One Gram Of Mind Who Is Bigger? - Alternative View

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One Gram Of Mind Who Is Bigger? - Alternative View
One Gram Of Mind Who Is Bigger? - Alternative View

Video: One Gram Of Mind Who Is Bigger? - Alternative View

Video: One Gram Of Mind Who Is Bigger? - Alternative View
Video: The Secrets of Sugar - the fifth estate 2024, October

Unfortunately, TV viewers in Russia and all over the world are only familiar with artists, singers, humorists and political scientists. Throughout the twentieth century, Russia was known as the country of academic science. Is Russia going to turn into a country of artists, singers and political scientists in the 21st century? It is to this social category that all media platforms are given daily. Scientific and environmental topics that would be covered by authoritative scientists - physicists, chemists, ecologists, climatologists, biologists, are not available on Russian and world TV channels. The social and ecological responsibility of the majority of the population is very low or zero. For example, a video with a naked woman running into a stadium is gaining tens of millions of views, while an overview of an environmental problem is only ten to fifteen thousand. And someone will argue with me, doubtingthat among the world's population at least 75 percent are oligophrenic?

Question from Vladimir Cherkasov, Nizhny Novgorod:

“Dear Mr. Potemkin, when you receive information from the media and read your interviews and articles about the ongoing ecological catastrophe, the degree of human impact on the environment, contradictions arise: you don’t understand who to listen to and what to take into account.

The well-known economist and publicist M. Delyagin, during the broadcast on the First Channel of the program "Vremya Pokazhet" on August 29, 2019, uttered the following phrase: "There is no model for the formation of a climate on earth. " Presenter A. Petrov in the program "Morning of Russia" from 2019-31-08, discussing the problem of childhood obesity with Doctor of Medical Sciences A. Krapivkin, concludes that obesity is not caused by environmental reasons, and believes that " we have practically no effect on the environment." How do you feel about the statements of these people, who is smarter?"

Alexander Potemkin:

Dear Vladimir

Promotional video:

I have no desire to study narrow-minded media people who voice their opinions on television screens.

Mr. Krapivkin, being a pediatrician, should know that more than 75-80% of the Earth's inhabitants have average or even low potential for intellectual development, i.e. according to the medical definition, they are oligophrenic *. True, it sounds beautiful …

Publicity does not mean the presence of intelligence, which must be guided by.

As for people who allow themselves to gain weight immensely (with the exception of medical indicators, which account for a small percentage), it is known that from the end of the 19th century to the present day, their number in the world has increased hundreds of times. And this is a real disaster that characterizes the way of life and the problems of modern humanity. Is a fat person a source of environmental hazard? Sure! What exactly is he dangerous?

Unrestrained consumption (including junk food, contributing to the deterioration of health in general. That is why the growth of pharmacies and hospitals, budgetary spending on health care exceeds hundreds of percent compared to previous years).

Russia is home to 100 million people, 50 million tons of feces are produced per year (the norm for a healthy person is 300 kg per year, for an obese person it reaches 1 ton). Where do they go? There is no effective technology for processing feces, as a result of which all these masses, including waste from livestock and poultry farming (and this is already hundreds of millions of tons), end up in the soil, water, and pollute the fields. If earlier the feces did not contain so many heavy metals, pesticides and other harmful substances, then they could be used as fertilizers. Today, the agricultural lands of the entire planet are poisoned, and the human body has turned into an agglomeration factory. You are eating foods grown on your own waste. This is not just about Russia.

Chemicals in human feces
Chemicals in human feces

Chemicals in human feces.

For example, New York City has a federal ban on dumping residents' excrement into the ocean, and the southern United States is used as a landfill for waste, including toxic coal ash from power plants throughout the country. In 2018, a case in Alabama thundered all over the world when a train with sewer waste from New York stood for several months in the heat in the small town of Parrish. The shipment was supposed to arrive at a landfill in West Jefferson, but residents opposed and filed a lawsuit against a waste disposal company. As a result, during the trial, the train got stuck in Parrish, and the townspeople had to suffer from an unbearable smell. To this day, it is not known what the fate of these 300 carriages of feces was. One can only imagine …

You can see the analysis of organic human waste carried out by the German state laboratory in April 2019. The analysis was made in a country where they are actively involved in ecology and where none of the public figures allows themselves such public statements, which you brought.

A fat person is also dangerous because of the low social responsibility that is so necessary for solving environmental protection issues.

