The Last Hours Of The Leader: The Mystical Truth - Alternative View

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The Last Hours Of The Leader: The Mystical Truth - Alternative View
The Last Hours Of The Leader: The Mystical Truth - Alternative View

Video: The Last Hours Of The Leader: The Mystical Truth - Alternative View

Video: The Last Hours Of The Leader: The Mystical Truth - Alternative View
Video: Sadhguru's FAKE Compassion Exposed by REAL Guru (Thich Nhat Hahn) 2024, July

In April next year, not only a memorable, but a significant date for our country will be celebrated - the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Whatever it was, this figure is undoubtedly a historical one, which means that a close study of the biography of the leader of the proletariat and our main revolutionary, who dramatically changed Russia's path in time and even in geographical space, requires a special approach. Of course, we have already begun work in the main archives of the country to search for new materials that expand our knowledge of Lenin, we plan to visit museums and memorial sites associated with his life and work. But we do not refuse from non-traditional ways of obtaining information. Moreover, as is almost always the case, exploring one object of our interests, we get along the way a lot of other interesting information. A striking example of this is the publication offered to the attention of readers, which was prepared for us by an author who appeared on the editorial horizon in the most mystical way.

Antique things not only remember their owner, but also carry the energy of time - this is a fact that now no one doubts. But can the things and walls of the old house tell their secrets to those people who are able to hear these silent stories? Is it possible to combine events, historical figures and extrasensory perception?

Legends of the old manor

This is not a fiction or a fairy tale, this is an adventure from life that is real. Location: the Gorki estate near Moscow. Time: November 2016. Project: "Battle of psychics" of TNT TV channel. Characters: Chief Researcher of the State Historical Museum-Reserve "Gorki Leninskiye" Svetlana Generalova, historian Oleg Shishkin, presenter of the program Sergey Safronov, psychics Marilyn Kerro, Swami Dashi, Daria Voskoboeva, Nadezhda Shevchenko, two editors, videographers of the project and the author of these lines - at that time, the head of the museum's tour bureau.


Gorki near Moscow. The estate, which at different times belonged to the Durasovs, Gerasimovs, A. Pisarev, Z. Morozova, and after nationalization became a sanatorium, where in 1918, after an attempt on his life, Vladimir Lenin came to improve his health. And since 1923, she became the leader's last refuge.

There is a lot of mysticism in Lenin's life. Well, is it not a miracle that Vladimir Ilyich, having survived several assassination attempts, two severe attacks, lived for several more years in a difficult physical condition. After the first attack, which brought him partial paralysis, losing his speech and partly of movement, Lenin quickly recovered, and after the second he survived, and even tried to work. And when, after the death of the leader, his body was opened, the doctors could not believe how with such vessels and with such a brain he functioned for so long. How can one explain the fact that even after the closure of the museum “V. I. Lenin in the Kremlin in the 1990s, did the employees of the Kremlin corridors continue to hear not only steps, but also the voice of Ilyich? How to explain that a young girl who was interested in antique furniture and visited the manor library in the 2000s,saw the reflection in the mirror of Lenin lying on the couch, fainted and could not come to her senses for a long time? But the most interesting thing happened later, when the museum's researchers discovered the fact that the couch was in the very place when Vladimir Ilyich was in the estate.

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Of course, Lenin's personality is completely extraordinary, strong, and it's hard not to admit it. His obsession with an idea, his maniacal attitude to the cause of his life - revolution - and an uncontrollable thirst for movement towards the intended goal create a powerful energy around his phenomenon.

It would be foolish not to check in the house where Lenin spent the last years of his life and where he died, the abilities of people with the gift of extrasensory perception. Moreover, the last mistress of the estate was also a strong and intelligent woman, one of the richest women of the early 20th century, the widow of Savva Morozov, Zinaida Grigorievna Morozova-Reinbot.

Where am I, who is here?

The test that was given to psychics was unequivocal: "Please try to determine where you are at the moment and who lived in this place before." It would be strange if people with abilities did not feel the energy of this amazing place and its inhabitants. The subjects were blindfolded and put on an impenetrable mask a few kilometers from home. As an eyewitness to the events, I can say: the decision in which room a particular psychic will fall was made about three minutes before he appeared in the room.

And here is the first psychic on the site. Witch. She scans the floor with her hands for a long time, then begins to accurately describe the room. This is an office. Furniture, precise mirror location. So far, everything is correct. Talking about the alleged owner. First, general phrases, but then, of course, in the process of her reasoning, we all recognize the hero of the story. “And his eyes are like that, smiling! Something so familiar, almost dear! She says, and we laugh.


