Between Life And Death - Alternative View

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Between Life And Death - Alternative View
Between Life And Death - Alternative View

Video: Between Life And Death - Alternative View

Video: Between Life And Death - Alternative View
Video: Skyrim Mod: Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life 2024, July

The vast majority of people live a normal life that invariably ends in death. However, it turns out that there is still a borderline state in which metabolic processes in the body practically stop, the body turns to stone, but does not die. Such a mysterious state in Buddhism is called samati (samadhi), this is not a lethargic sleep, because the human organs stop working - breathing and heartbeat are absent, blood circulation stops.

Mysterious magician Radomir

One example of a person in a similar state is Jaromir (or Rodamir), whose grave was found in the spring of 2008 in Iran. The sensational discovery of the mausoleum was made quite by accident during construction work. There were three sarcophagi in it, in one was the body of a great priest and magician. According to the inscriptions inside the burial, his name is Rodamir. What is unusual about such a find? The person in the sarcophagus was alive, but in a state similar to suspended animation.

In another sarcophagus there were golden books and a map of the ancient Russian state. Almost nothing is known about the find - it is kept secret. It is believed that the books tell about the history of the Earth, technologies that were used in ancient times. According to some reports, a city with a unique library was discovered near the place where the burial was discovered.

This man was a Priest who supposedly lived not 12,000 years ago, as was thought at first, but about 800. He is waiting for awakening and wants to help our civilization survive in the cataclysms that are expected in the future.

He had already begun to get up and take part in conversations, not only on a mental level. Rodamir told his contactees that when the four chosen people awaken on Earth, life will change dramatically for the better.

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Great Buddhist monk

Perhaps the second person from among the initiates is Khambo Lama Dasha Dorzho Itigelov. His stories are no less mystical than Rodamira.

In early autumn 2002, the body of a monk, buried back in 1927, was lifted from the grave! Nothing strange if they dug up the corpse - according to many signs, the body was alive!

It is believed that the lama lived 12 lives, in one of them he was even a disciple of Buddha, on the other - he taught at the university. Recently, in the Ivolginsky Datsan, previously unknown records of Itigelov were discovered, in which he talks about previous lives, describing his 12 reincarnations over several thousand years.

From these documents it can be learned that llamas could pass through walls, fly, ride horses on water as if on a solid surface. Itigelov himself, since he reached the highest level in his practices, could cover huge spaces almost instantly.

Eternal life of a saint

Dasha Dorzho was born in 1852, the lamas claim that he was born immediately at the age of five. Only the father's family is known, there is no information about the mother. The boy was left an orphan early, from childhood she tended other people's livestock, and later began to study at the Aninsky datsan.

The student was assigned a monthly allowance - five rubles, which had to be paid by residents of nearby villages. They also paid a certain amount to be exempted from military service, since Dashi Dorzho belonged to the Cossack class.

The royal family revered Itigelov (it is known that the lamas of Buryatia treated the crowned persons), he was awarded state awards. And the Buryat people idolized the monk during his lifetime - he gave all his fortune to the construction of datsans, blessed the Cossacks who went to the fronts of the First World War (by the way, they all returned home alive), collected money for the families of the military, organized an infirmary, collected gifts for the soldiers.

Itigelov was the Chief Lama of Transbaikalia and Eastern Siberia from 1911 to 1917. At the beginning of the summer of 1927, he asked the monks to read him a prayer, which Buddhists used to see off the dead, then with the help of meditation he plunged into a state of nirvana. Being in the lotus position, Khambo Lama gradually stopped breathing and showing signs of life, he was buried in a bumkhana (box) made of cedar.

All believers consider Dashi Dorzho to be the reincarnation of the founder of Buddhism in Russia, Khambo Lama Zayayev. It is known that he was born in 1702, died in 1979. In 1852 Itigelov was born, lives for 75 years and returns again after 75 years, that is, this number is repeated many times.

The body of the monk was raised two years earlier, because the storm that passed over the burial place, it was decided to check the state of the burial. Fortunately, it was not disturbed; they changed his clothes and boomkhan. The next ritual was performed in the seventies, it was also done due to weather conditions - floods.

Research scientists

In the fall of 2002, the grave was opened for the last time. Everyone was surprised by the excellent preservation of the body, which did not succumb to decay. Itigelov sat without any supporting devices in the same position as when leaving for another life.

The head of the Russian Buddhists allowed scientists to examine the body of Dasha Dorzho. During external examination, it was determined that the skin is soft, without signs of decay and elastic, the joints are mobile. The hair and nail plates are completely preserved. Fingers, ears, nose and other external organs in good condition, foreign odors, putrid or tarry, were not detected. Also, various methods of artificial preservation, such as embalming, were not used.

Further studies were stunning - analyzes of hair, skin and a microscopic piece of a nail did not reveal any signs of cadaveric decomposition, they had the parameters of a living person's body with a temperature of + 34 ° C. But the brain has not yet been studied and how it works is not yet known.

Now Itigelov is in a specially built datsan in Buryatia, for this they built a sarcophagus from a double-glazed window to protect it from dirt. According to the ministers, the glass sometimes fogs up from the inside. Lama Bimba takes care of the body - he wipes it off with a towel, sometimes changes into new clothes, which are sewn according to old patterns.

Scientists define this state of the lama as unique. Such a phenomenon has not been registered in the history of all mankind - this is a scientific mystery, which is called the "Itigelov phenomenon" all over the world.

The Slavic Magician Rodamir claims that when they wake up, all the elect will come out of the state of suspended animation, life will be wonderful - without wars, hunger, diseases. Let's wait and believe.
