Scientists And Lamas Will Again Try To Unravel The Mystery Of The "Buryat Miracle" Itigelov - Alternative View

Scientists And Lamas Will Again Try To Unravel The Mystery Of The "Buryat Miracle" Itigelov - Alternative View
Scientists And Lamas Will Again Try To Unravel The Mystery Of The "Buryat Miracle" Itigelov - Alternative View

Video: Scientists And Lamas Will Again Try To Unravel The Mystery Of The "Buryat Miracle" Itigelov - Alternative View

Video: Scientists And Lamas Will Again Try To Unravel The Mystery Of The
Video: Searching for a Miracle. The mystery of the incorruptible Buddhist Lama Itigelov 2024, July

On June 24-25, representatives of science and lamas will once again try to unravel the mystery of Itigelov's "Buryat miracle". The brainstorming session will take place in the Ivolginsky datsan within the framework of the VI International conference “The phenomenal state of Pandito Khambo Lama D. D. Itigelova ".

Khambo Lama Ayusheev invites his most active Facebook friends to the conference. Because he himself daily translates his messages and puts them on his feed on this social network and on the website of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia.

Let me remind you that the guardian of the Imperishable body Bimba Lama receives messages from Itigelov every day. This permanent communication channel did not appear immediately, but from the end of 2010 at the request of Khambo Lama Ayusheev. Then eight years passed after the appearance of the Imperishable body and its state - external and internal, was under the special control of the leadership of the Sangha (however, as it is today).

The Hambo Lama asked the keeper: “What do you see? How do you feel next to him?"

And then, some time after the special rituals, Bimba Lama began to receive messages. The media reported these supernatural contacts in October – December 2010. At first, the lamas did not know what to do with them, and then they decided to translate them into Russian and inform the believers. First, they were posted at a stand near the Itigelov Palace, and then they began to be displayed on the website and in social networks. The range of topics he covers is the widest and sometimes difficult to explain logically.

How much can you trust the Bimba Lama? And how possible is such a poltergeist? If the phenomenon of Itigelov itself is inexplicable, then its keeper Bimba Lama Dorzhiev is such a normal person. I know him very well, because I was with him in the most extreme situations in India. This was in January 2003, during a trip to the Kalachakra Teachings given by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama.

The Bimba Lama is incapable of any fantasy, invention or improvisation. This is an absolutely earthly person, firmly on his feet. In the Itigelov case, he played an outstanding role, being, in fact, the initiator of the birth of the Imperishable body. And since then he has been the permanent keeper of his fellow countryman. His alter ego, the guide and transmitter of his signals to this world. Once Khamba Lama Ayusheev said about him: "And if we also take into account that the body of Khambo Lama Itigelov is phenomenal, then perhaps Bimba Lama will eventually become a kind of phenomenon as well."

Another strategically important character associated with Itigelov is Khambo Lama Ayusheev himself. Once, to the question: "Who does he feel himself to be, a simple Buddhist monk or a Buddhist chief?", He answered: "Itigelov's guard."

Promotional video:

In fact, it was Ayusheev who took upon himself all the heavy responsibility for the appearance and safety of the Imperishable body. But then, in 2002-2003, many reputable lamas and lay people were against Itigelov staying in the world, and not returning to where he spent 75 years alone. The past years have confirmed the foresight, wisdom and desperate courage of this decision.

“The most important question is not how Itigelov managed to save his body, but what his purpose is. We want to understand why Itigelov left his body, why is it among us?”Said Khambo Lama Ayusheev. Now it is clear that the great lama is already helping people in all their affairs, otherwise the flow of those who want to bow to him would have dried up long ago.

So, how does Itigelov manifest himself? Every day at 6 am Bimba Lama brings him fresh arshan from his spring near Orongoi. At this time or a little later, messages appear in his brain, as an instant flash of Clear Light, as an insight, thought or image. The Keeper writes down the content of this impulse in the Buryat language and brings the leaflet to the Khambo Lama. The hierarch began to decipher the messages in October 2012. Before that, lamas - teachers of the Buddhist University commented.

I have witnessed this fascinating process many times, including on June 2 this year. Itigelov: “What is truth? When you climb a high mountain, you believe the morning sun. " Commentary of Khambo Lama Ayusheev: “So, the truth should be between three worlds: 1) Inner world - faith in the soul; 2) The outside world is the top of the mountain; 3) The world of space is the sun."

The phenomenon of Khambo Lama Itigelov continues to excite the minds, and his messages are a bewitching paranormal phenomenon. One thing is clear, the essence of Itigelov's statements is Buddhist philosophy and morality. And high poetry: “As many desires, so many lives. It is like a firecracker that throws sparks!"
