Social Experiments As A Technology Of Manipulation - Alternative View

Social Experiments As A Technology Of Manipulation - Alternative View
Social Experiments As A Technology Of Manipulation - Alternative View

Video: Social Experiments As A Technology Of Manipulation - Alternative View

Video: Social Experiments As A Technology Of Manipulation - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, September

Surely, many of you have already met videos that are built according to the following principle. A group of faces creates a kind of extraordinary, most often provocative, situation and captures the behavior of random passers-by on camera. The most popular videos in this series, which have become widespread on the Internet, are videos that compare the reaction of Americans and Russians to how a person felt bad on the street, or how someone asks for help and share food. The Rakamakafo team was the first to appear with such stories.

Of course, any sane person understands that you can shoot 100 different episodes, and show the audience only those 5 in which our compatriots are shown to be indifferent and indifferent to the sufferings of their neighbor, unlike Americans. But such stories are aimed at emotions and at people without critical thinking, of which, unfortunately, there are a lot today.

In addition to creating a banal sample, you can use other techniques. For example, if you ask for help during the morning rush hour, when everyone is rushing to work, and at lunchtime or in the evening, when passers-by are just walking, the results will be completely different. In order to visually see the whole manipulative essence of this technology, you can watch a video of another team, in which the Americans are already exposed in a negative light, and the Russians, on the contrary, are great.

Just do not rush to rejoice for the alleged patriots who made this video with the characteristic name ChebuRussiaTV. First, it is immoral in itself to experiment with bullying veterans like this. Secondly, instead of revealing the manipulation technology and thereby increasing the degree of understanding of the audience, they became like their competitors and used the same "crowd control" scheme. And thirdly, a person must become better than he was yesterday, and not rise by lowering other peoples.

By the way, if you watch the rest of ChebuRussiaTV's videos, it turns out that Russians are better than Americans, but Jews are better than Russians. It is worth noting that Rakamakafo and ChebuRussiaTV seem to have the same positions on this issue …

In addition to their love for Israel, there are many other things that our YouTube leaders have in common in social experimentation. For example, they both actively promote the theme of vulgarity and free morals. If for Rakamakafo, these are constant plots dedicated to a pickup truck, then for ChebuRussiaTV, all attention is focused on female charms or perversions.

In addition, both of them seem to enjoy regularly filming stories about how some Russian girls went down, and how they are ready to sleep with the first person they meet or undress for an iPhone. Our official media constantly like to warm up the same topic, although the decline in morality in society is primarily their merit.


Promotional video:

At the same time, both Rakamakafo and ChebuRussiaTV position their activities as socially useful. It turns out that with their videos they urge people "not to be indifferent and give them positive emotions."

Evaluating these two projects, it should be said that Rakamakafo are less dangerous, since these guys openly take liberal positions, with all their videos they convey the idea that abroad is much better than our Motherland, and that the Russians have completely turned into cattle. But ChebuRussiaTV pretending to be patriots, because of their duality, are much more harmful.

Nevertheless, in this review we did not set ourselves the task of figuring out whether both teams work on order or are simply trying to increase the audience in this way and, perhaps, even sincerely believe in their supposedly good mission. In the end, it doesn't matter so much whether you are a fool or an enemy, in both cases the effect will be sad. Although the emergence of such videos as "domestic violence" at the very moment when pro-Western NGOs are pushing the corresponding anti-family law in the State Duma, suggests very interesting thoughts.

The purpose of this review is to demonstrate that social experiments, as organized by these collectives and many of their followers, are immoral in principle, even if they are covered with specious excuses.

And the second goal is to show that such social experiments can serve as a tool to manipulate public opinion. It is at the demonstration of how the media manage people that all reviews of the Teach to Good project are primarily directed.