. I watched him closely. As he read, an expression of amazement and genuine dismay was reflected on his face. All his hopes seemed to be dashed. He turned very pale. Finally, he got up and bowed. "Let me," he said, "be the second person in your state." I replied that this issue was non-negotiable and that I would not be able to use his services in any way. He left at about one in the morning.

Himmler's adjutant Sturmbannführer Heinz Maher describes the same scene somewhat differently. According to him, in these last days of the Reich, Himmler traveled to Doenitz almost every day, every time with a large escort. He also came on April 30. Returning to Lubeck in the evening, Himmler received a message that the Grand Admiral asked him to return hastily. Himmler's cortege returned to the Grand Admiral's headquarters by midnight - this is the only thing that matches Doenitz's memories. The conversation, according to Maher, dragged on until morning. All this time the adjutants in the next room were drinking cognac, the atmosphere was quite friendly. Heading for the exit, Himmler ran into Graeme and Reich, who had an arrest warrant for the Reichsfuehrer.

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After a short dialogue with the newcomers, Himmler left without hindrance. The conversation was like this.

Reich. This is treason, Herr Reichsfuehrer.

Himmler. Treason? Not. You will see, history will judge differently. Hitler wanted the fight to continue. He was obsessed with pride and honor. He wanted to shed German blood when it was gone. Hitler was insane. This should have been stopped much earlier.

Reich. Hitler died bravely and proudly. And you, Goering and others live like notorious traitors and cowards.

Himmler. I have done, am doing and will do everything I can to preserve German blood and save what remains of our country - for the sake of the future. You boast that you were close to Hitler, but you don't know the most important thing. That is why you will die in a mousetrap … Without a future and without a Reich.

I have reason to think that Maher's story is much closer to the truth. Himmler first appeared at Doenitz's headquarters even before the latter was appointed as Hitler's successor. The Grand Admiral, having heard the message about the imminent death of the Fuhrer, expressed his full readiness to serve under the high command of Himmler. At the moment when Doenitz learned of his appointment as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Reich's armed forces and of the order to arrest the Reichsfuehrer (both news were contained in Hitler's political will), he discussed with Himmler a plan for the surrender of Hamburg.

Apparently, by the end of the war, Himmler did not feel exhausted and a loser at all, although his chances of any role in the post-war fate of Germany were fading before our eyes. The Allies spread messages and newsreels about the concentration camps, and the peace proposals that the Reichsfuehrer made to the Allies became widely known. Apparently, the time has come to flee "to the East" - to the place where it was possible to start all over again, having joined the "secret knowledge". Where it was possible to start building the Fourth Reich.

One can argue about whether Himmler made it to Tibet. According to the official version, Himmler tried to escape to Sweden via Denmark with documents addressed to Heinrich Hitzinger, a provincial policeman who was convicted by the Nazis several months ago for defeatism and sentenced to death. At the border, he was arrested by the British military. Then the Reichsfuehrer SS, in front of several witnesses, confessed that he was Heinrich Himmler and bit through the ampoule of poison. The Allies examined® the body, photographed it, and then buried it in an unknown location.

In my opinion, this version is sewn with white thread. No, I'm pretty sure the British military doctors who saw Himmler commit suicide in the camp are not lying. They were just carried out, and it was done by none other than the Reichsfuehrer SS himself.

It is obvious that Himmler had an amazing will to live and win, he fought to the very end - if not for Germany, then for himself and for the implementation of his own plans.

When they were detained by the British military, Himmler, his adjutant and secretary strolled along the main street of the border town, occupied by the Allies, as if not hiding from anyone. Two tall men in long-skinned coats of a clearly military cut accompanied a small man in civilian dress. They were stopped by a British patrol and sent to the guardroom, where Himmler gave his name to the arriving British officers, and then committed suicide by biting through an ampoule of cyanide. During a search they found a gilded manicure set with the characteristic RF SS monogram. You don't need to be an expert in German - and they were among the witnesses of Hitler's suicide - to decipher the acronym as "Reichsfuehrer SS". As if on purpose: another indisputable proof for those fools who decide to doubt the obvious.

In addition to this, I am alarmed by another fact. When Himmler tried to flee Germany, he did it not alone, but together with his adjutant Grothman and secretary Karl Gebhard. Neither one, I nor the other kept any diaries and left little personal papers. However, Grothmann on May 19, 1945, the day before he fled Berlin with Himmler, crossed the Elbe and headed for the northern border of Germany, wrote a letter to his sister, who lived in Bavaria. Grotman wrote about his life, about what he was wrong and what was not, about what hopes he pinned on the revival of Germany. The end of the letter was like this:

No one will ever win or break the Aryan spirit. Therefore, the arrival of the new Reich is closer than all these vultures who have attacked Germany and have already begun to divide it among themselves think. One day we will return and take back everything that they took from us. Now we won't be so soft. Now we won't be so kind. We will have something on our side that they will never win, simply because they do not even know that it exists.

