UFOs, Star Wars And Reagan - Alternative View

UFOs, Star Wars And Reagan - Alternative View
UFOs, Star Wars And Reagan - Alternative View

Video: UFOs, Star Wars And Reagan - Alternative View

Video: UFOs, Star Wars And Reagan - Alternative View
Video: President Reagan Remarks: Briefing Regarding Future in Space – 9/7/84 2024, July

The very hot topic "UFOs and power" has never been the main one for UFOlogy. And in vain, because, for example, the label "the corrupt girl of imperialism" pasted on cybernetics by the Soviet state at one time is still haunted in our country. Likewise, the attitude of any authorities to the problem of "flying saucers" - either will strongly push scientific and technological progress in a given power, or will leave it bored on the sidelines of world history.

The administration of the current US president is trying to revive the ideas of a global missile defense system, plans to create a command for conducting combat operations in space - "Space Combat Command". The main task of the new structure will be to protect the US space group from hostile actions. From whose actions - is not specified. NASA plans to modify orbiters in such a way as to be able to attack enemy spacecraft. By the way, such initiatives are not new, and the priority here is not at all for the Americans. The leadership in the creation of such weapons belongs to the Soviet Union. In 1967, the USSR launched the Kosmos-139 satellite into near-earth orbit, capable of destroying enemy spacecraft, and successfully tested it.

Well, the challenges are impressive. But the proposed concept is just a pale shadow of that giant space shield, which Ronald Reagan intended to lift over the planet. But what did the States seek to protect themselves from?

Combat X-ray laser in orbit
Combat X-ray laser in orbit

Combat X-ray laser in orbit.

Many of Ronald Reagan's predecessors as president of the most powerful and influential empire ever to exist on Earth were keenly interested in the UFO problem. The official countdown of the beginning of the uneasy relationship between the American state machine and the "saucers" can begin with the date of the notorious "Roswell incident". It was then in 1947 that President G. Truman signed a secret order on the creation of the MAJI project group (MAJI - the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence), which later became known as the Majestic 12 group. The degree of secrecy of the formed unit can be evidenced by the fact that the stamp "MADZHIK" (MAJI Сontrolled - under the control of MADZHI) imposed on the document was more significant than requiring the highest degree of admission to the state secrets "TOP SECRET".

After "attorney Harry" Dwight D. Eisenhower began to live in the Oval Office of the White House. Ike, as the Americans called him, was a well-deserved one, able to evaluate the enemy as a warrior and simply an intelligent person. He understood that it was impossible to ignore this problem. There is evidence directly indicating that President Eisenhausr secretly visited Murok Air Force Base in 1954, where he was shown the crashed "flying discs" and humanoids, both dead and alive. White House officials close to Ike were confident that the president would address the nation with the most important statement on this issue. however, this did not happen, which may have saved Eisenhower's life.

Less fortunate is the next chapter of the United States. John F. Kennedy appointed to reveal the truth about the presence of aliens in the United States for November 22, 1963, but it was on this day that the fatal shots were fired in Dallas.

Gerald Ford, while still a Congressman, tried to get open hearings in the Senate on the UFO issue. He put it this way: "I believe that we must gain the people's trust in us in everything related to the UFO phenomenon and provide the maximum possible coverage of research on this phenomenon."

Promotional video:

Democrat Jimmy Carter was the only American president to officially claim to have seen a UFO. Carter entered his observations into a questionnaire sent to him by the influential ufological organization NIKAP in 1973. He also, during his election campaign in 1976, promised to make available to the general public all the data on UFOs.

California. One of the few successful tests of the current missile defense against Bush
California. One of the few successful tests of the current missile defense against Bush

California. One of the few successful tests of the current missile defense against Bush.

Thus, the ufological soil for the fortieth President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan, was already perfectly fertilized and cultivated. Yes, he himself, as his former pilot Bill Painter assures, in 1974, met with unidentified flying objects.

Reagan himself described his observation to Norman Miller, then chief of the Washington branch of the Wall Street Journal, on a flight from Los Angeles to Sacramento: “You know, Miller, when I looked out the window of our plane last week, I saw a sparkling white flying an object. He zigzagged right in front of us. I went to Bill Painter and asked, "Hey, have you ever seen anything like this?" - to which he replied in shock: "Never!" I told him to follow the object."

It is not known whether Reagan felt the hostility of these "envoys from the outside", was it a prolonged attack of a kind of xenophobia, or did it all coincide: the financial needs of the American military-industrial complex, the real "Soviet threat", the latest scientific ideas urgently demanded their immediate implementation? But nevertheless, from the high rostrum of the UN, it was declared: “Sometimes I think how quickly all our differences would disappear if we were faced with a threat coming from outsiders from another world. Are they not among us, I ask?"

And the flywheel of the Strategic Defense Initiative spun. Another famous American, the "father of the American hydrogen bomb", nuclear physicist Edward Teller, became the ideological and scientific inspirer of the program. This indefatigable "generator of ideas" appeared on the stage of the "Star Wars" theater by no means by accident. In the 50s, he advised the US government on UFO issues. The authorities were embarrassed by the constant presence of unidentified flying green balloons over top-secret objects in Los Alamos - the center of the American atomic program. Teller had access to data classified as "Top Secret", so he was quite competently able to determine that the phenomenon of "flying balloons" had nothing to do with American or any other earthly technologies.

By the way, about technology. As a "strike tool" SDI Teller proposed using a nuclear charge, on the surface of which up to 50 laser rods are fixed. These rods have two degrees of freedom and, like gun barrels, each of them can be directed to any point in space. Along the axis of each rod, several meters long, is placed a thin wire made of dense active material, the composition of which is a terrible state secret. It is they who, evaporating in the flame of an atomic explosion, form deadly beams of particles that destroy the target in space.

The guidance system of a laser weapon must have fantastic accuracy, ensuring that a beam hits a five-kopeck coin flying at a speed of 24,000 km / h from a distance of twenty kilometers.

Funeral of President R. Reagan Together with Ronald Reagan, the idea of a Space Shield for our planet has disappeared
Funeral of President R. Reagan Together with Ronald Reagan, the idea of a Space Shield for our planet has disappeared

Funeral of President R. Reagan Together with Ronald Reagan, the idea of a Space Shield for our planet has disappeared.

But were the two Americans going to shoot at Soviet warheads in the first place, having come close to the "UFO phenomenon"?

In general, the Strategic Defense Initiative is a box with a double or even triple bottom. Declaring the official task of implementing the Star Wars program to protect against the aggressive launch of Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles, the apparent shadow goal of SDI implementation was to pull the decrepit Soviet economy into a new, unbearable round of the arms race. The third, top secret, task was to protect against outside intrusion by any means - the initiators of the proposed initiatives perfectly understood who and what they were dealing with.

On the other hand, Ronald Reagan and his associates adequately perceived all the threats and challenges facing the United States, wherever they come from - this is the question of "UFOs and power", even if the existence of the problem is not officially recognized. As a result, only the deployment of preparatory work, the American economy, science, technology received a strong stimulating impulse, which allowed the country at the end of the 20th century not to lose the struggle for leadership on the planet.

Be that as it may, but the "Star Wars" project has experienced its natural rise, heyday and extinction. The official reason for the closure of the program was the fall of the world socialist system, headed by the "Evil Empire" - the USSR. We are no longer enemies! However, why is the SDI project reviving again, albeit not the main, but the secondary part of the SDI project? Perhaps some "new ufological circumstances" have opened up?

Dmitry Kuznetsov
