Americans Have Not Been To The Moon - Evidence - Alternative View

Americans Have Not Been To The Moon - Evidence - Alternative View
Americans Have Not Been To The Moon - Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Americans Have Not Been To The Moon - Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Americans Have Not Been To The Moon - Evidence - Alternative View
Video: Who Started the Moon Landing Hoax Conspiracy Theory? 2024, September

The Mysterious Moon is an object worthy of attention in every respect. Back in 1968, NASA published a "chronological" catalog of lunar events, in which the number of lunar phenomena was about 600 names. There were also: moving light objects, colored trenches lengthening at a speed of 6 km / h, giant domes that change color, geometric shapes, disappearing craters, as well as the assumption that the Moon is a body of artificial origin, etc.

If we add to this the fairy tale presented by medieval astronomers that the moon is still visited by tiny "selenites" (lunatics) who fly from other planets, then the esoteric portrait of the Earth's satellite will be almost complete.

But, as we know, the Americans did not fly to the moon in search of "selenites", complex artificial communications or alien spaceports. It was a political issue. The case was won. Another question is at what cost.

But this is not even the point, especially since the expedition to the moon gave, in general, the most important impetus to the development of astronautics as such. The problem, as you can see, is posed by skeptics on a completely different, completely heretical plane: "Was there a boy?" That is, were the Americans on the Moon or was the expedition a professionally prepared staging, profanity, and even, simply put, a scam?

The theses of the skeptics actually baffle the inexperienced witness of the dramatic and triumphant vicissitudes of that memorable time. According to their observations, the Americans may have actually made flights to the Moon - once or twice. However, according to critics, there are many facts that indicate that either the entire lunar program of the Americans, or part of it, relating directly to landings on the lunar surface, is a falsification - expensive, but worked out quite professionally.

Doubts are enough, very much even a lot for one space program. Moreover, there are no questions about other NASA projects, starting with the launch of monkeys into space (none of them could survive even 8 days after the flight - all died from radiation) and ending with space shuttles.

"NASA Deceived America" is the title of a book by inventor and scientist Ralph Rene, which is one of many on the subject. The author to the whole world "unpatriotically" stated that there was no landing on the Earth's satellite, and all the pictures and films were a very clumsy fake. There is no difficulty in staging these filming in a specially equipped pavilion on Earth.

After this sensational statement, researchers and ordinary citizens, looking closely, began to find strange things. In the photographs and film footage, capturing the epoch-making moments of the three lunar expeditions, researchers began to discover minor and larger incongruities: from the unnatural play of shadows to conspicuous deviations from elementary physical laws.

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These observations were also confirmed by British researchers David Percy and Mary Bennett, who suggested that the footage of the "lunar chronicle" was fabricated at the famous "dream factory" in Hollywood. By the way, out of 13,000 photographs available to NASA, only a few dozen have been published. Here, scientists and engineers joined the search for truth, who disassembled, so to speak, the "physics of the process." The verdict was harsh: the landing of American astronauts on the moon is nothing more than a well-planned hoax, and the filming materials presented to the world public are the fruits of the creativity of cameramen and the military.

The arguments are as follows: with the level of development of technology and electronics of those times, it would be very difficult to carry out not only the most complex maneuvers in space to dock and undock the Apollo launch vehicle and the descent module with people, but also to masterfully return them, because onboard computers Apollo”were weaker than any other modern calculator …

The possibility of human survival in outer space also aroused great doubts: could the rubber-cloth spacesuit of the 1960s model be able to protect him, because there are no salvage layers of the atmosphere and magnetic field on the moon that protect from crazy radiation (by the way, in Leonov's spacesuit for this purpose sewn in a lot of lead).

And a minus temperature of 250 ° Fahrenheit in a matter of seconds would kill daredevils in such suits. But none of them even received radiation sickness … There is also a confession of former NASA employee Bill Keisling, the author of the book "We Never Traveled to the Moon", who stated that the most important US space agency estimated the probability of a successful landing at that time at 0. 0017%, that is, the execution of the program was practically reduced to zero!

