The "clairvoyant" Deceived The Pensioner And The Whole City - Alternative View

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The "clairvoyant" Deceived The Pensioner And The Whole City - Alternative View
The "clairvoyant" Deceived The Pensioner And The Whole City - Alternative View

Video: The "clairvoyant" Deceived The Pensioner And The Whole City - Alternative View

Video: The
Video: Ep. 216: How to become a First Generation Millionaire 2024, July

People are brainwashed not only in the TV show "Stars under Hypnosis" for fun. This also happens in real life. And not to entertain the public, but for the purpose of profit. In the case that we will talk about, the clairvoyant benefited from the whole city of Myshkin, and the main victim was a pensioner Marina Golosova, on whom a huge debt hung - 3 million 700 thousand rubles.

Letter to the editor

The unrestrained credulity of simpletons who allow themselves to be robbed are usually laughed at. Because there's nothing you can do: it's funny. So my colleagues and I, reading the letter signed by 18 residents of Myshkin, did not hide smiles, although the lines on the notebook sheet were a cry of despair: “Do not remain indifferent to the misfortune of others. We cannot calmly watch a family dying before our eyes. And the trouble is that our friend applies to all banks, but everywhere they refuse to give her a loan. We are looking for a person who could take a loan for her, and she would distribute debts. Marina works three jobs, does not know rest, but there is not enough money, since she gives interest to people from whom she has borrowed large sums. And she borrowed money to send it to the clairvoyant. She owed 3,700,000. And why can't banks save a person ?! Help me please …

In general, some kind of game. The neighbors indicated Marina Golosova's phone number in the letter, I called. Her voice turned out to be firm, not an old woman, her speech was intelligible. From the conversation it turned out that she also borrowed from the authors of the letter, so they worried about Marina doubly: they sympathize as a friend, and want her to return the debts to them.

- How did it happen that you owe almost the whole city, Marina?

“I don’t know,” she says. - It seems to me that it was not me. Now I don't understand how I could borrow that kind of money. I was completely under the rule of Elmira Raufovna (the famous clairvoyant E. R. Derbentseva. - Approx. Auth.). And then she disappeared. The assistants say she is gaining strength in Jerusalem.

The most curious thing is that Marina has never seen her abuser alive. She spoke only by phone, which she learned from the television program where Derbentseva spoke. The clairvoyant TV personality gave Marina tasks, for example, to slaughter a chicken and bury it, or scatter nuts around the yard … And then the assistants called back and voiced the amount to be transferred. It is impossible even to argue that this clairvoyant was precisely Derbentseva. Any fraudster with a similar voice could exploit the television image.

Promotional video:

When Marina "woke up", she went to the police. Provided the investigator with all bank payments. They could be used to calculate the recipient, but almost all accounts are in Ukraine, and Ukrainian authorities do not want to contact ours.

A fraud case has been opened, Marina's testimony has been tested on a lie detector, but there is little sense in this, and debts are required from her.

To understand the technology of deception, to see what three jobs Marina is doing, and to meet her creditors, we went to the Volga, to Myshkin.

Conversation at the TV

Myshkin is a low-rise city, most of the buildings are private. Marina has a solid brick house with running water, electricity, gas. We are sitting in the spacious kitchen, drinking tea, the TV is on. Marina turned on the program that started her misadventures: "Your personal psychologist" on the NANO channel. A demonic-looking woman makes passes with her hands, removing damage on the air, and advises all those in need to call her after the broadcast. This is no longer Derbentseva, but one of her followers.

And when in February 2017 Marina turned on the TV and poked the first available channel, Elmira Raufovna was on the screen. Marina was in sorrow. Husband Sergei is in a hospital in Yaroslavl, he has stage II cancer, they offer an operation, but they do not give guarantees. Grandson Nikita doesn't listen. He grows up without a mother, and almost without a father, who is spinning: he constantly starts a business and burns out.

- I had just retired then, was resting. Therefore, I watched TV a lot, and was often sad, - says Golosova. - Now I work around the clock, all in debt, and there is no time to be sad … And so I decided to call Elmira Raufovna and complain about life. She listened to me and said that she saw me. Said, "You have a well, but it's empty." And I really have a well in my yard, but we dug it in and made a lawn … So I realized that the clairvoyant really sees me. And then she said that she did not see my husband and grandson. This means that they will disappear if nothing is changed. And that my son Denis is already "on top of his head in the ground." “We urgently need to light a black Jerusalem candle,” she said. And she explained that white would not work. It seemed to me that the clairvoyant was saying perfectly understandable things. She asked if I would agree to a black candle. I answered yes. She said that we would be in touch and passed out.

