The Americans Have Never Gone To The Moon. The USSR Knew The Truth, But Was Silent - Alternative View

The Americans Have Never Gone To The Moon. The USSR Knew The Truth, But Was Silent - Alternative View
The Americans Have Never Gone To The Moon. The USSR Knew The Truth, But Was Silent - Alternative View

Video: The Americans Have Never Gone To The Moon. The USSR Knew The Truth, But Was Silent - Alternative View

Video: The Americans Have Never Gone To The Moon. The USSR Knew The Truth, But Was Silent - Alternative View
Video: Why Russia Did Not Put a Man on the Moon - The Secret Soviet Moon Rocket 2024, July

There is one strange circumstance in the history of six (!) Official American landings on the moon

Rather, there are many of them, but this is perhaps the most important thing: why did the USSR not even try to question the achievements of its American colleagues? Indeed, it would be natural to expect meticulous attention and meticulous analysis of what was proposed to be taken on faith from the main competitor in the lunar race. After all, the event, in everyday language, happened at a great distance, without witnesses, and who knows what really happened there. But no, not a word of disbelief followed. Not a shadow of doubt fell on the rival's triumph. Why?

Years passed, then decades, and now books have been written about the ambiguities of those flights, and they ask many questions to which the public has not received convincing answers until now. What independent researchers saw over time was most likely obvious to Soviet space specialists from the very beginning. But - silence. Moreover, cosmonaut Leonov and other well-known figures of the Soviet space assured and still assure that the Americans have everything here clean and there is nothing to doubt.

Nevertheless, a huge number of people doubted and doubted, and the advice "Take everything for granted" does not work for them, especially since our defenders of American achievements do not give intelligible answers to many questions.

But if you put the question in a slightly different plane - not "why", but "why" the USSR was silent - the picture gradually acquires logical completeness.

Indeed, the end of the Cold War, "detente", a thaw in relations with the United States and the entire Western world, and many other, as they say now, preferences received by the USSR in foreign policy, coincided with the American lunar program in an amazing way. Why did these gifts of fate fall on him?

The reasons for our political leadership of that time could be as follows. Firstly, the curtailment of the lunar program saved the country many billions of by no means extra rubles. After the flights of unmanned ships and the landing of automatic vehicles, it was clear that there was nothing special there, and even though there was, you won’t take it, because it’s terribly far from the people, and it doesn’t need it.

But that's not all, as the guy from the recent TV commercial liked to say. The embargo on Soviet oil supplies to Western Europe was lifted, we began to penetrate their gas market, where we are successfully working to this day. An agreement was concluded on the supply of American grain to the USSR at prices below the world average, which negatively affected the welfare of the Americans themselves.

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Here is what the American researcher of the history of the lunar race R. Rene writes about this: “A logical question that many have asked and continue to ask: if we actually did not fly anywhere, then why did the Soviet Union not notice the fraud? Or didn’t want to notice? On this score, I have some thoughts. While our valiant army was fighting communism in Vietnam and other countries of Southeast Asia, we sold grain to the Soviet Union at an ultra-low price by megatons. On July 8, 1972, our government shocked the world by announcing the sale to the Soviet Union of about a quarter of our crop at a fixed price of $ 1.63 per bushel (36.4 liters - Ed.). The next crop the Russians would get another 10-20% cheaper. The domestic grain market value was $ 1.50, but immediately jumped to $ 2.44. Guess who paid the difference? Right,our taxpayers. Our prices for bread and meat jumped overnight, reflecting this sudden shortage. What pretty penny did this moon fly to us? There was a lot of money at stake, not to mention America's prestige. The goal in this case justified any means."

1961 year. N. S. Khrushchev and J. Kennedy (Ogonyok magazine)
1961 year. N. S. Khrushchev and J. Kennedy (Ogonyok magazine)

1961 year. N. S. Khrushchev and J. Kennedy (Ogonyok magazine)

It is also believed that Western companies built chemical plants in the USSR in exchange for the finished products of the same plants, that is, the USSR received modern enterprises without investing a penny from itself. The auto giant KamAZ was built with active American participation, and much more. This was an economic benefit of many tens of billions of rubles a year. Before her, those 5 billion that the USSR spent on the lunar rocket "N-1" in ten years faded. From a purely economic point of view, the delivery of the lunar program together with "N-1" paid off a hundredfold, if we bear in mind the near (for several years) economic interest.

Military confrontation, the Cold War and the constant threat of a full-fledged nuclear catastrophe are a thing of the past. The pinnacle of "detente" was the 1975 Helsinki Act, which affirmed the inviolability of the borders that were established in Europe after World War II. A seemingly eternal peace has come between East and West!

In addition, by keeping silent about the US lunar scam, the Soviet leadership could put pressure on its political opponent under the threat of exposure. And, judging by the impressive foreign policy successes of the USSR, it was successful.

Another version of the amazing "docility" of the Soviet authorities, who did not make a fuss, despite all the evidence of the fact that the "lunar program" of the States was an ordinary scam, is that the Americans could these very authorities blackmail the information available to the United States that exactly how Joseph Stalin died. He died not by his own death, but was killed.

The author of the book "The Lunar Scam, or Where were the Americans?" Yuri Mukhin. We quote: “If the West, in response to the exposure of the lunar swindle, began to publicly find out the reasons for the murder and spitting of Stalin, then no matter how the Central Committee of the CPSU would interfere with Western propaganda, six years later, in the USSR, not only members of the CPSU, but also non-party people would look at the party the top as enemies who do not transfer power to everyone - to the Soviets, who do not allow building communism in the name of their greed. It would be the death of the highest party and state nomenklatura of the USSR, at least political."

Moreover, a convenient object for blackmail, according to Mukhin, was not Khrushchev (“Nikita Sergeevich knew firmly which country he was the leader and which, in fact, cowardly scum opposed him in the West. The Americans tried to blackmail him with a war in connection with the Cuban missile crisis. And what?”- Mukhin writes), namely Brezhnev, who replaced him. “Brezhnev was already Leopold the cat, trying to calm down the impudent spell:“Guys, let's live peacefully!”. Here the Americans in the lunar swindle on him and "ran", most likely, precisely with this blackmail (other reasons for blackmail simply do not see), and Brezhnev yielded to them, "- Yuri Mukhin believes.