Why Is It Important To Constantly Load The Brain - Alternative View

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Why Is It Important To Constantly Load The Brain - Alternative View
Why Is It Important To Constantly Load The Brain - Alternative View

Video: Why Is It Important To Constantly Load The Brain - Alternative View

Video: Why Is It Important To Constantly Load The Brain - Alternative View
Video: What percentage of your brain do you use? - Richard E. Cytowic 2024, September

The brain is a mysterious system, all the secrets of which we have not been able to unravel until now. To make the most of it, you need to understand how it works. Tatiana Chernigovskaya, an Honored Scientist, an outstanding scientist in the field of neuroscience, psycholinguistics and the theory of consciousness, talks about this in detail in her lectures.


Today we share with you her thoughts and tell you how to improve brain function and why you should not give it a break. Very interesting and informative!

About brain function

There are too many myths about the brain that prevent us from effectively using its full potential. And the advice of various gurus, who argue that the brain needs more rest, also interferes. Tatyana Chernigovskaya, for example, absolutely disagrees with this. Let's figure out why she thinks differently.


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About the irrational

Tatiana Chernigovskaya does not share the opinion that the brain should be left alone. Many write that you need to give him freedom of action and not push, let him do what he sees fit. When we are faced with difficult tasks, we are advised to step back for a while, rest and not force the brain.

Roughly speaking, if the matter does not go well, then you need to drop it, be distracted by something else and wait for the decision to come by itself. That's just not how it works. All the great people who made the discovery claim that they do not remember how it happened. Either the idea came to them in a dream, or on a walk they suddenly dawned on them.


Chernigovskaya says: “All this is done at an almost unconscious level. Another question is that Mendeleev's table is dreamed of by Mendeleev, and not by his cook. This is a huge work, brain work done in advance. Therefore, you need to strain your brain so that it produces a result. Just resting, you will not get the return.


Brain memory

However, this does not mean that the brain needs to be loaded with anything. Each of us is born with a neural network and throughout our life we "write" information into it. The brain stores all the information that it passed by, smelled, heard or saw. All this is stored there, even if we do not remember it.

Everything that we give to the brain remains there, you need to understand this and not litter your information field. Chernigovskaya says: “I constantly say: you can't read stupid books, talk to idiots, listen to bad music, eat poor-quality food, watch incompetent films. If we sleep and eat the shawarma on the street, it will be possible to remove it from the stomach, but from the head - never, what has fallen is gone."


About excessive loads

Everyone knows what a deadline and procrastination are until the last possible moment. When we try to do a job for a couple of days in a few hours, the brain switches to a completely different mode. When time is short, we mobilize strength and do whatever is necessary.

Chernigovskaya says that as part of one of the projects, they monitored what was happening in the brain during intense work. She says that the brain at this time goes into a terrible state, when the worse the better. The scientist claims that moderate doses of stress are beneficial for the brain. And there are people who, without this stress, simply cannot master the work.

Someone is comfortable when there is a lot of time, he does everything slowly. But there are also those who, for maximum efficiency, need to meet the deadlines properly. This is individual for everyone, because it is so important to get to know yourself and find out what you are capable of.


Brain stress

The brain, like the muscles, needs constant stress and training. Chernigovskaya says: “If we lie down on the sofa and lie on it for six months, then we will not be able to get off it, because our muscles atrophy. Exactly the same thing happens with the brain. He was born to work hard and process information.

The more difficult it is, the better for the brain in the literal sense. It improves physically, the quality of neurons, the amount of white and gray matter increases. You can't let the brain escape."


Moreover, the load should be varied. You need to switch your brain to other activities. For example, playing music has a beneficial effect on brain function. And these switches play a huge role. Exercise and hard mental work is the best medicine for brain function.


To be productive and keep your brain in good shape, you need to keep it busy. Read good books that will be difficult, watch difficult films that will force you to analyze what you see. This is how you get the most out of your brain!