It is possible that the Americans still flew to the Moon, but no further than its orbit. The rest of the work was done by robots. Simply put, they flew up, dropped the so-called corner reflectors (our scientists later used them) and sent there something like the Soviet "Luna-16", which collected the stones. But even in this case it is doubtful that in just three expeditions they could deliver 382 kg of lunar soil (the Soviet lunar rovers were able to get only 0.3 kg): an additional load for the rocket is unthinkable!

The rest of the imitation of the lunar epic, according to skeptics, is just studio shooting, a purely political trick, by the way, which saved billions of dollars! This version echoes the plot of the famous film "Capricorn-1" and suggests that the tape, perhaps, was created as at least some kind of moral rehabilitation of the United States for its big lie.

As a close study of the Apollo-Lunar Module system has shown, two astronauts fully equipped in spacesuits simply could not physically fit into the module, not to mention the lunar rover, which would not have a place there even when disassembled. In addition, the astronauts could not squeeze through the tunnel connecting the mother ship and the module: it turned out to be rather narrow, and the exit hatch actually opens inward, and not outward, as can be seen in the legendary footage.

Most likely, these moments were filmed in the cargo hold of a supersonic aircraft, which entered a deep dive to create the effect of weightlessness. Further, there are no stars in any of the images, and in fact they are visible in space much brighter than from the Earth. But there is blue light pouring into the windows of the spacecraft, on the contrary, outer space looks completely black.

During the Apollo landing, neither a pebble nor a speck of dust flew out from under the engine, after which the module was located on a smooth, undisturbed surface. But the pressure of the jets from jet engines during braking is huge and a crater should have formed at the landing site. Further more. It is known that the lunar gravity is 1/6 of the earth's, it turns out, a cloud of dust raised by the wheels of the lunar rover would rise six times higher than it can be seen in the frames.

And with the shadows completely confusion came out. Astronauts and equipment throw away many of them, while … of different lengths and directions. But on the moon there is no other source of light except the sun! It is suspicious that there is no Earth in any of the images in the frame. It is hard to believe that Americans - big lovers of symbols - would resist the temptation to take a picture with the Earth in the background.

This means, experts come to the conclusion that all the "lunar shots" are frankly playful. The movements of the astronauts are very similar to slow motion, it is noticeable that it is very difficult for them, and the amplitude of the jumps is suspiciously small. After all, even a schoolboy knows that a person with an earthly weight of 160 kg on the moon weighs only 27. And with the same muscular effort, taking into account the weight of the spacesuit, he had to jump four times higher and further. In addition, if we consider what the risk is of a real and very careful stay on the moon, then the behavior of astronauts with their running and falling is evidence that they clearly neglect the danger.

Or take the famous footprints on the dusty moon paths. Experts who worked with the soil obtained by the lunar rovers write that when it is freely filled, it forms a slope angle of 45 °, that is, without pressing it "does not hold the wall." This means that the footprint of the astronauts' shoe could only be clear in the center. The pictures show a clear print with perfectly vertical walls. It seems that this is not the Moon, but wet sand, which is pressed against 160 kg of the Earth's weight of Edwin Aldrin.

A separate plot concerns the so-called installation of the US flag. As you know, there is no atmosphere on the Earth's satellite, as a result, there is no wind on it either. And in films, one astronaut drives in a peg, another puts a flagpole on it, which was specially made in the shape of the letter "L" so that the banner would immediately unfold. And then the free corner of the flag fluttered, and the pedantic Armstrong immediately pulled it back.

Because the obvious absurdity of these shots painfully began to catch the eye of an attentive viewer, supporters of the authenticity of the mission give their explanations. According to the first version, “these are only natural vibrations of the elastic flagpole-flag system”.

So, in the film there is not even a hint of "elastic vibrations", the flag is blown away by the wind in one direction from the zero position, and the ribbon stretching behind the astronaut is blown away in one direction. She covers him all the time only on one side and trembles like in the wind. By the way, in this case, you can see the cumulus clouds up close, as they are visible from the aircraft, and not from the space station. (It should be noted that the American journalists themselves caught NASA by the fact that they gave the press to the press clearly falsified pictures of the "spacewalk".)

