Tibetan Lamas Recipes: How To Sleep Today And Wake Up In The Future? - Alternative View

Tibetan Lamas Recipes: How To Sleep Today And Wake Up In The Future? - Alternative View
Tibetan Lamas Recipes: How To Sleep Today And Wake Up In The Future? - Alternative View

Video: Tibetan Lamas Recipes: How To Sleep Today And Wake Up In The Future? - Alternative View

Video: Tibetan Lamas Recipes: How To Sleep Today And Wake Up In The Future? - Alternative View
Video: Mummified Buddhist Monk Comes Back to Life After 89 YEARS 2024, July

This is a statue of a seated Buddha. The pose in which the deity sits is called a full lotus, and according to the teachings, it is in this position that a monk can achieve full enlightenment by gaining complete control over his body, time and space. This state is called samadhi among Buddhists (and it is a real mystery for scientists). Recently, the imperishable body of monk Tsorzha Sanzhava was found in Mongolia, he has been meditating for 75 years and although he does not show signs of life, according to the results of research, the monk's body is warm and continues to function. Have Buddhist monks already found a recipe for immortality? Does this knowledge apply to ordinary people?

The body of the monk Tsorzh Sanzhava
The body of the monk Tsorzh Sanzhava

The body of the monk Tsorzh Sanzhava.

In the summer of 2015, Ulaanbaatar police spotted a strange gentleman. He offered wealthy clients the body of a Buddhist monk-contemplator, as it turned out he stole the body of a monk in one of the caves of Mongolia. Incredibly, the body in the lotus position was preserved in perfect condition. It turned out to be Tsorzha Sanzhava.

The results of the study of the llama's body are striking: the protein has vital characteristics, there is no cadaveric smell, the person seems to have plunged into deep sleep. However, distinguished Russian doctors are sure that the llama is physically dead, because his body temperature is below 20 degrees, and this is an absolute sign of death.

Another long-liver, Khambo Lama Itigelov, is one of the main attractions of the Ivolginsky Datsan; tens of thousands of Buddhists come to worship him in Buryatia.

Khambo Lama Itigelov
Khambo Lama Itigelov

Khambo Lama Itigelov.

Itigelov sits in the lotus position, as if sleeping, and does not react to external stimuli, his hair and nails are still growing. Buddhists have no doubt that the Hambo Lama is resting and will return soon. What is the source of the eternal life of Buddhist lamas?

Researchers found a high content of bromine in Itigelov's tissues, it is this element that does not allow the body to decompose.

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Why can lamas meditate for years and then wake up?

Brain researchers have discovered a new kind of neural activity, and this still little-understood mechanism may shed light on the mystery of Tibetan sleeping shrines.

At the moment, there are 40 monks in a state of samadhi in Mongolia and Buryatia. Modern technology makes it possible to study the phenomenon without interfering with meditation. Scientists continue to closely monitor unique people in order to use the findings to extend the lives of each of us.
