God And Psychology - Alternative View

God And Psychology - Alternative View
God And Psychology - Alternative View

Video: God And Psychology - Alternative View

Video: God And Psychology - Alternative View
Video: What does the Bible say about "modern" psychology? 2024, July

In the days of unbelief, when many people rejected God and religion, people's problems did not disappear, but even multiplied in some way. And people turned to another means of healing - psychology. How successful is psychology and is it a science at all?

As you know, psychology is the science of the soul. She largely emerged from religion, using largely initially religious methods, which she later adapted to scientific criteria in order to successfully begin to be called a science: an experiment, the falsifiability of a theory, and so on.

However, to this day, many consider psychology to be a pseudoscience or at least a pseudoscience. Do they have any reason to believe so, except for all the obvious growth of mental illness and deviations in those states that have abandoned religion and in which the psychology of all schools and varieties flourished in magnificent color?

There are such grounds. First of all, one should understand that psychology, preserving and in many respects borrowing religious methods, not only threw away the most important thing from them - God, metaphysics - but also introduced something new, namely profit, profit and contract-business relations. In other words, psychology is quite a business and nothing else.

A study of 136 scientific articles on psychology, conducted by scientists from Oxford and published in a reputable scientific journal, found that 71% of scientific articles on psychology that were carefully checked for possible conflicts of interest were either hidden, inaccurate or outright deceitful (misleading) indicated a "conflict of interest" (or their financial interest in the publication of a scientific work and, accordingly, its conclusions).

Modern science has not known such disastrous results of testing conflicts of interest for a long time, if ever. But that would be half of the trouble.


In another study published in Science, scientists found that reproducibility of experimental results in scientific psychology for the most part fails, and in only 36% of cases, the original experiment published in a scientific work shows the same results when reproduced.

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Here you can turn to the nuggets from astrology, who are trying to call astrology a science, and are busy collecting information, tests and research on this topic. According to them, the reproducibility of astrology experiments is up to 45%, i.e. substantially higher than in psychology, thus making astrology a statistically more valid "science" than psychology.


Therefore, we can conclude that in modern societies living without God, psychology as a whole has not coped with the role of replacing religion to solve human needs and problems that have not disappeared anywhere. Although it is possible to manipulate statistics in the spirit of "depression is increasing, and antisocial behavior is decreasing" and be happy with this, however, a closer study of the statistical issue on this topic will hardly leave anyone in doubt.

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