Cruel Angel - Alternative View

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Cruel Angel - Alternative View
Cruel Angel - Alternative View

Video: Cruel Angel - Alternative View

Video: Cruel Angel - Alternative View
Video: A Cruel Angel's Thesis (synthwave/80s remix) by Astrophysics 2024, September

Thoughtless words that have fallen from the tongue can distort a person's life. And curses sometimes kill

In our age of the triumph of science and high technologies, it seems ridiculous to talk about damage, evil eye, curses, the crown of celibacy, obsession … But when there is no health, problems at work, personal life does not add up - here you will inevitably think about the nature and reason of those that have fallen on your head misfortunes.

And let advanced science not believe in these "superstitions." Our readers tell stories from their own lives that convince: not everything that happens to us lends itself to rational explanation. Which does not mean at all that strange phenomena do not exist in nature …

Dark Angel

Vasily Nikiforovich, Oryol recalls:

“At the beginning of the 30s, our family was exiled to Siberia. I remember an incident that happened to me. I climbed, kid, on a cedar tree, high from the ground. Suddenly it fell off and hung on a thin branch. The soul went into the heels: everything, I think, is the end. There was a crunch, the branch broke off … And I woke up hugging a thick tree trunk. By what miracle did you overcome the distance to the trunk? What kind of unknown force caught me? I guess … I think I know the answer.

We, the family of an enemy of the people, lived in Prokopyevsk, in a barrack. We were starving. Once in the early spring, when I entered the fourth grade, my mother sent me for potatoes. The collective farm field was plowed up, and it was possible to collect frozen potatoes left over from the last harvest. Mom handed me our only bucket, and I went. The tractor drivers didn’t mind that I was plowing on the plow, but suddenly, out of nowhere, a bus driver appeared on a horse. He did not like that I was stealing, and he began to chase me away. Hit several times with a whip on the shoulders and back. I had to run away. But you can't run away from a horse. It occurred to me - to save myself in the lake, still covered with a viscous ice mess. I hooted up to my shoulders, lost the bucket. Out of resentment he shouted: "So that you are dead!" Having galloped to the water, the ranger wanted to retire the horse, but he reared up and rushed forward into the water! The buster did not expect such a trick, he fell,entangled in the stirrups, and the horse dragged him into the lake … Collective farmers were running towards us from all sides. I did not wait to see what would happen next, rushed to the shore.

At home, my mother beat me by the bucket. In the evening I went outside and I see an almost brand-new bucket among the garbage (one hole in the bottom)! I repaired it and my mother kissed me. The next day I met a tractor driver. “The buster has drowned,” he said.

Father was not hired for a "clean", well-paid job. He struggled in the mine, developed tuberculosis and died when I was 15 years old. We were beggars. I went to the mine to ask for any? then help. When he entered the office, the boss was talking on the phone. He pulled back from the tube for a second. "What do you want?" -

asks. I asked the car to take my father to the cemetery. The chief frowned: "Get out of here, I won't give any car to the enemies of the people" - and continued his conversation …

And I already noticed a mop in the corner, grabbed it and shouted "I will kill you!" rushed to the chief.

At that moment, a gust of wind opened the window. There was a window frame between the boss and me. It? then she saved him, took the blow. The clink of glass sobered me: they will take me to prison - what will become of my sisters and mom ?! I rushed out … I was lucky

. The chief could not get through to the police then. Shouted, shouted into the phone, but there was no connection - it was gone! And then it cooled down. The mine administration helped with the funeral, and this story had no sad consequences for me. It's amazing: after all, they were imprisoned then for trifles, but here: the son of the enemy is attempting to kill the boss! A miraculous incident helped to avoid a certain prison. But I am even more grateful to fate for taking me away from murder, not allowing me to become atrocious.

In 1967 I worked at the Otradninsky sugar factory. One day there was an accident and there was a lot of work. I'm terribly tired! I walked from the shift along the territory, along the wall of the building, reached the corner and stood up - I wanted to take a breath. A woman comes up to me. I noted that she was unfamiliar to me, and strangers were not allowed into the plant. I wanted to ask what she is doing here, but she got ahead of me: "What are you worth?" I replied that I was very tired. And she told me: "Go calmly!" And so she said sternly that it looked like an order. I obeyed, took three or four steps, and then I thought: "Stop … but who is she, what is in command?" I turn around - and she's gone! Meanwhile, a large block of ice fell from above to the place where I stood a minute ago. If it were not for that woman - I would not write this letter now, I would definitely be nailed … But … maybe it was not a woman at all?

The strange events that fill my life convince me that not everything is so simple in this world. Do I believe that angels have been given to us for help and protection? keepers. They are different. Lazy, not revealing themselves, and cruel, saving you at any cost. Even at the cost of someone else's human life. Apparently, I got such an angel.

Now I am 74 years old. I regret one thing … I understood everything too late. Who! then out of my ardor he went to the other world. Even though they were all my offenders, it is very bitter to realize this. The question is tormenting: will I have to pay for this? So I want to tell everyone: be careful, please, with curses - they will come true!"