Dear Helga, we will not see each other soon in this world. I hope I can convince them to do it for you too. I will ask, and I am sure they will grant my request - at least for the sacrifice that I am going to make now. I do this in the name of our future great state, for the sake of the Aryan spirit and blood. Your children, Helga, will see him. You will see too. I have to complete my Reichsfuehrer's last assignment. Goodbye sister.


What was the “last task” that Khrotman was going to do? If he hoped to flee Germany with Himmler, was this a "task", let alone a "last"? Most likely, the task was to get caught by the English military along with Gebhard and Himmler's double. Then, after he kills himself, confirm verbally, and indeed by his presence, that this is indeed none other than the Reichsfuehrer SS. And then either die in a concentration camp, or be tried and possibly hanged.

In fact, having testified immediately after Himmler's suicide, Grothman scrawled several runic signs on the wall of his solitary confinement cell and strangled himself with a strap in cold blood, leaving no parting note. Grotman's letter came into my hands from his sister's daughter Helga, already here in Argentina.

In addition, the photographs of Himmler-Reichsführer clearly show the scar between the left ear and the eye. In the photographs of Himmler the suicide, he is not. And the point here is not the quality of the newspapers in which the portrait of the dead Himmler was published. The point is that it simply did not exist. I saw prints from real tapes on which the suicide was photographed. And I'm pretty sure it's not SS Reichsfuehrer Himmler.

When Himmler was interrogated by British officers, the arrested man answered the question about the party number: "Fourteen thousand something." Himmler's original number was 14303. Any party member remembered his party card number by heart, and Himmler, moreover, had a phenomenal memory. He indicated the personal number of the SS officer, too, close to the truth, but not exactly: 169 instead of 168. And only to the question of the date of birth he gave a completely accurate answer.

In the subsequent conversation, Hitzinger-Himmler did not say anything that could confirm his exceptional dedication to the secrets of the Third Reich. He only said what any German officer knew.

That is why, and also from a comparison of other facts, I think that Himmler did not commit suicide and was buried in an unknown place in northern Germany. And I think that the former SS Reichsfuehrer fled Germany and made it to Tibet.

Why did Himmler not flee to Antarctica, where, apparently, everything was being prepared for the new, Fourth Reich, and where Hess and Bormann had already fled? Namely because Hess and Bormann were there. I think that if Himmler had ended up in New Swabia, he would not have lived there for long. Despite the fact that there were no high-profile scandals between Himmler and Hitler until April 1945, it was not Himmler, who, according to some sources, very much hoped for it, became the deputy Fuhrer for party affairs, but Bormann. This and a number of other facts, as well as the simple argument that no one ever needs competitors in the struggle for power, allows one to think that Himmler would hardly have been a welcome guest in the Fourth "Antarctic" Reich.

I'm sure he understood that. For all that the Reichsfuehrer SS was on the side of evil - in the form in which most ordinary earthly people understand evil - he was far from being a stupid person.

Even then, when Schaeffer, returning from the first expedition, reported to his chief Sievers, and then to Himmler about its results, Himmler had already begun to play, as they say, "to his own interest." Carrying out the official orders of Himmler, reports on which were passed on to Hitler, Schaeffer continued to carry out other, "unofficial" orders. Most likely, this activity of Schaeffer was aimed at establishing contact with Tibet, so that in the event of Himmler's failure in Germany, he could go there. It was not enough for the Reichsfuehrer SS to simply hide so that no one could find it. Himmler did not abandon either the idea of finding the ancient Aryans, or the desire to comprehend ancient magic, or the dream to recreate a "new paganism." And he would hardly have given up the idea of creating the Fourth Reich either. Only it would not be the Reich that was being built in Antarctica.

A few days after Bormann's appointment, Himmler wrote a letter to Schaeffer. It said:

The Fuehrer did not hear us. He did not attach importance to the importance of our discovery, and now we must act alone.

It is still not clear to me what exactly Schaeffer discovered in Tibet and what remained "not understood" by Hitler, but since then, with his left hand, Himmler continued to lead Antarctic expeditions and the transfer of valuables and documents to New Swabia, including with the help of submarines. And with his right hand, he set the stage for his own Reich. Reich, where he, Himmler, would be the high priest and master. The way it was entrusted to him by the "black order" of the SS.

Apparently, Himmler also conspired with Tibetan "specialists" who were sent to serve the Fuehrer. One of Himmler's stenographers, who turned out to be a chatty lady, told an American journalist after the war:

These awful Chinese came to see the Reichsfuehrer almost every day. They just make me shiver. They appear and disappear inaudibly, so you can't even know for sure whether you have him behind your back or not. One of them constantly walks with a huge book wrapped in a large white rag, and never leaves it. Once he was sitting in the waiting room and waiting for a meeting to end. He was flipping through this awful book when I entered. He immediately slammed it shut and wrapped it in his rag again. I managed to see only a terrible picture. It seems that there one person burned another at the stake.

On the basis of this interview, a magazine article was immediately concocted and even published on the connection of Hitler's Nazis with Tibet. But a few days after its release, all unsold copies of the magazine disappeared from newsstands. As before, someone really didn’t want to know something superfluous …

Author: Kranz Hans-Ulrich von. From nigi: "Gods of the Third Reich"