Hollywood Secrets That Everyone Knows, But No One Talks About. Part One - Alternative View

Hollywood Secrets That Everyone Knows, But No One Talks About. Part One - Alternative View
Hollywood Secrets That Everyone Knows, But No One Talks About. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Hollywood Secrets That Everyone Knows, But No One Talks About. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Hollywood Secrets That Everyone Knows, But No One Talks About. Part One - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Scary Hollywood Secrets 2024, July

An avalanche of revelations about the perverse and predatory sexual underbelly of Hollywood and the entertainment industry is long overdue. It has always been an open secret, but the whole house is crumbling right now as more people suddenly feel able to speak up and the media are finally ready to listen and take victims' stories seriously.

But what if pedophilia and sexual harassment of women in the entertainment industry is just a symptom, not a disease?

Right under the surface, hidden in plain sight in Hollywood, is what is not customary to talk about - this is the overwhelming influence of the occult and esoteric schools of ancient black magic. It has always been present in this industry because those who aspire to power in our world have long recognized that television, film and music are the most effective and important paths to public conscience and collective conscience.

Many have warned us of this over the years, writing volumes of books and filming videos, collecting evidence of this bizarre conspiracy.

“Hollywood, as David Lynch gave it the name“inner empire”- a kind of state within a state, with its own religion, including all the attributes of neophytes, assistants, servants, agents, star saints, high priests, hierarchs and holy places. This is a real city of proactive esotericism, where the holy places and ceremonies of Hollywood are not the altars of modern religion, there they worship an ancient religion with ancient secrets. Ancient mysteries are composed of the competing religious practices of ancient empires, but the most fitting association with Hollywood is only one empire, and that is Babylon, the "gate of the gods." ~ Jay Dyer

Subliminal messages are packed with sexual innuendo, including veiled pornographic images and reproductive anatomy vaguely hidden in films. The music videos are full of satanic imagery and overtly demonic themes.

Clues appear in the form of symbols and symbolic sets and attitudes, in order to introduce occult memes into the subconscious. Subliminal messages are packed with sexual connotations, including veiled pornographic images and reproductive anatomy hidden in films. The music videos are full of satanic imagery and overtly demonic themes.

Here are a selection of examples of this, found in many Disney children's films:

Promotional video:

And here is a selection of Illuminati and Satanic symbols appearing in music videos. There are hundreds of examples of this and they are fairly easy to find.

Illuminati symbolism is a recurring theme, often repeated when a chosen celebrity covers one eye. The symbol of one eye is, of course, that single eye that looks from the top of the symbolic pyramid and observes the whole world, it is also a symbol of our money.

There are so many cases of actors, musicians and pop stars being photographed with one eye closed that it becomes clear that these are not coincidences. Here is a collage with a small fraction of the examples available:


Hollywood has its own hidden language that is staggeringly prevalent in the entertainment media, with recurring themes being reused in new contexts. There is so much of it that it cannot be ignored, but you do not see it until you get to know it. Once you understand and open your eyes, you will see it everywhere.

Themes are used in many industries, and this can no longer be attributed to coincidences, which means there must be a certain unifying idea or goal.

Based on the type of symbols and when viewed in the historical context of the esoteric religious movement, Egyptian theology, Babylonian mythology, Satan worship, etc., Hollywood and the film industry are clearly working to serve a specific ideological movement.

The worship of dark and satanic forces has historically been associated with human sacrifice, pedophilia, sexual perversion, the cult of selfishness, worship of celebrities, fragmentation of the individual psyche in controlled parts, mind control and soul corruption. The use of the occult and its symbols is a methodology used to weaken the power of the individual and create psychological slaves. This is a serious form of mind control.

While there is good reason to welcome the growing tidal wave of truth about Hollywood, it can only be hoped that these revelations will eventually reveal the depths of Hollywood's depravity and that we can finally free our culture from these dark influences.