A Little About The Feminization Of The Modern World Or The Law Prohibiting Being A Man-creator - Alternative View

A Little About The Feminization Of The Modern World Or The Law Prohibiting Being A Man-creator - Alternative View
A Little About The Feminization Of The Modern World Or The Law Prohibiting Being A Man-creator - Alternative View

Video: A Little About The Feminization Of The Modern World Or The Law Prohibiting Being A Man-creator - Alternative View

Video: A Little About The Feminization Of The Modern World Or The Law Prohibiting Being A Man-creator - Alternative View
Video: tik tok's Modern Women And Their VIEWS! On Men And Dating 2024, July

Immediately, so that there are no questions, I give the correct definition to the expression "feminization of the world." Most people do not like to think with their own head, they think in patterns, thoughts of other people and stereotypes from YouTube. Therefore, you have to chew. Often this does not help either. Okay.

Matriarchy is the power of women. This is when a fat aunt with a crown on her head sits on the throne and controls everyone. The modern world is not matriarchal - it is feminized. Not from the word feminism, but from the word femininity (feminine). Namely, all feminine - body, thinking, behavior, desires, etc. raised to a cult and actively promoted by both men and women.

There is an imbalance and destruction of the entire system, both at the marco and at the micro level.

From the point of view of classical psychology, there are two metaphysical concepts - femininity and masculinity. In other words, the male and female parts of one whole person. Biologically speaking, female and male hormones. Hormones and instincts completely determine how you see this world, what emotions you experience and what actions you perform. But vice versa, how you think and what you strive for determines the work of your body and the production of certain hormones. It works two ways.

Any person has these two systems - female and male. Therefore, if, for example, being in a man's body, you develop a woman's thinking in yourself, you seem to change your orientation. The body is male, the behavior is female. There is a conflict between the mind and the body, which leads to a mutation of the body. For example: low testosterone levels, weakness, beard does not grow, activity disappears.

More examples of conflict:

  • Laziness is unwillingness to do something.
  • Procrastination is procrastination.
  • Failure to kick / leave a bad woman.
  • The desire to be constantly in the comfort zone.
  • Desire to constantly have sex and masturbate.
  • Fear of change and change in life.
  • Constant self-examination.
  • Self-blame for failure.
  • The desire to have children (but you are a man. How to give birth?)
  • Inability to self-organize.
  • Not the ability to unite with other men.
  • Fear of being alone and not being able to live alone.
  • Emotional, imaginative thinking and lack of logic and critical thinking.
  • Competition and the desire to take resources away from other men.

You can endlessly continue the list of incredible and brilliant character traits of modern men. I won't. I'd rather tell you what to do with this.

You will have to do a lot and most likely most men will live their lives at the very least, without even realizing what happened to them. However, it's best to start small. With the ability to think, then notice and then analyze.

Promotional video:

So that's it. Why did it happen in the world that the feminine was elevated to the rank of divine, and the masculine flew hundreds of millions of kilometers away from us? For several reasons:

  1. The world is full and there is no need to survive.
  2. The men silently agreed to this. (They even liked it.)

All. Nothing more.

This is what we thought. Next, we need to look at the world and the processes taking place in it. We need to understand the causes of behaviors and phenomena. Everything has its own reason.

Let us examine some of the important processes and phenomena that form women's thinking in men.

What can be found in the world?

1. Fashion.

A man is a filthy pig by nature. Almost anyone can confirm this. Fashion was invented by gays and women. Supported by them. Those. they invented it for themselves and buy themselves. There are no standards of female beauty imposed by men. This is a feminist myth and a reason to hang on. Shaved armpits, thin body, heels - all this is needed not for men, but for women. I can see how sweaty guys from the American football team draw a dress and shorts, and the guys in the war, in the trench, develop a new model of heel. Laughter. But for some reason, this does not prevent modern men more and more often from wearing narrow pants with turns, slippers with an open ankle, etc.

2. Institute of the family.

Neither your goals, nor your dreams, nor yourself and your life are nothing compared to your family. Many men are so filled with family values that it seems to me that they will soon begin to give birth themselves. Family is feminine. Children are feminine. Procreation is female. Shusyukanye with relatives is female. Where are your inventions, writings, scientific works, discoveries, achievements and shocks of civilization? Being proud of having a baby is like being proud of going to the toilet. Millions of animals around the world give birth, so what? The focus of the man's attention is shifted towards the family. For the gifted and understanding, I want to remind you that this does not mean that a man cannot have a family. This means that you need to do men's affairs, not women's. Otherwise you will become a woman.

… How lazy I am to write, who would have known … okay, next.

3. Films. In every movie, TV show, TV series - find a woman and you will be happy. Everywhere a man is seeking a woman. You are nothing without a woman. Without a woman, you will die. You cannot live without a woman. Woman is everything for you. You are a woman yourself. Start thinking like a woman. Those. what women usually want with all their hearts, namely a man, now men want. Each film has a story of love and courtship and of course a bed scene. I was always killed by these bed scenes in the movies. What for? What do they reveal? And so everyone understands that this couple is together. But propaganda does not sleep. And men eat it and do not even drink water. The media show what women like.

