Not Very Dressed People On The Bills Of Puritan America - Alternative View

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Not Very Dressed People On The Bills Of Puritan America - Alternative View
Not Very Dressed People On The Bills Of Puritan America - Alternative View

Video: Not Very Dressed People On The Bills Of Puritan America - Alternative View

Video: Not Very Dressed People On The Bills Of Puritan America - Alternative View
Video: Eddie Izzard "World History" Sketch from Dress to Kill 2024, September

It seems that everyone understands what money is and, of course, everyone from an early age knows how to spend it. This is generally the most pleasant side of them - the ability to exchange for the desired product and service.

Regarding the role of money in the economy, its macro and microeconomic aspects, as a certified economist, I can roll such a canvas that my previous notes in which, to get to the meaning, you need to spend 15-20 minutes, will seem like an easy quatrain at a laconic meeting of the deaf and dumb.

Money and history

But from a historical perspective, money itself has no economic value. A hundred-year bill of one hundred rubles, today is nothing more than a multi-colored picture. The only exception is gold coins, which are always nice to have for a rainy day, regardless of the era.

What an interesting symbol of the payment system - ancient Roman. Or ancient Greek? I always confuse them. They are all confused
What an interesting symbol of the payment system - ancient Roman. Or ancient Greek? I always confuse them. They are all confused

What an interesting symbol of the payment system - ancient Roman. Or ancient Greek? I always confuse them. They are all confused.

But in order to understand the era in which banknotes were in circulation, these very pictures are very useful. There is a special discipline that collects banknotes for the sake of studying the past..

Since bonistics is completely tied to history and adheres to the official view, its conclusions are of little interest to us, they will not differ from the standard. Is that in nuances. But to look at the objects of her attention - banknotes, is sometimes very fun. Let's start with America. And locally with the USA, because they are the world's navel and the most attention is riveted to them.

Promotional video:

Money and role in society

This very attention, armed with the internet, found a very strange series of notes that were issued in the late 19th century. It consisted of three samples of 1,2,5 dollars and was phenomenally beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and…. Did not receive a continuation, although there were plans for editions of large denominations.

The public asked two questions: why was this beauty not continued, and what does this beauty have to do with the United States?

Let's remember the textbooks, read the definition of the image role of banknotes.

Usually for these purposes they use something that can serve as a showcase for a given state formation.

Cash is akin to a flag and an anthem. Inside the country, they should raise pride in their homeland and an immediate desire to pay taxes, outside - envy and reverence for power, pushing for the immediate transfer of their taxable base to the desired territory.

This means that even if the UN declares Pushkin the greatest poet of our time, only Russia, and possibly Ethiopia, will issue bills with his image. If they do the correct DNA test there.

Images on banknotes are an integral sign of sovereignty. Or NOT suverinetta, if, for example, an English mug flaunts on your rupee.


I have been pronouncing the meaning and meaning of the pictures on banknotes for so long that it becomes clear that every millimeter carries a semantic load there.

The first thing you do in a foreign country is to look at bills. A kind of advertising booklet without the right of refusal, if you do not want to stay burning the calendar.

The American series, mentioned above, was certainly admired and did everything that was required of it perfectly. The only problem turned out to be that it was not obvious to everyone which country's power she was glorifying. At the same time, the beholder was not abandoned by the desire to open the calendar and check the era.

It's time for you to make sure that the audience's bewilderment was justified.

Money and a falling jaw


What do we see here? A bunch of antique characters, gizmos and magic! But beautiful! Anything more interesting than a one-eyed pyramid.

Nevertheless, the antique aesthetics of America's money is stupid. Do not forget that for the end of the 19th century, Ancient Rome is no closer than for us. 1900 years versus 2000. So, what is he doing there, in the light of the above about the purposes and purposes of pictures on banknotes?

Money and how can antiquity in the United States be explained?