This maneuver is explained by the fact that there was a sorely lack of material for the film about the flight to the moon. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that in the scene of the spacewalk there are a number of frames of clearly cosmic origin: in particular, the inclusion of a propulsion engine in earth orbit - the jet from the engine is exactly what it should be when entering a vacuum, its structure is visible in the form shock waves. So astronauts still flew into space. And then there was the installation of the pavilion filming.

The second hypothesis is that the flag had a motor that created the vibrations. However, in addition to the fact that it is very difficult to imagine such a thing, it must be said that the oscillations created by the motor must, firstly, be strictly periodic, and secondly, have a wave profile that is constant in time. There is nothing of the kind in the frames.

NASA specialists staged the classic Galileo experiment with a feather and a hammer falling in a vacuum. As you know, they must fall at the same speed. But the episode was deliberately filmed in such a way that it was impossible to see what was actually falling there: maybe a lead feather and a cotton hammer … But even here meticulous opponents, after making appropriate calculations, proved that this trick was not filmed on the Moon at all.

A special article is the spacesuits of astronauts, which American experts considered a real achievement in engineering. In the context, they were a kind of "layer cake" of the most modern materials at that time.

The inner layer in contact with the body was covered with cooling water tubes; behind them is a soft nylon pad; sealed nylon with neoprene shell; reinforcing layer made of durable nylon, which prevents the airtight layer from swelling like a balloon; several alternating layers of thermal insulation and fiberglass; several layers of mylar and finally outer protective layers of teflon-coated fiberglass.

Such a "sandwich", according to the assumption of its creators, was quite adapted to lunar conditions - it protected both from vacuum, and from the heat of the sun, and from micrometeorites.

In fact, such spacesuits, designed for heating the daytime lunar surface to 120 °, made of rubberized fabric without any protection from cosmic radiation, were absolutely not designed to work in lunar conditions. As we now know, they were much smaller than the Soviet and American spacesuits used today for short-term space walks. But even with the current level of technology development, such spacesuits cannot hold a supply of oxygen for four hours, a radio station, a life support system, a thermoregulation system, and so on, which, apparently, the lunar astronauts had.

In this regard, the question arises: how could such a staging be kept secret, bearing in mind the participation of about 40,000 NASA workers and almost the same number of contract workers in the project? Of course, secretaries, locksmiths, cleaners, auxiliary workers were not devoted to all the details of the case. But 36 thousand people were at that time the entire staff of NASA. Of these, there are about 13 thousand engineers and technicians. Of course, not all of them were directly involved in landing problems. Someone worked with the Saturn rocket, someone with the Apollo, someone with the module, etc.

Another thing is also true. Many elements of the program had a dual purpose. The same training ground for landing training with a full imitation of the lunar surface, its illumination could well have been used for filming astronauts on the moon. In addition, there was a second Mission Control Center (MCC), which was in charge of controlling the lunar automata. This is the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Los Angeles, which worked on the same scheme, with the same capabilities as the Houston MCC.

Contrary to the general misconception about the continuity of generations of space programs, the specialists from America who worked on lunar projects have somehow sunk into oblivion - they either do not give interviews, or have gone into another world. it is not even possible to restore their names, and the archives officially considered lost are also inaccessible. As the American journalist was told at the Grumman and Northrop Corporation, which designed and built the lunar module and the lunar rover, all original negatives and recordings were destroyed. This is in the USA, where they treat all their historical achievements with such awe!

The same materials that remained were severely censored and processed, creating the "Legend of the Moon" according to the canons and in the spirit of biblical epics, confirming the exceptional nature of the American nation. Even if someone from the powers that be in America “sees the light”, having at his disposal the facts about the falsification of the lunar project, he will not do anything to debunk the myth, because this means bringing such shame on the United States, from which the trail will drag on for many years.

