What Icons Should Be At Home? - Alternative View

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What Icons Should Be At Home? - Alternative View
What Icons Should Be At Home? - Alternative View

Video: What Icons Should Be At Home? - Alternative View

Video: What Icons Should Be At Home? - Alternative View
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A believer often turns to the face of the saints, this is very important and necessary. Spiritual strength and faith help in many things, and should be present in the home of a true Christian. We will help you find out what icons should be at home.

The image of the Savior and the mother of God

It is known that a saint patronizes every personality, sphere of life. It is imperative to have an icon of the Savior and the Mother of God, the Holy Trinity at home. An image suitable for the home is a half-length image of the "Lord Almighty". The view of the Mother of God can be of various iconographic types.

Wedding icon

The wedding icon of the owners will contribute to the well-being of family relations and peace in the house. What kind of icon to have at home if it did not witness the union of loving owners. If the home iconostasis consists of several images, it is necessary that the wedding icon matches the size of the main images.

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God's saints and saints

It is also appropriate to install icons of God's saints in the home iconostasis. Among the most revered great righteous man is Nicholas the Wonderworker. His image is no less significant for the Orthodox Christian and is just as important as the image of the Lord God and the Mother of God. The most revered images of saints in Orthodoxy are Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov. With this in mind, the historical heritage advises you which icons should be at home.

Icons of the holy great martyr, healer Panteleimon and the holy great martyr George the Victorious are also considered a widespread image for the hearth.

The right decision would be to purchase icons for the home with the faces of saints, whose names are borne by family members.

Icon for kitchen

If you want to hang an icon in the kitchen to pray before and after a meal, it should be an image of the Savior, since prayers are addressed to him. The icon "The Last Supper" is also considered a harmonious image for this room. Also appropriate for this room is the image of Euphrosynus of Palestine.

Icon for the child's room

For a children's room, the most acceptable image will be the icon of the Guardian Angel, or the Heavenly Patron saint of the baby.