People Magnets - Alternative View

People Magnets - Alternative View
People Magnets - Alternative View

Video: People Magnets - Alternative View

Video: People Magnets - Alternative View
Video: Amazing Discovery With Magnets - The Inverter Magnet 2024, July

Surely, many of you are familiar with the X-Men antihero - Magneto. With just the power of thought, he could do anything with metal. In his hands, he became sometimes malleable plasticine, then a molten drop, then a deadly weapon.

However, in real life there are people who have power not only over metal, but also over other materials. Let's talk about people-magnets. In our country, they were not mentioned for a long time, although they were intensively studied. The ice broke around 1988. Then the first mention of the girl-magnet came from Belarus. Here is how her abilities were described: Here she stretches out her hand, puts the bottom of a large aluminum frying pan to her palm, and that … hangs, as if magnetized. Dad brings two kilogram dumbbells to the pan one by one, which clink to the bottom. Then he adds there a three-hundred-gram hammer. The total weight of objects “hanging” above the floor, contrary to all laws, is about four kilograms.”Then Inge Gaiduchenko was only 13 years old. This message literally broke the long-term blockade,and reports of people like magnets rained down from all over the USSR.

People with the ability to attract objects have been known for a long time, but for a number of well-known reasons they were not very eager to advertise their abilities. In the Middle Ages, for this they could easily be accused of witchcraft and executed. In subsequent centuries, they had only one way - to the circus or roving fairgrounds. However, there were also those who used their abilities to their advantage. It was rumored that Count Cagliostro possessed magnetic powers and could bend cutlery with just one glance.

But the earliest officially recorded case of the manifestation of magnetism is the one that occurred in 1852 in Bavaria. It is also interesting because, along with the ability to attract objects to themselves, the parents of the girl, in whom this ability manifested itself, received a poltergeist manifestation in the appendage. Knocks, screams, creaks and other misfortunes accompanied the girl everywhere, wherever she was, as if a violent spirit was on her heels.

It all started on January 1, 1852. in the small town of Bergzabern in the family of the tailor Peter Senger. "The culprit of the occasion" was his eleven-year-old daughter Philippine. In her presence, all the surrounding objects seemed to go crazy: the furniture moved by itself, things tipped over and turned out, all sorts of sounds were heard. However, items did not always stick to the Philippines. On the days when this began, the girl fell into a special state, like a somnambulist, she called household members into her room until everyone gathered there. Then she asked to give her some objects and they immediately stuck to her hands. Keys, cigarette cases, sabers, paper, all-all things stuck to her hands and hung in the air like bewitched. The phenomenon of the girl was described in detail in two books published by the editor of the Bergzabern newspaper, F. A. Blank. They were called that:"The so-called knocking spirit in the Bergzabern." Sessions of magnetism and poltergeist lasted for a little over a year in the tailor's family, and then suddenly stopped, as if nothing had happened.

The phenomenon of biomagnetism has not been fully studied, and it is not yet clear for what reasons it begins and why it disappears. So scientists still have everything ahead.