Marauders Take Out The Oldest Books On Magic And Witchcraft From Syria - Alternative View

Marauders Take Out The Oldest Books On Magic And Witchcraft From Syria - Alternative View
Marauders Take Out The Oldest Books On Magic And Witchcraft From Syria - Alternative View

Video: Marauders Take Out The Oldest Books On Magic And Witchcraft From Syria - Alternative View

Video: Marauders Take Out The Oldest Books On Magic And Witchcraft From Syria - Alternative View
Video: Witness the Mysterious World of West African Voodoo 2024, July

With the outbreak of hostilities in Syria, into whose territory all neighboring countries and all major superpowers have rushed, the debate on the subject “Who and what is doing there? Why and who needed this war?"

There is a version that the destruction of the country is associated with oil, of which, according to the supporters of this theory, 99% of the world's reserves are concentrated. There are versions about the Great Silk Road, about strategic and other bases, there is even a version about the artifacts of the aliens who created the Sumerian civilization. However, half-submerged in the "dark web" conspiracy site with "floating news" Above Top Secret (currently the link is publicly available) offers another interesting look at events.

The author of the material did a great job of searching for video materials from the black markets of Turkey, for some of the "antique exhibits" of which magicians and occultists of the Middle Ages would not hesitate to give their left eye:

As you can see, the videos show kabbalistic scrolls, magic boxes, witchcraft books with inverted pentagrams, horned creatures, an all-seeing eye and other occult paraphernalia. All this is a small drop of artifacts that poured out from Syria with the beginning of the "revolutions" there. Most of the video shows items confiscated by Turkish border guards while trying to transport them illegally across the border. This raises the question: what is hidden from the public eye? What artifacts in Syria were still not found either on the market or in the hands of border guards?

During World War II, a long war of all the famous world intelligence services (mostly between the intelligence services of Germany and the United States) took place in Europe, which fought among themselves for various kinds of artifacts: books on witchcraft, manuscripts of alchemists, historical chronicles, and so on. And the question there was not at all about "cultural values", for which no one really gave a damn. Dumb senior military officials considered it a great success to pocket something from Rembrandt's paintings from war-ravaged museums and private collections, but serious people were looking for something completely different: books and artifacts.

World history up to the 19th century is quite controversial and none of the serious researchers can say for sure what happened at that time, but it is known for sure that several centuries ago (and even back in the 19th century) some kind of Inquisition was in full swing.

According to official history, the purpose of the Inquisition was witchcraft manuscripts and heretics who read them, however, according to the history of the alternative, the Inquisition exterminated fragments of antediluvian knowledge in order to destroy artifacts and documents that contradict the future official historical dogma. In Russia, the Romanov priests worked in this direction until 1917, luring from the dark village guys ancient books of incomprehensible content, some of which even contained not only information about the past, but also about the future.

Syria of the past and the century before last almost did not suffer in this regard, there were no world wars and revolutions destroying everything, so a lot of things had to accumulate in private collections. Naturally, the revolution and the resulting civil war is a great way to pocket all these artifacts from the collections. Some of the artifacts put in a hopeless situation people will exchange for transport, for a border pass or for food, some will simply be abandoned. Well, after that, all this will remain only to collect and replenish other collections of values.

Promotional video:

We do not know what ancient artifacts and books could be in Syria, but it is known for sure that the manuscripts of medieval alchemists, obtained during World War II in devastated Europe, were sent by US intelligence officers to the center where the atomic bomb was being developed. Probably, in these manuscripts physicists saw something valuable for work, not for fun, did they read it?

Therefore, if the organizers of the war in Syria went to such an expensive event, apparently they knew for sure that something very, very important is in Syria. Perhaps this important is precisely the ancient books on occultism and magic, helping to rebuild the whole world for themselves.
