Africa - The Continent Of Witchcraft And Magic - Alternative View

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Africa - The Continent Of Witchcraft And Magic - Alternative View
Africa - The Continent Of Witchcraft And Magic - Alternative View

Video: Africa - The Continent Of Witchcraft And Magic - Alternative View

Video: Africa - The Continent Of Witchcraft And Magic - Alternative View
Video: Witness the Mysterious World of West African Voodoo 2024, July

Africa is considered the place where the population of the Earth came from, that is, it was here, according to academic science, that mankind was born, then settled on all continents. And although this is far from an indisputable truth, the African continent can certainly be considered the ancestral home of witchcraft. Moreover, the Black Continent is still famous for spellcasters and sorcerers, demons and genies …

For example, here and today, the premature death of a person is considered the result of witchcraft, and the twins are a soul split in two (three and so on), so individual tribes are trying to immediately correct this "mistake of nature", that is, to kill such babies. It is in Africa that the most terrible voodoo witchcraft is widespread, it is here, with the help of his deceased person, that they can "resurrect", make zombies and send them as an unquestioning slave to plantations.

So, murder by witchcraft. It is practiced on the Black Continent to this day, although the practice was most widespread in earlier times. For example, at the beginning of the last century, the commander of the region in Nigeria, Sir H. Palmer, described a very remarkable case. One day he learned that in the Ibi region, a young native of the Jukun tribe was threatened with death, since he claims to be the leader against the wishes of the sorcerers. Palmer took the young African with him as a servant. But some time passed, and his new assistant was getting ready to return to Ibi. However, while saying goodbye to the guy, he had a seizure, and he died suddenly.

Doctor E. Digby performed an autopsy at the request of Palmer, but did not find any pathology in the young native that could lead to such a deplorable end, which is why the commander concluded that his servant had been killed by witchcraft.

In our time, the local sorcerers-villains of Africa have long been able to curb, but their black craft continues to live, albeit not on such a scale, and ritual murders are practiced almost everywhere. For example, policeman M. Staaten from Basutoland, who had a chance to investigate such atrocities, even describes a mysterious drug "maime": it was mixed into the food or drink of the victim, after which the doomed obediently walked "on the scaffold" - without the slightest resistance.

Suicide by Witchcraft

In Africa, the local population does not use suicide in the same sense as civilized Europe or America. However, the natives can easily simply summon death with special spells. There is more than enough evidence of this.

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Thus, the Englishman S. Gordon ferried several boats up the Nile to Khartoum with the help of the Kru tribe rowers. The natives worked wonderfully well until they longed for their homes. After that, they together lightly went to the bottom of the boats and informed Gordon that they were going home. And they soon died. Every single one …

Another no less remarkable case in this regard is described by Sir H. Bell, who fought against cannibalism in northern Nigeria. His corps captured 40 cannibals who were placed in Minna's prison. And then something incredible began: every day one of the prisoners died. As the prison doctor established, he went to the forefathers of his own free will. Bell, after such a "medical report", had to simply free the remaining natives and send them home.

Power over animals

On the African continent, you can still find spellcasters who wield power over wild animals. For example, in West Africa, old-timers talk about an amazing priest named "Ju-ju" from the Cross River, who, with the help of a cane pipe, lured hippos out of the swamps, and they were obedient to him like domestic dogs, although the native did not even feed them.

Army officer Captain F. Butt-Thomspson, who lived on this continent for a long time and wrote many interesting things about it, said that a woman lived in Sierra Leone who freely (even demonstratively) swam in the river among bloodthirsty crocodiles, and they calmly allowed she even ride on her …

But perhaps the most common example of witchcraft subjugation of animals was the secret society of African leopards.

Leopard people

At the beginning of the last century, killer leopards became so common in the Black Continent that it even resulted in a large lawsuit. In this case, over 400 natives were arrested, including several famous leaders. Those arrested were kept in a convict prison under the protection of border troops. At the same time, during all interrogations, the natives stubbornly insisted that the killings were committed by animals - leopards, and not them. And it was almost impossible to prove otherwise.

The last violent explosion of activity of the secret society of leopards was recorded in the forties of the last century in the Kalabar district of Nigeria. Then more than 50 mutilated bodies were found, next to which the paw prints of this predator were certainly found.

By the way, those of the whites who lived for a long time in West Africa seriously assured that there was a special initiation ceremony for this secret witchcraft society, when a "blood" connection was established between its new member and a real leopard, after which a person could control a predator (stand on time for them). By the way, when the owner died, the beast also died, and vice versa …