There was no antiquity in the history of the United States. Did not make it. Even the last Roman Empire of the German nation was found in a wheelchair. And if the official history accurately reflected reality, these bills would never have appeared in nature. In American nature.

I certainly cannot investigate when and what public questions caused American policymakers to worry about the strange money legend. It is clear that it was invented on the go and quite recently, as soon as the images began to flash on the Internet.

A note explaining the features of these banknotes is available both on numismatic sites and on the site of the state dating program, who want to from all over the world with American money. What is called get to know your master, Chukchi.

Since there is no logical explanation for these compositions, they used an allegorical straw. Like, don't believe your eyes - it's not like that, we just drew a parallel..

It turns out - this is a "training series", and it is designed to convey to the most distant US citizens, the news of technological progress

Each bill had a name. It was found, of course, not on the banknote itself, but in the brains of anti-crisis PR specialists deeply stimulated by white powder from a neighboring country.

It becomes funny already in the process of reading. Learning to progress, through pictures of the past, very past, fucking how many years past.

I suggest you familiarize yourself.

Ahead of your assumptions, I report that none of the shining back-sided characters was neither an electrician, nor a historian (you can slip here, now all historians), nor a mother of many children. Who, in fact, was Martha Washington, I'm even afraid to guess
Ahead of your assumptions, I report that none of the shining back-sided characters was neither an electrician, nor a historian (you can slip here, now all historians), nor a mother of many children. Who, in fact, was Martha Washington, I'm even afraid to guess

Ahead of your assumptions, I report that none of the shining back-sided characters was neither an electrician, nor a historian (you can slip here, now all historians), nor a mother of many children. Who, in fact, was Martha Washington, I'm even afraid to guess.

Electricity as the Dominant Force in the World - Electricity is the most powerful force in the world

Science presenting Steam and Electricity to Commerce and Manufacture - Science introduces Steam and Electricity to Commerce and Manufacturing

History instructing Youth - History teaches Youth

I hope you laughed as much as I did when I first saw these titles. I don't want to offend the authors, they were clearly put in a stupid situation and tried to pull the owl onto the globe, with all their might, but, sorry, it broke.

I know that allegories and metaphors are a popular and beautiful technique, but only if the listener is familiar with the place to which the parallel refers.

Not only that even a person who is well acquainted with electricity and antiquity is unlikely in his right mind to be able to associate these names with the images in the picture, but they also offered to do this to a gray farmer in a remote state, as a training and adoption of progressive methods of farming.

Money and lies

Even now, I will not be mocking and describe the peasant's logical chain that should arise in his head in order to recognize in the winged demons on heavenly carts not the "end of the world", but the arrival of electricity in the States.

But now you can easily explain the emergence of the Amish, if the entire advertising campaign for electricity was built in a similar way.

Even having closed my eyes to the general delusion of both the problem and the method of its solution, I do not understand how "History" could become a "new" science that requires urgent presentation to a Mormon hermit.

But I am one hundred percent sure that the free use of the naked body on state treasury securities circulating in all strata of society, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, and even in puritanical, religious America, is possible only together with popular unrest, religious riots and mass divorces.

Do you guess what the first function will be performed by a bill, falling into the hands of a man of that time? Let me remind you that some popular publications, such as the then Maxim or Mens Helf, strongly advised to exclude any manifestations of physical pleasure during sex, a priori assuming that the act itself would be performed late at night after a hard day's work, in an absolutely dark room. The ideal case was the option when between the spouses there was a sheet with a round hole, small in terms of the diameter of the device.

One should remember when composing a legend that the sexual revolution began a little later, in the 60s, and only then justify naked women as a textbook of electricity. The funny thing is that the 60s, just the official time of the withdrawal of these bills.

Another lie. But anyway nice try!

Money and a hopeless goal

Now about the main thing. It is clear that I am not worried about morality here, but about truth and logic. Therefore, it would be time to move on to things because of which someone can start twisting his finger at his temple, and someone bragging about his heart.