Later, the assistant called and said: in order to very quickly order and deliver a black candle from Jerusalem, you need 68 thousand rubles. She dictated the account number. Then I didn't have to borrow yet - I listed my …

- Have you seen this candle?

- Not. The assistant called and said that everything was done, and the clairvoyant began to erect a dome over my family …

Five hour working day

Marina's working day looks like this. At five in the morning, she gets behind the wheel and goes to clean the Myshkin art gallery ("picture"), by eight in the morning she moves to the village of Krivets, where she takes over the daily watch in the neuropsychiatric boarding school, and after duty returns to the "picture" and, having worked there, rushes to Uglich, where he serves as a hairdresser. She has forty years of experience in this profession. By the end of the second day, he returns home to rest, talk to creditors and start all over again from five in the morning. On days when the hairdresser has a day off and there is no watch at the boarding school, Govorova cuts and washes non-walking old people in Myshkin.

“This is my five-hour day,” she jokes.

As a result, the earnings are very decent: 25 thousand in a boarding school (thanks to the head Alexander Zamyatin, who helped - he hired a pensioner without special education), 10 thousand in a "picture", 15 thousand in a hairdressing salon plus a private haircut and 11 thousand pensions. By local standards - mountains of gold, don't be in debt.


“Golosova is more than just a cleaning lady,” says Nikolai Lushin, gallery administrator. - We have only two employees in our staff: me and her, and there are visitors every day, and the exposition is replenished often. On people like her, the whole city is supported, because it is alive only thanks to tourists and museum staff."

At the beginning of the "dashing nineties" Myshkin lost its economic importance, ceasing to be a center for the collection of agricultural products and a cargo port. The city and its thousands of inhabitants turned out to be of no use to anyone. And it was then that Myshkin became the pioneer of branding in Russia. It was necessary to ensure that cruise liners dock at the port. This is how numerous tourist trails and museums appeared: mice, felt boots, vodka, gingerbread, devils, a workshop of counterfeiters … The dump of cars and boats acquired the status of a museum of retro technology. Residents took up self-promotion, spreading the most incredible and mystical legends about their city. Therefore, maybe here now many people believe in magic and clairvoyance. For example, no one doubts that there is a brownie in the "picture". In general, the residents achieved their goal: cruise liners began to enter, and Myshkin turned into a tourist center, where 5,5 thousand residents account for 150 thousand tourists a year.

There are 11 halls in the "picture", in each you need to wash the floor and wipe the dust. Marina continues her story at work.

“Elmira Raufovna called me and told us not to agree to my husband's surgery until she erected the dome. She said that I should help her, and for this to start a notebook. In this notebook, I wrote down prayers under her dictation, and then re-read them. From February to December, I completed three notebooks. Later, when the clairvoyant stopped contacting me, I told our priest about these prayers. He asked to see the notebooks. I gave him the first two, and kept the third for myself: what if I still have to write something there. At the next meeting, the priest said that he had burned these notebooks and advised me to burn the last one, but I did not dare. Now I show it to creditors."

Presidential program

The inhabitants of the Krivetsky boarding school love Marina because she takes care of them and does not scold them. People gathered here are incurable and, in fact, very lonely. One ate his mom. He did not know that people cannot be eaten, and now he often cries and is offended that his mother does not write him letters.

Marina feeds from a spoon even those who can eat themselves. People ask, they like attention. On the walk, a line is formed so that she leads them by the handle. During the quiet hour, they obediently sleep, and we continue the conversation.

“Elmira Raufovna called me and said that my case was very difficult. Therefore, she put me in the presidential program for the return of funds spent. All the money that I spend on the construction of the dome will be returned to me by the state after the New Year. And you will have to spend a lot, for a start - 700 thousand rubles. Because when she was preparing Sergei for the operation, the Jerusalem mirror broke."

The clairvoyant gave Marina the phones of the alleged director of the department of the European Association of Parapsychologists, which oversees the presidential program, and the treasurer responsible for refunding the money.

“Elmira Raufovna said to call them when I transfer 700 thousand. And she asked to swear that I would not tell anyone about the mirror when I was collecting money, but I would just say that I was collecting for my husband's operation.

Golosova borrowed money from residents of the city against receipts. Entrepreneurs gave larger amounts at 10%. When Marina made the translation, the clairvoyant said that one could agree to the operation of her husband. It was successful. And Marina called the “department director” and the “treasurer”, who confirmed that the money would be returned, but for this, you must first pay taxes on them. And they gave the account number. This account was Russian.

