Creepy Stories Related To Mobile Phones - Alternative View

Creepy Stories Related To Mobile Phones - Alternative View
Creepy Stories Related To Mobile Phones - Alternative View

Video: Creepy Stories Related To Mobile Phones - Alternative View

Video: Creepy Stories Related To Mobile Phones - Alternative View
Video: 6 True Scary Field Trip Horror Stories (Vol. 2) 2024, July

Given the widespread adoption of mobile phones these days, it's not surprising that some unexplained urban legends and creepy stories have come to be associated with these devices.

The Tor5s YouTube channel has compiled several horror stories (see the video below) that represent one of the genres of modern folklore. It is not known whether such stories are food for a virtual bonfire called the Internet or are they really real events, but, you see, in light of the personal nature of mobile phones, they are much more nervous than a ghost suddenly appearing on the freeway.

One of the incidents is detailed by a man who accidentally left his smartphone in a hotel room while traveling in Ireland. Returning back, he found his forgotten gadget in the corner of the room and thought that perhaps the maid left him in such a curious place.

But, oddly enough, when he was looking through the photos on his phone, he found a picture that was apparently taken at night when no one was in the room. In an ominous shot, an unknown couple was visible, who seemed to be hiding in a dark doorway.

An even stranger story happened to a girl from Arkansas, who found on her phone, in some unknown way, a photograph of someone's grave. The owner of the phone insisted that she never took such a shot and never gave her phone to other people. She posted a photo online in the hopes of solving this puzzle.

In the end, online investigators from Reddit figured out that this is the grave of the McStay family, which is located in California and in which a murder victim discovered in the desert on November 13, 2013, found solace. The owner of the phone insists that she has never been to this place and is puzzled as to how the photo could appear on her SIM card.

Other strange stories told in the video include an urban legend surrounding a phone number from which some nefarious organization threatens phone users, as well as a series of strange calls received by employees at the naval base.

Have you ever experienced something paranormal related to your mobile phone?

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