One US Dollar, Whose Are You? - Alternative View

One US Dollar, Whose Are You? - Alternative View
One US Dollar, Whose Are You? - Alternative View

Scott K. Waring, an adept of UFOlogy and world-renowned extraterrestrial hunter from Thailand, surprised everyone again. On that

once he analyzed … the American dollar issued in 1935.

The number 1 traditionally signifies unity and integrity. In a sacred meaning, it denotes God, Cosmos. One is the beginning of everything. The Templar secret society believed that one stands above other numbers. And one dollar really stands apart in the monetary hierarchy. His image on the banknote was a mixture of various design elements, history and esotericism.

Dollar 1862. Photo: wikipedia
Dollar 1862. Photo: wikipedia

Dollar 1862. Photo: wikipedia.

There is a myth that Nicholas Roerich, a Russian artist, theosophist, mystic, took part in the design of the one-dollar banknote. However, the myth remains a myth - no evidence to support this hypothesis has yet been made public.

1 dollar silver certificate of 1886. Photo: wikipedia
1 dollar silver certificate of 1886. Photo: wikipedia

1 dollar silver certificate of 1886. Photo: wikipedia.

But in 1928, the dollar acquired its modern look with the help of an emigrant artist from Russia, Sergei Makronovsky. And in 1935, some design changes were made by Edward M. Weeks, head of the Engraving Division of the Bureau of Currency and Securities Issue at the US Treasury Department.

Silver certificate of 1896 denomination of 1 dollar. Photo: wikipedia
Silver certificate of 1896 denomination of 1 dollar. Photo: wikipedia

Silver certificate of 1896 denomination of 1 dollar. Photo: wikipedia.

Promotional video:

Franklin Roosevelt approved these changes. The International Council of Roerich Organizations officially announced that Nicholas Roerich had nothing to do with this.

Interest in this banknote is caused by the "Great Seal of the United States", placed on the reverse, both sides of it. Now I will not list all the mysterious and controversial signs, symbols, words - without me, there are enough descriptions and their interpretations on the Internet.

$ 1 1917. Photo: wikipedia
$ 1 1917. Photo: wikipedia

$ 1 1917. Photo: wikipedia.

What does Scott Waring advise you to pay attention to? To the other side of the Seal where the eagle is depicted. It was there that he discovered evidence that aliens have control over the US economy and over the government. It is enough just to add contrast to the original, and it immediately turns into a "portrait" of an alien!


Obviously, alien art is beyond our grasp. "It is done at a different level of understanding, which makes this art too complex for our primitive minds," Waring writes on his website. Most likely, there are some aliens on Earth who control the minds and bodies of members of the Government, making their bets.

$ 1 1928 Photo: wikipedia
$ 1 1928 Photo: wikipedia

$ 1 1928 Photo: wikipedia.

Apparently, they have powerful telepathy, for which long distances are not a problem. Thus, one US dollar is proof that aliens have infiltrated the US government and are constantly monitoring it.

$ 1 1993. Photo: wikipedia
$ 1 1993. Photo: wikipedia

$ 1 1993. Photo: wikipedia.

The saddest thing about this is the fate of an ordinary person who is unable to fight such a powerful intellect. Humanity is at their mercy. "We are a primitive species, still controlled by our primitive decision-making and instincts," the famous ufologist complains bitterly.

Comments, as they say, are superfluous - that's why he and Scott K. Waring, able … to write whatever he thinks about.