As a result, it turned out that even the Russian tax authorities have no complaints about the clairvoyant, since Golosova herself began to pay taxes on all her income from Myshkin. And Marina's debt grew, because it was necessary to save another son and grandson.

Where the neighbors were looking

Twenty-year-old girls are working in a hairdresser in the city of Uglich next to Marina.

“She's got old school,” says Christina. - And we were taught in a new way, taking into account modern "tricks". People who feel young should have their hair cut with us. And older clients choose Marina, they have known each other for a long time and understand each other."

In Uglich, they do not know about the misfortune that happened to Marina, but are simply glad that she returned from retirement.

In the evening, already at home, Marina boiled potatoes, gathered cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden on the table and waited for the guests. The first to come were two friends - Elena Kotova, a city council deputy, and Elena Krivets. She wanted to take out a loan for Marina in her own name, but then she was laid off from her job, and the bank refused. I asked my friends the obvious question:

- And where were you looking, because you knew that she was getting into debt ?!

“We didn't know what we were giving to the clairvoyant,” Kotova answered. - At first, Marina said that she was collecting her husband for the operation, then she had to stay for the treatment. And she promised that after the New Year the state would return everything to her, and she would pay off with us.

- Yes, I lied to them, - Marina admits. - Elmira Raufovna said: no one should know that I am transferring money to a clairvoyant, otherwise the magic connection between us will be destroyed, and the dome will collapse.

Strictly speaking, the dome collapsed: when everyone found out about the clairvoyant, they stopped giving Voice money.

The truth was revealed when Marina arrived in Yaroslavl to ask her son-in-law for money. On what - did not speak. He agreed to help, and then Elmira Raufovna called. Marina went out the door and began to report that she had found the money and was ready to transfer it. And Marina's daughter Olga was just returning from work and overheard a fragment of the conversation. Olga, a police officer, suspected something was wrong. She did not know that her mother borrowed money "for the operation." I clarified in the hospital: my father's treatment was free …


Now Sergey is healthy, he works for Russian Railways in Yaroslavl. Denis got a job in a car service, is dating a good girl. Nikita is going to fourth grade. Marina decided that if she took out a loan to pay off her neighbors, she would be able to pay off the bank in nine years.

Gradually, new guests come to the table - creditors: Slava, Viktor … He borrowed 370 thousand rubles from his friends for Marina, and now they are demanding from him to return them. Fragrant rustic moonshine appears on the table, and the tense, bitter conversation gradually turns into friendly fun.

A comment

How to punish a fraudster

The provision of paid "magic" services does not contradict Russian legislation. If the client is dissatisfied with the quality of the service, he has the right to refer to the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and demand a refund. Such cases are periodically encountered in Russian judicial practice, but it is a problem to prove the improper quality of magical services in court.

“Criminal cases against magicians and healers are being instituted infrequently and mostly on the basis of fraud,” Alexander Khuruji, head of the Business Defense Association, told RG. "However, it is extremely difficult to provide objective evidence of the guilt of false healers."

At the end of last year, the police detained a gang of 8 "psychics" after they sold a guardian made of stainless steel and glass to a resident of the Moscow region for 1.6 million rubles. As established by the investigation, the gang of "psychics and healers" for a year and a half sold their services by phone to people from several regions. In Pyatigorsk, they even organized a whole call center, the operators of which sold "healing" jewelry at the price of gold jewelry. The gang's involvement in 22 similar crimes in several regions was established. But the case has not yet reached the court.

Experts believe that the introduction of licensing of supernatural services will only spur a wave of violations: false magicians will advertise themselves as state-recognized experts. The only way to somehow reduce the severity of the problem is to limit advertising of such services in the media.

At the end of last year, a bill was introduced to the State Duma that criminalizes the promotion of mystical services via the Internet and advertisements. The author - deputy Sergei Vostretsov told "RG" that every fifth Russian at least once in his life has come across sorcerers and fortune-tellers, and the so-called miraculous services are offered on at least 10 thousand sites, and about 800 thousand people are employed in the "magic" industry … But so far the document is at the stage of various approvals.

How to recognize a fraudster who calls himself a magician, healer or psychic

Fraudsters try to avoid a personal meeting, offer to resolve the issue by phone, send them a photo via WhatsApp.

They offer to transfer funds to them in advance.

They promise a guaranteed result.

Having received your phone number, they themselves actively call back and impose their services.

They take on any problem, they have no specialization.

They actively advertise themselves in the media and on message boards.

They offer to buy various amulets and other supposedly magical items from them “to consolidate the result”.

When receiving in the office, distracting elements are actively used - dim light, incense, loud relaxation music.

Ivan Petrov
