A Return To The 90s Or Love Of Money Is Dearer Than Conscience And Honor - Alternative View

A Return To The 90s Or Love Of Money Is Dearer Than Conscience And Honor - Alternative View
A Return To The 90s Or Love Of Money Is Dearer Than Conscience And Honor - Alternative View

Honour. It would seem to be an ordinary word in which there is nothing special.

But this short combination of letters contains a whole philosophy.

Unfortunately, today things are so that people are ready to forget about their honor and reputation, for the sake of something important to them. It can be fame and recognition, money and a good deal, career growth and lust for power …

There are many reasons, and if you start listing them all, it will take many hours.

Recently, I had a chance to talk with one person you all know.

He also positions himself as an independent researcher and alternative researcher.

In order to maintain privacy, I hid his name.

I did this because our communication with him was private. And the text of the correspondence is not in the public domain. Therefore, I have no right to divulge his name.

Promotional video:

Otherwise, I would, without a twinge of conscience, have called his name.

Our conversation was originally on a different topic. But then, I warned this man (let's call him Mr. X), from the fate of losing his reputation.

I told him that there is no need to contact people who are engaged in an extremely fraudulent activity.

And what my surprise was when Mr. X told me that reputation means nothing to him.

Of course, it was not said so directly, but the general meaning is just that.

Fragment of correspondence with Mr. H
Fragment of correspondence with Mr. H

Fragment of correspondence with Mr. H.

In other words, Mr. X doesn't care what happens to his reputation.

Yes, reputation can be different. After all, this is primarily public opinion about a specific person or group of persons.

And people are evaluated according to different criteria.

In the specific case, we are talking about honor and dignity.

If a person openly lies or deliberately misleads everyone and makes money on this, then society will make an assessment of him.

For example: "will put a label".

Thus, he will gain the reputation of a fraud.

As a rule, they say about such that he is a shameless person.

Mr. X is not a fraud and he does not cheat anyone in order to earn money.

But he thinks in such a way that it becomes scary for his future. I hope that he will realize everything and will make the right choice if he is suddenly offered favorable conditions, the price of which is loss of honor and conscience.

Today we can safely say that many authors of alternative channels on YouTube, such conditions have been offered. And as sad as it may sound, some authors have accepted them.

Some time ago, I wrote an article in which I talked about the Duyunov motor-wheel project.

I expressed my doubts regarding this project, and also cited facts that should be paid attention to.

The article can be read here.

After some time, there was a full exposure of this "scam" in the video format:

And also, a video was published with an analysis of how people with the "Slavyanka" winding are deceived.

Attention, profanity:

In general, the fact that this is a "scam" can be seen even with the "naked eye".

It is enough to study the activities of this office a little.

I think this: If you call yourself a researcher, alternativeist or conspiracy theorist, then you simply must be able to see deception, lies and swindlers a mile away.

It should be so, but in reality everything is different.

Alternatives advertise this project en masse.

For example, Kramola, a large YouTube channel with a large community on the social network Vkontakte, has already earned a negative reputation for itself.

If earlier this channel was really engaged in an alternative direction, today it is a corrupt "prostitute" who is ready for anything for money.

Commentary under one of the channel's videos: Kramola
Commentary under one of the channel's videos: Kramola

Commentary under one of the channel's videos: Kramola.

As you can see, the advertisement for Duyunov's "scam" is also perfectly placed.

She does not just call for investments in this technology, whole videos are made about this, where all the wonders of modern and breakthrough technology are signed.

Okay, on "Kramol", there is nowhere to put a sample.

But the Valery channel also published a whole video about Duyunov's project.

Also, under this video, he attached his commentary with a recommendation to invest in this "scam".

Commentary under one of the channel's videos: Valery
Commentary under one of the channel's videos: Valery

Commentary under one of the channel's videos: Valery.

Valera, you are not just a reader of articles. You are also a talented researcher. How could you???

Greed is the answer to that question.

In fact, Valery not only advertised this project, but also advertised the so-called miraculous "Mishin's Coils".

If, Alan Chumak, were alive and “brought the money to the cashier”, then surely Valery would also advertise “charged” water in the bank.

At a minimum, an apology to your subscribers should follow.

But this will not happen, because Duyunov's representatives will have to return the money they gave for advertising.

Alexey Kungurov - A talented researcher, a person who made a great contribution to the Russian segment of conspiracy theories, was also tempted.

Greed has enveloped him, and now he only wants money.

Likewise, he was paid to advertise Duyunov's engines.

And this talented researcher agreed.

And in the same way, Alexey, invites people to invest in this project.

Description for one of the videos on the channel: Alexey Kungurov
Description for one of the videos on the channel: Alexey Kungurov

Description for one of the videos on the channel: Alexey Kungurov.

As you can see, Kungurov has been investing money in the "scam" for more than one year.

This cannot speak of Alexei's sanity.

By the way, now, Kungurov, is collecting money for his "miracles" of technology.

Description for one of the videos on the channel: Alexey Kungurov
Description for one of the videos on the channel: Alexey Kungurov

Description for one of the videos on the channel: Alexey Kungurov.

Kungurov visited Moscow, visited Duyunov's team, and now he decided to become the inventor of his own engines with blackjack and sl … mi.

Another character that I already talked about.

Channel "Check it all yourself".

Channel with an alternative bias, produces videos on conspiracy topics. Recently, it has begun to interfere with conspiracy theories with crypto pyramids.

He began to do it measuredly, gradually. And now, a full-fledged video about the "PRIZM" crypto pyramid was released

Of course, the video is accompanied by a corresponding description:


Well, it's time to summarize:

As you can see, today conspiracy theories have turned into an object of earning money on naive people.

The authors of alternative channels collect subscribers, tell them about how everyone is deceiving them, and then they themselves begin to advertise financial pyramids and "scams".

Thus, the authors of such channels not only lose their honor, conscience and reputation, but also themselves become those who deceive people. They stop realizing that their own audience is people.

Greed and avarice suppresses all the kindest feelings.

Do you know why this happens ???

Because people have become gullible, naive and intimidated.

The most difficult situation in the country and the world as a whole has made people "zombies".

Judge for yourself:

Psychics, magicians, healers, swindlers have returned. Everything is as it was in the 90s.

People believe all this, bring them money and expect a miracle.

My task is to protect my subscribers from all this.

Be vigilant and always stay honest.

And finally:

I am not against advertising for the purpose of making money. I am against advertising anything that hurts people. I tried to set out specific examples in this article.

