Porfiry Ivanov: The Last "prophet" In The USSR - Alternative View

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Porfiry Ivanov: The Last "prophet" In The USSR - Alternative View
Porfiry Ivanov: The Last "prophet" In The USSR - Alternative View

Video: Porfiry Ivanov: The Last "prophet" In The USSR - Alternative View

Video: Porfiry Ivanov: The Last
Video: February 20 ♓ Famous BirthDays 2024, October

Porfiry Ivanov has gone from a village thief to the leader of one of the cult totalitarian sects that promise eternal life to their followers.

The first thief in the village

Porfiry Ivanov can hardly be called a saint (his supporters, of course, will not agree with this). In the village where he lived in his youth, he was considered the first thief in the village. He accepted the revolution with all his zeal, took part in collectivization, destroyed churches, played cards for large sums. In 1928, he was already a candidate for membership in the CPSU (b), studied at the party school, but in 1930 he was arrested for fraud, ended up in a camp, where he actively collaborated with the administration and was released on parole after 11 months. At this time, he was tormented by only one thought. He thought about how to "become the leader in history." After the "epiphany" that happened to him, according to the main version, during his illness, he understood how.


The main goal of life "according to Ivanov" is a person's achievement of immortality. The teacher promised people what everyone wants - good health. This was the root of his System. Porfiry Ivanov believed: to get rid of the disease, it is not enough to be cured, you need to change your life. After all, illness is a punishment, and if you do not correct it, the illness will surely return. Porfiry's first rule is to swim in the morning and evening. Second, you need to find a poor person and help him. Further - you must not drink, not smoke, be sure to greet people. If someone refused to follow these advice, Porfiry Ivanov simply did not accept him. He demanded unquestioning obedience - the same faith that he himself had. In 1974, the wife of Porfiry Ivanov fell ill. She was seriously injured: while laying hay, she fell from a high hayloft. Porfiry was unwavering:Ulyana had to ask him, like everyone else. But she was never able to call her husband “Teacher”. Porfiry could do nothing to help his wife. She never recovered from her illness and died the same year.

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Fascist occupation

Porfiry with his “yellow card” was unfit for military service. During the Nazi occupation, according to his own recollections, he continued to walk down the street in his shorts. The Germans marveled and decided to test him: they poured water over him, carried him undressed on a motorcycle, buried him in the snow. This is what Ivanov himself said. Only Paulus's special disposition towards him is documented. He gave Ivanov a stamped paper, where it was written that Porfiry should not be touched, because he was "of interest to science."

Ivanov claimed that he was credited with the victory over fascism. He wrote: “My thought climbed in Hitler’s head, awakened in him behind the eyes what was needed to defeat Nazi Germany. Fascist bosses are cunning politicians, they asked me: "Who will win?" - I answered: "Stalin". It is not clear how Ivanov "helped the front", since it is known that in 1943 he wanted to go to Stalin and ask him to make peace with Germany.

Totalitarian cult

"Ivanovstvo" corresponds to all the signs of a totalitarian sect. It contains a Teacher, whose opinion is accepted by all community members as the absolute truth. The Ivanovoites lack critical thinking about their activities; they use obsessive propaganda to attract new adherents. Community life implies social localization, leaving the family, abandoning the usual daily routine, abandoning material goods in favor of the sect (in the 60s, Porfiry Ivanov bought himself a new Volga). In 1992, in one of the schools in the Luhansk region, Ivanovo residents began their experiment on children. For four years, they forced junior schoolchildren to "voluntarily-forcibly" pour water, put high desks in the classrooms, behind which they had to stand, conducted propaganda lessons, in which they told children about the teachings of Porfiry Ivanov. The result of this activity was a sharp deterioration in the health of children, scoliosis, weakening of vision … Where did the parents look?

Immortal man

Shortly before Ivanov's death, Porfiry Korneevich and his entourage gathered on the Chuvilkin hill, sacred for them, where they tried to give birth to one of the Ivanov women. The teacher assured that the born child will be autotrophic, that is, immortal. The baby was going to be weaned from its mother and fed not with milk, but with its own bioenergy. Ivanovtsy believed that a newborn would open the era of immortal people, and after Ivanov's death his soul would pass into a child. The police intervened in the ritual. The woman in labor was sent to the hospital, where … a girl was born safely. Ivanovtsi still believe that a boy was born and, although he was replaced, he was saved and secretly grows … and will also say his word to humanity.

Porphyry and psychiatry

Porfiry Ivanov spent 12 years of his life in psychiatric clinics in Moscow, Leningrad, Odessa, Kazan, Rostov. Ivanovtsy are convinced that such a "heroic" biography speaks in favor of the Teacher, but analysis of Ivanov's diary texts and analysis of his behavior show an obvious clinical picture of schizophrenia. Ivanov left behind more than two hundred notebooks. They reveal confusion of thinking, leaps of ideas, frequent repetition of elements of speech. In 1936, Ivanov went to Moscow to participate in the Congress of Soviets, wanted to propose his own version of the Constitution on behalf of the insane and prisoners, assured that he took an active part in Gagarin's flight, and was also on the moon when the Americans landed there. According to Ivanov, in 1979-83 he fulfilled the Mission of God the Holy Spirit, endured everything that happened in the world and thereby prevented the Third World War.

Ivanov died. Long live Ivanov

Ivanov, whose main goal of teaching was to achieve immortality, died at the age of 85. The last years of his life he had severe pain in his leg, but he tried not to show it. He died long and painfully, bequeathed after death to pour cold water on his body for three days. At the funeral, no one cried: he forbade himself to mourn. The Ivanovites, of course, did not dare to disobey the Teacher. There is neither a monument nor a cross on Ivanov's grave, just a mound surrounded by a hedge. His followers believe that Ivanov is still alive.
