The Effect Of The Hundredth Monkey And The Critical Mass Of Intelligence - Alternative View

The Effect Of The Hundredth Monkey And The Critical Mass Of Intelligence - Alternative View
The Effect Of The Hundredth Monkey And The Critical Mass Of Intelligence - Alternative View

Video: The Effect Of The Hundredth Monkey And The Critical Mass Of Intelligence - Alternative View

Video: The Effect Of The Hundredth Monkey And The Critical Mass Of Intelligence - Alternative View
Video: The 100th Monkey Effect | Piyush Sharma (CEO-New Initiatives, Zee Media) | Great Learning 2024, June

In the 1950s, on the Japanese island of Koshima, Japanese scientists observed the behavior of a colony of wild monkeys, which they fed sweet potatoes (yam), scattering them on the sand. The monkeys liked the sweet potato, but did not like the sand on it - animals do not eat dirty food.

And then one day the 18-month-old female Imo solved this problem by rinsing the sweet potato in the river!

She taught this trick to her mother and the other monkeys.

And when the number of monkeys who learned how to wash sweet potatoes reached 100 - ALL MONKEYS LIVING ON THE NEARBY ISLANDS SUDDENLY, without any external motivation, ALSO STARTED TO WASH THE POTATOES !!!

There was an SUDDEN and inexplicable JUMP in the public consciousness of monkeys!

Ken Keyes wrote: "the impression that the hundredth monkey had an IDEOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGH!"

How can this be?

In science, this phenomenon is called "THE EFFECT OF THE HUNDRED MONKEY".

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It would seem nothing special. But several groups of scientists have observed monkeys on different islands. And at one moment, when the number of monkeys who learned to wash sweet potatoes reached a certain number (conditionally - one hundred) - ALL monkeys on ALL islands began to wash sweet potatoes.

The realization of this fact SUDDENLY reached the very last monkey - and it became simply indecent not to know it … Considering that there was ABSOLUTELY NO CONTACT between them, it is very difficult to explain this phenomenon.

And it happened ONCE with ALL monkeys in Japan, even in zoos!

Although unknown, possibly worldwide, no such global observations have been made.

How can this phenomenon be explained?

Many associate this phenomenon with the EARTH'S INFORMATION SHELL, or with SIGNALS from the Cosmos.

There are many versions. But none of the theories have yet been proven.

While this remains a mystery …

These monkeys had no way of communicating with each other, so the scientists' conclusions were sensational.

In their opinion, in order for some population (for example, humanity) to RECEIVE NEW INFORMATION or to make some kind of DISCOVERY, a "Critical Mass" of individuals (people) is needed, which WOULD LOOK FOR AN ANSWER TO THE SAME QUESTION.

The behavior of HUMAN MASSES also strictly corresponds to the "critical mass" of the thought process, which is FORBIDDEN TO EVEN REMEMBER in the media broadcasting!

It turns out that it depends on each of us IN WHAT we ultimately transform as a SPECIES in time.

Is this possible? - YES!


REALIZE that only you YOURSELF and no one else can help yourself and the whole planet.

Everything that happens in this world depends only on you, and only you alone can change it.

After all, the critical mass of the transition to a new quality is unknown to us.

Therefore, it is quite possible that YOU will become the “hundredth monkey” that changed the whole world.

PERSONALLY, YOU can increase the number of WAKE-UP monkeys around you.
