Kievan Rus. Fables - Alternative View

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Kievan Rus. Fables - Alternative View
Kievan Rus. Fables - Alternative View

Video: Kievan Rus. Fables - Alternative View

Video: Kievan Rus. Fables - Alternative View
Video: Преемственность в Киевской Руси была безумно сложной 2024, July

Who invented Kievan Rus?

It is well known that this term was coined in the 19th century and was first used by the historian M. A. Maksimovich in his work "Where Does the Russian Land Come From" (1837), in a narrow geographical sense, to designate the Kiev principality, along with such phrases as "Chervonnaya Rus", "Suzdal Rus", etc. And in the modern sense, it began to be used already in Stalin's times, by "court" sycophants-historians.

Currently, along with one more Russophobic nonsense about the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" (or invasion), it is gradually falling out of use, shining brightly only in Ukraine, as a fake proof of the superiority of "Ukrov" over Russians (for lack of anything more significant).

Further, the article will provide the point of view of the historian-analyst Dmitry Belousov.

You can't go far on a military campaign on foot
You can't go far on a military campaign on foot

You can't go far on a military campaign on foot.

Historical lies about the Slavs and Russians

In my articles, I have already written about the brazen falsification of our history by German historians in the 17th and 18th centuries, by order of the then reigning Holstein-Gottorp dynasty (Comrade, believe: the history of the past is the door to the future!).

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In the German version of Russian history (the official one, which is taught in schools), you can believe the same as in any religion - without explanation and confirmation, that is, recklessly. If you want to UNDERSTAND and UNDERSTAND real events based on the testimonies of contemporaries, chronicles, maps, coats of arms, paintings and other artifacts of antiquity, you should leave the unrestrained (among some of our readers) skepticism and faith in the German history of Russia. Evaluate new facts logically and, if possible, check them yourself (at the same time, it is advisable to delve into the primary sources, as a rule, written in other languages) and, comparing, make your own decision - what to believe and what not.

Why was the ancient history of the Rus and Slavs distorted? To deprive their descendants of their ancestral memory. Memory of glorious ancestors and their great deeds. To inspire the idea of the youngest history of the nation in the world, the stupidity and savagery of the inhabitants, the dependence on the civilized western neighbors. To impose the idea that everything good is from the WEST, and in the EAST it is completely wild and desolate.

War is the eternal companion of the Slavs and the Rus
War is the eternal companion of the Slavs and the Rus

War is the eternal companion of the Slavs and the Rus.

Make you forget that it was through the efforts of the Western kings and the papal Catholic throne that the South Baltic Slavs and Danube Rus were completely destroyed. About the world's oldest Slavic calendar, the Russian Khaganate on the Don, the Eurasian Empire of the Slavs, Russian America and much more.

The Romanovs completely burned and destroyed everything they could, but fortunately, there are Arab, Scandinavian, Balkan, Byzantine and other ancient sources that can partially fill the gap in knowledge.

Was there Kiev in the 9th century?

The entire current state historical concept is built around Kiev, as the capital of the Slavic lands, where (according to the German version of our history) Russian statehood was born. It is from the 9th century that the (German) countdown of the existence of Russia is conducted. And at the same time, by a "happy coincidence", there was a "massive and voluntary" baptism of all Russian people. The Germans always have everything thought out to the smallest detail: it’s easy to remember and mark at the same time (it’s cheaper) - practical guys….


There is no doubt that the Slavs lived on the Dnieper in those places, there was the Kiev land, there was a state formation (headed by the kagan) and there was a settlement on the site of Kiev in the 9th century - it was a settlement (excavations show the alternation of cultural layers with layers of pure clay - and hence, there was no permanent city).

And they had princes and aristocracy, but for some reason they lived in Belgorod-Kievsky, which is 10 versts north-west of Kiev, on the Irpen River (just imagine: our capital is Moscow, and Putin rules from Tver …).

And the Metropolitan of Kiev, he was not in the capital of Russia, but in Pereyaslavl - you will not get such deliberate modesty from the priests - it means that it was the best option (I propose to present the same analogy with Moscow …).

What are ANCIENT sources mentioning the city of Kiev?

1) There is a legend (in three versions) about the brothers Kie, Shchek, Khoriv and their sister Lybed, who founded the city. According to the first version, this happened in 430 - but on the Danube River at the mouth of the Morava River, this is Danube Rus. According to the second version, in 854 they founded "Kievets - a small town" (does not pull on the capital, and on a decent city too). According to the third version, in 942 they arrived “began to plow the land and live on the Dnieper” (at this time Kiev should have already been a huge capital city, and not a farm in an open field!).

So they draw it to us already in the 9th century, but in reality?
So they draw it to us already in the 9th century, but in reality?

So they draw it to us already in the 9th century, but in reality?

2) The mention of the Kiev transport (across the Dnieper) - generally in 1695.

3) "The Tale of Bygone Years" written in the 12th century is considered a serious source, but it was lost and restored from memory in the 14-15th centuries (200 years later - from memory!), But these originals are not there, but there are copies (!) from the restored chronicle, made already in the 17-18 centuries (just under the Germans they wrote?). Kiev is mentioned there twice in 862 and 1037 - and both times as the year of foundation - what to believe !? Not solid and not convincing….

4) The Arabian chronicles mention the city of Kuyab - that Kuya founded it from Khorezm (!) And the Turks live in it, pray to Allah (and where are the Slavs?). In the Scandinavian, Byzantine, Balkan chronicles of that time - THERE ARE NO REFERENCES ABOUT THE CITY OF KIEV on the DNEPR! That is, the closest neighbors do not know such a city in the 9th century (the century of foundation, baptism, etc.)!

5) Adam of Bremen (a German chronicler) writes in 1081: "… Kiev is a rival of the reigning Constantinople, the most glorious decoration of Greece! …"

6) The Emperor of Rome, Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus in his "Treatise on the government of the empire" of the 10th century, mentions the Khazar border fortress Sambatos (Samvatas), also called Kyoava (and this is quite compatible with other data) - here it is, the future Kiev.

The next part contains the most compelling arguments in favor of the version about the myth of the existence of Kiev in the 9th century (according to D. Belousov) and the falsification of the history of ancient Russia.