The Mystery Of Glowing People - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of Glowing People - Alternative View
The Mystery Of Glowing People - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Glowing People - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Glowing People - Alternative View
Video: True Stories of Glowing People | Random Thursday 2024, July

The victims of a strange disease emit light that is not inferior in strength to electric

In December 2006, the Troitsk customs officers, while filling out the documents for the car, discovered that the passenger - a resident of Kazakhstan - was glowing in the dark. The investigation showed that she was undergoing thyroid treatment in one of the sanatoriums of the Chelyabinsk region, but the establishment of this fact did not contribute to the identification of the source of the light. When the woman presented the relevant documents, it was decided to let her into her homeland without hindrance. Since 2002, this is the second case of detection by customs services of "glowing people". The first such incident took place at the Balandino airport, where, during the checkout of the flight, they discovered that one of the passengers had his fingers glowing. At the same time, doctors assure that "firefly people" do not pose any threat to others.



A resident of Chita, Vladimir Sukharev and his brother were avid hunters, and spent all the winter months in the taiga. One evening a man knocked on their door in the winter quarters. As usual, the brothers offered him hot tea and food. But he gave up everything, without undressing, sat down by the stove and dozed off. The brothers decided that he was not feeling well - the stranger shuddered in his sleep, muttered something, his whole face was covered in brown spots … Later, he nevertheless agreed to eat. When he took off his mittens, it turned out that his right arm was bandaged with dirty rags. The stranger admitted that he "got sick and sneaks into the city to see the doctors." Quite a common story, if not for one detail: a strange illness happened to him - his hand glowed in the dark in the literal sense of the word. Not only that, there was a radiance dripping from his fingertips, like the flame of an acetylene torch.

- Painfully? - asked the astonished brothers.

“On the contrary,” said the hunter. - Hand to the elbows like frostbitten. I don't feel anything, only sometimes "goosebumps" run through …

As it turned out later, strange spots on his face also glowed, only very faintly. Apparently, he himself did not even know about it.

Vladimir Sukharev says: “In the morning the hunter said goodbye and left. I don't know if he got to the city - after all, he had to walk 150 kilometers through the taiga! That incident does not come from my memory, because I can not find a reasonable explanation for it. What was that, radiation? Or blood poisoning? Hardly. The fact is that the glow emanating from his hand made it almost transparent. When our guest put the brush on the newspaper that covered the table, it turned yellow and became fragile, as if it had been exposed to acid …"

This is the only documented Russian evidence of a "natural human glow". And in general, with the exception of descriptions of shining halos and halos around the heads of religious leaders and saints, such facts are extremely rare. But a few examples can still be cited.

In May 1934, an article appeared in the Times about the glowing woman from Pirano. Signora Anna Monaro suffered from asthma for a long time. One day, while sleeping, blue light began to emit from her chest in rapid pulses. This phenomenon was seen by many doctors, but they could not give it a reasonable explanation. According to the testimony of the specialists observing the patient, at the moment when Anna's body emitted a glow, the woman's heart began to beat twice as fast as usual …

The 1937 book Anomalies and Curiosities in Medicine describes a similar case with a woman suffering from breast cancer. The light coming from the sore area of her chest was sufficient to illuminate a small room at night. There is a mention of a dead child, whose body began to emit a bluish glow. Attempts to extinguish it did not lead to anything, but soon it stopped by itself.

Scary place

Salem is known as the scariest place in the current United States. Americans living in other cities believe that many of the locals are real sorcerers and witches. The worst rumors are around Croton Fole, where the road to the abandoned mine passes. This whole valley is dug from top to bottom and strewn with old mines. Huge deposits of pure iron ore create a powerful magnetic anomaly here.

One day, two married couples, returning by car from a night show, decided to take a shortcut - to go along the old road. When the car crossed the bridge leading to the mine, she suddenly shook and stopped. The headlights went out. One of the passengers heard something like a deer roar and went out to see what was the matter.

Soon he returned and, waving his arms excitedly, declared that he had seen "unusual people." According to him, three women came out from behind the hill and headed towards it. They looked "like out of this world: small stature, in dark, tight-fitting clothes …". When he lit the flashlight, their bodies lit up in the darkness with a blue light, they ran as fast as they could back towards the hill and disappeared into some hole.

Friends only laughed at him. But soon they were not up to jokes: a triangular-shaped object with many colored lights appeared in the sky and hovered just two hundred meters from their car. With such a "fellow traveler" they drove most of the road, and then he disappeared without a trace. The inhabitants of the city then examined this area, even found a hole in the hill where the creatures disappeared. However, inside it was an empty, abandoned mine without the slightest trace of anyone's presence.

Later, one of the local residents passed by in the evening and noticed that a faint light was burning in the mine. Also from there came a sound like the hum of a working transformer. When the man, interested, went inside, the glow disappeared. In the gloom he felt uncomfortable, and although there was no one around, it seemed that someone was watching him. Suddenly, an unknown force hit the man on the head … He fell, but quickly jumped to his feet. There was still no one around! When the unlucky adventurer ran to the exit, blows fell on him again, and a figure with a long beard and hair strewn over his shoulders appeared in the doorway. The stranger gave off a faint light. He raised his hand, pointed it at the man and ordered: "Get out of here and never come back!" Then the figure dissolved into a white cloud and disappeared.

Internal laser?

Church ministers are quite loyal to the phenomenon of luminous people. Pope Benedict XIV wrote: “It seems that the existence of a natural flame, which sometimes becomes visible around the human head, should be recognized as a fact. It also seems to be true that sometimes a glow can emanate from the whole body of a person."

Official science, on the contrary, categorically denies the very possibility of the existence of such anomalies. Biologists subdivide the luminescence of living organisms into only two types - bioluminescence, inherent in microbes, beetles and marine animals, and super-weak luminescence, inherent in all living organisms, including humans. But such a glow can be registered only with special devices, and not visually. And the visible glow of wounds, described in some medical textbooks and scientific works on toxicology, is explained simply by the presence of luminescent bacteria in them.

However, the archives of many medical institutions contain research protocols that indicate that the capabilities of living organisms go beyond the generally accepted concepts. So, in one of the Moscow institutes, scientists have established that a person, under certain conditions, begins to emit ionizing radiation, which significantly exceeds the usual background indicators. At the same time, different parts of the body emit different doses of this "bioradiation", and, what is most curious, sometimes they can be redistributed throughout the body depending on desire. In some cases, the detected radiation even partially destroyed the structure of the detectors used to register this phenomenon.

Researcher V. Krokhmalev from Uzbekistan discovered a similar phenomenon. He experimentally recorded the light radiation emanating from the growing hairs of cotton ovules. In his work, published in an academic publication, Krokhmalev argues that the mechanism for the appearance of such a glow is close to the formation of a laser. The scientist managed to photograph a real torch of light escaping from a tiny bud. With its help, a growing hair of cotton makes its way in the environment … From this, Krokhmalev concludes that the glow sometimes observed in people is a kind of energy failure that occurs as a result of stress or suffering, when a person tries to concentrate energy to overcome a certain life obstacles or neglected disease. The scientist does not excludethat some psychics and other owners of paranormal abilities can purposefully use this phenomenon for their own purposes.

Analyzing the entire arsenal of modern natural science, scientists came to the conclusion: information about the nature of bone mass makes up 98 percent of the total volume of all scientific knowledge, about the nature of living matter and the biosphere - 5 percent, and about human nature - less than 1 percent! This is explained by the fact that in many countries up to the 20th century it was forbidden not only to study a person, but even to draw him. Therefore, it should not be surprising that our body and its capabilities are still one of the most unknown areas in science …

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