Civilization On Mars Was Destroyed By - Death - Alternative View

Civilization On Mars Was Destroyed By - Death - Alternative View
Civilization On Mars Was Destroyed By - Death - Alternative View

Video: Civilization On Mars Was Destroyed By - Death - Alternative View

Video: Civilization On Mars Was Destroyed By - Death - Alternative View
Video: What Are We Protecting Mars From — And Why Do We Bother? 2024, July

The Martian civilization was destroyed by Death. Fear and Horror remained …

The discovery of the Russian scientist Dr. of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A. Portnov confirms: there was life on Mars, but died as a result of a grandiose cosmic catastrophe.

Since time immemorial, Mars has been called the "Red Planet". The light of this bloody "droplet" in the night sky invariably caused a feeling of anxiety in a person.

And probably not in vain the ancient Greeks, Babylonians and Romans identified Mars with the god of war..

During the Great Confrontations, when Mars approached our planet as far as possible, the most brutal wars began. This gloomy omen came true in our times - the approach of Mars in 1940-1941 was marked by the beginning of World War II …

The history of Mars exploration is filled with hopes and disappointments. We can recall the famous "canals", which were discovered by the Italian astronomer Schiaparelli. He was the first to suggest that the mysterious stripes and lines visible through a telescope on the surface of the "Red Planet" are the work of an extraterrestrial civilization.

And then the time for surprises came. Channels appeared and disappeared. Certainty was not found, although many prominent astronomers hunted for the phenomenon. Heavenly maps had to be redrawn with depressing frequency. The "channel" of Nefes-Thoth, for example, visible at first absolutely clearly, in 1939 it became barely noticeable, in 1941 it completely bifurcated, and in 1958 it turned into an incomprehensible wide strip.

Or, for example, the Erinnis "channel", which appears even in the reports of the famous Schiaparelli - it disappeared immediately after it was opened, and appeared again only in 1941. All this gave abundant ground for thought. Enthusiasts claimed that the mysterious "behavior" of the "channels" indicated that the Martian civilization continued to exist. Skeptics, on the other hand, said that "channels" are an optical illusion.

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The same is the fate of the Martian pyramids, the clear geometric shapes of which, similar to the Egyptian ones, caused another storm of controversy.

And Mars never ceased to make fun of scientists, throwing them once again a new "illusion".

… 1976, July 25 - the American interplanetary station "Viking-1" photographed on the surface of the "Red Planet" an amazing formation 1.5 km long, resembling a woman's face. It was a sensation - the picture bypassed all world periodicals and repeatedly appeared on TV screens.

Mark Carlotto, an American specialist at Analyst Science in Boston, built a three-dimensional image of this structure using a computer technique and - in fact, got a "head"! Then, having increased the contrast of the right, shaded side of it, I found a second “eye” about 100 meters below the “nose” and even something that looked like “teeth”! In his article in the scientific journal "Applied Optics" Carlotto wrote: "The results obtained suggest that all this can NOT be of natural origin."

A little later, explorer Vincent di Pietro and cyberneticist Gregory Molenaar found a second image of the same "face" in NASA's archives of Martian imagery! This photo was taken 35 days after the first under different lighting. Computer processing not only confirmed the details of the first image, but also revealed additional details.

Now on it one could see "eyeballs" with "pupils", again "teeth" and on the sunlit "cheek" … a stone "tear"! Di Pietro and Molenaar came to the conclusion: "If the striking details of this stone" head "appeared naturally, then nature must be a highly developed being!"

1995, June 25 - under pressure from the public, NASA's management included a control survey of the “face” in the Mars Global Surveyor interplanetary station flight program. 1998, April 5 - Long-awaited pictures were received at the Mission Control Center. The interplanetary station photographed the mysterious "woman's face" from an altitude of 440 km (in 1976, the survey was carried out from an altitude of 1,870 km). And again the "Martian surprises" began - the "face" disappeared, as the "channels" disappeared earlier. In the new photographs, instead of the already famous Sphinx, there were ordinary rocks, in which it is difficult to see the "face" even with the most violent imagination.