Can the problem of mass obesity be solved? Can! To do this, you must enter a tax on excess weight. Unfortunately, there is no other remedy that has a similar effect on the conscience of the layman. For exceeding the standard weight by 10-15-20%, a tax should be charged - 10, 50, 100 dollars. And this is not only about Russia, but about all the countries of the world in which my interviews are published in foreign languages, from Japan to Brazil.

I do not know and do not want to know who Delyagin is. But if he speaks publicly on issues in which he is incompetent, then he is an illiterate type. I was given his remark about Greenland, the name of which he translates as "Green Land", because he believes that earlier this island was completely covered with vegetation, and then ice. In fact, Eric Roth, who discovered the island in 982, called the area "The Land of Meadows", grøn means "meadow" in Danish. Over the past 5,000-10,000 years, the planet's climate has not changed radically. As in the past, and now, birches, alder, mountain ash, juniper grow on the southern coast, there are cereal and heather meadows, forbs. Of course, in the second half of the 20th century, a general increase in temperature in the world became noticeable. Global observations of meteorologists for the period 1880–2012. indicate a warming of the climate by 0,85 oC.

Since 1850, on a ten-year scale, the air temperature in each decade has been higher than in any previous decade. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the average air temperature has increased by 0.74 ° C. Roughly two-thirds of the growth has occurred since 1980.

According to UN experts, an increase in temperatures on the Earth's surface has already led to significant changes in the state of the Planet:

- Average rate of rise in global mean sea level in 1993–2010. amounted to 3.2 mm / year.

- Average rate of ice sheet decline worldwide, excluding glaciers at the periphery of ice sheets, 1993–2009. amounted to 275 Gt / year.

- Average global sea level for the period 1901–2010. increased by 0.19 m.

UN experts with a probability of more than 99% predict the continuation of the currently observed trends in climate change at least until the end of the XXI century. With a smooth development of the situation, this will lead to a change in the nature of the distribution of precipitation, an increase in seasonal temperature fluctuations, an increase in the average annual surface temperature of the Planet to 6 ° C and an increase in the ocean level to 0.5 m.

It should be noted that in the territory of the Russian Federation, global warming is manifested almost 2 times more strongly than in the world as a whole. Over the past 5 years, the temperature rise in Russia amounted to 1.5 degrees, in the world - slightly more than 0.8 degrees. This is due to the geographical location of the country. Lands get warmer faster than the ocean, high latitudes get warmer faster than anything else. Both of these factors are characteristic of Russia, since it is a very large land area between the oceans.

At high latitudes, positive feedbacks are active, when warming aggravates itself. One example of these interdependencies is the moisture holding capacity of the atmosphere. A chain is being built: a warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture, which is a natural greenhouse gas, the greenhouse effect leads to further warming, that is, its even greater moisture capacity, and so on. It is essential that land requires less heat for its heating than the world's oceans.

Do not listen to the media, do not watch talk shows and media personages. Draw conclusions by independently analyzing the situation. The amount of available analytical information on the state of human health, the environment, climate change, etc. - are colossal.

Unfortunately, TV viewers in Russia and all over the world are only familiar with artists, singers, humorists and political scientists. Throughout the twentieth century, Russia was known as the country of academic science. Is Russia going to turn into a country of artists, singers and political scientists in the 21st century? It is to this social category that all media platforms are given daily. Scientific and environmental topics that would be covered by authoritative scientists - physicists, chemists, ecologists, climatologists, biologists, are not available on Russian and world TV channels. The social and ecological responsibility of the majority of the population is very low or zero. For example, a video with a naked woman running into a stadium is gaining tens of millions of views, while an overview of an environmental problem is only ten to fifteen thousand. And someone will argue with me, doubtingthat among the world's population at least 75 percent are oligophrenic?

In these conditions, look for information yourself, find like-minded people, change your worldview to an ecological one, save yourself and your country!

It is a terrible fact that today there are practically no or very few people capable of preventing and influencing changes in the ecological situation. Only recently, millions of scientists have left the Russian Federation. Blaise Pascal once said: "It will be enough for 300 intellectuals to leave, and France will turn into a country of idiots." Is it possible that, like this great thinker, you will have to make an appropriate diagnosis of Russia?

* Mental retardation, dementia, oligophrenia (ancient Greek ὀλίγος "small" + φρήν "mind") - congenital or acquired at an early age delay, or incomplete development of the psyche, manifested by impaired intelligence, caused by brain pathology and leading to social maladjustment … It manifests itself primarily in relation to the mind (hence the name), also in relation to emotions, will, speech and motor skills.