In short, I mean that the appearance and long-term presence in circulation of bills of this kind could take place only in two cases.

The first case is if you issue such money in Ancient Rome (Greece) itself, the second, when Ancient Rome (Greece) ended quite recently, and the aesthetics of the naked body, light translucent clothes and statues with pussies without panties, still do not frighten anyone, and perhaps they even revive the memories of those who smoke the sky for a long time and themselves, have seen and remember something.

Both assumptions are highly unscientific in terms of modern academic history. But! Since history itself cannot be considered a science, since it does not even come close to the criteria of hard science, we have a double negation !!!

Minus minutes, as you know, equals a plus (and in mathematics - respect, and even in linguistics - chur, me, chur), which means there is a chance to try to plant another seed of doubt in you!

Let's call a hopeless case:

The best propaganda is visual propaganda. The same goes for evidence, if it's not about numbers. Let's take a look at what was depicted on American money before it became the kind of "dead presidents" we know.

It turns out that the entire money supply of the United States before the pyramid periods is simply from head to toe in ancient symbolism. and this is not a biblical picture, wherever you want, you don't want, but insert nuue. Antiquity is often surrounded by modern technical structures or devices.

Try to enlarge the picture to take a closer look at the selection. You shouldn't be intimidated by the sheer number of issuers. Before the era of central banks, money could be issued by almost any credit institution, including pawnshops.


One of the official explanations why they did not finish the "educational series" was the discontent (the case from Boston is given) of especially Puritan Puritans, the naked bodies of the Romans. Ha ha ha!

Yes, with old money it is harder to find a dressed person than a naked woman. Morality is there if anyone supports it, so it is possible the heads of presidents and other responsible persons in circles. And then, only because we do not see how they are dressed from below.

Surely historians have a "logical" explanation for this. Something like the antiquity craze among … among … among ALL! Because money is not a private collection of an individual concerned about the antique world, but public, essential elements of government that are available in every home and family. This means that you can draw on them only images that are acceptable to society.

Show me plz, literature or eyewitness memories that talk about acceptable nudity of women in the 18-19 centuries. Only without going to brothels, please.

Of course, I cannot, from the presence of the Ancient Romans-Greeks on American money, conclude that two hundred years ago, Americans lived in an ancient society, but I am absolutely sure that the images of Roman legionaries, light clothes and aesthetics of that period were much closer to them than to us …

Imagine that tomorrow the central bank is introducing bills with the image of the ancient Chinese Ming dynasty. What? According to scholarly tales, during the reign of this dynasty, China reached the heights of civilizational development and the Chinese citizens of that time are worthy of all praise. Perhaps, such banknotes will be happy to support our liberals, who always applaud with special ecstasy any manifestations of human civilization, the main thing is that they are not Russian.

But what an ordinary person will say when he sees an ancient Chinese on his money, I'm afraid to even imagine. So, admiration for ancient cultures goes well in narrow "elite" circles, and not on the symbols of the state, especially at a time when you are still building it, and it would be nice for you to reinforce its importance and vitality in the eyes of the population.

In principle, there is a logical explanation for Ancient Rome in not so distant times from us. And even ordinary Americans have thought of such conclusions. There are now in large numbers, sites appear with questions to historians and observations of the strangeness of fairy tales that feed us at school. This issue has been discussed in Runet for more than 10 years and there are huge advances in the study of real events. I will try to keep you informed.

So, "Rome" on American money fits very well into the hypothesis of a huge global empire that existed on Earth until 1800. Plus minus 30 years.

For those who do not know - a common world, common laws, common values, and most likely one language. So far, just a hypothesis.


And, you say antiquity was long ago! Comparing the plots and style of drawings, you can accurately identify the authors of these arts. And customers. And at the same time figure out who gave us the money of a lowered eagle in the 90s. Wings down, I mean.

Continuation: "Ancient Roman bacchanalia on 19th century banknotes"