Where could a giant sculpture, whose image underwent more than one rigorous examination at one time, could have disappeared? Fans began to blame the traditional cunning of officials from the American space science, who had long gained fame as "clampers" of space images with anomalous subjects, for everything. They, they say, did not cost anything to show a photograph of a completely different place … Or a cataclysm occurred that destroyed the giant statue? Or did the Martians decide to hide it from the lenses of earthlings? Or is it really just a play of light and shadow?

One way or another, but scientists again do not have a clear answer to the now sacramental question: is there life on Mars? Therefore, we found it interesting A. Portnov's hypothesis, which introduces some certainty. The starting point for reflection was the unusual color of the Red Planet.

Let us ask ourselves the question: why is Mars blood-red? The similarity of the color of Mars and blood is explained by the same reason - the abundance of iron oxide. It is this substance that also stains the hemoglobin in the crop. and the Martian surface.

Soviet and American space stations that have landed on Mars have provided detailed images of rocky deserts covered with red ferrous sand.

The astute alchemists of the Middle Ages were not mistaken in making the sign of Mars the symbol of iron. Almost the entire surface of Mars is covered with a thick layer of rust.

And where there is rust, there is water. There used to be plenty of water on this planet. This is evidenced by the traces of the once grandiose water flows remaining on the surface. The red Martian sands are in fact washed out by rivers and scattered by the winds of ancient weathering crust.

However, water alone is clearly not enough to form a "rusty planet". For example, the large moons of Jupiter Ganymede and Callisto, although rich in water, retain the color of the geological rocks practically unchanged. The metals there not only will not scatter, but even, on the contrary, under the influence of the "solar wind" are restored to their native state.

The same phenomenon was recorded on the lunar surface. For the oxidation of iron, one more condition is needed. Which one? The answer to this question can be found on earth.

Nowadays, drivers of dirt roads in Africa, India and Australia curse the thick red dust. And in earlier geological eras, when the climate was significantly warmer, red flowers were on all continents. But they appeared only after there was a lot of free oxygen in the atmosphere.

Oxygen is a sure sign of life. All 1200 trillion tons of this gas have been produced by plants on our planet. By the way, it will take them about 4,000 years to renew this amount.

In the images taken by spacecraft, one can clearly see that the thickness of the so-called red flowers on the slopes of the Martian canyons reaches at times several kilometers.

Meanwhile, calculations showed that for the formation of a "red crust" there, only one hundred meters thick, 500 trillion tons of oxygen would be needed. And given that the surface of Mars is only 28% of the surface of our planet, this corresponds to 3,200 trillion tons for Earth. Obviously, only very abundant vegetation could create such an oxygenated atmosphere on Mars.

Now the focus of researchers studying the problems of extraterrestrial life is the meteorite found in Antarctica. This is a fragment of the Martian rock, thrown to us by some terrible explosion, and in it are the remains of primitive microorganisms. Their age is about three billion years.

The history of earthly life has shown that even in 20 million years the blue-green algae of the Precambrian turned into mighty forests of the Carboniferous period. This means that there was plenty of time for the development of complex life forms on Mars. And to the sacramental question of the lecturer from "Carnival Night" one must answer: "There was definitely life on Mars."

Why isn't she now? What could have happened?

The answer will be prompted by the "small" feature of the Martian soil. The fact is that unlike the red flowers of the Earth, the rocks of the "Red Planet" are magnetic! This is due to the fact that in the red dust of our planet there is a lot of the mineral hematite (non-magnetic iron oxide), and in the sands of Mars, rare on Earth maghemite prevails. With the same chemical composition, they have completely different crystal structures and physical properties.