4. Education and example of parents.

Here, in principle, everything is the same as with the example of the institution of the family. If a boy / boy / man has close contact with his parents, he is 99% likely to adopt their behavior patterns, although he himself does not notice it. Whoever thinks that he is different from his parents is in deep delusions. Only a few are able to break the link between generations and create their own model of behavior, different from the model of parents. However, more often the father is strongly attached to his mother and his wife. Most fathers do not show a male example, and the mother, in turn, "educates" the boy, laying in him a model of her own, female vision of the world - be afraid, don't go there, then don't do it, find a stable job for 3 kopecks, make excuses, obey, don't let's change, etc. There is no need to explain what this leads a man to in adult life.

5. Leadership and teaching positions.

90% of teachers, all sorts of state. services, such as housing services, executive committees, regional centers, etc. - women are everywhere. There is a clear idea that managers and organizers are women. And it seems to be considered normal. It is not a secret for anyone what kind of system such structures are - gossip, bureaucracy, boorish attitude, a symptom of a watchman. As Freud said, every masochist wants to be a sadist. Women who are given a little power are immediately willing to exercise it as much as possible. This is nature. However, something else is important. All managers are women. This creates a certain psychological mood in the head of men, which, as a result, will manifest itself in other aspects of his life, which is female, this is important and undoubtedly necessary.

6. Marketing towards women.

70% of all sales in all areas of trade and manufacturing are directed to women. I have always wondered why men wear boots in winter and women wear boots. Moreover, all women wear boots. More material is needed for boots, they are much more expensive. And in general, these are men's shoes. Cosmetics, all sorts of unnecessary, household trinkets, clothes and fashion. All posters and advertising posters depict a woman doing something. The marketing message is aimed primarily at women. A man will think 10 times before buying. But again. This creates the illusion that the feminine is more important, that women need more (I heard this a hundred times from men - “my daughter and wife need more”). Again we see little masculine and much feminine. Men begin to believe in it, plunge into it and even begin to defend this point of view. Some even started using makeup.

7. Sexual propaganda.

Sex is good. Having sex and masturbation is pleasant and healthy. This is a need, not a function. Everyone is frightened with prostatitis. Pornography and sex scenes. Modern sexologists are either women or fat, estradiol men. Those. promote what is important to women. Sex is important for women, they go crazy without it in the literal sense of the word. Women want procreation, they want to get pregnant and create families. They want to give birth from different men, developing the gene code, constantly filling it with fresh blood. Again the men bellowed at this. Men have become women who want procreation. Men are subconsciously surprised when they don't get pregnant after sex. This can also include the attachment to children, infused with men from outside, since children are not a product of the poetic "Love" of two souls, but of an animal, thoughtless copulation. Whoever does not agree with this is a fool and a dreamer.

… Even the Moon, as a manifestation of the female aspect, is much closer to us than the Sun (the Sun is a manifestation of the male aspect). Well, okay, for some reason I got into some kind of conspiracy …

So what to do about it? Contrary to all the propaganda, you need to swim against the tide. Having mobilized all their forces, men are simply obliged to gradually cultivate the masculine in themselves, developing the brain and nervous system in accordance with their male body.

"Propaganda!" - you will shout. And you will be right. However, do you know where the strongest propaganda is? In your head. Then in the head of your parents, relatives, then in friends, well, then in all other people.

Just be quiet and do everything masculine. Actions, thoughts, physical actions. Do not tell anyone or prove anything. If necessary, and it will be necessary, you will have to break a bunch of social ties. Just imagine what layer of resistance you will encounter? When I say the world is feminized, I say that people are feminized. They are happy to be in a state of melted margarine spreading in different directions.

Oh … What a strong mind a man needs to have in the modern world so that the roof does not go off. On the one hand, you have to completely do the opposite, thoughts, actions, words. But on the other hand, since you are part of society, play people's games and not immerse yourself in their fairy tale. There is no other way. But this is real, albeit difficult.

Fortunately, you have a volitional intention to choose. Nobody can take this away for sure. Even god. Therefore, act silently, secretly, covertly and gradually, looking at your result, others will begin to visit. People will start thinking "Hmm … But you can live differently." That's the whole mechanism.

Revolution is an extreme of consciousness and a game of emotions. In nature, there is only evolution and natural selection. Small everyday steps that slowly transform you. Whoever thinks differently is a fool again.

Where to start first? From the body. From your male body. Absolutely all scriptures speak of this. The body is something that we can touch and understand a little. It signals us problems and rewards when we do things right. So start with him. Yoga for the body, physical practices of balancing the hormonal system, sleep, nutrition, proper training. And then move on to your negative complexes and work wisely. All kinds of meditation, reading, thinking, etc.