After the second participant, there is less and less skepticism. She calls herself a multifaceted witch. She gets a room on the second floor of the Big House. The room is unusual: under Morozova there was a living room, under Lenin, too, but after his death it was a hall of farewell to the leader. When a museum was built here in 1949, this room was called the "Funeral Hall". In Soviet times, there were memorial wreaths and a death mask and casts from the hands of the leader. The witch first describes a woman, stately, domineering, “she walks here like a mistress” (so far everything is correct). “I don’t see her grave,” she says. Indeed, Zinaida Morozova was buried in the churchyard, which was wiped off the face of the earth in the middle of the 20th century, and the Bykovo airport was built in its place.

Then he starts talking about the man: "A thin face, glasses, a beard, he has something with his legs." These words make me speechless, I turn to my colleagues and say in a whisper: “This is Dmitry Ilyich Ulyanov, Lenin’s brother. He died in this room. " At this moment, now Oleg Shishkin's eyes widen: "Did he die in this room?" It turns out that the historian did not know this fact! Further more. About Lenin, the psychic says that he sees a person who makes a cross from his fingers and, as it were, leads him down. Well, you and I know about Ilyich's attitude to the church.

On deathbed

We were really looking forward to how the psychic would feel, who would get Vladimir Ilyich's private room for examination. He lived in it and died. Mary got the room. She is Estonian, she is not very familiar with our history, she, even when they removed the blindfold from her eyes, did not immediately recognize Lenin. So, she said a lot of interesting things, we, of course, commented on everything that she sees, thereby deciphering these visions. And then she begins to tell how the owner of the room suffers, and in the course of the story her right hand clenches into an awkward fist and curls up.


The psychic herself sits on the bed (oh God, this is a museum exhibit!), Continuing to broadcast how difficult it was for him to overcome pain. Then he completely lies down on the bed. Lenin died on this bed. She showed exactly both the pose and the position of Ilyich's paralyzed hand. Amazing and incomprehensible. When we go to the psychic, she asks to decipher what she saw and what she does not understand.

Voice of the past

The psychic who got the women's bathroom takes a long time to set up. He sits on the tiled floor, on his knees, swaying, and after a while begins to make strange sounds that turn into a howl. We recognized these sounds immediately. The fact is that there is a version: Lenin, from pain, or maybe from his own powerlessness and despair, howled so that the inhabitants of the village of Gorki heard this voice. In the film directed by Alexander Sokurov "Taurus" there is a similar scene in which Lenin sits in his favorite gazebo in a wheelchair and howls. Further, the psychic describes the space around him, it is hard (well, of course, there are tiles around), and, turning to the bathroom itself, says that a certain portal is opening here. I must say that very few people know (such information is not said by the guides on excursions),that in this very bathroom on the night of January 21-22, an autopsy of Lenin's body and initial embalming took place. The brain of Vladimir Ilyich was also extracted here. The events leading up to further embalming were held here, although this should be done in the morgue. The psychic feels this too. He says that the place resembles either a hospital or a morgue. But what happened next cannot be explained by anything. A marriage of sound or a general hallucination? During the test, through the words, I hear the sound of pouring water in the earpiece. There can be no water a priori, it has long been disconnected in the house. I’m confused, but I don’t say anything so they don’t think I’m crazy. And then Oleg Shishkin says that he hears water. I agree (hurray, I'm not the only one who has lost my mind!), We exchange glances, but no one else hears this. After the test, we discussed what it was. They explained to usthat we two were lucky to project onto ourselves the materialization of the past sound into the present sound. This is not the case for everyone and is quite rare.

Find out the impossible about yourself

After each test, we had the opportunity to talk with psychics and did not miss this chance. Even the chief researcher of the museum, Svetlana Generalova, the first skeptic of our company, joined in the conversations. From conversations with psychics, everyone learned a lot of new and interesting things about themselves. Names, facts from life, small details of this or that moment of your path, this, I can tell you, is very surprising, impressive and undoubtedly fascinating! Of course, now you can learn a lot about a person through social networks. Everything would be simple if at the time of the filming of the program, for example, I did not have a single page in social networks. And do you seriously think that there are special FSB agents in the project, who give the participants all the dossiers on experts? Rather, psychics are very good psychologists, and the rest is undoubtedly their gift.

Marina Andrianova