Juna: Unique And Unhappy - Alternative View

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Juna: Unique And Unhappy - Alternative View
Juna: Unique And Unhappy - Alternative View

Video: Juna: Unique And Unhappy - Alternative View

Video: Juna: Unique And Unhappy - Alternative View
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Juna Davitashvili is one of the most mysterious personalities of our time. She is called a legendary person both for her unique psychic abilities and for the many myths with which this unique woman surrounded herself.

To assert the veracity of this or that fact from the life of the first Soviet astrologer is a thankless task. Often, her words in different interviews contradicted each other. She ascribed to herself the awards and titles of non-existent societies and organizations. One thing can only be said - she was a most talented person, and hundreds of people healed by her confirm this.

Childhood and youth

The birthplace of the future psychic and healer is Kuban, the village of Urmia. Her dad emigrated to the USSR from Iran, according to him Juna is an Assyrian. It is believed that talent, like nationality, passed to Juna from her father. He knew how to predict the future and even predicted his own death. Mom is a hereditary Cossack. Relations with her in childhood were not easy, the mother often subjected her daughter to severe punishments for the child's antics that were inexplicable in her opinion. The family was poor, like many other village families in the post-war decades, and at the age of 13, the girl began to work on a collective farm.

As for the higher educational institutions in which Juna happened to study, the information here is somewhat confusing. According to one version, she was a student of the Institute of Film and Television for two years, according to the other, a student of a medical technical school. Both establishments are located in Rostov.

Juna's "professional" activities

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The fame of Juna as a healer and seer appeared and began to spread throughout the USSR after she moved to Tbilisi. She healed people with just her hands. Having learned about the existence of a girl with paranormal abilities, the capital's medical officials invited her to Moscow. The scientific commission for the fight against pseudoscience failed to explain its abilities, but it did not deny them either. Juna became even more famous. Among those who abandoned official medicine in favor of the services of a healer are L. Brezhnev and A. Raikin, I. Glazunov and R. De Niro, F. Fellini and M. Mastroiani. Juna was involved in testing foreign intelligence officers, which was carried out at the Center for Human Brain Parapsychology.

Despite her talent for healing people and foreseeing the future, she was unhappy. State and international awards, expensive jewelry and fabulous rewards from high society did not bring her happiness. She had no luck with men. The first marriage broke up after she moved to the capital, the second was concluded to spite her brother practically with the first person he met and did not last long - a day. Relatives, according to Dzhuna, constantly demanded material benefits from her. The only joy in life was his son, but he tragically died in a sauna in a drunken fight. It was then that life for Juna stopped, and her gift disappeared. Or she simply refused him …
