A Continent-long Trail - Alternative View

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A Continent-long Trail - Alternative View
A Continent-long Trail - Alternative View

Video: A Continent-long Trail - Alternative View

Video: A Continent-long Trail - Alternative View
Video: Long Trail Unsupported Speed Record (FKT) 2024, October

In childhood, each of us, finding ourselves in the forest, enthusiastically walked along the forest path leading to a berry meadow or to a lake. The path was usually short. Meanwhile, there are paths on Earth that stretch through entire continents, and their age is more than one millennium.

The famous writer, paleoethnologist Vladimir DEGTYAREV agreed to talk about the phenomenon of transcontinental paths.

Vladimir Nikolaevich, what are these continent-long paths?

- Six paths are drawn on ancient Siberian maps made on leather by unknown, but very competent cartographers of the distant past. This is a unique phenomenon - a trail through the vast expanses of Siberia. The most important of them in ancient times was called the Pyrgu-Porgu trail (there was such a giant). Today it is called the Genghis Khan trail.


By the way, this is really a trail, you can't even go by it in a jeep. It began on the coast of the Baltic Sea, went through Perm to Surgut, then descended to modern Kemerovo and turned to Baikal. At Baikal the trail bifurcated. One branch went to Chita and then went along the banks of the Amur to the Pacific Ocean (a piece of skin is spoiled here). And the second branch took travelers south, towards India. Experts from Khanty-Mansiysk (Siberian autochthonous inhabitants) confidently say that this walking path could only be moved with pack deer tied to a caravan. Even dog teams could not pass along it.

Where did the other trails lead?

- Some of them took travelers from Baikal to the South Urals, others went from Taimyr to Altai and further south. These were mainly trade routes. More or less today, the Genghis Khan trail operates, along which locals go to their hunting grounds or visit relatives. At the same time, you need to understand that such trails have been laid for more than one year. And not one century. If we proceed from the original name of the main trail - the Pyrgu-Porgu trail, then according to the factual Mansi legend "The Giant and the Beauty" the trail was laid five thousand years ago.

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However, this is not an exact date. The Tomsk researcher of Siberian antiquities Nikolai Novgorodov believes that paths of great length were laid along antediluvian roads that existed even before the death of the Hyperborean civilization. The scientist personally walked a considerable distance along the path of Genghis Khan and can responsibly declare that in some of its sections the remains of what in the ancient syllabic language is called sacbe - that is, "produced, built road" are clearly visible.

Do such trails exist only on the territory of Eurasia?

- Not! In the same South America, they are laid from Mexico to the southern border of Argentina. It is important to note that there are two parallel roads, each nine meters wide. One runs along the foothills of the Andes, and the other along the plain. They are connected with each other every thirty kilometers by excellent tracks, the preservation of which would be the envy of modern roads. There is no need to prove their existence now.


They are perfectly visible from space, from orbital stations. And they were photographed several times. It can be said unequivocally that the roads, and then the paths laid along them after the Flood, were an urgent need.

For what?

- The only answer might be the factual version - for trading. The trail running from the Taimyr Peninsula to Altai is almost straight as an arrow. But in the Altai mountains it does not end and stretches across the territory of modern Kazakhstan, along the rivers Irtysh, Ishim, Turgai, Syrdarya. This is the SAK MA caravan road - the road "born", but not "produced", that is, simply knocked out in the soil - like a primer, in contrast to asphalt. On it, the merchants of the now perished states of Bactria and Sogdiana went to Altai, there was a trade center where transactions were made. And the deals (in modern money) were very large. Today you will not find in the museums of Kemerovo, Irkutsk, Chita, Ulan-Ude the famous monist made from silver coins of the Arabian and Bactrian mints.

