Bank Of America Has Estimated The Chance Of A Virtual "matrix" To Exist At 20-50% - Alternative View

Bank Of America Has Estimated The Chance Of A Virtual "matrix" To Exist At 20-50% - Alternative View
Bank Of America Has Estimated The Chance Of A Virtual "matrix" To Exist At 20-50% - Alternative View

Video: Bank Of America Has Estimated The Chance Of A Virtual "matrix" To Exist At 20-50% - Alternative View

Video: Bank Of America Has Estimated The Chance Of A Virtual
Video: From Smart Cities to a Smarter World 2024, July

Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML, a division of Bank of America) has issued a policy brief for its clients in which it assessed the possibility of a "matrix." According to the financial organization, the likelihood that humanity lives in a simulation is estimated at 20-50%, writes Business Insider.

Analysts point out that scientists, philosophers and businessmen already admit that today's humanity lives in a simulated reality. The argument for this is that the current civilization is approaching the emergence of photorealistic simulators, with which “millions” of people can simultaneously influence.

"It is likely that with the development of artificial intelligence, virtual reality and computing power, the civilizations of the future decided to simulate the life of their ancestors using a computer," the document says.


In particular, BAML refers to the assumptions of the founder of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk, who admitted that people actually live in a computer game of another civilization. Analysts also cite the arguments of the scientist and popularizer of science Neil DeGrasse Tyson, who also admitted that the current universe is a computer model.

Swedish philosopher Niklas Boström, who is also referred to by BAML, published his work Do We Live in a Computer Simulator in 2003. According to this document, humanity has three options for development - extinction after reaching the "posthuman" stage, transformation into "posthumans" who will not create a simulator of evolutionary history, or "no" development, since it already lives in the "matrix".

The implications of these findings for investors remain unclear, Business Insider concludes.