Our magnetic iron oxide is produced in factories artificially, by calcining iron hydroxide at a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius. This is how the sound carrier for the tape is made. Natural Muggsmith is unsuitable for this - it easily demagnetizes when the temperature rises.

During expeditions to Eastern Siberia, A. Portnov discovered that rivers there wash out a huge amount of maghemite from ancient deposits with an unusual feature - when heated, this substance did not lose its magnetic properties. He called this mineral "stable maghemite." It is obvious that the substance arose during the powerful (as at a plant) calcination of red flowers. How could this happen under natural conditions?

The answer to this riddle is hidden in a meteorite crater near the Popigai River. A pockmark with a diameter of more than 130 km in diameter was left in the Siberian taiga by a giant asteroid that fell to the ground 35 million years ago. This was one of the most significant disasters in the history of the Earth. Perhaps it was because of her that a strong change in the animal world occurred and the geological Paleogene period was replaced by the Neogene.

Although, this is an assumption. And here are the facts: from the thermal energy of the asteroid's impact, up to 5,000 cubic kilometers of rocks melted. The unprecedented pressure that has arisen in the center of the Popigai crater is also evidenced by the fact that the world's largest diamond deposit is now located there. Moreover, not cubic in structure, as in kimberlite pipes, but hexagonal, which arise only at a pressure of hundreds of thousands of atmospheres. It is a pity that the quality of Popigai crystals is very low and they cannot be used even for technical purposes.

This ancient disaster and the abundance of magnetic iron oxide around the Popigai crater are undoubtedly linked. Apart from the impact of an asteroid, nothing could heat the rocks up to a thousand degrees over such a large area.

But this is only a modest illustration of the natural disasters that took place on the "Red Planet". Hundreds of these craters are visible in Mars photographs. It seems that it was a powerful and almost simultaneous asteroid attack.

One of the two small satellites of Mars - Phobos orbits at a distance of only 5920 km from the surface of Mars. Astronomers have calculated that Phobos is very close to the so-called Roche limit, when the planet's gravitational forces are capable of tearing the satellite apart. If this happens, Mars will undergo another space bombardment.

A. Portnov suggests that Mars had at least one more satellite. Maintaining the style (in translation from Greek, the present satellites of Mars Phobos and Deimos are translated as "Fear" and "Horror"), he named it Thanatos ("Death").

Several million years ago, Thanatos was torn apart by gravitational forces and crashed down. The force of the blows was such that the red flowers of Mars calcified and became magnetic, part of the Martian rock was generally thrown into space. One of these fragments (with the remains of bacteria) fell onto the ice in Antarctica. Since the ice shell began to form there about 16 million years ago, the Martian catastrophe happened not so long ago (in the geological, of course, understanding).

Powerful explosions not only heated the surface of Mars, but also destroyed the oxygen-rich atmosphere, turning it into plasma and throwing it into outer space Mars acquired a bloody color and became lifeless …

So, according to this opinion, there was life on Mars. Has it survived to this day? Scientists will be able to answer this question definitely only after research directly on the spot.

Enthusiasts for the existence of life on Mars are not discouraged. They believe that long-term scientific controversy will definitely be resolved in their favor. After all, not all the mysteries of the planet Mars have been explained yet. So, for example, it has not yet been possible to explain the periodic color change of some parts of the "Red Planet", unexpected dust storms, a series of accidents with spaceships heading for Mars, and, in the end, mysterious "flashes" …

1951, December 8 - Japanese astronomer Tsuneo Saeki saw through a telescope a bright point near the Martian lake Titonus, shining with a flickering light for 5 minutes. 1954 - the Japanese observed two such "flares", in 1958 - four … In 1994, the number of such flares reached 400!

Experts say the mysterious glow is not like explosions from falling meteorites or volcanic eruptions …

In short, the mystery remains. This means that there remains the hope that people are not alone in the Universe and brothers in mind can live not somewhere in the distant constellation TauKita, but very close to us.

I. Tsareva