You will not find steel daggers, on the blades of which the finest inscriptions in Arabic or Uighur languages are applied in gold. All this disappeared immediately after the 1917 revolution. Only a monist of Russian silver coins of the 18th-19th centuries remained. But in those days, southern merchants carried very expensive Indian steel products to the Siberian lands, magnificent copper or bronze dishes, solidly decorated with silver notches.

They brought in paints, fabrics, which are often mentioned in the tales of the Siberian peoples, they brought money. By the way, silver bowls and plates attributed to Greek production, according to the drawings on these items, are still found along the banks of the Yenisei. But I believe that these findings came to us from an antediluvian civilization that once flourished on the shores of the current Arctic Ocean.

And what was transported back from Siberia to South Asia and the Middle East?

- First of all - expensive furs of sable, lynx, wolverine, marten, squirrel. The fur of the brown bear was of particular value. And the polar bear's fur was absolutely extraordinary value. It is known that Sultan Al-Mammun, the conqueror of Egypt and the robber of the pyramids, in the VIII century AD. e. amazed all visitors with his "sofa" - a huge polar bear skin laid on the floor. The hide, according to custom, had a head with an open mouth. Some visitors fainted …

Siberian copper was in great demand. Only recently, through the efforts of the same Nikolai Novgorodov, it became known that Siberian yellow copper was mined in the area of the Taimyr Peninsula. The main city of the Aryans was located there before the Flood. There were also copper mines here. When the Russians reached their ancient lands in the 17th century, they still found abandoned smelting furnaces. And even bars of not only copper, but also gold. By the way, then there was enough gold for everyone and in excess, but there was no yellow copper anywhere in the world.

Yellow copper was called because the copper rock contained up to 38% gold. But it was not possible to smelt it separately from copper, since, in addition to gold, the rock contained minerals unusual for that time, which interfere with the process of separating copper from gold. That is why yellow copper was so famous in the south of the Asian continent. For without any additional work, it was possible to mint very expensive and beautiful dishes from this copper: bowls, jugs, dishes.

How were the other trails used?

- On the path from Baikal to Perm and further to the Baltic Sea, four thousand years ago, those who are now called Skands, or Germans, left. It was a slow migration of peoples. This was no longer an escape from the consequences of the Flood, but a calculated advance to the lacustrine, albeit swampy, territories of Europe. But along the path from Baikal to Chelyabinsk and further those who are now called the Arkaims left. Both they and the Germans moved to the West, moving away from the sudden and a hundredfold increase in the population of the territories of present-day Mongolia and the Uyghur Kaganate (present-day Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China).

Then there was no trace of the terrible and disastrous Taklamakan desert. And the Tarim River with its tributaries provided the growing population with fine water and innumerable riches of the animal world - wild boars, birds, gazelles and wild horses. The highway from the border of Russia (from the village of Kosh-Agach), going strictly to the south towards the city of Kashgar, was once also a caravan path. It delivered Indian goods to Siberia.

It is curious that none of the paths indicated on the ancient maps led in the direction of China. In ancient times, there was nothing to export from there, and there was no point in importing, since the purchasing power of the population was very low.

The entire Siberian section of the Trans-Siberian Railway passes strictly along the former path of Genghis Khan (the path of the giant Pyrgu-Porgu). I sat patiently enough over three maps (a map of Soviet railways, a map of mineral deposits, and an ancient map of trails). It is clear and obvious that the ancient paths connected the ancient deposits of silver, gold and copper. So not only the trade needs brought to life the Siberian paths, but also the need to transport ore.

According to ancient sources, for example, it is known that the Arabs bought silver ore in Armenia, and processed it in Ashgabat (translated from the ancient syllabic language ASGABAD - "shining workshop, factory"). In the same way, copper and gold ore, mined in the Altai Mountains, was transported to the Urals line of Arkaim-class cities. Three more trails pass through the now deserted places of the Putoransky plateau, the north of Yakutia and the little-known dominant territories of the Kolyma, Indigirka, and Lena rivers. There are secrets.

Interviewed by Dmitry SOKOLOV