Directly To Heaven. Ambulance Paramedic - About Cancer Patients - Alternative View

Directly To Heaven. Ambulance Paramedic - About Cancer Patients - Alternative View
Directly To Heaven. Ambulance Paramedic - About Cancer Patients - Alternative View

Video: Directly To Heaven. Ambulance Paramedic - About Cancer Patients - Alternative View

Video: Directly To Heaven. Ambulance Paramedic - About Cancer Patients - Alternative View
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Poor cancer patient. No one in an ambulance likes these calls. And the illness itself, and that psychological atmosphere in the patient's apartment, and the feeling that you cannot help with anything significantly … All this leaves an oppressive residue of your own helplessness and uselessness.

Grandfather was really dying. Cancer of the fourth degree. Without pressure, without movement, being conscious there, where soon and all will go forever. I spoke to someone in an incomprehensible language, periodically opening my eyes, but I could not see anything in this world.

Around - relatives, begging to do at least something. Those who do not want to understand the essence of what is happening.

Wednesday. The last Wednesday before Easter. Tomorrow Maundy Thursday. The paramedic was alone. Even if there were three in the brigade, as in Soviet times, what would they do? Death is merciless.

But the paramedic still put on the IV. A dropper for relatives is a measure of medical debt. There is a dropper - it means that the doctor is working conscientiously. No - they can write a complaint. It’s bad, they say, your doctor worked.

Everything that could be charged into the dropper. Maybe more. I do not know. The main thing is that everything in the map is written according to standards. As if all our patients are standard. But the grandfather was dying anyway.

- What are you doing? - muttered the paramedic, transferring the dropper to the maximum speed of injection of the solution. “I’ll have scribbling for half a day. And why today? Let's go for Easter. AND? They say whoever dies on Easter goes straight to heaven. Come on, grandfather. Wait a little.

Five minutes later, my grandfather breathed more evenly, blood pressure went up and stopped at around 100/60.

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- Well, something like that - said the paramedic and, collecting his belongings, quietly left the apartment.

The grandfather lived for three more days and died at Easter, at dawn. The same paramedic stated his death. The soul of the grandfather is exactly in Paradise. The paramedic promised him. And God never sets up the guys with the ambulance.