Noah's Ark In The Foothills Of Ararat - Alternative View

Noah's Ark In The Foothills Of Ararat - Alternative View
Noah's Ark In The Foothills Of Ararat - Alternative View

Video: Noah's Ark In The Foothills Of Ararat - Alternative View

Video: Noah's Ark In The Foothills Of Ararat - Alternative View
Video: Historical Facts and The Truth about The Real Ark of Noah - Nov 2019 2024, July

Ancient prophecies say that the era of "Pisces" will be replaced by the era of "Aquarius", and this transition threatens humanity with terrible cataclysms. Indeed, scientists note that in the twenty-first century there are much more disasters than before. Some of them associate these events with global warming, climate change on the planet and in connection with the formation of ozone holes in the earth's atmosphere. Other scientists talk about the melting of ice at the planet's poles and the approach of a new global flood.

In September 2005, the most powerful hurricane Katrina hit the shores of America, flooding dozens of cities, New Orleans especially hit. In December 2004, the largest deadliest natural disaster in recent world history occurred as a result of the Indian Ocean earthquake. Countries such as Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand were hit by a giant tsunami. The waves were over fifteen meters high. In just a few hours, more than two hundred thousand people died. In March 2011, a powerful tsunami triggered by undersea tremors hit Japan. On the Japanese island of Honshu, over fifteen thousand people were killed in a few minutes. The Fukushima nuclear power plant barely managed to avoid a repeat of the Chernobyl disaster. The three-meter wave reached even the Southern Kuriles to the shores of Russia.

The Maya Indians have long ago set a date for the end of human history in their famous calendar. All the legends about the first flood that exist in all religions and peoples of the world today are confirmed by scientific data. Geologists have investigated and found that there are geological strata all over the planet with the remains of ancient marine animals, which confirms the version of the worldwide flood. This catastrophe of a universal scale is spoken of in the Koran, in the clay tablets of ancient Sumer, in the myths of Ancient Greece, in Hindu manuscripts and the chronicles of South American Indians. And everywhere it is said that there are people left who managed to survive thanks to the Higher Power. In every religion and in every legend there is a description of the ark, with the help of which people and some species of animals managed to survive. Translated from the Aramaic language, the ark means the storehouse of the secret.

The Bible says that the traces of Noah's ark are in the mountains of Ararat. In ancient times, thousands of years ago, Mount Big Ararat was an active volcano and rose five thousand meters above sea level. The area around this volcano was called Urartu. Only on such a high peak could the inhabitants of Noah's ark be saved during the global flood. Everywhere in this area, researchers find anchor stones, which were used in ancient times by sailors. The first eyewitness to the location of Noah's Ark in the mountains of Ararat was a pilot from Russia Vladimir Roskovitsky in 1916, when he tested the newest (at that time) aircraft engine, flying around Big Ararat at an altitude of about 4300 meters. He noticed below what looked like a giant ship that was half-submerged in a mountain lake. The summer of 1916 was very hotwhich flooded the glaciers much higher than their constant level and forced them to move to the top, exposing more than usual the foothills of Ararat. Thanks to this, the historical secret was revealed to people in the form of the fossilized remains of Noah's ark.

Subsequently, shocked by his discovery of a biblical miracle and emigrating to America, the Russian pilot of the tsarist regime became an Orthodox preacher in the United States. The clergyman described the strange structure he saw as a huge ship, shaped like a log with a rounding at the top to freely descend and emerge in the depths of the sea. A flat extension ran along its hull, protruding upwards by five inches, and the small sail mast available only helped to keep the ship across the waves. The ark had a huge doorway - about twenty feet square. The commander of the air group, in which Lieutenant Vladimir Roskovitsky served, immediately sent a report about the unusual find to the sovereign himself in St. Petersburg. Russian Emperor Nicholas II ordered the expedition of two Cossack detachments with scientists to the top of Mount Ararat for a detailed study of the historical artifact.

During this trip, detailed measurements, sketches of drawings and many photographs were taken. The ark had a three-tiered structure that symbolized the ancient representation of the structure of the world. The ground floor contained food for the animals and food for Noah and his large family. The second floor housed the animal world (its main species), and the third upper tier housed the rescued people.

While examining the interior of the ark, scientists discovered many small hiding places and many large rooms with high ceilings. All interior walls were expertly painted, almost entirely painted with paints similar to wax. For the construction of this ship, they used oleander wood from the cypress family, which does not rot, which allowed it to survive perfectly. At the same time, there is no reliable information and facts about the results of this campaign. The reason for this was that all the materials obtained from this study were destroyed during the revolutionary unrest that began then in Russia.

However, some confirmation of the ancient legend may be the fact that in those places, allegedly huge ancient sarcophagi were found with buried very large bodies inside.

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The catastrophe is described in detail in the Old Testament. Water gushed from everywhere and from below with fountains from underground hot springs, and from above with cold rain like a solid wall, and a continuous seething stream from the seas and oceans. A giant wave circled the Earth twice, sweeping away everything in its path. Millions of people lived before the flood, and after that, the earth's surface changed and became depopulated …