In Bolivia, A Statue Of The Virgin Mary Burst Into Tears Of Bloody Tears - Alternative View

In Bolivia, A Statue Of The Virgin Mary Burst Into Tears Of Bloody Tears - Alternative View
In Bolivia, A Statue Of The Virgin Mary Burst Into Tears Of Bloody Tears - Alternative View

Video: In Bolivia, A Statue Of The Virgin Mary Burst Into Tears Of Bloody Tears - Alternative View

Video: In Bolivia, A Statue Of The Virgin Mary Burst Into Tears Of Bloody Tears - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Statues That Cried Blood 2024, July

The parishioners of one of the churches in the Bolivian region of Pando were horrified to see how the statue of the Virgin Mary installed in the temple began to cry blood.

A red liquid was seen around the eyes and arms of the monument. Samples of the substance were given to local doctors to find out its composition, according to the Mirror.

Bolivian priests find it difficult to explain the origin of the bloody tears on the statue. They also have no idea why the stone Virgin Mary suddenly began to cry.

Interestingly, in early August, a similar phenomenon was recorded in Colombia. Church representatives from the two countries are currently awaiting the Vatican's decision on the crying statues.

Journalists note that such phenomena are rarely officially recognized as a miracle. As a rule, the sobbing monuments turn out to be fakes.

Earlier it was reported that myrrh-streaming statues of the Virgin Mary were discovered in the United States and Malaysia. In the United States, this happened in March 2016. A statue of the Virgin Mary at the Cardenas family home in Fresno, California began crying shortly after the landlord's cousin, Jesse Lopez, was killed. No one could explain why tears began to accumulate in the statue's right eye. Eyewitnesses consider it a miracle.


In Malaysia, the phenomenon appeared in March 2015. Hundreds of pilgrims flocked daily to the home of Malaysian Michael George. The fact is that he kept a "crying" statuette of the Virgin Mary. A 52-year-old man from the city of Penampang received a unique relic as a gift from his brother's wife. Why the 33-centimeter statuette, bought in an ordinary souvenir shop, began to cry, no one could explain either.

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The local priest stated that he knew that George had a myrrh-streaming copy of the Virgin Mary. “We are planning to build a small room for this statuette next to the church and are going to ask permission from the owner to store it there,” Reverend Jeffery Gumu said.

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