Another doubts about the authenticity of "the Americans were on the moon" were expressed by the American magazine "Fortean Times", having published an article by David Percy "The Dark Side of Lunar Landings." The author of the material quite rightly drew the reader's attention to the fact that all the evidence and reports on the flights of American astronauts to the Moon are presented by NASA for history and for the world community only in the form of photographic images, films of films, and during later flights - television frames.

Because there are no independent witnesses to these "real events", there is nothing left but to believe the statements of NASA and the photographs provided by the respected agency. In fact, the public, according to the statements of unbiased experts, has no evidence that a person ever touched the moon, other than the images that NASA has chosen to publish and inform people.

In his article, David Percy, an expert in the analysis of photographic and television images, claims that in the photos submitted by NASA (and the department released only the best, from his point of view, pictures and video images, never showing tens of thousands of other frames to anyone) from all many doubtful points are evident.

So, the expert believes that we have no right to call this kind of images genuine, and NASA has no evidence in its defense.

There is another version about the Americans on the Moon - ufological. What if, while flying around the moon, it was established that our closest neighbor is … inhabited? And the Americans were simply not allowed on the satellite, because the time for such contacts had not yet come. During the flights, American spaceships have repeatedly accompanied UFOs, and when attempting to land on the lunar, they may have been "refused reception." So the engineers had to urgently create some semblance of a successful completion of the expedition.

By the way, astronomers have long puzzled how such a relatively small celestial body like the Earth managed to lure a giant satellite into its orbit. One of the hypotheses is that the moon was once towed by alien civilizations to make it easier to observe the processes that occur on a habitable blue planet. And they "hung" it so that it was always turned to our planet by the same side. And the opposite could be hidden from the eyes of earthlings backward in all respects for a long time with their amazing ability to unceremoniously disassemble and rebuild everything at their discretion.

Could this possibly explain the mysterious activity on the lunar surface: which were recorded by numerous observers - light flashes and movements of flickering cigar-shaped objects, tall domed structures in craters, mining machines and even a 12-mile bridge, which later mysteriously disappeared in 1950. As the American military consultant William Cooper asserts in a newspaper article, this is nothing more than "joint US-Russian-alien bases", but such information is strictly classified and available only to insiders. Here's a science and technology fiction.

And yet - why did the Americans have to take a huge risk, deception of all mankind? Why question the image of a technologically highly developed country? And then, that, having lost to the USSR on the "moon field", they lost everything - 30 billion from the federal budget, prestige, conceit, careers, jobs. By and large, the United States did not really need this Moon very much. But in this case, taxpayers would hardly agree to allocate huge funds to the government, which is unable to make a powerful intellectual and technical breakthrough in space exploration.

In principle, according to independent experts, NASA knew how to send three people to the Moon and fly around it, but had no experience with landing on the Moon. But the problems were serious: how to undock from the mother ship flying in the lunar orbit and lower the lunar module in a smaller, autonomous "shuttle"; how to launch a lunar landing rocket pushing the module and bring it to the place of the planned lunar landing; how to sit down, put on spacesuits, get out to the surface, carry out a whole series of complex experiments, return to the module, take off, meet and dock with the mother ship, and, in the end, return to Earth.

Meanwhile, on CBC Newsworld's "The Dark Side of the Moon," Stanley Kubrick's widow told an extraordinary story. In her words, Kubrick, in company with other Hollywood professionals, was called upon to save the national honor and dignity of America. President Nixon, inspired by the work of the great director, made the best use of the talent of the genius mystifier. However, as reported on the channel's website, the main purpose of the film, according to Kubrick, is to "shake" the viewer and help him realize that the gaze directed at the TV must sometimes be critical.

Yet the significance of this event goes far beyond educating the audience or clarifying the history of space exploration. Question: "Were the Americans on the moon?" - does not cease to be relevant: too many obvious inconsistencies and absurdities were found in the frames of the "lunar chronicle". But at the moment, the very presence of the Americans on the moon is not questioned in the press - it is only about replacing the images taken in the pavilion with those images transmitted from the satellite, which were not very high-quality due to the difficult conditions for image transmission.

Y. Pernatiev
